Author: admin

  • Comfort

    Comments like these make me incredibly happy …. jennifer_mercado_Someone met her soon to be new best friend today and it was a giant blur of hair, smiles, and “oooh wook at her tiny socks! Awww! Wook at her bwue eyes like me!” 😍 thank you @bambolettafor making the perfect little special friend 💕 You know…

  • Kinley + Susy

    Do you know how hard it was to choose a winner for our Bamboletta Love contest? So hard, I ended up just choosing someone randomly! And that lucky person was Jessica H with her story of her little lady Kinley and Suzy! I will be posting other stories here on the blog from time to…

  • Your New Favourite Thing … Wax Fabric

    Not sure what’s happening to my video but you can see the video here on YouTube! You know, whenever I use plastic kitchen wrap I get this feeling of guilt and sadness for using it. Environmentally it’s a catastrophe and then I hate to think of the chemicals rubbing off on the food it’s covering.…

  • Why, hello! And a Contest 🙂

    Okay, I am hanging my head in shame .. it’s been ONE year since I blogged. I think because Instagram has sort of taken over my online life I sort of forgot blogging. But then when I went through this whole website redesign and started re reading my blog and got a little bit nostalgic.…

  • Sewer of the Week – Amanda

    I’ve been meaning to do this for a long time – highlight one of my sewing mama’s each week. This is Amanda and she’s been sewing for us for four years now – with two maternity breaks in between. A major reason why I’ve organized Bamboletta like it is is because I really want to…

  • New Shop!

    Well, friends, dreams do come true. We just opened up a wee studio/shop in Vancouver! I’ve been pining for a storefront in the city for a few years now and now it’s happened and I couldn’t be more thrilled!     Our shop is stocked full of dolls of all sizes (including the shop exclusive…