Serendipity Doll – Sean


Sweet Sean is up for Serendipity this weekend! This is a special occasion as we very rarely get boys for Serendipity. If you are interested in buying Sean please leave a comment at the end of this blog post – not by clicking the picture!

Sean costs $215 plus shipping. I will randomly draw a winner tomorrow night at 8pm PDT (November 6th) and will notify them via email. ONE comment per household please!

Good luck!






90 responses to “Serendipity Doll – Sean”

  1. Cary Kornegay Avatar

    We are very, very interested and very excited!!!!! 🙂 🙂 Thank you!

  2. Kandi Avatar

    Love him <3 !!! I have his twin sister! They should be reunited d;

  3. Hanna C Avatar
    Hanna C

    So cute! He would be perfect for my DS. 🙂

  4. Chrystel Avatar


  5. Caitlin Avatar

    So cute!!!

  6. jenn Avatar

    He’s a cutie 🙂

  7. Rebecca Avatar

    Can a girl get lucky twice in a row??? We would love a little boy to complete our Bambo family!

  8. Laura Avatar

    What a cutie! Love the red hair.

  9. Lin Avatar

    My son says “He’s so cuuuute!” 🙂

  10. Vanessa Avatar

    Love this guy!!!!!

  11. Jaclyn Avatar

    He is Amazing!! Would Love a Chance! Thanks!

  12. Marcy Avatar

    I love every single one. Starting a fund!

  13. Lisa Avatar

    He’d be our first big boy!

  14. Shannon Avatar

    Oh my, what a handsome little fella he is!!

  15. Karen W. Avatar
    Karen W.

    Oh, Boy!!! Thank you for the chance for a lil guy!!

  16. Kimberly Avatar

    He’s so cute! Would love to have him as our first boy…:)

  17. Kimberly Y Avatar

    Love him- would love to have a boy in our house:) thank you!

  18. Dianne Avatar

    My son’s name so we would love to bring him home, & love his red hair , he has a spot here !! 😉

  19. Tina Avatar

    Thanks for the chance!!! 🙂

  20. Lindsey C. Avatar
    Lindsey C.

    He is ADORABLE! We’d love to give Sean a new home with us. 🙂

  21. Heather Avatar

    Red hair AND freckles? Just perfect.

  22. Kristen Avatar

    Oh, Boy!!

  23. kris Avatar

    🙂 hes gorgeous!

  24. Vanessa V Avatar
    Vanessa V

    Perfect for my little boy!

  25. Mandy Fulton Avatar
    Mandy Fulton

    How cute! I love that you do boy dolls.

  26. Sherry L Avatar
    Sherry L

    We need a boy and we need to be a newbie no more, so he is perfect!!! Plus my hubby is a red head with green eyes!!! Thanks so much for making so many wonderful dolls each week ladies:)!

  27. Lynn Avatar

    One chance please!

  28. Amy Thelen Avatar
    Amy Thelen

    My son would be tickled to finally get a boy. He’s quite jealous of his sister’s doll 🙂

  29. Andrea G Avatar
    Andrea G

    a redhead for my redhead!!! fingers crossed 🙂

  30. Sam Avatar

    We would be very happy to have a boy.

  31. Janet Avatar

    oh boy!!!! My little red headed boy! I pick you!!!

  32. Sarah C Avatar
    Sarah C

    Gorgeous! Please can it be my turn to take a Bambo home? 🙂

  33. Isabel Avatar

    Hey we need a guy here!!!!

  34. Andrea Cohn Avatar
    Andrea Cohn

    love this guy!

  35. Mandy E. Avatar
    Mandy E.

    We would love him!

  36. Holly Dolly Avatar
    Holly Dolly

    What a cool dude with his funky red hair and freckles!

  37. Janice Avatar

    We would love love love for this little guy to come home to us. Fingers and toes crossed!

  38. Josefine Avatar

    He is wonderful!

  39. Jamie M.W. Avatar
    Jamie M.W.

    Too cute! Love the red hair!

  40. Amy Bradford Avatar
    Amy Bradford

    I would Love to give Rye a boyfriend for her Alice <3

  41. bindu Avatar


  42. matthew shuck Avatar
    matthew shuck

    We need another boy in the household.

  43. noa Avatar

    Our son would love him for xmas! He will be forever loved at this home 🙂

  44. Cathy B. Avatar
    Cathy B.

    Love him!! 🙂

  45. Ashley L. Avatar
    Ashley L.

    Such a cutie! We’d love to add a little guy to our Bambo family!

  46. Kiran T Avatar
    Kiran T

    Absolutely handsome!! crossing fingers for my DS!!!!

  47. angie Avatar

    He’s so cute thanks for the chance

  48. Wendy Avatar

    My little guy would love this little guy for Christmas. So sweet.

  49. Krista Avatar

    My son would love this guy!

  50. Rickiann Roush Avatar
    Rickiann Roush

    I would love to give this boy to my daughter for Christmas she loves redheads 🙂

  51. Melissa Avatar

    I’d like to enter, please!

  52. kara smith Avatar
    kara smith

    oh boy:)

  53. Suzy Whitten Avatar
    Suzy Whitten

    A boy would be so wonderful !

  54. Christine Avatar

    Would love this little boy!

  55. linda jt Avatar
    linda jt

    Red headed little boys always seem so mischievous, don’t they?!

  56. Lauren W Avatar
    Lauren W

    Love this beautiful boy.

  57. Brian Avatar

    Thanks for the chance.

  58. Jennifer Avatar

    He’s awesome. We love him.

  59. karri michael Avatar
    karri michael


  60. Amanda Wilks Avatar
    Amanda Wilks

    Love this little red head guy!!

  61. Lizzie Avatar

    This guy is AMAZING!!! Thanks for the chance 😉

  62. Sherri Adams Avatar
    Sherri Adams

    Red hair and those gorgeous green eyes!! Love his outfit too! He would be loved!!

  63. Theresa s Avatar
    Theresa s

    Sean would be very loved, he would be our first Bambo boy.

  64. Jen. Avatar

    Oh, I know a certain little boy who would love Sean for his birthday. He covets his brother’s Bambo.

  65. James Avatar

    Thanks for the chance to give this guy a home!

  66. Karen Avatar

    What a handsome guy! My son loves Ron Weasley so he’d love a redheaded boy.

  67. Paula Avatar

    Adorable! He would make a perfect model for us.

  68. Andrea Avatar


  69. Donna Gardner Avatar
    Donna Gardner

    He is just so cute!

  70. Jennie H Avatar
    Jennie H

    Love redhead dolls!!!

  71. Rachel G Avatar
    Rachel G

    He is adorable!

  72. Rebecca Avatar

    He is lovely!

  73. Carrie Avatar

    Love, love the redheads – reminds me of my grandma who was a redhead till the day she passed (as she used to said I’ll be a redhead till the day I die). She did!!!! Thank you for including redheads!!!! My son would love him but I think we would have to share!!!!

  74. Amy Avatar

    Having a boy Bambo would be amazing!

  75. Sinead Licari Avatar
    Sinead Licari

    my son would love this!

  76. MamaM Avatar

    omg I love him, a redhead!

  77. Pam Kirkland Avatar

    My granddaughter has asked for a brother and a sister for Christmas. She is getting a Bambo sister from her parents. Nana would love to give her a little brother! So sweet!!!

  78. Angie Avatar

    He is perfect.

  79. Michelle Avatar

    please please please! been waiting a looong time for a boy 🙂

  80. Cheryl Sandoval Avatar
    Cheryl Sandoval

    My grandbaby would adore him

  81. Stacy Avatar

    We need a boy to complete our little bambo family <3

  82. Whitney Avatar

    redhead boy! woot!

  83. nicole Goodsell Avatar
    nicole Goodsell

    Me, PLEASE!!

  84. Sasha Maglaya Avatar
    Sasha Maglaya

    Yay for redheads!

  85. Joyce Locke Avatar
    Joyce Locke

    Love this guy! So cute and Irish-Y!

  86. Lisa Blades Avatar
    Lisa Blades

    The hair : )

  87. Christine Avatar

    A boy would be GREAT!!!

  88. Maria Campo Avatar
    Maria Campo

    Love his red hair!

  89. Grace Avatar

    I loved the red hair for good luck !

  90. Brandee P Avatar
    Brandee P

    Sean is just so Adorable!…Our girls would love a man around the house!

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