Twelve Days of Giving … Day Six


You knew it was coming, right? Today’s gift is this adorable Little Buddy named LuLu .. and you know what’s even more awesome about Lulu? She’s wearing an awesome dress by one of my fav’s .. courtneycourtney!

To enter please leave a comment at the end of this post – not on the picture. One entry per household ๐Ÿ™‚ I’ll draw someone tomorrow night after 7pm PST.

Good luck everyone!






1,399 responses to “Twelve Days of Giving … Day Six”

  1. Kelly Hall Avatar
    Kelly Hall

    I love her purple hair!

  2. Michelle Avatar

    OH my……LOVE LOVE LOVE her!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. Cortney Avatar

    She is precious!! I have three little girls who would love to spoil her!

  4. JOYCE Avatar

    She’s just adorable!

  5. Jillane Truevillian Avatar
    Jillane Truevillian

    OMGoodness cute!! โ™ฅ

  6. Lori Gaston Avatar

    SOOOO CUUUTE! OMG <3 <3 <3 LOVE her! Plllleeease ๐Ÿ˜€

  7. Jerri F Avatar
    Jerri F


  8. Janice Avatar

    Oh wow! She is gorgeous! <3

  9. Colleen Avatar

    Oh wow…my girls have an Aunt “LuLu”…love her!

  10. Dawn Ulseth Avatar
    Dawn Ulseth

    She is perfect!!!

  11. Angie H. Avatar
    Angie H.

    Ep, would love a LB!!!!!

  12. Cori & Shelby Avatar
    Cori & Shelby

    Oh my, what a sweetie.

  13. Jamie Avatar

    She’s precious!!

  14. Suzette Stroud Avatar
    Suzette Stroud

    Love love love her!!

  15. Melinda Avatar

    Me please. She is adorable!!!

  16. Priscilla Avatar

    Oh, I would LOVE her for my daughters

  17. kayleen wallis Avatar
    kayleen wallis

    Eeek! My daughter would love her ๐Ÿ™‚

  18. Claire Larson Avatar
    Claire Larson

    Yay! So cute! I love the purple hair.

  19. Amy N Avatar
    Amy N

    Ahhh..LuLu is the nickname I gave my mom. Love her!

  20. Aly Kantor Avatar
    Aly Kantor

    Oh my gosh! She’s so sweet and little! She looks like she could be a little sister to our 15 inch dollie, Jemima! I have my fingers crossed – what a tiny treat she would be for my students!

  21. Janice Avatar

    Beautiful! Thank you so much for the chance, C!

  22. Rene Alldridge Avatar
    Rene Alldridge

    Sweet Lulu needs to come play here!

  23. Eve Adkins Avatar
    Eve Adkins

    So cute!

  24. Christina Avatar

    She is a dream come true!

  25. stephanie m Avatar
    stephanie m

    PLEASE PICK ME!!!!!!! Let the random number generator be in my favor!!!!! ๐Ÿ™‚

  26. Heather Knobbe Avatar
    Heather Knobbe

    We hope we win her! Would live an LB!

  27. Davina Avatar

    She’s beautiful!

  28. Rebecca Avatar

    a purple hair little buddy? YES PLEASE! ๐Ÿ™‚

  29. Michelle Quarterman Avatar

    I’m so in LOVE! So precious!

  30. Kim C Avatar
    Kim C

    she’s dreamy!

  31. Cristy Daly Avatar
    Cristy Daly

    Oh my little 3 year old would love her! She’s adorable!

  32. Nicole Goodsell Avatar
    Nicole Goodsell

    Oh, me, me, me!!!

  33. Bj Ketterman Avatar
    Bj Ketterman

    Oh me please!!! ๐Ÿ˜€

  34. Kara Avatar

    Love her. Definitely need to check out ourtneycourtney now!

  35. Stephanie Riley Avatar
    Stephanie Riley

    She is BEAUTIFUL! We would love to have her for Christmas!

  36. Jennifer Yurush Avatar
    Jennifer Yurush

    Her hair is awesome! She is beautiful : )

  37. Allison S. Avatar
    Allison S.

    Love her!

  38. Nadine melanson Avatar
    Nadine melanson

    Yes please!

  39. Monica Avatar

    Look at her! I am currently knitting fingerless mitts that match her hair! ๐Ÿ™‚

  40. Jen A Avatar
    Jen A

    Oh me me me me please pick me!

  41. Michelle Helfrich Avatar
    Michelle Helfrich

    She is lovely!

  42. Danielle Avatar

    Oh yay! Purple is my favorite color. Thank you so much for doing these giveaways – it adds a special magic to this season even as an adult :D.

  43. Shelby LaManna Avatar
    Shelby LaManna

    Purple is my favorite color!!! She’s gorgeous!

  44. Andrea Avatar

    She’s perfect!!!

  45. Gabrielle Avatar

    I love her dress!

  46. Amie Avatar

    Many blessings to everyone in the Bamboletta family.

  47. Amanda brooks Avatar
    Amanda brooks

    Sooo dang cute!

  48. Katherine G Avatar
    Katherine G

    Would Love this little one!!!

  49. Melissa Avatar


  50. Susanne Avatar

    she’s so pretty! love the purple hair!

  51. Heather Avatar

    What a beauty!

  52. Marcy Avatar

    I love her to pieces!

  53. shannon o Avatar
    shannon o

    I’d have to keep it…my two girls would fight over her too much lol

  54. Chasity Avatar

    OH would love her!!! SHe is just awesome!

  55. Jennifer Royster Avatar

    wow what a great gift this would make a special little girl..your awesome

  56. nikki Avatar

    so so so so cute! <3

  57. Reena Avatar

    Oh in love! how adorable!!

  58. Kathy P Avatar
    Kathy P


  59. Theresa Avatar

    oh my goodness!! cuuuuute!

  60. ronda Avatar

    oh! the purple! <3

  61. Michelle F. Avatar
    Michelle F.

    Would <3 to bring her home! ๐Ÿ™‚

  62. Candice Revitzer Avatar
    Candice Revitzer

    Oh Lulu! You are so cute ๐Ÿ™‚ We’d love to bring you home! <3

  63. Starr Avatar

    LOVE her! Lulu is my sister’s nickname.

  64. kayla sires Avatar
    kayla sires

    She is perfect!! I know a little girl who would love her to pieces.

  65. Stefany A. Avatar
    Stefany A.

    She is so adorable!!

  66. Violet kosecki Avatar
    Violet kosecki

    Love love love! Fingers and toes crossed!

  67. Lacy Avatar

    Oh my goodness, oh my goodness!!!!

  68. Mary Avatar

    my own lulu would love this! she’s so spunky- LOVE

  69. Shannon Goldrich Avatar
    Shannon Goldrich

    A purple girl, love, love, love!!!!

  70. Jamie Miller Avatar
    Jamie Miller

    LOVE her!

  71. Lauren Armstrong Avatar
    Lauren Armstrong

    Wow!!!! This is going to make one someone very happy.

  72. Elaine Avatar

    WOW!!!!! she’s incredible!!!!

  73. Lisa Macri Avatar
    Lisa Macri

    So, so lovely! Hooray!

  74. Jennifer Avatar

    WOW! She is awesome!!!

  75. Angela Avatar

    How sweet. ๐Ÿ™‚

  76. Laura Avatar

    So cute!

  77. kara smith Avatar
    kara smith

    OH Pick me! Pick me!

  78. Simple Mama Avatar

    She’s beautiful!

  79. Joanna Avatar

    So excited for a chance to win a little buddy!

  80. Amanda Zibell Avatar
    Amanda Zibell

    I love love love her! My little Lane would too!

  81. Melissa Avatar

    WOW!! Thanks for the chance we would love her here!! Awesome

  82. Ashlee Avatar

    I love her!

  83. Angelika Avatar

    I love her!!!

  84. Leah Corsivo Avatar
    Leah Corsivo

    Me!me!me! ๐Ÿ˜‰

  85. Sarah Latham Avatar
    Sarah Latham

    oh please please please!! fingers crossed!!!!! Lulu is my newborn daughters nick name!!

  86. Kari Avatar

    Super cute!

  87. Julia B. Avatar
    Julia B.

    WOW! She is amazing!

  88. Melissa Avatar

    Oh my LuLu…we love you!

  89. Kelly Harris Avatar
    Kelly Harris

    Would love to give my baby girl this cutie for Christmas ๐Ÿ™‚

  90. kristen Avatar

    please please please! she’s beautiful!

  91. Talisha Avatar

    I absolutely Love her!

  92. Sarah T. Avatar
    Sarah T.

    She would be so loved here!

  93. Linsay Avatar

    Did you hear that??? It was me SQUEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEing over her cuteness! LOVE LOVE LOVE

  94. Jill L. Avatar
    Jill L.

    Squeee! her hair is TDF

  95. Sarah C Avatar

    Please be me!!!

  96. Alanna George Avatar

    Oh, swoon. When I was little my Dad’s nickname for me was lulu. My favorite color is purple. She is meant to come into our family. My two girls would LOVE her!!! So sweet ๐Ÿ˜‰

  97. Araica M Avatar
    Araica M

    Oh, she’s lovely! I’ve been drooling over your dolls for eons.

  98. Katie P Avatar
    Katie P

    Love, love, love her!

  99. Terri A Avatar
    Terri A

    I know a special little girl who would LOVE her forever!

  100. Breanne Kaiser Avatar
    Breanne Kaiser

    She’s gorgeous!!! I LOVE LOVE LOVE her purple hair!

  101. Kelli B Avatar
    Kelli B

    Cute ๐Ÿ™‚

  102. Kayley S Avatar
    Kayley S

    LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE! I hope I get her!

  103. Keiran Shield Avatar
    Keiran Shield

    Bamboletta and CourtneyCourtney – it’s every little girl’s (and big girl’s) dream come true!!

  104. Kelly Fewins Avatar
    Kelly Fewins

    Oh she is amazing!!! Thanks for the chance:)

  105. Dana C Avatar
    Dana C

    Sooo cute!!

  106. Kris Avatar

    I love her – thanks.

  107. Elizabeth Albrecht Avatar
    Elizabeth Albrecht


  108. Melissa Avatar

    Just adorable! Would love to have her under our tree for my children this christmas!

  109. Wendy Avatar

    Me please! ๐Ÿ™‚

  110. Ashley Avatar

    Love love love her!!!!!

  111. Molly C Avatar
    Molly C

    OMG!!!!!!!!!!! PICK ME PICK ME PICK ME! LOL! Love her! ๐Ÿ™‚

  112. Kim Wolke Avatar
    Kim Wolke

    Her cheeks are ADORABLE. Also love the purple hair. My Zoe would adore her!

  113. Heather Davies Avatar
    Heather Davies

    LOOOOOOVE her!!! ๐Ÿ™‚

  114. Cindy H. Avatar
    Cindy H.

    Oh the cuteness!!

  115. Melonie Avatar

    OMG!! She is too cute, we’d love to welcome her to our home ๐Ÿ™‚

  116. Jenny Movel Avatar
    Jenny Movel


  117. Natali P. Avatar
    Natali P.

    oh pick me!!!

  118. Brittany Avatar

    So perfect!

  119. Alysha Avatar

    Soooooo cute!

  120. Heather Avatar

    She’s perfect!

  121. Hanna C Avatar
    Hanna C

    LOVE LOVE LOVE her! Thanks so much for the chance to win her – you are amazing and so generous!

  122. Jolene Avatar

    She would make us very merry!

  123. Kimber R. Avatar
    Kimber R.

    Oh my…totally in love. <3

  124. Lauren L. Avatar
    Lauren L.

    Cute overload!!!!

  125. Lonni Avatar


  126. Lydia R Avatar
    Lydia R

    Too Cute! Thanks for the awesome opportunity to share.

  127. Melissa Speegle Avatar

    I would love to adopt her!

  128. Catherine Avatar

    Love the funky hair! My daughter would love her!

  129. Martha G Avatar
    Martha G

    My granddaughter would be a lucky girl to get a Bamboletta!

  130. Katie Avatar

    I love her! I would be so thankful to be able to give my girly a bambo for Christmas!!!

  131. Caitlin Rooney Avatar
    Caitlin Rooney

    I actually know a Lulu! She even dresses similarly! I would pass this little lady on to her. ๐Ÿ™‚

  132. julie Avatar

    Lulu…how sweet!

  133. Monica Avatar

    *Squealing with delight* I heart her so much!

  134. jennie b Avatar
    jennie b

    Oh gosh, purple is my daughter favorite color! Love her!

  135. Carly Gauthier Avatar
    Carly Gauthier

    Wow! Amazing! She is one of a kind:)

  136. Erica Eley Avatar
    Erica Eley

    Oh, I would love my first LB! She is so cute I think I need some ugly around here to even things out. haha!

  137. Tracy Avatar

    Thank you for the chance to win her. How beautiful!

  138. Jayme L. Avatar
    Jayme L.

    Eek, she’s so cute!

  139. Anne Avatar

    She’s gorgeous! Thank you for the chance at her!

  140. Lisa M. Avatar
    Lisa M.


  141. GrannyBroom Avatar

    She’s adorable, thank you for the opportunity!

  142. kimbalina Avatar

    Love the face and hair!

  143. Kate Avatar

    Fingers crossed. Love her to bits.

  144. Megan Ledbetter Avatar
    Megan Ledbetter

    I love her, would love to have a LB in our house, Belle just LOVES purple!!!!!

  145. Molly Hayes Avatar
    Molly Hayes

    She looks like my friend LuLu. Or more like her mama, rather–she has blue hair! ๐Ÿ˜‰ love this doll!

  146. Tammy Brooks Avatar
    Tammy Brooks

    She is lovely as usual. Fingers crossed.

  147. Ashley Avatar

    LOVE her! How nice of you! ๐Ÿ™‚

  148. Neeshia Avatar

    OMG!!! Love her so much!! Fingers Crossed, Merry Christmas Team Bamboletta!!!

  149. Heather Avatar

    Thanks for the awesome chance to win this cutie!!

  150. Talia Mara Avatar
    Talia Mara

    oh wow! love lulu!

  151. Kathleen Cusson Avatar
    Kathleen Cusson

    Too cute!!

  152. Melissa Romandy Avatar
    Melissa Romandy

    My daughter would love her!

  153. Ashley Avatar


  154. Anna Avatar

    Thanks for the chance Christina!

  155. Abby Avatar

    NO WAY!

  156. Lisa Avatar

    Adorable! I would love to win her!

  157. Rebecca English Avatar
    Rebecca English

    OH MY! She’s adorable. This would be the perfect first doll for my little 5 month old Frankie. Her arms say, “hug me Frankie, I will love you always!”.

  158. Heather Avatar

    Oh my gosh, I love her!! And so would my 18-month old for Christmas! ๐Ÿ™‚

  159. Sandy Avatar

    What beautiful hair!! ๐Ÿ™‚

  160. jennifer taylor Avatar
    jennifer taylor

    ..Oh please me I have been trying for a purple lb forever now…. hoping for a lucky day

  161. Emily C Avatar
    Emily C

    Oh my Little Lulu! Thanks so much!

  162. Jerilyn Avatar

    My birthday is tomorrow so winning this would be the icing on the cake!!! She’s so cute and sassy…I know my daughter would love being her mommy!! ๐Ÿ˜‰

  163. Mandy Avatar


  164. Tami D. in Ohio Avatar
    Tami D. in Ohio

    GORGEOUS!!!!!! Would love for her to come here for a permanent visit! ๐Ÿ™‚

  165. Sharon Avatar

    What a generous giveaway! Purple is our favorite color!

  166. Jill Cruz Avatar
    Jill Cruz


  167. Tara B Avatar
    Tara B

    So, so cute. Would love to give her a forever home.

  168. Claire R Avatar
    Claire R

    Oh my, she’s a cutie! Love her, we’d love a chance!
    Thank you so much for these fun and awesome giveaways! ๐Ÿ™‚

  169. kim v Avatar
    kim v

    Wow, she’s sooooooooooooo cute!!

  170. Sandie Avatar

    Would love to give her to my grand daughters.

  171. Rachel Avatar

    We’d love this little cutie!!!

  172. Aria Avatar

    Love, love, LOVE! Fingers crossed that she can be my girl’s first doll!

  173. Erin Gardner-Jensen Avatar
    Erin Gardner-Jensen

    My little lady is a LuLu! How she would love to have a namesake bambo!

  174. Taina Avatar

    Purple is my favorite color. ๐Ÿ™‚

  175. Monique Avatar

    What a sweet girl!

  176. Mark Avatar

    My daughter would love to give her a new home. ๐Ÿ™‚

  177. Heather Rhoads Avatar

    Love her. All You dolls are amazing! I would love one so much! ๐Ÿ™‚

  178. Melissa Avatar

    Merry Christmas! Love her!

  179. Renee Avatar

    Oh Christina you are soooo giving! Thank you again, for the chance at another amazing giveaway!

  180. Angela Wiser Avatar
    Angela Wiser

    OOOOOHHHHHHHH I want a baby to bring home…I dont have one!!!

  181. Michelle Avatar

    You had me at purple hair. Beautiful doll ๐Ÿ™‚

  182. Dee Avatar

    So cute!

  183. Meredith Klobucnik Avatar
    Meredith Klobucnik

    I might faint, oh my gosh this is so generous. My girls would LOVE her! Meredith K

  184. Amber Avatar

    Oh my stars!!! Yes please. Would LOVE a purple haired LB w a courtneycourtney upcycled dress. This feels like dream. Fingers crossed. This is like my ideal little buddy.

  185. Tiffany Avatar

    Oh man, oh man… I would love her for my sweet girl!

  186. Roseanne Avatar

    oh my goodness, you don’t know how happy it would make me to win this beauty! =)

  187. Hillary W Avatar
    Hillary W

    She is beautiful!!! What a wonderful gift she would be.

  188. Laura Muzinic Avatar
    Laura Muzinic

    OH EM GEE!!! Lulu would be perfect for my BooBoo! <3

  189. Melanie C. Avatar
    Melanie C.

    We would love lulu to come live with us. She is perfect. Thanks again for a chance to win in the giveaway.

  190. Amanda Pinder Avatar
    Amanda Pinder

    Wow i would love to be able to give to my little girl, Thank you for the opertunity ๐Ÿ™‚

  191. Cricket Avatar

    Love her!

  192. Lori S Avatar
    Lori S

    sqweeee….she is lovely as always my friend

  193. Angel Jeff Avatar
    Angel Jeff

    No way! An LB!!!! She is awesome! I would love her! Thank you!

  194. Shayna Avatar


  195. Abbie Avatar

    Oh my goodness! A little buddy, whoever wins her will be so very lucky

  196. Nickie Cardozo Avatar
    Nickie Cardozo

    Oh WOW!! She’s To.Die.For!!

  197. Kelly W Avatar
    Kelly W

    ๐Ÿ™‚ REALLY REALLY REALLY hope I get lucky ๐Ÿ™‚

  198. Danyelle Avatar

    She is the sweetest!!! My Layni would LOVE her!!

  199. Jennifer B Avatar
    Jennifer B

    Oh, we would love her so!

  200. blingbling Avatar

    oh how I want her!!!!! she is darling!

  201. mandy huber Avatar
    mandy huber

    OMGsh she is so beautiful my little girl would LOVE her

  202. Andrea Avatar

    Seriously? You girls (and man lol) are out of this world!!!! Purple hair is to dye for! Beyond sweet ๐Ÿ™‚

  203. Michelle B Avatar
    Michelle B

    Oh my are you kidding, a purple girl (what we’ve been dying for) and a little buddy (haven’t scored one of these yet)!

  204. Meghan Kohles Avatar
    Meghan Kohles

    There are not words for how amazing she is! :)Yes please!

  205. Heather Avatar

    please pick me! ๐Ÿ™‚

  206. Suzi C Avatar
    Suzi C

    Gorgeous girl

  207. Lashara H. Avatar
    Lashara H.

    Oh, she’s ADORABLE!!

  208. Holly H. Avatar
    Holly H.

    Aww,she is adorable.You guys spoil us!

  209. Jennifer Richard Avatar
    Jennifer Richard

    She is something else! You have outdone yourselves!!!

  210. Keisha Avatar

    Purple is awesome! Love this little rosie cheeked baby.

  211. Christina Albrigo-DAloisio Avatar
    Christina Albrigo-DAloisio

    We would love to have her! just in time for Christmas!

  212. R.Christie Avatar

    She is beautiful! I’d love for her to come live with us! ๐Ÿ™‚

  213. Rebecca Avatar


  214. Krystal Newman Avatar
    Krystal Newman

    So excited for the chance to win LuLu!!! She is fabulous!!

  215. Lolli Avatar

    I’m dreaming of a purple haired Bambo. Just like the one my daughter wants.

  216. Tam Totter Avatar
    Tam Totter

    Awesome give-away!! Thank you.

  217. Lin Avatar


  218. Grandma M Avatar
    Grandma M

    Wow, she’s stunning! Thanks!

  219. Sharon Avatar

    So cute!!!

  220. Libby cantrell Avatar
    Libby cantrell

    Pick me please! I love her. Lulu is our golden doodles name!!!!

  221. Amanda Horstman Avatar
    Amanda Horstman

    Love her hair!

  222. Katya Avatar

    Omg! Love her!!!

  223. Leah Avatar

    She’s adorable. My middle daughter’s nickname is LuLu ๐Ÿ™‚

  224. Lori Avatar

    WOW! What a giveaway—she’s stunning! Thanks so much for your continued amazing generosity! ๐Ÿ™‚

  225. Jessica Liljegren Avatar
    Jessica Liljegren

    We could really use a little Lulu around here…..

  226. Kristin M Avatar
    Kristin M

    What an adorable doll! Absolutely love the purple hair and the outfit too. Lulu would be my daughter’s instant best friend. Keeping my fingers crossed!

  227. Korey Brown Avatar
    Korey Brown

    We would LOVE to have her!

  228. stacy h Avatar
    stacy h

    just love her!

  229. Lyndsay Avatar

    Wow!!!! She is amazing! YES PLeASE!!!!

  230. angel murphy Avatar
    angel murphy

    We still don’t own a Bamboletta and would love to take her home!

  231. becky silva Avatar
    becky silva

    we would love to give her a home!!!!!!!

  232. Bonnie Avatar

    I LOVE Lulu!!!!

  233. Shannon C Avatar

    She is beautiful, what a wonderful present this would make for my daughter.

  234. Tonya Scarborough Avatar
    Tonya Scarborough

    pick me!

  235. Ally Avatar

    The little buddies have always been my favorite.

  236. Lisa W Avatar
    Lisa W

    Look at those cheeks!!!

  237. Danielle Avatar

    We would love the chance!! Thanks for all you do! <3

  238. nannnette gauchat Avatar
    nannnette gauchat

    I would love to win her for my grand daughter she is beautiful

  239. Sarah I Avatar
    Sarah I

    Hi lovely Lulu!

  240. Tessa Avatar

    What a sweet dolly! My daughters would be so pleased if we win!

  241. Casey A Avatar
    Casey A

    Awww, …sweet!

  242. megan c Avatar
    megan c

    She is SUPER cute! Fingers, toes, and eyes crossed!

    megancrose at gmail dot com

  243. Adrianna Avatar

    Wow, this newbie would be one happy family!

  244. Melissa Korta Avatar
    Melissa Korta

    she is absolutely lovely!!! Would love to give here a new home!

  245. Sherry l Avatar
    Sherry l

    Love her, what a cutie:)

  246. Brenna Avatar

    Awe, she’s so cute!

  247. Richelle Avatar

    She is cute.

  248. Alex Avatar

    how lovely. your talent and that of your helpers is rare and special.

  249. Katie Avatar

    Could we be so lucky to have this beautiful doll in our home?!?

  250. kate Avatar

    dear lulu, we heart you.

  251. Addie Rose Avatar
    Addie Rose

    She is amazing. That purple hair is <3 <3 <3!

  252. tree Avatar

    Love the purple hair!! SHe is gorgeous! My daughter would adore her! Thanks for the chance!

  253. Linda Avatar

    Awesome!!!! I hope today is my day…..

  254. Susan Avatar

    Thanks for the giveaway!

  255. Jennifer Avatar

    This newbie would love lil’ miss lulu!!!! Adorable!

  256. heather Avatar

    Oh my… she’s lovely! That hair!<3

  257. Susan E.S.M. Avatar
    Susan E.S.M.

    Those cheeks!

  258. Kim Steffen Avatar
    Kim Steffen

    PLEASE US! purple hair and cc dress! GOLDEN!

  259. Denise Avatar

    Ooooh! Lovely ๐Ÿ™‚

  260. Melanie Avatar

    ahhhh, she is so adorable! would love her!

  261. Katie C. Avatar
    Katie C.

    She is beautiful!

  262. Jodi Avatar

    Yes pleeeeaaase!! We want to adore her.

  263. Laura Avatar

    Love her!

  264. Pam Avatar

    You are so great and so are your dolls!

  265. Stacey Avatar

    She’s just perfect…a little bit rock n’ roll, a little bit crunchy and a little bit girly!!! Just like my strong little girl!

  266. Karen W Avatar
    Karen W

    Love her!!

  267. Ashley L. Avatar
    Ashley L.

    Oh! How adorable is she?!?! Yes please!!

  268. Christy campbell Avatar
    Christy campbell

    She is adorable!!! Love her purple hair!!! What an amazing gift you have, every doll is precious!!

  269. Mayleen Avatar

    She is sweet! My little one would take great care of her.

  270. Melissa T Avatar
    Melissa T

    Would LOVE Lu Lu for my daughter!

  271. Annette Avatar

    Oh me please! She is to die for!

  272. NenesKids Avatar

    We’d love to give her lots of hugs!

  273. Jennifer Avatar

    She is amazing!

  274. Sarah S Avatar
    Sarah S

    She is so cute!! LOVE!

  275. Meghan Avatar

    Oh my goodness!!! What LB awesomeness. We would love her! Thanks for the chance!

  276. Amber Avatar

    OMG OMG It is a doll giveaway!! Ah!! Love her sweet little face!! ๐Ÿ™‚

  277. Andrea Halbig Avatar
    Andrea Halbig

    She is gorgeous! Would love to introduce her to our family!

  278. Laura G Avatar
    Laura G

    Wow!! This is amazing ๐Ÿ™‚

  279. Denise T. Avatar
    Denise T.

    She is gorgeous!!!

  280. Nancy Henderson Avatar
    Nancy Henderson

    She is the cutest!! LOVE HER!!

  281. Kristin w Avatar
    Kristin w


  282. Catharine Christopherson Avatar
    Catharine Christopherson

    Thanks for the great giveaway! We’d love to win and welcome a bamboletta into our home! ๐Ÿ™‚

  283. Laura Vollick Avatar
    Laura Vollick

    Fingers crossed! Pls Santa ๐Ÿ™‚

  284. wendy Avatar

    Would love to welcome her to our home!

  285. Shelly Mogensen Avatar
    Shelly Mogensen

    Yes please!! Please!!

  286. Rosalyn Avatar

    I’d love to win an LB!!!

  287. Leadon Avatar

    Lovely! Just lovely!

  288. Missy Avatar

    It’s a long shot but gotta try!!

  289. Lisa Avatar

    Adorable ๐Ÿ™‚

  290. karri michael Avatar
    karri michael

    What a great giveaway!

  291. Erica Avatar

    Please please please!

  292. StephanieT Avatar

    Ok this is my official wish for Christmas! I love her!

  293. Anais Avatar

    WOW! I love this little lady ๐Ÿ™‚ And her dress is just too cute!!

  294. Michelle Milligan Avatar
    Michelle Milligan


  295. Marie Avatar

    She’s awesome!

  296. Gloria Avatar

    Love her!!

  297. samberto Avatar

    What beautiful dolls you make! I have always wanted to be able to afford one for my daughter. Now I finally can so I’m hoping I can get my hands on one ๐Ÿ™‚ <3

  298. pete Avatar

    I would love to give my little
    Clare bear a little Lulu!!!!

  299. Sarah styles Avatar
    Sarah styles

    Love her! Perfect gift for my soon to be one year old!

  300. Shayne Avatar

    She’s beautiful !

  301. Vanessa Avatar

    Blessings to you, you are so giving at this time of year. I am blessed to have a wonderful daughter that is also very giving, I would like to return this giving by passing on your beautiful LULU – the gift of giving. Merry Christmas to you and your wonderful Team. Thank you for reminding us that Christmas is about the giving not just the recieving. Smiles to you

  302. Erika Davison Avatar
    Erika Davison

    Please come live with me!

  303. Dawn S Avatar

    She is adorable!

  304. carrie Avatar

    LOVE her!!!!!!

  305. Lisa Avatar

    She’s so lovely! Thanks for the opportunity.

  306. kris Avatar

    love her

  307. Melissa Avatar

    Oh she is sooooo cute, my 3yr. old would love her to pieces!!

  308. Madie B. Avatar
    Madie B.

    she’s a .C.U.T.I.E.!. LOVE!! ๐Ÿ™‚

  309. Kristin Avatar

    She is cute as a button!

  310. Lucy Nall Avatar
    Lucy Nall

    Love her!!

  311. Kimmy Avatar


  312. Kristin Z Avatar
    Kristin Z

    What a happy holiday she would make!

  313. Rebekah Tedder Avatar
    Rebekah Tedder

    My daughter’s favorite color is purple!! This is a fabulous giveaway!! I hope she comes to live with us!!

  314. Michelle Kinnun Avatar
    Michelle Kinnun

    Keeping my fingers crossed. Thank you.

  315. Anna Lynch Avatar
    Anna Lynch

    Love it!

  316. Nicola M. Avatar
    Nicola M.

    How adorable…and how generous! I hope whomever wins her gives her lots of lovies.

  317. Carrie Avatar

    so sweet!!!

  318. Bri A Avatar
    Bri A

    She is so cute!!!

  319. Kathleen Avatar

    Love her!!!

  320. Addy Van Anne Avatar
    Addy Van Anne

    My daughter would love Lulu. I hope she is my daughters first bamboletta! I couldn’t dream of a more perfect doll for her. That sweet face. awww. Thank you the giveaway!

  321. jennifer Avatar

    hello Lovely.

  322. Cassie Avatar

    She is gorgeous, thank you for the chance!

  323. Allison Farmer Avatar
    Allison Farmer

    So stinkin cute!

  324. Whitney Avatar

    Wowza. Hope this is my lucky try.

  325. Lainey Yount Avatar
    Lainey Yount

    Swoon! We would love that sweet girl…

  326. Melissa Avatar

    Eeeek, I thought we were on day 5 so I almost didn’t enter tonight! She is lovely, I would just cry tears of joy if I won her!

  327. Mia J. Avatar
    Mia J.

    She is amazing! Thanks for the chance!

  328. Lindsey B. Avatar
    Lindsey B.

    Purple…I love it!!

  329. Jenny Rosborough Avatar
    Jenny Rosborough

    She would be perfect for my daughter Lucia (aka LuLu) who’s favorite colour is purple!!!

  330. Ina T. Avatar
    Ina T.

    She looks like my God daughter, who would be thrilled to have her!

  331. Kim C. Avatar
    Kim C.

    Can’t she please come here?

  332. Tyson Avatar

    Oh, she’s gorgeous! *crosses fingers*

  333. Danielle s Avatar
    Danielle s

    Ooooooo she is sooooooo cute!!!!!!!!!! My daughter would LOVE her!!!!!

  334. Katie Pratt Avatar
    Katie Pratt

    So pretty!

  335. Cindy Avatar

    omg, I LOVE her!!!

  336. Jenn Avatar

    So cute!

  337. Hope C Avatar
    Hope C

    We love to give her a forever home!!!!!

  338. Jane Nakadomari Avatar
    Jane Nakadomari

    She’s beautiful! What a wonderful present for the winner!

  339. Sarah Avatar

    Omg I am in love!

  340. tara trevors Avatar
    tara trevors

    Love her!!! And lu lu is my daughters nickname:)

  341. Kirsten Avatar

    Here’s hoping!! ๐Ÿ™‚

  342. Tabitha Avatar

    OMG!!!!!! She is beautiful! Your work is amazing!!! My daughter would absolutely fall in love with her! And you are amazing for doing a giveaway like this!!!

  343. Vica Avatar

    Adorable doll for my God daughter Caia

  344. Kandi Avatar

    Blush, purple AND a LB!? Yes, please!!! She’ll match the LB Kimono I got perfectly [without even having a LB haha!]

  345. Erin Avatar

    we don’t have a little buddy!!! love her

  346. Dona Horton Avatar
    Dona Horton

    Little Buddy is adorable for my adorable Anna Belle. How she will love her!!

  347. Lorene Jones Avatar
    Lorene Jones

    Awesome! A lil buddy!!

  348. Doug Avatar

    My granddaughter would adore her

  349. Melissa W Avatar
    Melissa W

    Love her!!!

  350. elizabeth jeanne Avatar

    Holy Hannah!
    I mean LuLu!!!

  351. Paisley Avatar


  352. Haley's Mommy Avatar
    Haley’s Mommy

    She just made my heart skip a beat <3

  353. Jessica Avatar

    So cute!

  354. Molly Avatar

    Woot, woot!! She and her CC outfit are TDF! Plus, I LOVE anything with stars!! I am soo hoping to win this one…please, please, please! ๐Ÿ™‚

  355. Ina T. Avatar
    Ina T.

    My God daughter would love to have this “mini me” <3

  356. Tammy Avatar

    Love her!!โ™ฅ

  357. Melissa Avatar

    What a cutie!

  358. Denise Clifford Avatar
    Denise Clifford

    Be my girl’s little buddy

  359. Annethra Shreffler Avatar

    She is just gorgous…Love her purple hair, and little LuLu needs to come to Okla. to live….=)…Im still a newbie…=(

  360. Elaine Avatar

    So pretty!

  361. Vanessa C. Avatar
    Vanessa C.


  362. Suzie Avatar

    So cute!

  363. Cara Avatar

    She looks like she is ready to have some fun! ๐Ÿ™‚ Adorable!

  364. Toni Avatar

    She’s stunning. Her new family (hopefully us! lol) will be very lucky!

  365. Barb Bee Avatar
    Barb Bee

    Love her lavender hair and style!!

  366. saramd Avatar

    She is super cute! I love her hair!

  367. Kim G Avatar
    Kim G

    Little Buddeeeeee! Thank you for the generous giveaways! So awesome!

  368. Angie Buckles Avatar
    Angie Buckles


  369. Sarah Avatar

    Love her !! Please pick me ๐Ÿ™‚

  370. Abi Avatar

    she’s beautiful and I love her hair!

  371. Shannon Avatar


  372. Evette Avatar

    It’s certainly worth a try! She’s super cute!

  373. Christine R Avatar
    Christine R

    Wowzers!! She is adorable. Fingers and toes are crossed ๐Ÿ™‚

  374. Jackie Smelser Avatar
    Jackie Smelser


  375. Stacey Avatar

    She’s just perfect…A little rock n’ roll, a little crunchy and a little girly!!! Just like my strong little tomboy!

  376. Kristy Avatar

    Super cute! Thanks for the opportunity!

  377. leanne watson Avatar

    OH, I could just eat her up!

  378. Kim F Avatar
    Kim F

    Wow! She is absolutely divine.

  379. Laura Avatar

    love her!!!!!!

  380. Kate Avatar

    So cute!

  381. Alicia Avatar

    I love Lulu!!

  382. Genny Avatar

    OMG! She’s beautiful!!!!!!

  383. Angela Simpson Avatar
    Angela Simpson

    My daughters name! Say it is so!

  384. Stephanie G-D Avatar
    Stephanie G-D

    Purple dolls are MY favorite-to heck with the kids:) LOVE her!!!

  385. Mary Phelan Avatar
    Mary Phelan

    What a sweetie!

  386. erica Avatar

    She’s a cute pie! Would be thrilled to have her!

  387. Lindsay Avatar

    So sweet! We’d love her. Thank you Christina and crew!

  388. Dana D. Avatar
    Dana D.

    I love her hair! She is so beautiful!

  389. Eva C. Avatar
    Eva C.

    Oh, I know I could never be so lucky! DD wants a purple LB soooooo bad! (fingers, toes, knees, eyes all crossed) 8-/

  390. Jessica Avatar

    Such a cutie!!!!

  391. Sandy Leonard Avatar
    Sandy Leonard

    If I am ever going to win a drawing here at Bamboletta, please let it be this one!! She is adorable and her outfit could not be any cuter!! So stylish!

  392. Rachael Avatar


  393. holly v Avatar
    holly v

    Absolutely adorable!!!

  394. danielle Avatar

    Love her! Thanks for the chance

  395. Erica Kirkland-Weeks Avatar
    Erica Kirkland-Weeks

    She is perfect!! Would love her!

  396. Lisa T. Avatar
    Lisa T.

    Lulu would be very loved in our household!!! ๐Ÿ™‚

  397. Carlin Avatar


  398. Dawn S Avatar
    Dawn S

    She’s like a fairy! Fingers crossed and thanks.

  399. Erin Avatar

    She is absolutely precious! Would love to welcome her into our home!

  400. MamaM Avatar

    oh we love her! we’ve tried so long for an LB!

  401. Heidi Tryon Avatar
    Heidi Tryon

    I love her, but I know that my little one would LOVE her even more!

  402. Stacy Avatar

    I love her hair!!!

  403. Laura Avatar

    she’s adorable!

  404. Ang W. Avatar
    Ang W.

    She is LB perfection!! Love her!

  405. Hiroe Avatar

    Oh my! Cutie! Thanks for doing this!

  406. Bethany Avatar

    Me! Please!!

  407. kathlin Avatar

    wow she’s cute

  408. Katie Avatar

    OMG she is AMAZINGLY CUTE… you are so generous – thanks for the chance

  409. Amy G Avatar
    Amy G

    So adorable! We’d love to give her a home!

  410. Christina D Avatar
    Christina D

    She is perfect!

  411. Tabatha Greenwood Avatar
    Tabatha Greenwood

    Would looooooooooooooooove her!!! ๐Ÿ˜€

  412. Andrea Avatar

    Love her!! Purple is my favorite color!

  413. Megan C. Avatar
    Megan C.

    So adorable!’

  414. Deanna Avatar

    A dolly from heaven!!! I’m in love xoxox

  415. Lisa W. Avatar
    Lisa W.

    she is perfect!!! love her!!

  416. Krista M Avatar
    Krista M

    Purple, my favorite color! She is so precious:)

  417. Michelle Fox Avatar
    Michelle Fox

    I LOVE her and we have have big sister!!! That would make such a great present under the tree.

  418. Katherine Summers Avatar
    Katherine Summers

    How beautiful

  419. Christine B Avatar
    Christine B

    I got lost in the blog and almost didn’t make it in time!! lol… she’s adorable and thank you for being so generous!

  420. Shaina Avatar

    Oh My Goodness! She is sooo cute! Love the purple!!! Pleaaassee!! ๐Ÿ™‚

  421. mellissa cameron Avatar
    mellissa cameron

    I am going to cry she is so sweet and wonderful crossing my fingers and making sure I say a prayer tonight LOL hope the computer angels are going to shine on me!

  422. Adrienne Walker Avatar
    Adrienne Walker

    She’s so adorable!

  423. Michelle B. Avatar
    Michelle B.

    Oh she’s lovely!!

  424. Alison S. Avatar
    Alison S.

    Love her! She’s perfect!

  425. courtney mcmillian Avatar
    courtney mcmillian


  426. Tracy Shanahan Avatar
    Tracy Shanahan

    Pick me, Pick me !! Oh pah leeeeeeze she is adorable.

  427. Amy schillinger Avatar
    Amy schillinger

    Oooohhhh please Santa bamboletta!!!

  428. Sarah Ongiri Avatar
    Sarah Ongiri

    She was made for my daughter-I call her Lulu all the time!!! Good luck to all the contestants and merry christmas!!!

  429. Anna bagley Avatar
    Anna bagley

    I love her she must be mine

  430. Katie McLean Avatar
    Katie McLean

    So cute!

  431. Shannon Avatar

    Oh my goodness she is so lovely. She needs to come home to my baby girl.

  432. Jessica Avatar

    How adorable! I would love to give her a home ๐Ÿ™‚

  433. Liana Avatar

    Oh, I am crossing my fingers!!!!!!!!!!!! She is beautiful!

  434. Trisha Avatar

    My daughters nick name is LuLu, what a lovely present she would be:)

  435. Pam Avatar

    OMG! She is so precious!

  436. Denell Avatar

    Merry Christmas beautiful little lady!

  437. Cathy B. Avatar
    Cathy B.

    WOW!!! She is fantastic. Thank you SO much for the chance at such an awesome giveaway. ๐Ÿ™‚

  438. Sarah Avatar

    OMGGG! purple! Squeeeeeeeeeeeee purple! ๐Ÿ™‚

  439. Jill Avatar


  440. Lindsey Wheeler Avatar
    Lindsey Wheeler

    Love her!!!!!

  441. Angie Avatar

    She is so adorable. Thanks for considering us

  442. Tracy L Avatar
    Tracy L

    Very cute

  443. Sharilee Avatar

    So sweet!

  444. Jamie Martin Avatar
    Jamie Martin

    Precious and looks like she’s ready for the weather I wish I was in right now ๐Ÿ™‚

  445. Lisa G Avatar
    Lisa G

    Oh, I hope, I hope, I hope!

  446. Tara A Avatar
    Tara A

    Lulu is so sweet, please enter me ๐Ÿ™‚

  447. Natalie Avatar

    Gorgeous! What a beautiful doll ๐Ÿ™‚

  448. Rebecca GM Avatar

    I know this is a huge long-shot, since we have been so fortunate, but she is just too cute not to try! Thanks for the chance, I know she will make some family so very happy!

  449. Amy O Avatar
    Amy O

    Never prayed for a doll before but I’m starting now! It goes like this “PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE God…..she’s so cute!” ๐Ÿ™‚

  450. brooke nichols Avatar
    brooke nichols

    I would be forever in your debt if you picked our home for Lulu. She is not only “off the hook stunning” but she is a LB! my girlwould love her! <3 always have a home with us!!!!

  451. rosemary Avatar

    love her purple hair!

  452. JennyLynn Avatar

    Oh, my goodness……..she is the most precious little buddy ever!! I would love for her to be my very first LB! Thank you so much for all the generosity!

  453. Kim Avatar

    She is beautiful! Thank you for the giveaways.

  454. Monique Avatar

    Lulu IS my daughter’s name!! How she would love a little twin buddy!! What a generous giveaway ๐Ÿ™‚ We’ll be crossing our fingers and toes for her.

  455. Jenelle Avatar

    What a cutie!!!

  456. Laura D Avatar
    Laura D

    So cute!

  457. Roger Avatar

    My daughter would be in love…..

  458. Bianca Avatar

    Lulu I’m adding you to my prayers onight. You’re so sweet!

  459. mominco Avatar

    Christina and co thank you for doing this,I will keep hoping for a doll!Love her hair……!

  460. Tamara Batson Avatar
    Tamara Batson

    You are beyond kind.

  461. Michelle Avatar

    Yay! A LB! She is so pretty and love her dress too!

  462. Tracy Avatar

    Love her fabulous purple hair! Thanks for the chance to win her!

  463. melissa Avatar

    oh she’s completely adorable!
    thank you for the chance to win!!

  464. Melanie Avatar

    She`s very cute!

  465. Danielle E. Avatar
    Danielle E.

    She is gorgeous! Thanks for the chance!

  466. Morgan Avatar

    I love her!

  467. Liza Avatar

    Please, please, please, she’s perfect!

  468. Allison Bailey Avatar
    Allison Bailey

    Pretty girl!

  469. Tonja M Avatar
    Tonja M

    Woohoo! Absolutely love her and that dress is super cute too!

  470. Susan Avatar


  471. cara Z. Avatar
    cara Z.

    would love to have our first LB!!! So pretty!

  472. Kristin Avatar

    Oh my gosh! She is by far, the most amazing LB you’ve made to date! <3 <3 <3 her! Fingers crossed for a bit of Christmas luck… ๐Ÿ™‚

  473. Lindsey Avatar

    Wow! Great giveaway!! She’s adorable <3

  474. Jody Avatar

    What can I say…I’m speechless & teary…she has my Moms name.โ™ฅ

  475. Shannon H. Avatar
    Shannon H.

    Holy guacamole! 36 minutes later and there are already 461 comments! Well, count us in. Lulu would be happy here in North Carolina!

  476. Jennifer Ilko Avatar
    Jennifer Ilko

    Awe! When my 18 month old doesn’t respond to her name, I call her Lulu and she always responds to it. I joke that I should have named her Lulu. So this LB would be just perfect! ๐Ÿ™‚

  477. regan Avatar


  478. Stacey Womack Avatar
    Stacey Womack

    Would love to have this little gem!!!

  479. Felicia Adkins Avatar
    Felicia Adkins

    Id really love to put her under the tree!

  480. linda Avatar

    She’s a pixie!

  481. Ryan Avatar

    My wife wants me to enter this for her to win for our daughter

  482. Kathy Avatar

    Oh she is perfect in every way…if I could do a custom this is exactly what I would order!!!

  483. Mary Yuhas Avatar
    Mary Yuhas

    She is adorable!!! Thanks for the chance!!! ๐Ÿ™‚

  484. Erin M :) Avatar
    Erin M ๐Ÿ™‚

    Maybe just maybe! Love her and everything YOU ALL do!

  485. Laurie Sauve Avatar
    Laurie Sauve

    She is perfect. My girls would so love her, that’s if mumma will share her:)

  486. Laura Avatar

    lulu – love!

  487. Heather Avatar

    Oh my, we would love to give her a forever home!

  488. Kimmy Avatar

    I keep missing these!!! I would LOVE to have her puple radness here!

  489. em Avatar

    so beautiful, I would love to win this for my babies

  490. bridget in new mexico Avatar
    bridget in new mexico

    so darn cute! Looks just like a friend of mine – but without the purple hair – just the different colors in her hair … xxoo

  491. Lisa briones Avatar
    Lisa briones

    So cute! Thanks for the chance!

  492. Leanne Plester Avatar
    Leanne Plester

    I would love her!!! She would be very loved:)

  493. Athena Avatar

    OMG if there’s ever a time to be lucky, let this be it for us!!

  494. Michelle C. Avatar

    What a cutie and that dress, I’d where it myself, maybe with some sleeves though.

  495. Anne Sopiarz Avatar
    Anne Sopiarz

    She is adorable! Love her hair!

  496. Rhonda Avatar

    Love to have her for our little girl so she can have a Bambo like her big sister ๐Ÿ™‚ She’s so cute!

  497. Maranda Benckendorf Avatar
    Maranda Benckendorf

    Two of my faves! Bamboletta and CourtneyCourtney!

  498. jodie davis Avatar
    jodie davis

    I would love her.

  499. Candace Baker Avatar
    Candace Baker

    Shes so cute! Happy St. Nicholas Day!

  500. AnaR Avatar

    Lulu is wonderful! She would be more than welcome home!

  501. Stephania Avatar

    Am I too late? My daughter loves purple hair!

  502. Rebecca h Avatar
    Rebecca h

    Come home with us, please!

  503. Shane S. Avatar
    Shane S.

    She is so cute! We’ve been wanting an LB here for a long time and would love this one!

  504. Katie K Avatar
    Katie K

    Oh my-So cute! Our youngest doesn’t have her own baby yet. We would love to have her in our home! ๐Ÿ™‚

  505. Emily Avatar

    So cute! My daughter has been wishing for a doll, thanks for the chance!

  506. Melissa Gillam Avatar
    Melissa Gillam

    OMG!!! Luv Luv Lulu! Please let it be me!

  507. shana Avatar

    So pretty! Love her dress!

  508. Angie Avatar

    Omg!! Santa, you know what to bring me….

  509. Lucy Avatar

    I am in love with her. Just gorgeous. My 3yo would love her.

  510. Karen in PA Avatar
    Karen in PA

    I think she is looking for a warm place to live.

  511. Alison Avatar

    Dear Chanukah Harry….. All I want for chanukah is HER!!!

    She is lovely!

  512. Kelsey Avatar

    Wow she is awesome!!

  513. Atarah Avatar

    Oh my! Lulu is so very lovely! Here’s hoping she’s meant to come to us. ๐Ÿ™‚ Thank you for your generosity!!

  514. Heidi H. Avatar
    Heidi H.

    Thanks for the chance this little girl is precious!

  515. Stephanie Avatar

    This purple little beauty is simply perfection! I’m trying to think of a reason that she simply must come to live with us, but truthfully, I’m sure we are no different than the rest of the families. We would love her forever and carry, wear, and sometimes drag her with us through each of our daily adventures. I can not promise my toddler will keep her beautiful hair pristine, but she would be cherished.

  516. Jacquie Stone Avatar
    Jacquie Stone

    What an absolute cutie – the dress is fantastic ๐Ÿ™‚

  517. Angela Carignan Avatar
    Angela Carignan

    I think I know why my sister is crazy in love with these dolls! So adorable.

  518. Molly Avatar

    I love her!

  519. Holly Avatar


  520. Kylie Avatar

    Could we ever be so lucky? Love her!

  521. Jennie Avatar

    We would love to give her a family here!

  522. Deidra Jones Avatar
    Deidra Jones

    Soooo in love! Someone very lucky will get to love on her!!!

  523. Lori/ Beneath the Rowan Tree Avatar

    Gorgeous baby dolly! Gorgeous dress ๐Ÿ™‚ Thanks for the chance to win!

  524. Bonnie Brewster Avatar
    Bonnie Brewster

    She can come live at our house. My little girls would love her ๐Ÿ™‚

  525. Jennifer Avatar

    OOOMMMGGG ACK!!!! We would LOVE Lulu!!!!!

  526. Bridget Avatar

    She is perfect. We would give her a great loving home.

  527. Whitney Avatar


  528. Nadine Avatar

    Sooo cute! We would love to have her!

  529. Nikki B Avatar
    Nikki B

    Oh my goodness, I have been wanting a little lady with purple hair!! She’s beautiful!

  530. Melissa Avatar

    OMGosh!!! I love her. LBs are certainly my obsession at this point. You are awesome to have giveaways!!!

  531. Elizabeth Avatar


  532. Kristina Busenitz Avatar
    Kristina Busenitz

    Love her and Merry Christmas to you!

  533. Caprice Avatar

    She is absolutely adorable!!!

  534. Nikki Fellows Dodd Avatar
    Nikki Fellows Dodd

    Another magical creation by the magical Mammas! Keep up the good work of filling little peoples lives with their magical buddy!!!

  535. Sarah libero Avatar
    Sarah libero

    Love her hair and dress!!!

  536. Jen G. Avatar
    Jen G.

    She is such a spunky beautiful dolly!!!

  537. Lindsay Avatar

    Fingers crossed!! She’s a cutie!

  538. kathryn turner Avatar
    kathryn turner

    She is perfect!

  539. Jessica Avatar

    Sooo cute!! I call my daughter ‘lily lulu’, so this little lady would be great!! Your dolls are all beauties ๐Ÿ™‚

  540. sara Avatar


  541. Kjristi B. Avatar
    Kjristi B.

    She is a super cutie!

  542. Hannah Avatar

    Eegads she’s cute! Our kitty chewed up one of our other dolls, and it would be so lovely if Lulu could fill the gap in our house!

  543. Terri Avatar

    She is very cute and seems to have a spunky personality! Any little girl would be lucky to be the recipent.

  544. Teresa Avatar

    This would make a perfect Christmas present for my middle daughter, or the perfect birthday present for her which is the day after Christmas.

  545. Donna Avatar

    Oh Lulu, how we wold lo-love you.

  546. Dacey O Avatar
    Dacey O


  547. Deborah Johnston Avatar
    Deborah Johnston

    My ODE to LULU: Oh LuLu, sweet lulu, how i adore thee. in times of fright, in times of glee, in times of boogie mans, i can always hold onto thee. With your purple hair we all can sing, with your amazing eyes, we all will see. The soul of the children, within my home and within me, lies the heart and joy of team bamboletta given freely.
    She’s amazing. I can only dream of a LB for my daughter that looks like her.

  548. Nikki K Avatar

    Super cute! Love the courtneycourtney dress!

  549. Stephanie Avatar

    Purple hair! I love her<3 Thank you so much for the opportunity! ๐Ÿ™‚

  550. Karri Avatar

    Fingers crossed!!!

  551. Tasha Avatar

    This would be such an answer to prayer!

  552. Virginia Avatar


  553. Amy Freemon Avatar
    Amy Freemon

    I love her, i just found out about your dolls yesterday and I am in love, I would love to give her to my little girl for christmas. she would be loved for many years to come!

  554. Aribbe Burch Avatar
    Aribbe Burch

    Oh my, what a cute girl!

  555. Becky Doerr Avatar

    I’m speechless!

  556. Deanne Avatar

    Omg!! Please pick me! She is just adorable:)

  557. Rachel Avatar

    Love, love, love her!!!!

  558. Tracy Avatar

    OH. MY. GOD. My dream doll… What I just sent to Petra as my ISO…

  559. Laura VMS Avatar
    Laura VMS

    She is absolutely precious! ๐Ÿ™‚

  560. Shannon K Avatar
    Shannon K

    she is so beautiful, I have been trying for a purple haired dolly for so long!!

  561. Amber Levinson Avatar
    Amber Levinson

    EEK! LOVE HER!!!! My little would flip! ๐Ÿ™‚ Thank you for the gracious giveaways~

  562. Melinda Avatar

    So adorable!

  563. Ashley Bent Avatar
    Ashley Bent

    She would be perfect for my little princess <3

  564. CJ Avatar

    Oh, let me be lucky……just once!

  565. Dianah Avatar

    Such a cute little girl! I hope to get lucky today! ๐Ÿ™‚

  566. Brie Avatar

    She would make christmas so extra special. So cute

  567. Brenda Avatar

    Amazing!!!! :)))

  568. Candi Avatar

    I know a little girl who would <3 Lulu!

  569. Ace E. Avatar
    Ace E.


  570. tara ess Avatar
    tara ess

    no elfin way! MAYBE just MAYBE today is my lucky duck day ๐Ÿ™‚

  571. Nicole M Avatar
    Nicole M

    Holy moly, Praying for a Christmas miracle here. She is amazingly beautiful. Thank you again for your time love and effort (and the chance) <3

  572. Renea Pike Avatar
    Renea Pike

    I’ve been dreaming of a purple haired LB!

  573. Lori Wilson Avatar
    Lori Wilson

    Lulu could come live with us. We would luv her like crazy.

  574. Sarah Avatar

    I love love love her!

  575. Angela E. Avatar
    Angela E.

    PRETTY PRETTY PLZ with Bamboletta sugar on top !!! ;P

  576. deborah Avatar


  577. jennL Avatar

    oh! she is lovely! we would love her to be our first LB!! ๐Ÿ™‚

  578. Nan Teague Avatar
    Nan Teague

    She’s adorable! Love her hair!!

  579. Kirstina Avatar

    Ohhhh she is cute!

  580. Josefine Avatar

    Oh my gosh, she is adorable! My daughter would love her for her first Christmas!

  581. Shannon Leach Avatar
    Shannon Leach

    You are always so kind! Thank you!!

  582. lori Avatar

    Oh MY Goodness! I am in LOVE!!!

  583. Jackie F Avatar
    Jackie F

    Oh Em Jee! I need LuLu for my LuLu!

  584. karalisa Avatar

    my daughter’s nickname is lulu!! thanks so much for the chance.

  585. Tabatha Avatar

    Eeep she is cute!

  586. M.O. Avatar

    Whooooot!!! I’m in!!! ๐Ÿ™‚

  587. Sara Avatar

    Wow, she is so beautiful! I have a purple lovin’ little girl here who would be so excited to get her. Thanks for the opportunity.

  588. kimberly Y Avatar

    WOW!!! wow!!!!!

  589. Shannon Avatar

    She is adorable, we would love her!

  590. Shannon Avatar

    OMG, how adorable. My little sister’s nickname is Lulu. Squee………this would be the perfect Christmas present for her. Oh, wishing for some super duper luck!!

  591. Kate Avatar

    So cute, love the purple hair!

  592. Annie Avatar


  593. Kimberly W Avatar
    Kimberly W

    Amazing!! Seriously…I’m holding my breath. :o) This would be a wonderful gift to win!! :o) My daughter would flip out!! :o0

  594. Melanie S.B Avatar
    Melanie S.B

    I know that my little girl would just love Lulu to bits! ๐Ÿ™‚ ๐Ÿ™‚ ๐Ÿ™‚
    Her purple hair is just SO sweet.

    Fingers crossed BIG time.

  595. Christine H Avatar
    Christine H

    Lulu – we love you – Please come play with us!

  596. Sahara Avatar

    I love her.

  597. Charla NIcholson Avatar
    Charla NIcholson

    Lovely hair! Come home to mama!

  598. Kim Avatar

    Oh my word! She is seriously beautiful. It would make our year (lifetime?) to be able to bring this little lady home to my little girl ๐Ÿ™‚

  599. Alison Jane Avatar
    Alison Jane

    What a darling girl. Merry Christmas!

  600. Alexandria Tibbits Avatar

    How great it would be to win our first Bambo and CC all at once!! Thanks!

  601. Juliet L. Avatar
    Juliet L.

    so sweet looking! my little k would love to meet her!

  602. Andrea Swan Avatar
    Andrea Swan

    OMG! my little girl would FLIP for her! what an amazing christmas present lulu would be!!!!

  603. Donna Avatar

    Lulu welcome home ๐Ÿ™‚

  604. Kellie Conklin Avatar
    Kellie Conklin

    So gorgeous! Love love love the hair and the dress!

  605. Nicole W Avatar
    Nicole W

    I love her hair!! So pretty ๐Ÿ™‚

  606. Dawn U Avatar
    Dawn U

    My daughter would love lulu!

  607. Carolyn O. Avatar
    Carolyn O.

    WOW! How amazing is she!! Soooo cute!

  608. Cรฉline Richard Avatar
    Cรฉline Richard

    I would love so much to win this beauty! Thanks for giving us this chance!

  609. Emily O Avatar
    Emily O

    Oh she is adorable! Would love out first lb under the tree!

  610. Shannon Avatar

    What a perfect little doll. I would love this as a gift to my niece.

  611. Kim Avatar

    soooo cute!

  612. catalina bogdan Avatar
    catalina bogdan

    What a better way to celebrate Christmas then this new addition for our family ๐Ÿ™‚

  613. Khris E. Avatar
    Khris E.

    This would be our first LB – fingers crossed!

  614. Kristine hubbarf Avatar
    Kristine hubbarf

    She is beautiful! My daughter would be in heaven!

  615. Ana Brightful Avatar
    Ana Brightful

    Lulu you’re too too cute!

  616. Ashley Brown Avatar
    Ashley Brown

    She is very pretty!!

  617. Kelly Franz Avatar
    Kelly Franz

    What an amazing gift:-)

  618. Julie l Avatar
    Julie l

    Oh wow! Thanks for the chance!

  619. Nicole Avatar

    Omgosh! She is darling!! <3

  620. Lisa Avatar

    adorable, amazing, a wonder!

  621. Larisa Lewis Avatar
    Larisa Lewis

    She is adorable. ๐Ÿ™‚

  622. Abby Petzoldt Avatar
    Abby Petzoldt

    Oh my goodness…amazing!!! What a perfect little lady. Thanks for the dream giveaway!!

  623. Julie Vila Avatar
    Julie Vila

    Lovely lovely hope I get it!

  624. Samantha McDonald Avatar
    Samantha McDonald

    yay lulu!

  625. Christine Marasco Avatar
    Christine Marasco

    She’s precious! Thanks for the chance. ๐Ÿ™‚

  626. Hannah Avatar

    What a fun gift!

  627. Michelle Avatar

    Oh Lulu is divine! We wish!!

  628. Melina Avatar

    She’s adorable! I love her hair! … would love her as our first Bamboletta doll.

  629. Megan W. Avatar
    Megan W.

    Oh man! Talk about a dream doll. My little girl would go gaga for her.

  630. Lil Avatar

    Awww. We love her and LBB to! ๐Ÿ˜Ž

  631. Erika Teigland Avatar
    Erika Teigland

    Purple!!! Love her!!

  632. Mandy E. Avatar
    Mandy E.

    She is the most perfect thing ever!

  633. Michelle Avatar

    a purple LB! what an amazing giveaway

  634. Molly Avatar

    LOVE,LOVE,LOVE her!!!! My 4 year old would just love her!!

  635. Karen L. Avatar
    Karen L.

    She is beautiful.

  636. Kate Avatar

    Wow! How lucky are we!

  637. Cortney K. Avatar
    Cortney K.

    She’s holding her arms out to me! Love the name Lulu!

  638. Carolyn Avatar

    Oh pretty please, with a cherry on top?

  639. Mandy Fulton Avatar
    Mandy Fulton

    Ohmygoodness – fingers crossed!!!! (I’ve never won anything in my life!)

  640. Arkay Avatar

    What a lovely doll

  641. KPisLoved Avatar

    Soooooo Pretty!

  642. Christina Avatar

    A beauty

  643. Katie Gerber Avatar
    Katie Gerber

    Little bunch of purple happiness,
    please do come my way.
    Purple is my favourite colour
    I want to cuddle you today.

  644. Pietra Avatar

    Aww, she’s just too sweet!

  645. Geneviรจve R Avatar
    Geneviรจve R

    She’s so cute! My daughter would love her!

  646. Corey Everett Avatar
    Corey Everett


  647. Carrie Avatar

    Oh Lulu you make our heart sing!! ๐Ÿ™‚ LOVE HER!!

  648. Lisa M Avatar
    Lisa M

    Such a sweetheart!

  649. Shannon Avatar

    She would be so happy here and LOVED!!

  650. Anne Avatar

    Oh! She could not get any cuter!!!!! Fingers are crossed!

  651. Linda Avatar

    Adorable just like all of your dolls.

  652. Doug A Avatar
    Doug A

    Trying for my little girl!

  653. Libbi Avatar

    She would be LOVED in a forever home here!

  654. Erica Hall Avatar
    Erica Hall

    Love love love!

  655. Chelsea Woolf Avatar

    December 6, 2011 7:35 pm
    Sooo cute!!!

  656. koneko Avatar

    lulu’s soooooo cuuuuuuuuuuuuuuute!!!

  657. Susana Avatar

    Just gorgeous! My daughter would love to have her! She would be a proud mommy!

  658. Jennifer Schneider Avatar
    Jennifer Schneider

    She is so BEAUTIFUL!!! <3 her!

  659. Shannan Avatar

    She is darling! Your generosity is amazing!

  660. Becca Avatar

    Gorgeous gorgeous hair!!

  661. Diane Avatar

    She so fits my “purple love” addiction!

  662. Nichole B Avatar
    Nichole B

    OOOHHHH sooooo squishy sweet!! I think I would have to wait my turn with my 3 lil girlies..!! but sooo would have fun! she is soooo cutie patootie!! I love purple…hehe “one day i will do that to my hair..but my kids may not want to walk with me:) or maybe i would be more fun:)

  663. Corina Avatar


  664. Jennifer Chesla Avatar
    Jennifer Chesla

    Lulu is amazing!

  665. Carol Tavernit Avatar
    Carol Tavernit

    Oh how I would love to win this beautiful girl!

  666. Delyse Mason Avatar
    Delyse Mason


  667. Teaira Maxfield Avatar
    Teaira Maxfield

    So beautiful, what a lovely girl!

  668. Jessica M. Avatar
    Jessica M.


  669. Kerri Rikke Avatar
    Kerri Rikke

    oh how adorable!!! I just <3 <3 her ๐Ÿ˜€

  670. Amber Avatar

    She’s absolutely PERFECT!

  671. Sara Avatar

    My girl has been asking for a purple girl! This one would definitely fit the bill! Thank you again!

  672. Amy Drissel Avatar
    Amy Drissel

    Love her! Such an exciting time of year!

  673. Krysti Avatar

    She is lovely with her lavender hair… my purple obsessed daughter would LOVE her!

  674. Rachel Avatar

    Lulu, oh lulu, you’d look great in a tutu! Come live with us!!!!!

  675. Kerri Rikke Avatar
    Kerri Rikke

    oh how adorable!!! I just <3 her ๐Ÿ˜€

  676. Anne Avatar

    Soo beautiful!!!

  677. Jennifer K Avatar
    Jennifer K

    Love her!!!!

  678. Jessica Jones Holton Avatar
    Jessica Jones Holton

    LOVE this doll! I also love the dress! ๐Ÿ™‚

  679. Kathy Avatar

    Super cute!!!

  680. Rachel Joy Avatar
    Rachel Joy

    Perfection! She is beautiful!

  681. Danielle B Avatar
    Danielle B

    She’s a stunner for sure <3 Thanks Team Bambo!!!

  682. Pixie Avatar

    You are so generous! Merry Christmas to you and your Bambo family <3

  683. Sonya W Avatar
    Sonya W

    You are too kind to give away such a beautiful doll. You will certainly make a little persons Christmas one to remember!

  684. sara Avatar

    she would make the perfect addition to our family ๐Ÿ™‚

  685. Lissa T Avatar
    Lissa T

    Beautiful girl! We would love to give her a home.

  686. Megan G Avatar
    Megan G

    Oh my goodness!!!!! She is just fantastic!!!!! ๐Ÿ™‚ ๐Ÿ™‚ ๐Ÿ™‚ ๐Ÿ™‚

  687. Beth McDonough Avatar
    Beth McDonough

    cutie pie!

  688. Candice Lewis Avatar
    Candice Lewis

    Love to win for my granddaughter!!!!

  689. Aimee B. Avatar
    Aimee B.

    Santa Baby, please slip a Bambo under the tree… for me! I’ve been an awfully good girl!

  690. Felicia Avatar

    She is perfect! My little lady love would go nuts for her. Fingers crossed!

  691. Candace Metz Avatar
    Candace Metz

    Merry Christmas little LULU! You would make ours a little merrier:-)

  692. Barbara T Avatar
    Barbara T

    Love her purple hair and rosey cheeks

  693. Vanessa Avatar

    Please please!!

  694. Erin Avatar

    What a cutie!!!!!!!

  695. Ashley P. Avatar
    Ashley P.

    OMG! PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE! I have been on the impossible mission of getting both of my girls a Little Buddy as Big Sister gifts when baby Aria arrives in April…we would love to give Lulu her forever home where she’d be very loved by me and my 3 girls!

  696. Amy Fain Avatar
    Amy Fain

    Wow… that’s all I can say. Happy Holidays!
    Amy Fain

  697. Sarah T Avatar
    Sarah T

    She is too cute!! Merry Christmas!!

  698. Bernardete Avatar

    What a lovely girl! Happy holidays everyone:)

  699. Autumn Ogletree Avatar
    Autumn Ogletree

    OHHH Please please! LOL ๐Ÿ˜‰ Thank you for giving spirit!

  700. Katina Hollman Avatar

    My little girl would love her!

  701. Kathy Avatar

    Where did my “super cute” post go?

  702. Amanda W Avatar
    Amanda W

    I love her so, so much!!!

  703. HH Avatar

    LB love! Thank you for the chance!

  704. victoria Avatar

    Love her! ๐Ÿ™‚

  705. Robyn Avatar

    OMG WOW!!!! :o) So sweet!

  706. Nancy Avatar

    Oh my…she’s lovely..this may be my one and only chance at one of your beautiful babies!!!

  707. shanda Avatar

    AMAZING! We would love to give her to our daughter for Christmas

  708. Donna Avatar

    Would love to give my baby girl this cutie for Christmas ๐Ÿ™‚

  709. Elizabeth C. Avatar
    Elizabeth C.

    would love her under our tree <3

  710. Michelle T Avatar
    Michelle T

    My daughter would love her!

  711. Maria Avatar

    So cute, DD would lover her for her birthday!

  712. Sundee Avatar

    Love her purple hair!!

  713. Lauren Avatar

    She is precious my purple loving girl would love her

  714. Theresa Avatar

    Be assured … she would be very well loved here!

  715. Amber Avatar

    Ooh! I love this little chubster!

  716. Rustin Avatar

    Would love to give this to my little girl for Christmas.

  717. RH Avatar

    Omg she is so cute!!

  718. Elisabeth Avatar

    EEK she would be perfect under our tree!

  719. Patricia P Avatar
    Patricia P

    My DDs would love her! Thank you very much for the giveaway!!

  720. LisaS Avatar

    She’s a sweetie pie and a purple lb is my next doll to stalk.

  721. Sarah Avatar

    Oh, so cute!

  722. Nikki Hottell Avatar
    Nikki Hottell

    Shes gorgeous! I would definetly cry tears of joy if I won her! We dont have one yet but I hear great things about your dolls! I have a loving girl who would take good care of her! ๐Ÿ™‚

  723. susie Avatar

    Holy Moly!!!!….oh please Santa angel smile on MiMi:)

  724. Erica Avatar

    So cute <3

  725. Morgan Nahanee Avatar
    Morgan Nahanee

    She’s darling! WE would love to give her a home!

  726. Marcia Avatar

    One of my granddaughters would be excited to receive this pretty little girl.

  727. hillary Avatar

    She would make our christmas even more wonderful!

  728. Ana Maria Avatar
    Ana Maria

    Love her hair, she is so cute

  729. Erin Avatar

    Oh! We would LOVE for little LuLu to come live with us!

  730. Melissa Faust Avatar
    Melissa Faust

    Just beautiful! I love her!!

  731. Bridget Avatar

    She’s perfect! Love her! She is most welcome in Oklahoma any time!!!

  732. Andrea Avatar


  733. Megan Avatar

    Awwweeeeee Would Love her!

  734. Krista Avatar

    Oh my goodness… she is so sweet!!!

  735. Audra H Avatar

    Such fun hair! love her

  736. Tia Avatar

    She’s so cute and fun looking <3 Love her <3

  737. Cheryl Ch Avatar
    Cheryl Ch

    This would mean i’d finally get to have a little girl named Lulu!!! Tried to convince my husband to name one of our dd’s Tallulah or Lucia just so i could call her “lulu” This would be the perfect compromise!!

  738. Erica Levitt Avatar
    Erica Levitt

    Very Cute.

  739. Sharon Cahoon Avatar
    Sharon Cahoon

    ooohhhh she is so cute!

  740. Amy Fisher Avatar
    Amy Fisher


  741. Amy Brooke Avatar
    Amy Brooke

    Truth. It’s love!

  742. Yvette Avatar

    So cute – Love the purple hair!

  743. Shay MacMorran Avatar
    Shay MacMorran

    Oh, Please oh please oh please!

  744. Laurie Avatar

    She’s just adorable!

  745. Brian Avatar

    She would be perfect for my daughter.

  746. Shala Avatar

    So sweet! YES PLEASE!!!

  747. Jessica Yung Avatar
    Jessica Yung

    I hope tomorrow will be a lucky day for me!! My twin daughters would LOVE her!! Thanks for the chance to win her and HAPPY HOLIDAY to all of you!!

  748. Viviane Avatar


  749. Sarah M Avatar
    Sarah M

    Oh Lulu is simply gorgeous!! Fingers crossed for luck!

  750. Erin Avatar

    We are DYYYYIIIINNNNGGGGG for a LB here! We promise she will be loved in our home!

  751. Joyce Hermans Avatar
    Joyce Hermans

    Love, love, love that’s what Christmas is all about. We hope Lulu will join our family.

  752. Jennifer Avatar

    She is so cute! Lovely!

  753. Jaime Thomas Avatar
    Jaime Thomas

    Please please us!

  754. Erin Avatar

    Oh heavens! So much cute!

  755. Michelle Avatar

    I love her so much!! I’d love to have her join my family!

  756. Spencer Wiggins Avatar

    She’s adorable.. And matches the walls in my DDs nursery ๐Ÿ˜‰ <3

  757. Suzi Avatar

    Super sweet! And so hip! : )

  758. Hillary Avatar

    What an absolute doll (pardon the pun)!!!! Pleasantly purple and perfect for my daughter.

  759. leticia riccomini Avatar

    I want one of your dolls so bad. I have 3 boys and just found out our fourth is a girl….I would live to have a doll for her

  760. Brittany M Avatar
    Brittany M

    Eeep! She is gorgeous!! I have my fingers and toes crossed! ๐Ÿ™‚

  761. Ashley Avatar

    Lulu needs to come to live with us!! We’ve been trying to give one a nice home for months. She is so CUTE and maybe she will come live with us. Fingers crossed!!!!!

  762. Kelly Fowlkes Avatar
    Kelly Fowlkes

    Simply precious! Fingers crossed! ๐Ÿ™‚

  763. Amanda H Avatar
    Amanda H

    I’m speechless, she is absolute perfection! She is AMAZING <3

  764. Claire D Avatar
    Claire D

    Fingers crossed for this cute gal.

  765. jill k Avatar
    jill k

    AHHHH!!!! My daughter NEEDS an LB for her first birthday!!! Pretty, pretty please?

  766. Tricia Avatar

    She is a beautiful doll. And my new little granddaughter Alexis would love her.

  767. Cassandra Avatar

    Awwww, so cute!

  768. Cheryl C Avatar
    Cheryl C

    Shes so so cute!

  769. Jennifer Avatar

    love her!!!!! please!

  770. Rebecca Avatar

    Would love this little one!

  771. Jamie M.W. Avatar
    Jamie M.W.

    OMGoodness! Cute with a capital “C”! Thanks for giving all of the love!

  772. Stacey Poortenga Avatar
    Stacey Poortenga

    So Cute!!

  773. Valerie Avatar

    I would love bring towel dress girl home for my baby to love! Thank you!

  774. James Branch Avatar
    James Branch


  775. Lacey M Avatar
    Lacey M

    Love it!!!

  776. Brandi Avatar

    Love her, love the hair!!!

  777. Theresa Avatar

    Still hoping for our first lb…maybe she is it!

  778. Eileen P. Avatar
    Eileen P.

    purple was my first ever word. love for her to be my first purple haired bamboletta!

  779. Gina Avatar

    She is adorable!

  780. Jen Boschman Avatar
    Jen Boschman

    Love her!

  781. Paula K. Avatar
    Paula K.

    OH I love the give aways!!!! I love her purple hair and sporty dress!! You are too generous!!! Thank you!

  782. Jenna Staskovich Avatar
    Jenna Staskovich

    Would love to give her a home!

  783. Kelly Z Avatar
    Kelly Z

    yes please!

  784. Karyn G. Avatar
    Karyn G.

    Wow! This is one special giveaway…Thanks C!

  785. Jennifer Bohlen Avatar
    Jennifer Bohlen

    What a cutie!

  786. Christy Avatar

    I love her! I’m new to Bamboletta. Your dolls are all so lovely inspiring.

  787. Kate Avatar

    Absolutely gorgeous! ๐Ÿ™‚

  788. Candy Avatar

    Oh goodness, we need her!

  789. Dani Avatar

    She is too cute!!! We would love her lots. Thanks for the chance. Merry christmas!

  790. Shannon Avatar

    so adorable!!

  791. darcie Avatar

    ahhhhh…..a LB and one with purple hair….this is what we have been trying for ๐Ÿ™‚ she is adorable

  792. ErycaTheGreat Avatar

    I LOVE her!

  793. Tanya Wellburn Avatar
    Tanya Wellburn

    She’s absolutely gorgeous!! Fiona will love the purple hair! Thanks for the chance ๐Ÿ™‚

  794. Allison Avatar

    O.M.G. I absolutely love her!!! We would be so happy to welcome her into our home *fingers crossed* Thanks for the chance!

  795. Jenny Hay Avatar
    Jenny Hay

    Pick me please!

  796. Cindy h Avatar
    Cindy h

    Sooooo lovely!

  797. Jamie Hicks Avatar
    Jamie Hicks


  798. anne Avatar

    Purple is my daughter’s favorite color!!! *fingers crossed*

  799. Rebecca Kolkow Avatar
    Rebecca Kolkow

    My daughter’s favorite color is purple and her birthday is on Dec. 20th! This would be perfect!

  800. Kristine H Avatar
    Kristine H

    so so so cute!!! She would fit right into our family of Lolo and Lola ๐Ÿ˜‰

  801. Angela Thompson Avatar
    Angela Thompson

    I have 2 precious dd’s & only one bamboletta as of now (not from lack of trying I might add). My oldest has Lillian but my youngest is still without a dolly. She adores baby dolls & would love one to call her own. Lulu would be simply perfect for her! I adore her purple hair & we really want a little buddy! Please pick my baby Lolly (Lauren) for Lulu’s forever home!

  802. Melissa Avatar

    Such a cute LB!!!!

  803. Aubrey Avatar

    Somebody will be very lucky!

  804. Sally Avatar

    So sweet ๐Ÿ™‚

  805. Traci Avatar

    Oh she is so perfect!!My dream LB! And…my kids’ favorite bedtime story right now is “Goodnight, Lulu”!

  806. Theresa Melodick Avatar
    Theresa Melodick

    WOwza! LOVE purple!

  807. Haley Avatar

    Well this would make my Christmas complete! She is a cutie!

  808. Molly Avatar

    Would Love a chance she is adorable.

    Thank you for your generosity.

  809. Darren Avatar

    LuLu would be perfect for PaPa’s NiNi

  810. Shelby Avatar

    Adorable as always!!

  811. aimee Avatar

    love her colorful hair! lulu would make a great new friend for my little girl!

  812. Chris Avatar

    she is adorable!!

  813. Cassandra Avatar

    Merryโ˜…* ใ€‚ โ€ข หš หš ห› หš ห› โ€ข
    โ€ขใ€‚โ˜…Christmasโ˜… ใ€‚* ใ€‚
    ยฐ ใ€‚ ยฐ ห›หšห› * _ฮ _____*ใ€‚*หš
    หš ห› โ€ขห›โ€ขหš */______/~๏ผผใ€‚หš หš ห›
    หš ห› โ€ขห›โ€ข หš ๏ฝœ ็”ฐ็”ฐ ๏ฝœ้–€๏ฝœ หšTeam Bambo!
    And let the day dreaming begin! SQUEEE! ๐Ÿ™‚

  814. iris n. Avatar
    iris n.

    Thank you for the chance!

  815. Tanya Avatar

    Eek we would love to add her to our family!

  816. Barbie Harwell Avatar
    Barbie Harwell

    I’m in love! Her cheeks look like my daughter’s!!!!!

  817. Tanya Avatar

    Love love her!

  818. Kathy Avatar

    Purple perfect!

  819. Cheri Avatar

    Super Cute!

  820. Jennyroo Avatar

    We love lil’ Lulu!

  821. Tiffany L. Avatar

    We don’t have a little buddy…yet ;). Thanks again ladies! What an awesome opportunity!

  822. Shana Avatar

    OH Lulu, come live with us!!! Beautiful ๐Ÿ™‚

  823. megan Avatar

    Wow, can’t not enter this one, even if the chances are so slim! ๐Ÿ™‚

  824. Heather G Avatar
    Heather G

    Little Lulu is so lovely! I would love for her to be nestled under our tree waiting for our little girls! Thanks for the chance Team Bamboletta! xxx

  825. Christine F Avatar
    Christine F

    O.M.G.!!! She’s gorgeous. I would love to be able to give her to my daughter.

  826. Jonathan H Avatar
    Jonathan H

    Wow! She’s adorable and would fit in so well with my family!

  827. tracy Avatar

    Oh wow. You are so generous.

  828. Hannah Avatar

    OH my goodness!!! love Lulu! ๐Ÿ™‚

  829. Kellie DG Avatar

    I think I’ve been staring at Bamboletta dolls all day. Not sure who’s Christmas list they are on — mine or my daughter’s! Lulu is wonderful. Here’s hoping she’s meant for our family!

  830. Shannon Avatar

    Ummm, yes please!! Love her dress!!

  831. Kelly Skinner Avatar
    Kelly Skinner

    An LB with lovely purple hair!

  832. Rachel Blankenship Avatar
    Rachel Blankenship

    OMGoodness!!! I love , love, love her…my niece wants a purple haired girl soooo bad. She is great!

  833. Marina Galinsky Avatar
    Marina Galinsky

    Wow she is amazing!

  834. Tiffany O'Connor Avatar
    Tiffany O’Connor

    ME ME ME!

  835. Mindy Avatar

    Oooooh!! We are still newbies! Please please please!!

  836. Trish Avatar

    Holy WOW! She’s awesome. ๐Ÿ™‚

  837. Jacqueline Avatar

    She’s perfection!!!

  838. Brandy Wade Avatar
    Brandy Wade

    She is beautiful! I would love her. I know whoever gets her will be thrilled!

  839. Meredith S Avatar
    Meredith S

    We would love to welcome Lulu into our family.

  840. Allison Avatar

    squeeeeee!!!!!!! she’d make the perfect first bamboletta!

  841. Scott Avatar


  842. Maureen Avatar

    Oh my, I looooooove her! Thanks for the chance!

  843. Andrea from ziezo Avatar

    She’s darling. LOVE the purple hair. . .

  844. rachel weiss Avatar
    rachel weiss

    Pretty jazzy lil one. You will fit right into our family. XO

  845. Jacqualine Mowrey Avatar
    Jacqualine Mowrey

    simply adorable!

  846. Austina Keyes Bosco Avatar
    Austina Keyes Bosco

    OMG. My Heart has stopped. It would be a DREAM COME TRUE to win her.
    I LOVE HER. Praying and crossing hands, legs, fingers and toes that the “I never win anything” curse ends with winning our Dream doll. BIG HUGS to you…

  847. Alison Avatar

    oh my she is a stunner!!!

  848. Leah Avatar

    she is adorable!

  849. Channey Avatar

    my daughter loves her, and what a generous gift

  850. Candice Avatar

    OMG the purple hair is my favorite! She would be the perfect gift for a stocking this christmas ๐Ÿ™‚

  851. Sylvia Avatar

    What an incredible first Christmas it would be if Mila found Lulu under our tree!

  852. Kara Carter Avatar
    Kara Carter

    It’s a longshot but we’d love Lulu!

  853. Lea t Avatar
    Lea t

    We would love to get lucky and bring this girl home!!

  854. Milagros Avatar

    Sweet purple girl!

  855. Alexandra Avatar


  856. mari Avatar

    thank you for your generosity – my favorite lb ever!

  857. Sarah Avatar

    Sooo cute!! <3

  858. Carolyn Borders Avatar
    Carolyn Borders

    Hoping for some Christmas luck!!

  859. Laura Avatar

    Love her!!!

  860. Jamie Avatar

    Woot woot!

  861. Cara P. Avatar
    Cara P.

    OH MY!!This is my daughters nickname.Would so love to win this:)

  862. Stacey Avatar

    Love her!

  863. Summer Avatar

    oh, lulu would be sooo loved at our home….she is just perfect!

  864. andrea Avatar

    wow, she is so sweet!

  865. Jennifer P Avatar
    Jennifer P

    Yikes – what a sweetie!

  866. jen Avatar

    holy moly! Yes please!!!!!!!!!

  867. Mary Krebs Avatar
    Mary Krebs

    I LOVE her! My daughter would flip over the purple hair.

  868. Debbie K. Avatar

    Oh.. what a doll! She would be just perfect for a very special little girl.. keeping my fingers & toes crossed! ๐Ÿ˜‰

  869. Hurley Avatar

    Love her hair!

  870. Sue Avatar

    Love love love her!!! ๐Ÿ™‚

  871. Christi Turner Avatar
    Christi Turner

    Love her!! Please choose me! My daughter NEEDS her!! ๐Ÿ™‚

  872. Cary Kornegay Avatar

    I just want to pinch those puffy cheeks!!!! What a cutie pie!!!!

  873. Sarah Levrets Avatar
    Sarah Levrets

    So adorable

  874. Vee Avatar

    Lovely! Thank you ๐Ÿ™‚

  875. Leyla h. Avatar
    Leyla h.


  876. Erin Elizabeth Avatar

    Oh I love her!! My 1.8 girls (due in 6 weeks with #2!) would love her to death. You are very generous, Bambo team! ๐Ÿ™‚

  877. Mandy M Avatar

    Oh please oh please oh please.

  878. Heather K. Avatar
    Heather K. PLEASE come live with us!

  879. Carrie Avatar

    Wow. Winning her will take a considerable amount of Christmas magic.

  880. Carley Avatar

    Adorable! Lulu is my daughter’s nickname!

  881. Aaron Avatar

    Oh, Oh, Oh! Pick me! Pick me! Pick me! Pick me! Please! Please! Please! Pick me! Pick me!

  882. Crystal Avatar

    She is precious!

  883. krista Avatar

    LOVE her purple hair…would love to win her. Thanks for the chance ๐Ÿ™‚

  884. Jaclyn Avatar

    She is Adorable!

  885. Marla H. Avatar
    Marla H.

    Awe! I would love her for one of my daughters. So pretty!

  886. flo/bob Avatar

    would love her forever!

  887. Claire-Anna Banana Avatar
    Claire-Anna Banana

    WOW.. shes amazing! **crossing fingers**

  888. audra Avatar

    She is amazing!!! ๐Ÿ™‚

  889. audra Avatar

    She is amazing!!! ๐Ÿ™‚ Would LOVE her!

  890. olya Avatar

    love love love her purple hair! Please let her be ours ๐Ÿ™‚

  891. Dawn Avatar

    She about made my heart stop~!โ™ฅ

  892. dennis Avatar

    My daughter would love her for Christmas!

  893. Stephanie Avatar

    I love her purple hair!

  894. doug Avatar

    My daughter would love her purple hair ๐Ÿ™‚

  895. Tanya Thom Avatar

    Oh, these giveaways are SO FUN!!! Yes, please! ๐Ÿ™‚

  896. Jessh Avatar


  897. Crystal Clark Avatar
    Crystal Clark


  898. Jennifer Avatar

    She’s perfect! Please enter us. ๐Ÿ™‚

  899. Amanda Avatar


  900. Cassidy Avatar

    what a gorgeous girl!!

  901. Yuliya Avatar

    Pretty please with sugar on top!

  902. JillRB Avatar

    what a amazing little beauty! your generosity is astounding

  903. Katey C Avatar
    Katey C

    She would make an awesome Christmas present 4 my Livi!!

  904. Vanessa Avatar

    So pretty! Just like my Serafina ;-))

  905. Autumn Avatar

    In love!!! Praying we win!

  906. Patsy Avatar

    Please, pretty please. This would be the ultimate pick me up!

  907. Janet Avatar

    OMG! I would just die…

  908. Wendy Avatar

    I’ve been trying BUY a little buddy for MONTHS…to win this beauty would make my year!

  909. elizabeth Avatar

    So cute. Purple is my favorite color.

  910. Di Avatar

    What a beauty! ๐Ÿ™‚

  911. Lisa J. Avatar
    Lisa J.


  912. Sara Avatar

    Oh Pretty Pretty Please with Cherries on top!

  913. Kira Avatar

    She looks just like our bambo, Matilda!! Oh my goodness! They could be twins!
    We would love her soo much!

  914. Kaitlin Avatar

    Oh… You melt my heart!! Thank you!!

  915. Britne Johnson Avatar
    Britne Johnson

    Omg omg purple!!

  916. Michelle F Avatar
    Michelle F

    Love her!

  917. Suzanne Avatar

    She’s gorgeous!!!

  918. Christine R. Avatar
    Christine R.

    She’s better than a partridge in a pear tree- or wait, is it six geese a-laying? Divine, either way!

  919. Holly Collins Avatar
    Holly Collins

    I would love to have her under our tree this Christmas : )

  920. Amanda L Avatar
    Amanda L

    She’s so cute you could eat her! Like a little cupcake ๐Ÿ™‚ To win her would be too good to be true!

  921. Shannon Avatar

    On my son’s birthday he would love to win his little sister this beautiful doll <3. Thanks for the chance!!

  922. Kristen Avatar

    Beautiful! Hoping she can be our baby’s first doll!!!

  923. Aimee Avatar

    Mine, mine, mine, mine….mine, mine, mine…(imagine the Nemo seagulls) ๐Ÿ™‚

  924. Pamela R. Avatar
    Pamela R.

    Would love to tuck this in a little girl’s stocking this year!!

  925. erin Avatar

    this just keeps getting better and better!
    you, my friend, are the very best.
    xo e.

  926. Leslie E Avatar
    Leslie E

    Wow, nope I definitely did NOT see this one coming!! Incredible! You are so generous! <3

  927. heather Avatar

    love her!!

  928. genia Avatar

    Omg me me me ๐Ÿ™‚

  929. Mindy Lester Avatar
    Mindy Lester

    Oh my goodness, she is so adorable!!

  930. Kristen Leclair Avatar
    Kristen Leclair

    Merry Christmas!

  931. Lisa Vail Avatar
    Lisa Vail

    Love her chubby cheeks!

  932. Cris Avatar

    adorable lulu

  933. Jennifer M. Avatar
    Jennifer M.

    what a wonderful christmas gift she will make!

  934. vanessa Avatar

    ohhhhh love her!

  935. Heather Avatar

    Love the hair!

  936. Tina Avatar

    WHOA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (You guys rock!!!)

  937. Misty T Avatar
    Misty T

    Holy cow, what a Merry Christmas it would be for my daughter to have her! Thanks so much for the opportunity!

  938. Terry Coriell Avatar

    Oh she is so wonderful. I love her.

  939. Karly Avatar

    Such a sweetie! Merry Christmas!

  940. Debra W. Avatar
    Debra W.

    She is a true dream doll! It would be love at first sight for my little girl!

  941. Amy Avatar

    A purple LB!!! It doesn’t get any better!!!

  942. mary clark Avatar
    mary clark

    Love her… perfect!

  943. Melinda LaPlante Avatar
    Melinda LaPlante

    Aww, so cute and purpley!

  944. Melissa Avatar

    Oh wow!!!! What a sweet little dream doll!!! <3

  945. CyndiD Avatar


  946. Sarah Avatar

    So sweet!!

  947. Rebecca Avatar

    Squeal!!! She’s gorgeous! Crossing everything (and, again, thank you!!!)

  948. Helena Avatar

    Bamboletta plus CourtneyCourtney is always a winning combination. Thank you so much for the opportunity.

  949. Jamie Avatar

    Lulu! I love you!

  950. michelle.c Avatar

    Bamboletta and coutney what a great combination! We have been dreaming of a lb to join our dollies for a long time! Please pick us!

  951. Joyce Locke Avatar
    Joyce Locke

    Oh I love this purple girl!

  952. Katie Avatar

    This is so cool!! Thanks for the giveaway ๐Ÿ™‚

  953. Tara Mosher Avatar
    Tara Mosher


  954. Stephanie Avatar

    Oh please, oh please pick us! My daughter would go absolutely ga-ga over a purple LB! She would be forever loved and cherished in our home! What a perfect Christmas present she would be! ๐Ÿ™‚

  955. Sheila Avatar

    We would love her and all her purpleness!

  956. Dana Williams Avatar
    Dana Williams

    Aaaaah! Super cuteness!!

  957. Sarahjane Avatar

    LB!! PURPLE!! ๐Ÿ™‚

  958. Jessica Olsen Avatar
    Jessica Olsen

    She’s lovely – the purple hair looks fab!

  959. Amanda Stricklin Avatar
    Amanda Stricklin

    O, Please, let her come home with us!! My heart would melt and my 3 year old would Love her to pieces!!! So kind of you to Pay it Forward on Christmas!! LOVE!

  960. Crystal Allen Avatar
    Crystal Allen

    Oh she is so pretty. I love her purple hair!

  961. Ralph Avatar

    Perfect present for my granddaughter!

  962. Tigs Pearson Avatar
    Tigs Pearson

    This little buddy is going to make someone very happy in time for Christmas! too cute!

  963. Danyel Avatar

    <3 love <3

  964. Jenny Avatar

    Oh little LuLu, in Australia they would say that you are so nice they had to name you twice! Hope you find a special home.

  965. chloe Marshall Avatar
    chloe Marshall

    Omg soooooo Cute!

  966. Kim M. Avatar
    Kim M.

    She is so adorable! I love the purple pigtails, and my 6 year old would too. ๐Ÿ™‚

  967. Ana Avatar

    wow is all I can say!

  968. Christina Myers Avatar
    Christina Myers

    OMG…so cute!!

  969. Laura Avatar

    so lovely!

  970. Heiress Lulu Avatar
    Heiress Lulu

    I absolutely must have Lulu. Pretty pretty please. Love Lulu

  971. katharine Avatar

    LITTLE BUDDY!!!! yippy! What a generous giveaway…

  972. Bree Scott Avatar
    Bree Scott

    She is adorable! Love her, thank you ๐Ÿ™‚

  973. Rachel Avatar

    She is too cute! My DD would so enjoy her!

  974. Gina Jones Avatar

    She’s sooooo cute!

  975. Mardi Maynard Avatar
    Mardi Maynard

    She is fantastic. My girls and little man would give her a lot of love. Our fingers are crossed!

  976. sarah w Avatar
    sarah w

    Fingers crossed. ๐Ÿ™‚

  977. Lauren Avatar


  978. Beti Avatar

    She’s a beauty1 Many thanks for all your giveaways ๐Ÿ™‚

  979. Kathy Poon Avatar
    Kathy Poon

    Wow – she is indeed super gorgeous!! I love purple and so does my little girl ๐Ÿ˜‰ Thank you for such a generous giveaway!

  980. Crystal Lutz Avatar
    Crystal Lutz

    She is absolutely adorable…just like all the others! If I could only be so lucky to when lil Lulu for my lil Ms. Charlie! Im crossing everything that can be crossed anatomically that is anyways lol!

  981. Sarah-Dawn Avatar

    She is beautiful! Wouild love to give her to my girls!

  982. Amanda S Avatar
    Amanda S

    My DD would love to squeeze her!

  983. Marcia Whitley Avatar
    Marcia Whitley

    Up with my 7 year old who is sick tonight…maybe i am too late, but thought i’d respond anyway. LOVE LOVE your dolls, they are so full of personality. ๐Ÿ™‚

  984. Mieke Avatar

    Gotta love the purple… perfect little gal!

  985. Laura D. Avatar
    Laura D.

    I just love the work you do, the spirit you embody when you do it, the sharing you do with those around you and hope that you have continued amazing success with your business. I love to see how much it has grown since I first started following you.

  986. Tina Avatar

    Would LOVE to have her come live with us. Would make our Christmas so much brighter!! She is absolutely gorgeous!! :). Thanks for the chance.

  987. Elisabeth Meyer Avatar
    Elisabeth Meyer

    Sie ist so sรผรŸ!

  988. Tanya Walery Avatar
    Tanya Walery

    I’m a fan!

  989. Sarah A. Avatar
    Sarah A.

    love her!

  990. Rakelle Avatar

    I am wishing and hoping that our Christmas dreams come true and my sweet daughter gets a Little Buddy with purple hair. Thank you for the chance at an amazing giveaway.

  991. Rickiann Avatar

    Beautiful n AMAZEING giveaway ๐Ÿ™‚

  992. Allison Avatar

    LOVE LULU!!! Lulu is simply dreamy and PERFECT! My daughter would adore her and what a perfect gift for christmas. What an amazing giveaway! Thanks for the chance ๐Ÿ™‚

  993. Jenine Weinstein Avatar
    Jenine Weinstein

    I think I’m too late to enter today, but I am posting anyway. I just found out about your website via the MJC Spread the Love contest, and I can already tell, I am going to have another addiction…yikes!!!

  994. Belinda Avatar

    Wow shes so gorgeous!!!

  995. Kathleen Avatar

    Fun, Fun fun. and with purple hair too!

  996. Michelle D Avatar
    Michelle D

    Oh my goodness – she’s adorable!

  997. Emily Avatar

    She’s too cute!

  998. bella Avatar

    Lovely love her hair

  999. sarah Avatar

    very cute, thanks for doing these give aways.

  1000. Suzanne Robinson Avatar
    Suzanne Robinson

    Love her!

  1001. Victoria Avatar

    Oh my goodness cuteness overload!!!!!

  1002. Lauralynn Avatar

    She is perfect, love her!

  1003. Stacy Avatar

    So cute! We would love her Christina!

  1004. Ann K. Avatar
    Ann K.

    Oh my! What a perfect little

  1005. Claire Avatar

    Oh, so gorgeous!!

  1006. paula Avatar

    OMG!! she is awesome! I would love her ๐Ÿ™‚

  1007. Roberta Avatar

    What a beautiful doll!!!!!! Some beautiful little girl will be so lucky, maybe mine.

  1008. jenna Avatar

    yes please!!! love you!!!

  1009. Indra Avatar

    Ahhhh!!!!!!!!! A Lulu for my little Luna girl, who we call Lulu too.

  1010. Stacy Avatar

    So delightful and cute!

  1011. Melissa H. Avatar
    Melissa H.


  1012. Jill Mc Avatar
    Jill Mc

    Here goes nothing, love bamboletta!

  1013. Nina Hudson Avatar
    Nina Hudson

    I love her!

  1014. Melinda Becker Avatar
    Melinda Becker

    She is beautiful & I love her dress too!

  1015. natalie pola Avatar
    natalie pola

    dying here, please please please please be mine!!!

  1016. Amanda Catterall Avatar
    Amanda Catterall

    You are so generous! She is just perfection!

  1017. Dria Avatar

    So cute!
    My daughters will love to take care of her !
    (Fingers crossed)

  1018. Jenny Owens Avatar

    She is beautiful.

  1019. AmyE Avatar

    Fingers and toes crossed! She would be so perfect for us. Thank you so much for the chance.

  1020. kirsty Avatar

    Oh my days! She’s beautiful! LOVE her! X x

  1021. linda Avatar

    Lulu, you are so bu-tee-full. Thanks so much for the generosity!

  1022. Kristi Avatar

    Very cute doll!!

  1023. Rei Tsou Avatar
    Rei Tsou

    we will love her to pieces!! she is meant to be with us in Switzerland please!!! hugs!!!

  1024. Jessica P Avatar
    Jessica P

    she’s so darling!!! thank you so much for your generosity!

  1025. Rye Avatar

    Oh please please please let my number get picked!!!

  1026. joanna Avatar

    my youngest would love her!!! thank for the opportunity.

  1027. Jill C Avatar
    Jill C

    wow almost 1000 entries…that’s a lot of LB love! what a cutie little Lulu!

  1028. celine Avatar

    Thanks for the chance.

  1029. Susie H. Avatar
    Susie H.

    Oh gosh she is the sweetest little thing! We would be over the moon with Little Buddy Lulu!!!

  1030. Sabrina Avatar

    Eeeep! She is so sweet!!! & we could sure do with a bit of that summer action over here!

  1031. Kara Jane heiner Avatar
    Kara Jane heiner

    I would so love for her to come home and live with me!

  1032. Jenn Hayley Melanie Avatar
    Jenn Hayley Melanie

    Cute outfit :).

  1033. Yamie Avatar

    Oh Lulu – you make me want to shout! You are so lovely!

  1034. Amy H. Avatar
    Amy H.

    Eeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!! She’s too freakin’ cute for words!

  1035. Monika Avatar

    She’s lovely!

  1036. Ruth Avatar

    What a sweetie! Thanks for the chance, I know she’d be happy here.

  1037. Kirsten Avatar

    Pick me, pick me! She’s a beauty! We would love to have her come live with us.

  1038. Melissa K Avatar
    Melissa K


  1039. Zoe Avatar

    What a gorgeous beauty! She looks like she wants to come and get some Irish snuggles:)

  1040. Nichole Miller Avatar
    Nichole Miller

    <3 LuLu

  1041. Trinity Dawn Maura Avatar
    Trinity Dawn Maura

    Love her.

  1042. Irene Avatar

    She is stunning!!!

  1043. Lily Avatar

    She is our dream LB ๐Ÿ™‚

  1044. Debby L. Avatar
    Debby L.

    Would totally love a little buddy at our house!! Thanks for the chance!

  1045. Theresa S Avatar
    Theresa S

    Am lb with purple hair, my heart skipped a beat<3 thank you so much!

  1046. kristin Avatar

    Dear santa christina pick me pick me! I have been a good girl and would love her!!!<3

  1047. Abbi Avatar

    Oh my goodness, Christmas will be coming early for some lucky duck! Hope it’s me!! ๐Ÿ™‚

  1048. Kelly Avatar

    Love her!!! Thanks.

  1049. Dawn Avatar

    Look at her, stunning! We would love to have a LB come join our family. My girls (heck even my boys who LOVE purple) would flip out to find her under our tree.

  1050. Lola Avatar

    we LOVE her!!!!! thanks for your generosity!

  1051. Regine Avatar

    she is so lovely !

  1052. Samantha Avatar

    Soooooo sweet <3

  1053. Sherri Adams Avatar
    Sherri Adams

    We would love to have her! <3

  1054. Gena Avatar

    my dream doll!! a purple haired bambo!!!!! please pick me!

  1055. Ashley Avatar

    Gorgeous! We would love to have her under our tree this Christmas!

  1056. Annie Avatar

    Wow! She is amazing!

  1057. Lisa Avatar

    Love her, the hair and dress are adorable!

  1058. Joy Avatar

    Hannah would <3 her!!

  1059. Bernetta Avatar


  1060. Tamara Avatar

    Yay! Purple hair!

  1061. Nicola Avatar

    Thanks for the chance. Happy holidays!

  1062. Melissa Avatar

    SO CUTE!!! MY littel one would LOVE LOVE LOVE her!!

  1063. Lori O. Avatar
    Lori O.

    She wants me!

  1064. Melanie Craik Avatar
    Melanie Craik

    Pick me ๐Ÿ™‚ she’s sweet!!

  1065. Daniel Avatar

    Our daughter would love her.

  1066. Carol Avatar

    She’s lovely! Especially love the hair.

  1067. Amy G Avatar
    Amy G


  1068. Sarah Avatar

    Love her! Thank you so much for all you do!

  1069. Sarah and Rory Avatar
    Sarah and Rory

    Eeee! That hair. Total love. <3.

  1070. Aunie Hauge Avatar
    Aunie Hauge

    We love her and the hair…so cute!

  1071. Jenifer Avatar

    OMGoldfish!!!! She rocks ๐Ÿ™‚

  1072. Danielle Avatar

    Love the purple hair!

  1073. Emma Hamilton Avatar
    Emma Hamilton

    LU LU…… LU LU…….LU LU……Please be mine ๐Ÿ™‚

  1074. Vera Avatar

    Soooo cute and purpley!

  1075. rach Avatar

    Looove her!

  1076. Suzannah Avatar

    Oh a LB for my Little Baby… she’s just beautiful!

  1077. Natasha J Avatar

    how amazingly adorable!

  1078. Jodi Haselden Avatar
    Jodi Haselden

    We would love to give her a new home ๐Ÿ˜€

  1079. Jennifer F Avatar
    Jennifer F

    I would love to have her for my little lady

  1080. Whitney Avatar

    Happy Holidays to all of you too!!

  1081. Gail Avatar

    My dollie would love her….gorgy !!

  1082. Charleen Avatar

    On the six day of Christmas Bamboletta gave to me, gratitude in the form of a little buddy

    :):):):):):):):):):)……..this is what Lulu would bring to our family

  1083. Lisa Avatar

    she gave me goosebumps when I saw her … she would be perfect in our little home! We would love her so very much. Thanks for this generous opportunity <3

  1084. Sarah Vanthof Avatar
    Sarah Vanthof

    I LOVE HER!!! My daughter just asked for a “Dolly” for Christmas, and she is simply perfect!

  1085. Courtney Brown Avatar
    Courtney Brown

    absolutely love her and the outfit!!!

  1086. Susannah Cox Avatar
    Susannah Cox

    C, you are so giving to do this 12 Days of Christmas! I feel truly blessed to have stumbled upon Bamboletta and your team! Lulu is too cute and please know that she would have a loving home with us! ๐Ÿ™‚

  1087. Allison S Avatar
    Allison S

    Merry Christmas Lulu!

  1088. Katherine Barrett Avatar
    Katherine Barrett

    lulu cooing…oh my she’s a cutie!

  1089. Noami L. Avatar
    Noami L.

    Oh, she is sooo cute! Thanks for the chance

  1090. amy marsh Avatar
    amy marsh

    She is so cute!!

  1091. Bonnie Moore Avatar
    Bonnie Moore

    thank you, Christine!

  1092. Jennifer Whitley Avatar
    Jennifer Whitley

    ADORABLE, you guys are amazing!

  1093. Melody Avatar

    Thanks for the chance!

  1094. Wendy T Avatar
    Wendy T

    We would love to give her a forever home!!!

  1095. irina williams Avatar
    irina williams

    ohhh my gosh , she just stole my heart !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! love, Love , Love her !

  1096. Kaitlyn Meyer Avatar
    Kaitlyn Meyer

    I would love to give this little buddy a home!

  1097. kristen maccione Avatar
    kristen maccione

    Oh I want her!!! <3

  1098. FLR Avatar

    love her! <3

  1099. Tricia Q. Avatar

    I would love to win this little beauty!

  1100. Holly H Avatar
    Holly H

    She’s precious! I’d love to add her to the family!

  1101. Sarah H Avatar
    Sarah H

    Adorable! Thanks for the chance!

  1102. Barbara H. Avatar
    Barbara H.

    Eeeeep! Would love to win LuLu for Willow, she is adorable!!! So generous of you to give us all a chance at her!

  1103. Lexi Avatar

    Gorgeous! Love the name Lulu especially with our surname Lucas! Yay.

  1104. Melissa C Avatar
    Melissa C

    We would LOVE, LOVE, LOVE to have her come live here!!!

  1105. Stephanie Avatar

    Lulu! Lulu! Lulu!

  1106. shara Avatar

    Would love her!

  1107. Jennifer A Avatar
    Jennifer A

    She’s sooo pretty!

  1108. Brenda Bell Avatar
    Brenda Bell

    She is just adorable! Thanks for such an awesome giveaway! You are the greatest.

  1109. Jeanette L. Avatar
    Jeanette L.

    She is so sweet!

  1110. Isabelle Avatar

    Des cheveux mauves!!! Elle est parfaite! Pick me Pick me ๐Ÿ˜‰

  1111. Randall Avatar

    My daughter would love her

  1112. Natalie Avatar

    Another beautiful doll. Thank you for the opportunity.

  1113. Keri Avatar

    Love the purple hair!

  1114. Jennifer R Avatar
    Jennifer R

    Ohhh, so cute! Thanks for your generousity once again this Christmas season.

  1115. Sharyl Mourning Avatar
    Sharyl Mourning

    This Grammy would love to have Lulu come home to stay! Of course my equally adorable granddaughter would just love to play with Lulu when she comes over to Grammy’s house. Rest assured Lulu would be well loved and cherished always! Thank you so much Christina, for the kindness and generosity that you demonstrate all year long!

  1116. Amy Bradford Avatar
    Amy Bradford

    Oh My Goodness, look at all that sweetness! PLEASE PLEASE come live with us!!!

  1117. Melissa S. Avatar
    Melissa S.

    we’d love to adopt her

  1118. Jennifer Christman Avatar
    Jennifer Christman

    Wow!!!I would love sweet Lola in her lovely upcycle to come live with my “Little Baby” ๐Ÿ™‚

  1119. Sara Mulacek Avatar
    Sara Mulacek

    She is darling. My little boy really wants one to take special care of and purple hair was his request!

  1120. Adam Avatar

    I would love to win her for my daughter, she’s 3 1/2 and is into purple big time!

  1121. Julie Avatar

    Love, love, love her!!!!

  1122. Rebecca Avatar

    Oh, I hope, I hope, I hope I might be picked… ๐Ÿ™‚

  1123. Petra Avatar

    Just found your dolls and love, love, love them. Crazy, but now I MUST have one for my daughter.

  1124. Tamara Avatar

    Oh, what a sweetheart.

  1125. Kristina Seth Avatar
    Kristina Seth

    Woo Hoo! Thanks do much C – it is fun just to enter!

  1126. Amanda Smith Avatar
    Amanda Smith

    I love to spoil my nieces for all the holidays. I’ve earned the nicknames SantAmanda and Easter Candy Mandy. I would LOVE to give this to one of my nieces for Christmas!

  1127. Anna Rundall Avatar
    Anna Rundall

    Hello darling girl! *HUGS*

  1128. rebecca rennison Avatar
    rebecca rennison

    This little munchkin is gorgeous and I’m sure she’d make any little (or big) girl smile this holiday season!

  1129. Elisabeth B. Avatar
    Elisabeth B.

    Oh, I love her so much. She is a dream.

  1130. Kathy Stanson Avatar
    Kathy Stanson

    Love her!!

  1131. Adam Avatar

    I’d love her for my daughter! Thank you.

  1132. becky Avatar

    thank you for the chance!

  1133. Tana W Avatar
    Tana W

    Adorable! Love to have her.

  1134. Lizzie Avatar

    AMAZING! We would LOVE her <3

  1135. Kristin Sawyer Avatar
    Kristin Sawyer

    She is gorgeous!! Would love to give her a loving home!! <3

  1136. bobby Avatar

    my daughter would love her

  1137. Eryn C Avatar
    Eryn C

    Oh, what a cutie! Ok, I’m calling on all my birthday luck today for this one, lol!

  1138. Barbara Avatar

    Thanks for the chance!

  1139. Emily Avatar


  1140. Shannon Avatar

    We have a cradle all ready for this lovely lady!

  1141. Diane Avatar

    She’s beautiful and would be perfect for my grand daughter.

  1142. Heather Truelove Avatar
    Heather Truelove

    Love her!

  1143. Barb Levack Avatar

    I have never seen such beautiful dolls and would love to place it in the cradle my husband made. I have the spot picked out in my living room so my grandchildren could enjoy here.

  1144. Pam Avatar

    A L.B. and purple hair!!! It doesn’t get better than that!! You guys are the best!

  1145. cheryl Avatar

    OMG! Love her!!!! Thanks so much for all the fun, ๐Ÿ™‚

  1146. Cynthia Martin Avatar
    Cynthia Martin

    What a great new friend – my grand daughter would love to cuddle with her!

  1147. Shallon V Avatar
    Shallon V

    So excited about this! Thanks for the chance!

  1148. Kelley Johnsen Avatar
    Kelley Johnsen

    Wow, I am so excited! I just found out you were doing a 12 days of Christmas giveaway! I have been busy with my four kids while daddy has been out of the country! I am so excited for a chance to win one of your dolls! I think your dolls have so much personality and individualism. I have three girls age (4, 5, 7) and a boy age 8. All of them love your dolls and we would be so happy to adopt one of your special dolls, we love Purple! I will have my fingers and toes crossed for one!

    Thank you!

  1149. Abby Avatar

    Wow. You outdo yourself each year!!! What an amazing gift!! Hope one day I will get lucky!! ๐Ÿ™‚

  1150. Genevieve Avatar

    Snakes alive, she sure is a cutie!

  1151. Brandi S Avatar

    Oh my She is absolutely perfect. I appreciate how each one has there own distinct personality that comes out when their face comes alive. Then even after they come together as a whole they come alive. They way they hold their head or hang their arm. It all makes them unique little beings. So wonderful. She is just beautiful and sweet.

  1152. Barbara Avatar

    She is a cutie! Love her purple hair!

  1153. margo Avatar

    late to the party but fingers are crossed.

  1154. Jenn A Avatar
    Jenn A

    LOVE HER!!! <3

  1155. Karen W. Avatar
    Karen W.

    I love you guys — what a treat each day.

  1156. Jennifer L. Avatar
    Jennifer L.

    Just gorgeous!! Fingers and toes crossed for her!! LOVE!! ๐Ÿ™‚

  1157. Katie E Avatar
    Katie E


  1158. Rebecca Avatar

    OOOH, she’s gorgeous! What a sweet offering!

  1159. Lala Arenas Avatar
    Lala Arenas

    We would love to give Lulu a happy forever home!!! She will be our first Bamboletta ever! ๐Ÿ™‚ ๐Ÿ™‚ ๐Ÿ™‚

  1160. Connie L Avatar
    Connie L

    We would love Lulu!!!!

  1161. Carol F Avatar
    Carol F

    Too cute – would love to give her a home!

  1162. lesley wheeler Avatar
    lesley wheeler

    OH me me me please!! ๐Ÿ˜‰ WOW!!

  1163. cookie littleford Avatar
    cookie littleford

    She is gorgeous!!! This is an amazing giveaway! Thank you!

  1164. lindsay qreitem Avatar
    lindsay qreitem

    She is beautiful! fingers and toes crossed!

  1165. Hesper C Avatar
    Hesper C

    My sweet little Eleanore would love to welcome Lulu into our family!! She’s simply stunning!! ๐Ÿ™‚

  1166. karen Fortner Avatar

    AGH!!!! She is PERFECT, love the hair!!! Would love her forever!!!

  1167. Helen Avatar

    I know a little girl who has lots of love to share! This doll would be perfect for her!

  1168. Virginia Williams Trice Avatar
    Virginia Williams Trice

    Thank you for this opportunity!

  1169. Erin Avatar

    Oh my. She is a sweetie!!!

  1170. Wendy Biel Avatar
    Wendy Biel

    ~SWOON~ She is darling!!!

  1171. Jennifer H. Avatar
    Jennifer H.

    oh so cute! I would love to hug her!

  1172. Dianne Avatar

    In love with her & her darling outfit !!!!

  1173. Laura M. Avatar
    Laura M.

    She is so beautiful. I know a sweet little girl who would love this little sweetie. It would just make her Christmas prefect. I hope Miss Lulu can come live with us.

  1174. Erin Avatar

    I know a little girl who she would be perfect for – my new niece. She is only 7 months old, but I have a goal to get her one of your dolls before she is old enough to vote, so I am starting now!

  1175. Kinda Avatar

    What a sweetie!!!!

  1176. Catherine Avatar

    love her!

  1177. Mary Rodin Avatar
    Mary Rodin

    Eeep! My middle name is LU, so Lulu simply MUST come home to live with me, pretty please!!! :o)

  1178. Bonnie von Hausch Avatar
    Bonnie von Hausch

    Lulu is so much fun that I want to call her Lulu’s Purple Haze!!!! Peace Love & Joy is what she will bring to her new family. She looks like she’s about to dance and then enter a hula hoop contest!

  1179. LeilaniJ Avatar

    She’s beautiful!

  1180. Melissa Avatar

    My Lily would love Lulu!

  1181. Heather Derksen Avatar
    Heather Derksen

    Purple, purple!! Thank you for the chance to win!

  1182. Melissa Elliott Avatar
    Melissa Elliott

    Lulu would be in good company here she has a dog named Lala, a bitty baby name Peepee and another doll named Tata LOL!

  1183. Amy Avatar

    Oh Lulu… Please come live with us!! My girls would LOVE you!

  1184. vicki Avatar

    She’s beautiful! Would love to win!

  1185. Angela Avatar

    We’d love for her to come live with us! She’s amazing!

  1186. Jen Avatar

    Hehehe she is just to cute ๐Ÿ™‚

  1187. Shellie Hume Avatar
    Shellie Hume

    I have 4 granddaugters and she would be well loved.

  1188. Larry K. Avatar
    Larry K.

    Very cute

  1189. Diana Avatar

    She is beautiful. Her hair reminds me of the ocean at night. My daughter would love her!

  1190. Sara Avatar

    So cute…and SPUNKY! I wish I could get away with having purple hair! ๐Ÿ™‚

  1191. Kiki Harshman Avatar

    c’mon santa we have been good ๐Ÿ˜‰ xoxox

  1192. Renee Waters Avatar

    MUST HAVE MUST HAVE MUST HAVE!!!! Oh my goodness I love this doll and I love Courtney Courtney!! ๐Ÿ™‚ XOXOXOXOOXXOXOOXOXOXOOXXOOOX

  1193. Kelly Avatar

    This would be such a great present for both my daughter as well as myself.

  1194. Melanie S. Avatar
    Melanie S.

    So cute.. could she be the one????

  1195. Amanda Avatar

    OH MY GOODNESS!!!!!!!!! LULU is AMAZING!!!!!
    What a wonderful 12 Days Celebration! ๐Ÿ™‚

  1196. Stacie Avatar

    Lulu, you would make our family so stinkin’ happy! I hope you chose our family for your forever home!!

  1197. Chantelle Avatar

    lovin’ Lulu…..and the 12days of Christmas giveaway!

  1198. Ashley Avatar

    Would love for her to join our family!

  1199. Erica M. Avatar
    Erica M.


  1200. Debbie Burke Avatar

    Would Love to win a Bambo. =) <3 your generosity!!!

  1201. Adrienne Avatar

    Love her purple hair!!

  1202. Rebekah Avatar

    She’s adorable, and so is her dress.

  1203. Skyla Avatar

    One more cute thing I would love to have!

  1204. Andrea Cohn Avatar
    Andrea Cohn

    lulu we love you!

  1205. Stephanie Mc Avatar
    Stephanie Mc

    What a lovely LB ๐Ÿ™‚ Would love her to become a memeber of our family!

  1206. Chrystel Avatar


  1207. Ava Claire Avatar
    Ava Claire

    Such a cutie!!! Happy Holidays to the Bamboletta crew….

  1208. Katharine Gregg Avatar
    Katharine Gregg

    awwwwwwwwwwww LULU!!!! all my wishes would come true if i won you!!! (and restore my faith in luck, since i NEVER win anything haaa)

    happy christmas team bamboletta!!!

  1209. Dustin Avatar

    Lulu you are so sweet! Such a wonderful day of giving!

  1210. Cassandra Avatar

    Yay!!! Oh how exciting!!!

  1211. Michelle C Avatar
    Michelle C

    So fabulous.

  1212. Liz Wright Avatar
    Liz Wright

    Hi Lulu! You’re super cute! Come live with us!!!

  1213. Susan Floyd Avatar
    Susan Floyd

    My granddaughter could just love this little gal up!

  1214. Sonya Jones Avatar
    Sonya Jones

    She is so sweet! Love the purple hair!

  1215. lisa Avatar


  1216. John Hermans Avatar
    John Hermans

    My granddaughter would give Lulu lots of hugs.

  1217. Katelyn Avatar

    Love her!! she would be perfect underneath our christmas tree!!

  1218. Kate Druchniak Avatar
    Kate Druchniak

    Cuteness alert! ๐Ÿ™‚

  1219. Susan Gorman Avatar
    Susan Gorman

    perfect for one of my many granddaughters =)

  1220. Sarah G. Avatar
    Sarah G.

    Oh, for a chance…she is perfectly purple!!

  1221. Lindsey C. Avatar
    Lindsey C.

    Such generosity! Happy Holidays Team Bamboletta!

  1222. Lisa D Avatar
    Lisa D

    This tiny girl would be perfect for my tiny girl

  1223. Kelly Avatar

    Love her!!!!!

  1224. Amber Avatar

    We would love a little buddy for our full size friend Apple!

  1225. Lisa Delcourt Avatar
    Lisa Delcourt

    She is awesome!

  1226. linda jones Avatar
    linda jones

    She is SO cute!!!

  1227. Shane Riley Avatar
    Shane Riley

    Love her!

  1228. Susan Gress Avatar
    Susan Gress

    She’s super cute!

  1229. Barb Avatar

    Oh, what a sweet little girl. I have 2 little girls who would love to welcome Lulu into our home. Thanks for the chance to win.

  1230. Katy Flattich Avatar
    Katy Flattich

    Just love her cheekiness!

  1231. shanda Avatar

    OMG pure sweetness,perfect for my little girl:-) fingers crossed

  1232. Adrienne Avatar

    My grandaughter would love this beautie! Thank you for this opportunity to own a beautiful doll of yours.

  1233. Christy Avatar

    she’s beautiful. all your dolls are. we would love to give her a home.

  1234. Kathy Avatar

    so sweet

  1235. Lynne Avatar


  1236. Liz Avatar

    She is gorgeous!!!!

  1237. Nancy K Avatar
    Nancy K

    Lulu is a cutie! Thx for the chance C!

  1238. Alyson Avatar

    Adorable! Thanks for the chance to win!

  1239. Mery Avatar

    Wonderful doll!

  1240. Lindsay Avatar

    Cute cute cute!

  1241. Adrianne Avatar


  1242. Angie Avatar

    thank you for the chance…this would be a wonderful way to help regain the holiday cheer in our life…after a rough start to this holiday season

  1243. Jen Avatar

    She is fantastic!

  1244. Shayne Ostrowski Avatar
    Shayne Ostrowski

    so cute! purple is my daughter’s favorite!

  1245. ameliaw Avatar

    Wow!! How cute is Lulu!!

  1246. Martha Pederson Avatar
    Martha Pederson

    She is wonderful : )

  1247. Pam Avatar


  1248. Colleen Pham Avatar
    Colleen Pham

    She is the sweetest! Love that precious face and those purple locks! She can come get lots of love at our home! : )

  1249. Grandma V Avatar
    Grandma V

    I would love to give my granddaughter this beauty for Christmas!

  1250. Nina Hudson Avatar
    Nina Hudson

    me please (can’t remember if i have already entered today, delete this if i have please ๐Ÿ™‚

  1251. Shevaun Avatar

    love her~ so so precious!!

  1252. Emily Avatar


  1253. Rebecca Avatar


  1254. Kiran Takhar Avatar
    Kiran Takhar

    So beautiful!!

  1255. Melissa Avatar

    Oh my! What a cutie!!!

  1256. Judy Gibbons Avatar

    Hello,Hope everything is going well there..Please Please I have the perfect home for Lulu,she will be loved more then the sky….My Granddaughter would take her into her home and be her Mommy for life…Thanks for doing these give a ways and best of luck to all!!!! Happy Holidays..Judes

  1257. Heidi Avatar

    She is soooo cute! Love her!

  1258. Stacy Avatar

    She rocks! ๐Ÿ™‚

  1259. Carolyn Davidson Avatar
    Carolyn Davidson

    So adorable in her cute outfit ๐Ÿ™‚

  1260. Amanda Rowell Avatar
    Amanda Rowell

    Oh my gosh I truly hope I win this. My youngest would squeal because she has been wanting a purple haired dolly forever.

  1261. Jami Avatar

    Bridget has to many dollies, but I still need a little one

  1262. Michelle L Avatar
    Michelle L

    My girls would absolutely love LuLu. In fact that is my 5 year old daughter’s nickname, don’t ask me why we call her LuLu when her name is Emerson.

  1263. Melissa Caldeira Avatar
    Melissa Caldeira

    My princess would LOVE Lulu. She is absolutely sweet and I love her lovely hair. Would be delighted to have her come live with us!!

  1264. Mandy Conly Avatar
    Mandy Conly

    I need Lulu!!!!

  1265. KATHY Avatar

    she is so sweet!

  1266. Charles Avatar

    My wife and little girl are hooked on these dolls. I would love to surprise them with one for Christmas, they would not believe dad got a Bamboletta.

  1267. Kaylene Amaral Avatar
    Kaylene Amaral

    My girls would luv this doll! Would stop them from fighting over the one that they “share”

  1268. Bridget Avatar

    Oh please my little grandbabies would love a little one for the holidays!

  1269. Meredith S. Avatar
    Meredith S.

    Oh my goodness. She is beautiful. My dd would be a wonderful “mommy” to her. We have wanted a Bambo for a long time but finances have just not permitted it. This would be the “perfect” gift from Santa!

  1270. Marie H Avatar
    Marie H

    She would be a perfect addition to our family — Lucy, Liam and Lulu! Thanks for the chance to win her!

  1271. Heather Avatar

    She is so very sweet and would be much loved by three doll loving little girls! Thank you!

  1272. Jen Avatar

    Lulu is a sweetie pie! Thanks for the opportunity and for being so generous, now *that’s* the true spirit of Christmas! Blessings!

  1273. Melissa Avatar

    Dear Lulu,
    We would like to invite you to join our family. It is small but growing and we think you’d fit right in. Some of our favorite activities are baking cookies, hanging out on the beach, and playing with our dogs. We don’t sweat the small stuff, but we like to have a little celebration of joy in our lives each day. You would be well cared for a much loved here and we hope you will pick us ๐Ÿ™‚

  1274. Amber vaughn Avatar
    Amber vaughn

    Wow i just found your blog here and LOVe these sweet dolls i have 3 little girls they would love them. I know winning is litteraly 1 in over a thousand but who knows. Thanks for this fun giveaway ๐Ÿ™‚

  1275. Laurie Snow Avatar
    Laurie Snow

    would love to give her a home <3

  1276. Reece Avatar


  1277. Tracy Avatar

    What an awesome present this would be!

  1278. Mardi Maynard Avatar
    Mardi Maynard

    She’s a cutie. My kids will adore her.

  1279. Jennifer Avatar

    She is purply perfection! We would love her! Thank you for the chance.

  1280. kitschywoman Avatar

    Love those cheeks! <3

  1281. Kayla Avatar

    WOW Christine I had no idea.. Almost 1200 comments. AMAZING Congrats. Maybe I will be a lucky winner for my niece.

  1282. carrie bisgrove Avatar
    carrie bisgrove

    she is gorgeous! what an awesome givaway, we would love her with all of our hearts ๐Ÿ™‚

  1283. Bri Avatar

    Oh, my. Swoon. Swoon. Swoon.

  1284. Andrea T. Avatar
    Andrea T.

    My niece would love her!!!

  1285. Deanna N. Avatar
    Deanna N.

    Come home for Christmas!

  1286. Derek Avatar

    She would make my daughter so happy!

  1287. Anne Avatar

    Yes please!!! ๐Ÿ™‚

  1288. Maureen Avatar

    My little girl would LOVE this doll!

  1289. julie powers Avatar
    julie powers

    My little grand daughter is indeed in need of another baby to love. Her “blue baby” is getting a little old and I know she woulld love this one sooo much!

  1290. Desiree Avatar

    GASP what a cutie! I would love to have her! Thanks for doing all these give-a-way drawings ๐Ÿ™‚ Hopefully I’ll win one ๐Ÿ™‚

  1291. Mindy Avatar

    What a beautiful baby… Who ever wins her SURE will be lucky~

  1292. Autumn Avatar

    She’s a cutie. Would be perfect for my newborn niece.

  1293. Lyne J Avatar
    Lyne J

    Cutie pie…

  1294. Sandi Howard Avatar
    Sandi Howard

    We would love to have her in our home. Thank you for all the wonderful opportunities to win these ๐Ÿ™‚

  1295. Sarah Avatar

    WOW! She’s beautiful! (And did you see that?? You guys have OVER a thousand replies already – WOO-HOO!) I think she’s amazingly beautiful – and you can feel that she was made with so much love. :o) Merry Christmas, Team Bamboletta! (and thank you!)

  1296. Aimee Avatar

    OMG…thank you so much for your kindess, and for the chance to give her a forever home

  1297. Cheryl Avatar

    I would love to give my new grandbaby this adorable doll for Christmas. Ive been trying forever and no luck. I hope today is our day

  1298. Britta Avatar

    oh wow she is BEAUTIFUL:)

  1299. Cheryl Avatar

    very cute!! Hope she can come to In to live!!!

  1300. Heather Avatar

    Oh wow!!!!

  1301. Alma Avatar

    She’s just beautiful!!! Please come home to us. My 14 month old would love to have a new little sister to play with.

  1302. Shelly Gudmunsen Avatar
    Shelly Gudmunsen

    Awe, she’s the SWEETEST!! And so are you ๐Ÿ™‚

  1303. Anna Avatar

    Oh what a sweet little peachy-cheek, lavender tressed darling!

  1304. Michelle Pomfrey Avatar
    Michelle Pomfrey

    Joining the multitudes!

  1305. Wendi Avatar

    Just found out we’re expecting another little one. It would be so much fun to have a Bamboletta waiting!

  1306. Rachel G. Avatar
    Rachel G.

    Such a cutie! Would love to have her!

  1307. Dora Avatar

    Beautifully created doll, and such a happy dress. Thank you for the opportunity . So dreamy:)

  1308. Donna Johnson Avatar
    Donna Johnson

    She is beautiful!!!! I want her. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE ๐Ÿ™‚

  1309. Margaret Avatar

    LOVE. HER. Thank you!

  1310. Michelle Watters Avatar
    Michelle Watters

    The doll is great! I would love for my little cousin to possibly own and appreciate such a beautiful doll!

  1311. Anita o Avatar
    Anita o

    i hope i win !! thank you

  1312. Heidi W Avatar
    Heidi W

    What a cutie!

  1313. Dean Avatar

    Perfect present for my daughter!

  1314. Sophie Avatar

    I would love this beauty!

  1315. Rachel Hagan Avatar
    Rachel Hagan

    Wow, what an amazing prize! My daughters would LOVE her!!!

  1316. Jenn Avatar

    Purple! Oh and look at those cheeks! I ADORE her and know my little tribe would too… Thanks for the amazing chance to have the perfect Christmas wish! Eeeee!

  1317. Brooke Valenzuela Avatar
    Brooke Valenzuela

    Beautiful! Thanks for the chance!

  1318. Sharon Avatar

    i would so love to be able to give this beautiful little doll to my little girl, she has asked for a doll her size from Santa Claus and this wouls be perfect…

  1319. jenn morgan Avatar
    jenn morgan

    My little girl would love her!

  1320. Cheryl R. Avatar
    Cheryl R.

    She is wonderful and would be a great additon to our Bamboletta family.

  1321. Jennifer G Avatar
    Jennifer G

    Awesome girl.

  1322. Mary Avatar

    I’m a newbie and would love her !!!

  1323. Shaivite Avatar

    Adorable! Would love to win!

  1324. Michelle Avatar


  1325. Lis Avatar

    Pick Me! Pick Me! ๐Ÿ™‚

  1326. Jennifer Avatar

    She is perfectly perfect. <3

  1327. Amy B. Avatar
    Amy B.

    Love her! And Lulu is my daughter’s nickname! So cute!

  1328. Lindsey Knepp Avatar
    Lindsey Knepp

    Cute as usual!

  1329. Carma Rearick Avatar
    Carma Rearick

    Oh Wow! We call my daughter Lilliana, LuLu, and her favorite color is purple! A LB would be just the right size for her!

  1330. Brandi Avatar

    LEXI! LEXI! LEXI! That’s a little chant hoping my sweet little Lexi could be her new mommy and then both my girls can experience Bamboletta magic on Christmas morning! We promise to love her to the moon and back as Lexi would say!

  1331. Juli Avatar

    She is beautiful!! She would be oh so loved … ๐Ÿ™‚

  1332. Kate Avatar

    I would love to have her cute purple hair!

  1333. Lori JD Avatar
    Lori JD

    Oh my goodness!!!! She is precious!! My niece would fall in love with her (and her mother too!!). Thanks for the opportunity!! Happy Holidays!!

  1334. Lisa Avatar

    love it!!…pick me ๐Ÿ™‚

  1335. Farrah Avatar

    What a little darling!

  1336. Holly B Avatar
    Holly B

    Love her, adorable!

  1337. Grandma Verla Avatar
    Grandma Verla

    She would make four generations of girls so very happy if she came to live here!

  1338. jodi a Avatar
    jodi a

    Happy Holidays! you all are amazing

  1339. Jenni Avatar


  1340. Deborah Avatar

    Love her and want to give her to my granddaughter!

  1341. Jason Avatar

    Count me in!

  1342. Maria Campo Avatar
    Maria Campo

    Love her! She would be so precious under our tree!!!

  1343. Cara Avatar

    Me please ๐Ÿ™‚

  1344. Caitlin Avatar


  1345. Jennifer Avatar

    She’s FAb!!!

  1346. Lisamichelle Avatar

    Hope i’m not too late!

  1347. Bill Avatar

    My daughter would love her. She loves purple

  1348. Troy Avatar

    We would love to add her to our family.

  1349. Randy Avatar

    I’d love to give this to my daughter!

  1350. Diane Avatar


  1351. Tanya S Avatar
    Tanya S

    She is adorable

  1352. Tracy Z Avatar
    Tracy Z

    So much fun!

  1353. Monica M Avatar
    Monica M

    This doll is beautiful! Love the purple hair and the open arms. Ready for a hug!

  1354. A adams Avatar
    A adams

    <3 her!

  1355. Kelly Avatar

    Please let this be my lucky day!!!!

  1356. Nicole Avatar

    She would make for the merriest Christmas!!!!!!

  1357. Madeleine Avatar

    Love her!

  1358. Lynn Avatar

    Pretty please with sugar on top…I have a firstborn for you…a right arm to help with sewing…? She would be so very loved.

  1359. Jane Crawley Avatar

    Would love this cutie pie for my grand-daughter!

  1360. Addison Kat Avatar
    Addison Kat


  1361. nikki reed Avatar
    nikki reed


  1362. Casey Avatar

    Oh she’s just lovely! Thank you for being so generous!

  1363. Katie G. Avatar
    Katie G.

    Love her!

  1364. Heather H Avatar
    Heather H


  1365. Brooke Avatar

    oh, I love her!

  1366. Lucie Avatar

    Would love to gift her to my sweet granddaughter ๐Ÿ™‚

  1367. Angie Avatar

    Hope we aren’t too late!! Love her ๐Ÿ™‚

  1368. Agnes Avatar

    She’s too cute for words, what an amazing giveaway!!

  1369. Tiffany B Avatar
    Tiffany B

    Oh gosh!!! Me please!

  1370. Jill Avatar

    Merry Christmas Everyone….If I won I promise I would give this baby to a little girl who does not have one of your dolls yet, but has always wanted one. Tiss the season for giving.

  1371. ashley Avatar

    Adorable!! we don’t have any of your dolls yet, but have been longing for one!!

  1372. Sarah Avatar

    So cute ๐Ÿ™‚

  1373. LEYLA HAUSER Avatar

    love her!

  1374. Rita Avatar

    Of course! Nothing but great work from you gals. she is lovely!

  1375. Christina kinser Avatar
    Christina kinser

    True love!

  1376. Jocelyn Avatar

    She’s a lovely as are they all….good luck to the winner!!

  1377. Julie Brandon Avatar
    Julie Brandon

    Adorable, a treasure to hold and care for!

  1378. jan Avatar

    Probably too late? Fingers crossed ๐Ÿ™‚

  1379. Amanda Avatar

    Beautiful! Love that hair!

  1380. Erica Avatar


  1381. Lily B Avatar
    Lily B

    Would really love a LuLu for my little Mimi!

  1382. Stephanie Avatar

    Must have! My daughter would love this!!! If she could get it away from me ๐Ÿ™‚

  1383. Jackie Avatar

    she is adorable! Gotta love the pretty purple hair!

  1384. Homepage Avatar

    Totally composed written content material , thanks for details . 826841

  1385. Christine b Avatar
    Christine b

    Omg. A cute lb

  1386. Brazilian Blowout Cost…

    […]bamboletta: natural, handcrafted companions for little ones – » Blog Archive » Twelve Days of Giving … Day Six[…]…

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