Category: Studio stuff

  • Favorite Place

    This is my favourite place in our studio. It’s in the front entrance – there is a little alcove where the ceiling goes up about 20 feet  and then there are windows up at the top. We put a few dolls up there so they could peek out at the view. Hanging down is our…

  • Staff Pick!

    It’s Nicoles turn today for our weekly staff pick! She ended up picking a doll that Christina and I were previously drooling over while taking photos outside in the garden…so (drum roll please), this weeks pick is…

  • Spring Dance

    It’s quiet this morning save for the gentle chirping of new spring songs, which I somehow feel must have been saved just for this moment.

  • Staff Pick!

    I’m so excited because I got to do the staff pick today! I had written everyone else in the schedule and left myself out because I wasn’t in the studio on Thursdays, but now I am, so here it goes!…

  • Happy Birthday Sarah!

    It is a super great pleasure of mine to introduce our beautiful Sarah to you all. For those of you who don’t know who she is, you can find her curled up in our West-Wing 3 days a week, fine-tuning all the dolls before they are sent to their new homes, and on Fridays she…

  • Staff Pick!

    What finally settled it for me was Sherry’s beautiful glowing skin and sun-kissed tresses.