Month: March 2008
We’ve had another bout of sickness. First Ben with a cough/cold combo and and ear infection, then Jasper with a cough/cold combo with pink eye on the side and finally it’s hit me, I am fortunate enough to have only the cough/cold combo with none of the extra’s that my little guys have picked…
one eyebrow…
I’m really busy. All the time busy. I’m not complaining, I like being busy – I work well with this kind of energy. About two days ago I found myself with some time to myself in the bathroom without one child asking me to make voices for his cars or the other one wanting to…
This is Addison. Addy has been sitting on my shelf for a very long time as I wasn’t sure if I could give her up. I’ve got a few here at home, just sitting around, dolls that are just that extra special that I have a hard time giving up. This is very silly of…
I had a great weekend with my parents. I love when they are over, it’ so relaxing. My mom just kind of takes over everything and I can sit, drink tea and read Mothering. This is just a quick post to let you all know that Natural Pod has uploaded all my new dolls. I…
I found out today that I got into Circle Craft in November! I’m so excited about this, but also really nervous. I need stock..and a LOT of it. It goes for 6 days with pretty long hours, it’s going to be intense. About 5 years ago I went to Circle Craft and walked around marveling…
I heart Kate Nash
John spends a lot of his time in his car driving around all day for work. For his Christmas present this year I got him Sirius radio for a year. Declaring Canadian radio ‘really terrible’, he has embraced satellite radio with open arms. Much to his delight BBC Radio One is one of the stations…