The Heart

I’ve had such a huge influx of new people visiting our site, either from Facebook or from seeing us at the various market’s I’ve been attending. I always get asked why I started making the dolls from interested people. I go on about this in length on this blog post about the history of Bamboletta but tonight I felt it important to write about the heart ,or the spark, of what got me excited about making these dolls.

To make a long story short, I was inspired by reading a book on Waldorf education  and specifically in regards to the dolls. There were 2 basic tenants to this style of doll making, which is based on German doll making techniques. The first is that they are made with all natural materials. Because a child’s ‘energy’ is much more sensitive using natural materials is so that everything ‘flows’. There’s also a kind of realness that using natural materials gives to the doll, the weight and the feel that wool gives the doll (which my dolls are stuffed with) is very different from a polyfill doll.  Another cool thing about wool is that it’s naturally antibacterial and is sort of a scent ‘sponge’, which is such a comfort for children when their doll smells of home. It also warms to the touch. I *heart* wool, but that will be my next blog post. The second thing is that the dolls have neutral facial expressions. Children often work out problems or figure life situations out by mimicking us and/or the situation. Having a doll that can be happy, sad, or somewhere in between is a healthy invitation to open ended play.

The other thing that’s come along for me, but is not part of the whole Waldorf philosophy, is body image and keeping children ,well, children. I feel a bit sick when I go into a toy store and look at girls dolls. Why are we pushing them into adulthood? It’s crazy what’s out there. My dolls look like kids, their bodies are round and unformed and their clothing is meant for kids. The older I get the more I feel very passionate about protecting children and childhood. It’s words like these below that make my heart sing ..

PS I forgot to mention that the thing that makes me most happy is that the girls are so into their dolls and everything Bamboletta (we’ve watched every Bambo video on youtube) great job BTW,  A lot of their classmates are 10 going on 18 and Steve & I want our kids to enjoy their childhoods &  be kids as long as they can.

With their dolls they do, I love how they get so excited when they are playing.  They are now talking about making a short video in our back forest with Sammy & Bella I love this!

That’s why I cant thank you enough for making these dolls,  it has really extended my girls childhoods & that’s why Layne has to have her own <3

Sorry for being  mushy… 

Mush away ,my friend … mush away! I love you ladies so much! Thank you all for amazing support all these years!







7 responses to “The Heart”

  1. Rhonda Schuette Avatar
    Rhonda Schuette

    Love your passion, story, and work you guys do! It shows up in your work every week! The attention to details is remarkable! Love your story and who you guys are as a team together! Great work!!!

  2. cheryl Avatar

    Feeling the love…My daughter still loves the Bambolettas and I can’t thank you enough for keeping her my little girl a bit longer.
    We still pick out our favorites each up load. And my son still has his tucked in bed each night. Although the room for my children has grown less and less, they look so cute snuggled next to them. Thank you Christina and team Bambo!

  3. kate Avatar

    Oh C, I hope you know the real heart and magic of bamboletta doesn’t come from philosophy or materials (though both these things play a vital role)…It comes from YOUR heart. Your heart as you have so thoughtfully, intentionally managed your business. Your heart as you smile upon each part of the process. Your heart as you LOVE each doll, knowing in turn you are sending a little extra love+light into this world, into a child’s life. What a gift that is… I can’t believe it’s been almost four years since Mae came into Lizzie’s life– she still takes her everywhere. Still cries into her hair when she’s said and makes up magical adventures with her on a daily basis. It’s been so fun to watch her go from just a snuggle companion to being able to dress her, act out all sorts of play with her, tell secrets to her. She is truly growing up alongside “Bee Mae”…

    And yet, maybe one of those most moving Bambo experiences for us still is with Max and his baby, Liam (which were were able to buy in a blog drawing, remember??) Although Liam mostly hangs with Elizabeth these days, he was the perfect friend for Max when he needed someone to “vent” feelings to…We called him a gift from the “feelings fairy”– and Max depended on Liam to sort through his so often too-big-for-his-body emotional swings. Even now, I watch Max sometimes go grab Liam and sneak up to his room, or use him as a “pillow” when reading on the back porch. There’s so much HEART in what you do, but also, in what you open up inside our children. Bamboletta will always be a name my children associate with their childhoods. That’s pretty special. xo

  4. Kimberly Avatar

    Thank you for sharing this! I feel like I could write an essay on why we love your dolls so much. Recently my 5 yr. old daughter asked me to read her the tag attached to the Smoking Lilly dress we ordered. It talked about how you make the dolls and she said, “Well, we need to save this so when I grow up we can make these dolls together.” That night she fell asleep still holding the tag.

  5. Kat Thornton Avatar
    Kat Thornton

    We pulled our daughter out of a very fast paced public school where she was being bullied and receiving literally no support from the classroom teacher or school staff. The kids in her class (KINDERGARTEN) were frighteningly violent and oversexualized for five year olds, and she started having night terrors. I got her out of there as soon as she told me what was going on, and because of Waldorf’s age limits, she began her second year of Kindergarten the following fall. The school and the Waldorf philosophy has been a lifesaver for our family. In a world of pushing children into adulthood far too early, we had found an oasis where breathing and expanding at a natural pace was the norm, not frowned upon.

    The Waldorf style doll has become an embodiment to me of the gentle philosophies of Waldorf education: the soft facial expressions, warm touch, undeveloped bodies, natural materials. They truly DO protect childhood in a subtle way. Children aren’t getting a subconscious idea of what they “should” look like or be when they hold a Bamboletta.

    I’m truly grateful to you ladies for what you do and the kindness and generosity you display. <3 <3

    P.S. We have a few Waldorf style dollies, but my Bambolettas are my personal favorites! 😉

  6. […] If you are interested in learning more about the philosophy and use of natural materials, I wrote a blog post here about […]

  7. Kathy Avatar

    I’m just a simple woman who loves your adorable dolls. I have no website, nor the talent to sustain one, as you do. But you have no idea how much pleasure you bring to your followers, especially when we have saved enough money to purchase a doll of our own.

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