We’ve had another bout of sickness. First Ben with a cough/cold combo and and ear infection, then Jasper with a cough/cold combo with pink eye on the side and finally it’s hit me, I am fortunate enough to have only the cough/cold combo with none of the extra’s that my little guys have picked up. It’s tough work being a mama with sick kids..up all night and lots of moaning through the day. I’m not too sure if Ben was that upset with being ill though, it means he gets to watch TV- something he doesn’t get to do very often.
Anyhow, today I had enough, I was so tired and just fed up. I had left the house only once in a week and was starting to go a little stir crazy. John booked me in to go see our acupuncturist, Sara, for a little pick me up. Being the martyr that I am (lol) I told him that he should go instead because his back hurts more then mine. I did end up going and am so happy that I went. I’m not sure if it was the hour that I had to myself, the needles in my back or the bliss of listening to George full blast in the ‘Mom Bomb’ (aka Toyota minivan), but I came back a new woman!
Speaking of George, I am super happy that he is coming to Vancouver. Me and Julie are planning to go.. George, in real life..Yeahhh! In case you haven’t figured it out, I love him.
On the doll frount, I will be posting some more dolls this Friday on Etsy. I got a bit behind in things with the children’s sickness and all. Here’s a pic of Tulip Fairy. She’ll be up on Friday.
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