right before the holidays – this place had dolls everywhere!!
I’ve had a few weeks off to celebrate the season with the family and to think about things – all sorts of things. I took a good chunk of time to really think about Bamboletta and to reflect about what has happened this year and what I’d like to see happen next year. I’ll be going into all that in the next few weeks – but firstly I’d like to write out a little gratitude list. These are people and things that made this year rock (no particular order)..
1. You gals (and guys). I am amazed at how sweet and supportive my customers are – through all the website glitches and upload mania, you have remained understanding and excited about what was happening. I’m also blown away by our little community over on Facebook – do you know how cool it is for me to get to chat with all of you? What is really amazing is how you all seem to really ‘get’ the dolls and the philosophy and ethics behind what we are doing.
2. John – my wonderful and supportive husband. He’s also the guy that makes all the heads. I’m hoping that by years end John can join me full time here .. but, we’ll see how that all works out. He’s been pretty amazing – I haven’t been around that much this year, well , I have – but it’s always with a doll in hand. John will always stay up late to print off shipping labels or answer emails – it’s so cool to see how into all of this he is… I just can’t ask him to choose outfits for the dolls (I just get a ‘look’ when I ask that).
3. My sewing mama’s – Michelle, Krysta, Gwen, Genevieve and Zena – my goodness! did these ladies ever sew their little fingers off this year! Without these ladies I wouldn’t be here – their talented stitches, attention to detail and true love for what they are doing goes into each and every doll. They rock the needles! And to Brandi and my new helper Rachel – these two help put this all together.
4. My family. So sweet to hear how excited my mom is about everything. And to my Nonna who stays up until all hours to knit. My friends, who, throughout this year, have seen me progressively less and less – but are understanding of my workaholic ways (that changes this year btw!)
5. It’s probably a bit shallow to include objects (and singers and authors) that made this year rock – but here it goes.. Sirius Radio, Fleet Foxes, Grizzly Bear, Seth Godin, my MacBook (what did I do before her?) , Stephanie Meyer (and RPatz.. gotta give RPatz a shout out here, right Ingrid?), Denman Island Chocolote, Halflinger slippers, my Janome sewing machine, CBC, wool sweaters and hot cups of tea. There’s probably more then this, but it’s all I can think of right now..
So one of my goals this year is to blog more – I say this all the time, I know. I have a hard time with blogging sometimes because I think my life is pretty boring but I will try to keep up with posting more.( if only to lessen the phone calls from my mom reminding me to blog) .
Sorry for the long winded post here ..
PS Stay tuned in the next days – I have another doll sweater pattern that I’ll be posting soon, from Ingrid – knitter extrodinaire!
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