Month: September 2007
Trucks This little video was taken a few days ago. Ben is teaching Jasper about trucks. My little boy is obsessed with trucks. I never knew the difference between a backhoe and a frount end loader before Benjamin came into my life 🙂 I put a new doll up for sale on Natural Pod. Her…
Experience A few days ago John and Ben went into Vancouver leaving me alone with Jasper for the whole day. When Benjamin was this age I remember feeling so proud if I managed to get a load of laundry done. Now, alone with Jasper, I went and did a massive grocery shop (at the bg…
Business This week has been really interesting. John and I have been looking at the business side of the dolls, material costs, time costs, etc. It’s all a huge mathematical equation. I am so impressed with my husband and his business knowledge, I have no idea about this stuff. I’m so lucky to have him.…
Blanket Dolls This week I’ve been working on these blanket dolls. They are really fun to make and so snuggly to hold. I love the simplicity of their design. I decided some time ago to make my blanket dolls using only organic materials. These dolls are meant for babies and we all know how much…
Comfort I think I have a ‘high need baby’. The little man doesn’t ever want to be put down, he’s fussy and irritable and is constantly wanting to eat! It’s a good thing he’s so cute I tell you, even his crazy seal pup looks make me melt! Jasper is the total opposite of what…
Oh jeeze, 10 days since my last post… the shame! I’ve been shipping the gals off to different publications for their ‘holiday gift guide’ issues. I don’t want to say which ones, because who knows what can happen between now and then. I’d feel a bit embarrassed if I was talking about them and then…