The Adventures of Lucy (ita) – Part 10!

Another week, another installment of the Adventures of Lucita! For those who may be just joining me, Lucy is a Bamboletta ambassador joining Heather and Greg from Project Somos –  A project that is creating an eco village in Guatemala for abandoned and orphaned children. For more information, please visit the Project Somos website.

Happy Spring Greetings from Guatemala. This weekend finds both Lucita and I, feeling much better. Colds have passed and we have been as busy as ever. Lucita went from being the patient to being the caregiver this week.



“Jango” or “Harry” as some people call him, is a sweet street dog who has grown up in the “Parque Central” (centre square) here in Antigua. We befriended him a few weeks ago as some of our blog followers know. Recently, Jango hurt his foot quite badly. We couldn’t bear to see him suffering, so brought him home to care for him. Lucita and Tuli (her little dog) kept Jango company as he recovered from his hurt paw and then a few days later, from his “castrado” (neutering). He has returned to his adorable, prancing personality and we are now looking for a new home for him. It’s heartbreaking to think of giving him up but at this time, there is no way that we can adopt another dog. Once the Children’s Village is established, we look forward to including dogs as we know how healing it can be for children to love and care for pets.



Check out this great photo of Lucita and Tuli, taken from “La Cruce”, overlooking Antigua. Volcano Fuego is puffing in the background!


The biggest news this week is that we, along with the Board of Directors, have decided to move ahead with the land we described a couple of weeks ago. We’ve posted a short tour of the land on our Website. It’s absolutely beautiful and will be perfect for children to heal and grow up in. The Village will have homes where Guatemalan Foster Moms will raise the children as their own. The children will be orphaned, abandoned or come from families who are unable to care for them. The Village will be a safe and nurturing environment where we will grow organic food, use renewable energy and provide education to raise the next generation of Guatemalan leaders. Our fundraising efforts will now begin so that we can obtain this oasis for the children in need! 


-Heather and Lucita






One response to “The Adventures of Lucy (ita) – Part 10!”

  1. cheryl Avatar

    I’m glad to hear you helped Harry and he looks to be right at home there. I’m glad Lucy was able to take good care of him. I love to see the pictures of her in all the scenic places. Thanks!

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