Snapping pictures of our Wednesday. Typically on Wednesdays myself and Rachel are still on the cozy chairs .. I’m doing eyes and she’s working away on her stuff. Shauna cuts hair and blushes the dolls. Brandi with Jennie does the shipping for the clothing upload the day before and Thamar, Nicole, Kristin and Brooke are sewing away.
I had a GREAT surprise show up at the post office today!! This is my FIRST ever doll that I made (I lie – first ever doll I made to give away .. she is my second doll – my first gal is here). I made her for my niece in England for her birthday. John mentioned to his sister Jackie that it would be nice for me to see her again so Jackie sent her for a little visit. She is made from an old tshirt I had kicking around and stuffed with clippings from an Ikea sheepskin rug
We are going to fix her up a bit and send her home with a friend!
Brandi among all the clothing! She is piecing everything together … while she is finishing off this part Jennie helps Shauna with hair cuts. Then Brandi and Jennie pack up orders all day long. Tomorrow the put the stamps and customs forms on everything. Lots of shipping.
Shauna and Jennie cutting hair. I think Shauna spent all day cutting hair today with a bit of help from Jennie and Brooke and there are still about 10 to do tomorrow morning .. hair cutting takes a long time.. You can tell the morning pictures because everyone has their jackets on. Our power went out and the studio was freezing! All fixed now.
Cutie cute Nicole and her big pattern book! This is one of our cutting tables ..
Brooke and Kristin sewing away .. again.. and yes, those are posters of Ryan Gosling it’s a bit of a giggle at the shop.
My Riley Blake rep Peter came in today to show me the new Spring and Summer lines .. Oh. my. goodness! I am so excited to show you gals the cuteness that will be coming up in the months to come. This is me probably saying ‘But Thamar we can’t have ENOUGH polka dots!’ and Thamar saying ‘We don’t need anymore polka dots … no more.’ , or something like that
I’m still wearing my headlight reading glasses from sewing and eating my lunch at the same time while placing an order with my rep. It’s seriously like this all the time with me.
See you tomorrow with previews!
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