Author: admin

  • Colouring Page – Pie Making

    Did you know that National Pie Day is January 23rd? Is there now a day for every single thing?! However, I do love me some pie – it’s my most favourite desert. If you are ever in Vancouver,  you have to try Aphrodite’s Pie’s – they are delicious! If you are up for baking this…

  • Colouring Page – Sticker Collecting

    I’m not sure if you gals are old enough to have collected stickers but as a child of the 80’s I freaking LOVED collecting stickers – my Smurf and ET  collection was on point! I had this old sticky photo album packed with scratch and sniff’s, puffy sticker and of course all the Sanrio stuff…

  • Happy New Year and a Little Update!

      Hi friends! Happy New Year! I hope that everyone had a holiday break .. we had a lovely few days off. The boys and I had some much needed downtime. I go a bit full on in December with the dolls so it was nice to catch my breath. I am SO excited about…

  • Colouring Page – Art Class

    Art classes are such a magical place for kids. I take my little Jasper to pottery classes with Miss Helen and the pride that kid exudes when he shows me something he’s made with his little hands makes me feel like my heart’s about to burst. So, as an ode to Art Classes here’s today’s…

  • Piccolina Kits!

      Hi friends! As many of you know, every so often we have kits available on the site. I LOVE offering these kits because I have this little hope that whoever makes them will get the same feeling that I do when I make the dolls. We haven’t had as many of them available as…

  • Colouring Page – Helping Hearts

    I think this is my favourite colouring page so far. So much of this season is about giving and caring for our community – I wanted to create a sweet page for our little ones to colour to show one way of how people can take care of one another. To download the page click…