My good friend Tressa over at Dress Me Up has a great deal going on organic flannel. She has flannel, and lots of it that she is trying to offload at the AMAZING price of $5 per metre. Think duvet covers, pj’s , bed sheets – the list is endless. You can get more information about this by visiting her blog here.
On another note, it was Ben’s birthday this weekend. My parents came armed with a Playmobile pirate ship FULL of little plastic bits! Two! TWO flippin hours to put that thing together while Ben was whining ‘Is it ready? Is it ready?’ about a million times. But, look at the little man’s face – now that is joy. The eco guilt I feel is immense, but I’ll make sure this ship gets a good run.
I thought I’d also throw in this pic of us finding the ‘buried treasure’. We had a treasure hunt on his birthday morning. I made a map and John buried the ‘Treasure Chest’ ( packing box painted gold) at the crack of dawn. This beach we buried it at never has people there, except this morning. Ha! John had to carry around this huge gold box and a shovel and then bury it in the sand- like that doesn’t look dodgy. Anyhow, the box was filled with art supplies, crafting stuff, a microscope, and a few other bits and pieces. It was the total opposite of the aforementioned Pirate Ship. It’s all about the balance though – but that’s another blog post.
And – this is for my friend Devon – yes! Ben is wearing a ‘Cars’ shirt – again a present from the Grandparents. Because it was his birthday he could wear whatever it was he wanted so, out it came.
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