Serendipity Doll … Sissy


This is Baby Sissy – she is today’s little one that is up for ‘adoption’. If you are interested in purchasing this sweet little gal please leave a comment below (do not click on the picture and then leave a comment, just go to the end of this post and leave a comment there!) She costs $115 (USD) plus shipping and ,if you are Canadian, taxes. One ‘entry’ per person please. The new family will be chosen by a random number generator. This listing is open for 24 hours and will close at 8pm PST tomorrow Thursday March 18th. I will then contact the buyer and arrange payment/delivery details with them. The buyer will have 24 hours to respond to my email to purchase the little gal – after 24 hours we choose another comment (please check your Spam folder – it may be in there! ) Good luck!


This is Baby Sissy – what a cutie this doll is! She measures in at 13″ tall and is made with cotton interlock ‘skin’ and stuffed with wool. Her arms and legs are jointed onto the body – so her limbs move independently which makes Sissy very, very cuddly. She has on a tie dye flannel diaper and a soft cotton velour sleeper. Sissy can also be made into a Sam (if you need a boy doll) the purple is unisex and ,if you want, I can cut the hair a bit shorter. These dolls are just too cute – we don’t make them very often as they are quite time consuming – but when we do they get a LOT of cuddles from all us mama’s – you just can’t help it with these dolls!

Good Luck!






251 responses to “Serendipity Doll … Sissy”

  1. Angie Avatar

    Oh what a sweet little girl. Please come live with us little Sissy, our “little sissy” would love to be your mama.

  2. Jennifer Avatar

    She’s beautiful!!!! Love the rainbow diaper!

  3. Lea T Avatar
    Lea T

    She is so adorable!!

  4. Dave Avatar

    A baby girl for my own baby girl!

  5. Elaine Avatar

    ON MY!!!!! She is SO adorable!!!

  6. Maria carpenter Avatar
    Maria carpenter

    This doll is adorable. My daughter would love to have a “baby” bambo!!

  7. Emily Avatar

    Love her!

  8. becca Avatar

    Oh this is exactly what I want! She’d be a Sam at our house. 😉

  9. shanda Avatar

    Ohhh a baby…. I want another one of those!!!! (only my husband will only approve of this kind of baby) she is adorable!

  10. Carli Avatar

    I love your babies! They’re the best ever!

  11. amy Avatar

    Baby sissy would be perfect for a little girl I know!

  12. Kimberly Avatar

    love her…so sweet!

  13. Monica Avatar

    So cute DD would love her!!!

  14. Stephen Avatar

    My daughter would love this baby doll. Hope we get chosen.

  15. joy Avatar

    love her!! soo cute!

  16. Allison Avatar

    Love her!!! These babies are too too cute!!

  17. Laura Avatar

    This would make a perfect little Sam for my little boy 🙂

  18. Mari Avatar

    what a happy bouncy baby!!!

    Love that hair!!!

    once more… PERFECT doll!

  19. shawn Avatar

    yes ladies my wife wants a baby girl in the worst way…. so please let me win this one for her!!!!

  20. Audra Costello Avatar
    Audra Costello

    What a cutie! My little girl(4) would LOVE her. My 4 year old is jealous of HER sissy (2) for getting a beautiful Bamboletta baby doll (Penny) for Christmas. This would even the score and smooth over the ruffled feathers at my house.

  21. Cristina Avatar

    Dear Sissy:

    We would just love to adopt you! There are 4 little girls and one little boy (and 2 dogs and a bird) who would love to be your family!

    Keeping our fingers crossed,
    The Nolan-Halbleib Family

  22. Angela Avatar

    Love love her! Have been waiting for a baby from the beginning!!!! Would love to have her!

  23. Candy Avatar

    Oh Baby!

  24. amanda baray Avatar
    amanda baray

    she is soo cute!!! she would be perfect for my youngest daughter!!!

  25. Val Avatar

    I’m not entirely sure if this is possible, but I think I like the baby Bambos more than the regular Bambos! There is something so sweet about the ‘teddy bear’ body! Ohhhh, I hope I get lucky tonight!!!!

  26. Jill Avatar

    sooo cute, love the diapey!

  27. sue Avatar

    Ohhhhh! A baby bambo! What I originally was looking for. Please please!

  28. Mel Avatar

    Count me in for a chance!

  29. Elizabeth Avatar

    She is so cute! I hope I win this one!!!

  30. Jill Johnson Avatar
    Jill Johnson

    Now this – I LOVE!!!!!!! I really wish that I would have ordered a baby when I had a chance. Maybe one day….

  31. Rachel Avatar

    So so sweet – she would be much loved here . . .

  32. Casey Avatar

    She’d be a HE here…let’s hope “Sam” can come to live here…

  33. jacob Avatar

    That is the best diaper. 😉

  34. Kate Avatar

    Oh, my daughter would love her…its her doppelganger

  35. Anne Avatar

    Oh my!!!! Please let her come home to us!!!!!

  36. Cassandra Avatar

    Oh will the luck of Irish rub off, so I can get this little sweatie for my daughter.?. Maybe this will be the time we will luck out since it is St. Patrick’s Day today and my daughter and I just had our birthdays last week. She looks like my little one with her cute wild hair. I have been dreaming for a bamboletta baby forever!! Oh I could cry tears of joy. Eeeek! She is perfect! :)) xo

  37. Kelly Avatar

    I know a baby who would love to have her own baby!

  38. Cari Avatar

    my 7 yr old LOVES this baby, he is going to make the best daddy 🙂

  39. Jen Avatar

    What a cutie!!!

  40. Julie Avatar

    eek, eek, EEKS! I……. (oops we) are smitten! We’d loooooove to adopt her! Finger crossed!

  41. Sandy Avatar

    This would help ease the trauma of not getting a doll earlier today. Just kidding, but we WOULD love her!

  42. kate Avatar

    I have to throw my name in the hat…because sissy could be max’s sam:)

  43. Tina M Avatar
    Tina M

    Aww! she is super cute!!! :0) My luck has been BAD today, well this YEAR, actually! I am SOOO not holding my breath! :0p

  44. Ana Avatar

    too cute

  45. Missy Avatar

    how very sweet!

  46. Susan Hurlbutt Avatar
    Susan Hurlbutt

    What a Baby doll. I want to hug and squish her- in the kindest way of course.

  47. Ann Avatar

    Baby Bambolicious! She is sweeeet!

  48. Michelle Avatar

    Aww she is so adorable. We would love to give her a home.

  49. Jenny Jardine Avatar
    Jenny Jardine

    I would love to get this! I know the perfect little girl who would adore this doll!

  50. Jennifer Avatar

    What an adorable little girl!

  51. Lisa Avatar

    Oh what a cute baby! She is wearing blue pj’s just like our girl!

  52. Carlin Avatar

    Oh, she’s perfect! She’s exactly what I’ve been hoping for !

  53. Kriszty Avatar

    Such a cutie – perfect lil girl for my boys to treat as a baby sister!!

  54. Jennifer Petersen Avatar
    Jennifer Petersen

    Oh what a sweet little babe – LOVE the tie dye diaper! My baby will be two at the end of April and would love Baby Sissy for her birthday!

  55. Diego Avatar

    A little one for my little one! Come here, baby!

  56. Wendy Biel Avatar
    Wendy Biel

    Sigh, so cute….We would love her!!!!

  57. Laurie Avatar

    This is so adorable. Fingers crossed I can make her a Sam.

  58. Virginia Spencer Avatar

    Oh my goodness, we have wanted one of these forever! She would be so cuddled!

  59. Brendan Spencer Avatar

    Our children would love this doll so my wife asked me to comment. You really have been an amazing blessing to our family and so many others! God bless!

  60. Elisa Avatar

    Awwww… my Soph just got into playing “mommy” and would *love* this baby!

  61. Ben Avatar

    hoping for some good luck here!

  62. Chrystel Avatar

    Awwwe Little sissy want’s to come home to meet her older siblings! I just adore her.

  63. Christina Avatar

    Would love this gorgeous baby!

  64. Megan Hardie Avatar
    Megan Hardie

    So tiny! It is the first little Bambo I have seen……so CUTE!

  65. Angelika Avatar

    <3 Oooooh, she would be perfect for my little one. Please pick us!!! <3

  66. HELEN Avatar

    My granddaughter would enjoy playing with her.

  67. Samantha Avatar

    Ohhh, a sweet Sam at our house… for my little Cam – love his Mama Sam!

  68. Jean Avatar

    So cute!

  69. Lina Avatar

    Love the hair!

  70. Joe Avatar

    My wife says our baby needs this doll.

  71. Jesse Avatar

    We have the perfect big sister waiting at home to take this little one to bed!

  72. Heather Avatar

    she is precious!

  73. Jim Avatar

    We would love her.

  74. Jenn Avatar

    she is just so sweet – would be lovely to add her to our family on my mom’s birthday – we often call our daughter sissy, coined originally by her brother. all would love tiny sissy, for sure.

  75. Theresa Avatar

    I love the babies…too sweet.

  76. Bill Avatar


  77. Kari Avatar

    Oh! Hooray!!! A Serendipity Baby!

  78. Irene Avatar

    And they say….. Baby makes 3 …….

  79. Kelli W-S Avatar
    Kelli W-S

    Ooooh!!!! She’s adorable and so perfect for my youngest daughter!

  80. Tamara Avatar

    The babies are really cute.

  81. Ericka Avatar

    Hope I get it right this time , and post where and when I’m supposed too 🙂

  82. Katie Avatar

    What a cutie!

  83. deborah Avatar

    super cutie!

  84. Rosanne Avatar

    What an adorable sweetie-pie,just like our granddaughter!

  85. Amy Avatar

    We would love to adopt sweet baby Sissy!

  86. Claudia Avatar

    Oh my Gosh, I was about to ask you on Facebook if there will be any babies coming up and here she is. I hope that means Sissy is our serendipity doll.
    My daughter is seriously obsessed with your baby dolls and we have to look at them in the gallery every morning!!!
    Please, please, please random number generator pick us!!!

  87. Cody Avatar

    Trying again for my little girl…She would love to cuddle Sissy.

  88. Kim Avatar

    oooh! I love this little tyke!! So sweet!

  89. Grammy J Avatar
    Grammy J

    We neeeeeeeeed her!!!! Xoxo baby sissy

  90. Sarah Avatar

    Little Sissy is so cute! I have 3 dirty blonde haired little girls, all with blue eyes. Sissy would get all the cuddles she could handle!

  91. Karen Avatar

    She’s adorable!! And, one of my daughters is called “Sissy” by her sister.

  92. Sue Avatar

    My granddaughter would love her so…I hope this will be our lucky day!! Happy St. Patty’s Day!

  93. Serena Avatar

    This one’s for Cassey + Grace who will equally love a “new baby” in the house.
    Beautiful work!

  94. Rachel Avatar

    I would LOVE Sam for my nephew!! He has been waiting so patiently for his own baby doll to love, I hope this is our lucky day! 🙂

  95. Derrick Avatar

    If it’s my choice… he will be a boy!!!

  96. rob Avatar

    My baby girls would love her.

  97. Angela Avatar

    I have to have her!

  98. Des Avatar

    She would be perfect for us.

  99. Rachael Avatar

    Trying again…I would love to have a doll for my little girl’s birthday tomorrow!

  100. Laura Avatar

    so cute! I love the babies 🙂

  101. jay Avatar

    Hoping this is my last visit to the bamboletta website. 😉

  102. Autumn Avatar

    She’s cute! I don’t know if I’ve seen one of the babies before.

  103. Jill G Avatar
    Jill G

    Oh My goodness…. I have been waiting and waiting for a blue eyed blond bambo baby for one year old dgs.,,, who has lots and lots of curly blond hair. Oh, please rnp please, please shine on Brady and me! 🙂 I loooooooooooove him!

  104. Tricia Avatar

    She would be so perfect for my little Sophie’s birthday!

  105. Kimbalina Avatar

    She is a cutie!

  106. Carey Avatar

    So adorable 😀 You do such amazing work 🙂

  107. Travis Avatar

    My wife likes this doll.

  108. C Y Avatar
    C Y

    We would love baby to come home to us…. 🙂

  109. Kelly Avatar

    Throwing my hat in for this ADORABLE little one. She would be perfect for my new niece/nephew (they chose not to find out gender)!

  110. Annie C Avatar
    Annie C

    Can’t help but love this tiny one….. she is perfect!

  111. Willa Avatar

    my baby sister would love her

  112. Katie Avatar

    she looks so snuggly!

  113. Michelle Avatar

    SAM I AM!

  114. kevin Avatar

    This baby would be so welcome to our home!

  115. Paula Avatar

    This baby is ADORABLE.

  116. Kylie Avatar

    Oh, we would love Sam so much. He would be a perfect match for my two year old son. Please. Please. Please.

  117. Steph Avatar


  118. Boey Avatar

    OMG!!! Pls let this cute baby be ours 🙂

  119. Jen. Avatar

    Oh, such a cute little one!

  120. Ava Avatar

    I love little baby Sissy!!!!

  121. Emily F Avatar
    Emily F

    Oh my! I was hoping and wishing this would be a baby! We just found out I’m pregnant with our second child, and I know our 5-year-old would really love to have her own baby!

  122. Julie Avatar

    Oh pick us—-please, please, please, please. 🙂

  123. Amanda Avatar

    Oh, Sissy is soooo sweet!
    Our little sissy would love her oh so much 🙂
    Thanks for such a lovely baby!!

  124. Kathy Avatar

    trying for my grandbaby

  125. Kyle Avatar

    my wife made me do it

  126. Jen Avatar

    Oh, she is just too cute! Would love to have her!

  127. Valery Avatar

    Oh man!! A baby! Our Adelaide has been begging and begging for a baby. She’s so sweet!!

  128. Jennifer D. Avatar
    Jennifer D.

    We have been waiting for a baby just like her to complete our family! Too cute, love!

  129. Michelle Avatar

    oh so sweet! I would love this little babe for my son. I really hope Sissy can join our family!! Fingers and toes crossed 🙂

  130. Robert Avatar

    My kids would absolutely love to have her, please pick us!

  131. Sam Avatar

    A Sam would be perfect!

  132. Sarah S. Avatar
    Sarah S.

    Love her!

  133. Shane Jackson Avatar
    Shane Jackson

    I’d love a chance to purchase this little angel.
    My little man would love her. Thank you!

  134. Aiden Avatar

    She is so cute!

  135. Karol Avatar

    She is a beautiful baby that would be very loved by a special little girl I know !

  136. Zack Avatar

    I am so in love with this doll, she is just perfect! Awesome job! Really hoping and praying that we are selected for her!

  137. Katie Avatar

    Hoping to be selected for this cutie!

  138. Bridget Avatar

    My little granddaughter’s first should be should an adorable little one just like her!

  139. Jennifer I Avatar
    Jennifer I

    Starting to get baby fever here too 😉 Such a cutie!

  140. Rae Avatar

    This little cutie pie is so perfect for my nephew! Fingers and toes crossed!!

  141. Chris Avatar

    I so want a baby!

  142. Whitney Avatar

    The babies are what started my Bambo pursuit! Sissy would be loved in our house!

  143. Matrick Avatar

    My daughter would be thrilled with this baby.

  144. Markus Avatar

    Our daughter would love her.

  145. Karen Gross Avatar
    Karen Gross

    We are a little late coming into this but we’ll give it a try anyway. Our little girl is going to be a big sister in July so this little baby would be perfect!!

  146. Lara Avatar

    I would love a baby like this….

  147. Brad S Avatar
    Brad S

    A baby for our baby!

  148. Jami Avatar

    Our little Bridget would love to have sissy to take care of….she is soooooo beautiful.

  149. Kristina S Avatar
    Kristina S

    OOOOH! I love the babies – so cute!!!

  150. Fred Avatar

    A baby for the grandbaby….Sissy is perfect!

  151. Karen Avatar

    Sissy is such a little cutie! She would be a perfect companion for Marlo!!

  152. Laura Avatar

    oh my! She is just precious!!!!

  153. Sarah Avatar

    I would love the chance to adopt a baby bambo!

  154. Abigail Avatar


  155. Victoria Avatar

    So cute:)

  156. Aria Avatar

    Very cute and cuddly and looks so snugglie.

  157. Ted Avatar

    Would be the perfect addition for my granddaughter!

  158. Cheryl Avatar

    oh, please!! This would be great prep for a new sibling!

  159. LaLa Avatar

    Soooo adorable. . especially the tie-dyed diaper!!

  160. Peach Avatar

    love her!! hope she’ll come my way!

  161. Jamie Avatar

    Keeping my fingers crossed…..

  162. Michael Avatar

    Cute! My little girl would love her!

  163. Kara Avatar

    Sissy is just darling! We’d love a chance at her!

  164. rob Avatar

    my daughter needs sissy! 🙂

  165. Desha Avatar

    what a cutie!!!

  166. Chris Avatar

    This is just too amazing……….. we found out we are going to be grandparents this week, and I would LOVE to give this baby to “MY FIRST GRANDBABY!”

  167. Rick Avatar

    little sissy would like to have a Sissy of her own

  168. audrey storch Avatar

    I have never owned a doll before. I am turning 51 the 28th of this month and I am in need of some “baby” time. My babies are now 19 & 22-both boys so those of you with boys and this age know that affection, hugs and love are not often for Mom. they use them for their girlfriends which is as it should be. I found your site by mistake and it was a great mistake. I just feel something special when I look at sis. Knowing me after I get my love out of her I will end up donating her to a child in special need. So if it is okay with you for me to love her for awhile and then pass it on I would be so honored. either way congrats on making something so needed, unique and snuggly. I invent and create too ( I truly appreciate what you do. I do not expect to get her but whoever does I wish you good health and happiness.

  169. Amanda Avatar

    sissy is what my son calls his sister. this would be the best little baby for him.

  170. Delaney Avatar

    Oh, this is my favorite of the serendipity dolls so far, I would love a baby for my toddler!!!

  171. kam yin Avatar
    kam yin

    trying again for my grand daughter. She would enjoy this baby doll!

  172. Casey Avatar

    I’d like a chance for this one! Thanks!

  173. Amy Avatar

    What a cutie pie!!! Love her

  174. Cayenne Avatar

    We Love this doll. Of course, we call baby sister, sissy and in return, baby sister calls me Mommy Sissy! We would love to bring her home.

  175. Lindsey Avatar

    She’s so beautiful! She reminds me of my daughter who has crazy wild hair like that 🙂 We’d really love her

  176. kenzie Avatar

    trying again for my college dorm room bed. It will remind me of my mom and little sister! We love your dolls.

  177. Rebecca Avatar

    The baby sissy in our home would love to be your mama! Beautiful doll =)

  178. Matthew Avatar

    My baby would adore this baby.

  179. Kristin Avatar

    she is so cute! Please enter us 🙂

  180. Marisely Avatar

    Baby Sissy is a cutie. My daughter said “I want to hold that baby”.

  181. jj Avatar

    Sissy is the cutest bamboletta I have seen…sure hope I can get her for my little baby! 🙂

  182. Sascha Avatar

    Oh my gosh I love her!!!! Please Please Please let me be so lucky to win her!

  183. Lynn Avatar

    Such a sweety! Hope she comes to be a part of our family!!!

  184. Lisa Avatar

    So cute, love her!!

  185. melissa Avatar

    How perfect for our 1 yr old, her big sister has a Bamboletta named Holly. We are looking to grow our family and will keep trying for your serendipity dolls.

  186. Kali Avatar

    My Mazie baby would love a little baby of her own… she signs ‘baby’ all the time and it would be a perfect addition to her Easter basket! Even though we’d love any of your dolls, this one would be perfect 🙂

  187. Holly K Avatar
    Holly K

    Here goes nothing. Please Sissy come home to us for my Sissy.

  188. Susan Avatar

    I know a little lady who would just adore Sissy.

  189. Matt Avatar

    Love to buy her for my daughter

  190. Stephanie Avatar

    I love the Bambo Babies- They are so chubby and just cry out for hugs! We would love to give Sissy to our niece.

  191. Laura Avatar

    Just what we’ve been waiting for! My daughter would love this baby girl. Fingers crossed!

  192. Nick Avatar

    Our little boy would love this!

  193. Ellie Avatar

    So so so so so so so so so sweeeeeeeet!

  194. Aunt M Avatar
    Aunt M

    Love her. My goddaughter would too.

  195. wendy C Avatar
    wendy C

    She is beautiful and I would love to give her a loving home my daughter just thinks they are the most beautiful babies as she calls them.

  196. Susan-Marie Avatar

    Such a wonderful baby doll. I hope Sissy can be ours.

  197. Rebecca Jennison Avatar
    Rebecca Jennison

    She is beautiful – would love to own this sweet baby….

  198. Cristina Avatar

    Very Cute!

  199. **Mommyof4** Avatar

    My daughter would LOVE this baby 🙂

  200. Paula Avatar

    What a darling baby, I hope she comes home to us 🙂

  201. Amy Avatar

    We don’t have any sweet bamboletta babies. We love Sissy and would love for her to join our family!!!! She is precious!!! 🙂 xxoo

  202. Christine Avatar

    Please add my name. Thank you.

  203. Amie Avatar

    We would love to have Sissy join our family 🙂

  204. Pat Avatar

    Trying for my grandson! Hope we get him : )

  205. Bella Avatar

    Love to get this doll for my daughter!

  206. AJ Avatar

    I would love a chance to love Sissy. Thanks.

  207. Melissa Avatar

    Pretty sure my spirit has been broken…but I will comment anyway. She is pretty darn cute!

  208. Liz P Avatar
    Liz P

    I loooooooove her!

  209. Helen Avatar

    Love Sissy…would be perfect for my blonde hair, blue eyed Sarah (aka Sissy).

  210. Brian Avatar

    This would be sweet for our baby girl!

  211. Grandma El Avatar
    Grandma El

    What an adorable little baby. Trying to win her for my Grandson

  212. Beth Avatar


  213. Toni Avatar

    Cutest baby doll ever!!!

  214. Billy Avatar

    Our daughter would love her!!!

  215. Deborah Avatar

    Adore this little one! If we should be so lucky, this doll would be perfect for my son Elliott.

  216. JJ Avatar

    My daughter would go crazy for this doll!

  217. BrianS Avatar

    My daughter(aka Sissy)loves this baby doll and wants daddy to adopt her.

  218. Michele Avatar

    She is a cutie!

  219. Melissa Avatar

    Sissy’s hair is as cute as can be!!

  220. Avie Avatar

    I know the perfect ‘daddy’ for Sissy. 😉

  221. Aunt Jane Avatar
    Aunt Jane

    She is cute as a button!! <3

  222. Gamma Sue Avatar
    Gamma Sue

    I hope I can surprise my grandson with this little bundle….

  223. David Avatar

    My son would be overjoyed if he received that beautiful doll

  224. joe Avatar

    My daughters would love her…..

  225. Jim Avatar

    My Little Sofia enjoys the pictures and feeds them on the computer. I can only imagine how she would play with one in her hands!

  226. Stephen Avatar

    Please pick us, my daughter would love her!!!

  227. Brenda Bell Avatar
    Brenda Bell

    Sissy is a sweetie!!!!

  228. Mary Jo Avatar
    Mary Jo

    My grand girls would love her!

  229. Samantha Avatar

    We call my daughter sissy and she looks just like her with blonde hair and blue eyes! what a perfect match! great work christina!

  230. jenny Avatar

    I love the shade of the little jumpsuit!

  231. MSHall Avatar

    Hoping tonight is our night. We’d love a baby bamboletta.

  232. Simone W Avatar
    Simone W

    My daughter who is sitting on my lap said, Mama can I have baby Sissy?” Oh how I would love for baby Sissy to come and live with us! Then perhaps she just might stop obsessing over the plastic baby dollies her friends have and that at this point I refuse to buy! Sissy is adorable!!!

  233. Robyn Avatar

    We would love to welcome baby Sissy to our family! She is darling! Many thanks for the care and love that went into making her!

  234. SueAnn Avatar

    A Baby! What a wonderful doll to be a First!

  235. casey a Avatar
    casey a

    I think she might be turned into a Sam if we win! =)

  236. Denee Avatar

    Oooooh! Super Cute!! Fingers Crossed!

  237. Jodi Avatar

    Such a cutie!

  238. Donna Avatar

    Vying for a baby Sissy!

  239. Lindsay Avatar

    Yippee for babies!! She is lovely.

  240. Sabrina Avatar

    Love her. Have been trying hard not to comment on this one but she reminds me so much of my baby doll when I was small! x

  241. Genia Avatar


  242. Lindsay Avatar

    <3 <3 <3 This would make us very happy!

  243. Mery Avatar

    The baby is beautiful!

  244. Steve Avatar

    Love this baby and so would my daughter.

  245. Greg Avatar


  246. Ona Avatar

    I think I’m too late j…. but she’s wonderful

  247. Phone Sex Avatar

    She is so gorgeous you know…

  248. Website design Philippines…

    […]bamboletta: natural, handcrafted companions for little ones – » Blog Archive » Serendipity Doll … Sissy[…]…

  249. Priscilla Keefe Avatar
    Priscilla Keefe

    She is so precious!!!!!!!!Our youngest
    baby girl is Sissy!!!!!!!!
    Our Little Teddies miss you!!!!!
    Come and crawl into your little cubbie

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