This is Lola – she is today’s dollie that is up for ‘adoption’. If you are interested in purchasing this sweet little gal please leave a comment below (do not click on the picture and then leave a comment, just go to the end of this post and leave a comment there!) She costs $155 (USD) plus shipping and ,if you are Canadian, taxes. One ‘entry’ per person please. The new family will be chosen by a random number generator. This listing is open for 24 hours and will close at 8pm PDT tomorrow Sunday March 28st. I will then contact the buyer and arrange payment/delivery details with them. The buyer will have 24 hours to respond to my email to purchase the little gal – after 24 hours we choose another comment (please check your Spam folder – it may be in there! ) Good luck!
Lola is one of my 15″ dollies. She has tan skin and is stuffed with wool. Her gorgeous hair is made with mohair and wool yarns and mixed in with some funky handspun wool ‘dredlocks’ in various shades of brown – it’s thick and long and can be styled many ways! Her outfit is a kimono, jeans, wool shoes, underpants and a very special handknit sweater (knit by my Nonna).
Good luck everyone!
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