Month: October 2007
I am so excited! I found out that I am in Mothering‘s ‘Best Natural Toys of 2007′ this year! Bridgitte from Natural Pod sent them some samples a few months ago and I wasn’t sure if they had made it or not. In my dreams they would have put one of my dolls in but…
handknit by Nonna
If you have one of my dolls or look at them you’ll notice some of my Nonna’s handiwork. Nonna is a pretty cute lady. She spends her evenings watching Coronati0n Street and Italian Television knitting up sweaters and things for the dolls. I love it when she gets creative. Last time I spoke with her…
and I keep on piling on the jobs…
Today I taught John how to stuff the dolls. So his offical titles will now be ‘headmaker’ and ‘body stuffer’ along with ‘best husband..ever!’. I’m slowly working him into sewing, something he says he will never do. Hmm, I have other plans for him!
Looking at Yourself
It must be really weird to be a celebrity. I’m on a new blog program where I can see who’s said what about my dolls, where they come from and a million other stats and I have to’s weird (for me anyways, I was always the shy kid). It’s all good, but still very…
New Website
Here it is!! This is so exciting – my new website. It’s been a work in progress for a few months now and I am just thrilled with the results. I feel as though I’m entering the next phase in my business right now. We aren’t quite ready for John to be leaving his work…