Can’t let this deal pass you by…

My good friend Tressa over at Dress Me Up has a great deal going on organic flannel. She has flannel, and lots of it that she is trying to offload at the AMAZING price of $5 per metre. Think duvet covers, pj’s , bed sheets – the list is endless. You can get more information about this by visiting her blog here.


On another note, it was Ben’s birthday this weekend. My parents came armed with a Playmobile pirate ship FULL of little plastic bits! Two! TWO flippin hours to put that thing together while Ben was whining ‘Is it ready? Is it ready?’ about a million times. But, look at the little man’s face – now that is joy. The eco guilt I feel is immense, but I’ll make sure this ship gets a good run.


I thought I’d also throw in this pic of us finding the ‘buried treasure’. We had a treasure hunt on his birthday morning. I made a map and John buried the ‘Treasure Chest’ ( packing box painted gold) at the crack of dawn. This beach we buried it at never has people there, except this morning. Ha! John had to carry around this huge gold box and a shovel and then bury it in the sand- like that doesn’t look dodgy. Anyhow, the box was filled with art supplies, crafting stuff, a microscope, and a few other bits and pieces. It was the total opposite of the aforementioned Pirate Ship. It’s all about the balance though – but that’s another blog post.

And – this is for my friend Devon – yes! Ben is wearing a ‘Cars’ shirt – again a present from the Grandparents. Because it was his birthday he could wear whatever it was he wanted so, out it came.






9 responses to “Can’t let this deal pass you by…”

  1. Michelle Z. Avatar
    Michelle Z.

    Playmobil sets are one ‘mainstream’ toy I don’t beat myself up over. They aren’t made in China (at least the sets I pick out aren’t – I always check, though), and they don’t break or fall apart after 15 minutes of play. My son hasn’t been able to destroy any of his Playmobil yet (except for some things that got chewed. Whaddya gonna do?). So I don’t place them in the same category as other plastic toys (that would be the ‘junk’ category, BTW). I love how excited he is, too. Look at that happy face.

  2. bethany Avatar

    What a GREAT birthday!! He’ll remember that forever!!! And to make you feel better about the playmobil… those things last through multiple families!! My best friend bought most of her kids’ playmobil toys at yard sales and they last forever. Plus they are so wonderful for the imagination. I spent countless hours playing with Fisher Price little people when I was growing up. It’s too bad it’s not all made of wood now. I have to laugh about your son’s shirt too because my son went through the stages of loving every character out there. I think he’ll be a cartoonist or something someday!!! I dreaded the character clothing but it did sneak in once in a while. He grew out of that and now wears really cool t-shirts and loves indie art (he’s 11). So don’t worry!!! 😉 I wanted to send you an email but I’ll just tell you now– your dolls were oooh’ed and aaaah’ed over so much at the Opening!!!! People were photographing them!! I told you that you are the BEST!!!!

  3. CanCan Avatar

    I’m pretty sure Playmobile are BPA free. 🙂
    And they really do last forever, so don’t feel too guilty. I still have mine from when I was Ben’s age.

  4. Amber Avatar

    I ordered some flannel from Tressa, I couldn’t pass that up!

    And I’m laughing about the grandparent gifts. I’m glad I’m not the only one. We get all our mass-produced plastic and licensed clothing from relatives. Although as far as that goes I don’t think Playmobil is that bad – better than the Littlest Pet Shop toys my 4-year-old is loving right now. I tell myself that at least my kids are getting a good variety of open-ended, imaginative, and thoughtful toys from me. I hope I’m striking a good balance, it can be so hard.

  5. erin Avatar

    happy happy day five-year-old boy…and his mama too! xx

  6. andrea Avatar

    Happy Birthday Ben! ITA about Playmobil-its not wood but they make simple, lasting toys. We have a tool box for all the teeny parts. Playmobil can be passed down through generations (if you don’t loose the pirate’s lantern and shovel before then!)

  7. Cheryl Avatar

    Ah, grandparents. Thwarting all our efforts to raise our kids the way we want. We must write a note to ourselves for when we have grandkids.
    I love that treasure hunt idea. Love it!
    Happy birthday to the little guy.

  8. Ingrid Avatar

    Glad to hear that I am not the only one who struggles with choices that our dear parents (and HIS dear parents) make. My daughter’s favourite blanket (which is covered every morning by a hand stitched quilt) is the polyfibre, plastic-y disney princess blanket she got for christmas from her grandparents. lovely. if it makes you feel any better, i tell my mom everytime i drop off the kids for “grandparents day” that they should not have any junk food and every time I pick them up my mother tells me “don’t worry, they only got 2 lollipops today”:)

  9. jenna and sasha Avatar
    jenna and sasha

    My son was born in Germany and playmobil is sooooo popular there. He was obsessed with it. I could think of worse toys to obsess over! The Europeons have been raising kids on those toy sets for decades!

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