Serendipity Doll Lark!


Tonight is Lark’s turn!ย  Lark is a Little Buddy – measuring in at 10″ tall. She has beige skin, hair made with mohair and wool yarns in a brown color with copper highlights, and brown eyes. She is wearing a wrap dress and underpants.

These little buddies are made out of the same good stuff as my 15″ Bamboletta’s.ย  They measure approximately 10 inches, and do not come with shoes.

For a chance to win Lark please leave a comment on this post. ONE entry per household and you enter by leaving a comment on the blog (don’t click the picture) . Now, if you donโ€™t see your comment right away โ€“ donโ€™t worry, I have to manually approve them and it can take a bit for me to get to them!

This raffle is for a chance to purchase this doll โ€“ the cost is $85 plus shipping. Raffle closes at 7pm PDT on Sunday November 7th. ONE ENTRY PER HOUSEHOLD PLEASE! LEAVE A COMMENT TO ENTER!






379 responses to “Serendipity Doll Lark!”

  1. Jamie Hicks Avatar
    Jamie Hicks

    ok my name was going to be lark, so yea, hats in

  2. Michelle P Avatar
    Michelle P

    NO WAY…a LB….awesome!!! I SO want a LB!!!!! Pretty please with sugar on top!!!!!

  3. Nancy Avatar

    Beautiful little girl! DD would love her for xmas!

  4. Shoshannah Guerrero Avatar
    Shoshannah Guerrero

    I would love to have this little gal!!

  5. Jaime Thomas Avatar
    Jaime Thomas

    She is so sweet and lovely * crossing my fingers*

  6. Nancy K Avatar
    Nancy K

    An LB, wow! These daily serendipities are so exciting… good luck everyone!

  7. Danielle L Avatar
    Danielle L

    She is precious and perfect for my dd!

  8. Monique Avatar

    So simple and sweet!

  9. Suzie Avatar

    So cute!

  10. Heather Avatar

    OOOH, a LB!!!! Hi Lark! We’d love to give you a home!

  11. Lori Avatar

    We are hot for an LB in this house!!! And Lark would be perfection! ๐Ÿ™‚

  12. Claire Avatar

    The crowd goes wild! LB’s are just too much to resist ๐Ÿ™‚

  13. kimberly Avatar

    such a sweetie pie!

  14. kim C Avatar
    kim C

    Fingers crossed! Love her!

  15. Carrie Avatar

    We would LOVE to have Lark!

  16. Julia Valdovinos Avatar
    Julia Valdovinos

    Love her!

  17. Julia Avatar

    Precious! Lovely Lark!

  18. Shanna Avatar

    She’s beautiful! We’d love a chance to give her a home!

  19. Ashlee Geesaman Avatar
    Ashlee Geesaman

    She’s the one I was trying for! Fingers crossed! Love her!

  20. Jenifer Avatar

    This is funny, but my husband would love this one!
    He said if he had another daughter he’d want to name her Lark….

  21. Sara Avatar

    Oh love love love!! Pick me pick me! (out of a million, right? lol)

  22. Hannah Avatar

    I am sure you’d love a home, with the kangaroos ๐Ÿ˜‰

  23. Elaine Avatar

    She’s perfect!!!

  24. Shelly Avatar

    Love her!

  25. Susannah C. Avatar
    Susannah C.

    I am new to this game- my DD is 18 months old and it is amazing to me how she is picking up all this ‘girlie’ stuff when I am so….not girlie. Having had a boy first, dollie dolls are new to me, but these beautiful Bamboletta dolls make the transition from a boy, with all his trucks, to a girl and dolls SO much easier. We would love to give this little lady a new home- who knows :), keeping my fingers crossed!

  26. Karyn G. Avatar
    Karyn G.

    <3 Lark!

  27. Theresa Melodick Avatar
    Theresa Melodick

    Oh yeah!

  28. Gina Avatar

    HOLY NUTS! I timed out on her during finalize!! I LOVE her!

  29. Jennifer B. Avatar
    Jennifer B.

    Lark is lovely!

  30. Laura Avatar

    Oh she is amazing! I would love her!!
    She would be more than welcome in our home here in Australia!! – very loved!!

  31. Timberly Sozio Avatar
    Timberly Sozio

    Lark is gorgeous!! We’d love a chance to bring her home!

  32. Cassie Cardinal Avatar
    Cassie Cardinal

    Oooo what a beauty!

  33. Ana Avatar

    We would love her!

  34. Molly Avatar

    Oh my goodness, this is the LB that my little “Larkin” was hoping for! It would be so awesome to be able to surprise her with little Lark!!

  35. Susie Avatar

    We’d be in heaven if could welcome Lark home! She’s just like my daughter… I love those dark eyes!!

  36. Sarah Avatar

    Would love to get my dd her first Bamboletta, and a LB is perfect since she’s only 1! Would make a great Christmas present ๐Ÿ˜€

  37. Tam Avatar

    Lovely little lady ๐Ÿ™‚

  38. Annie Avatar

    she is stunning!

  39. Kelly Agnew Avatar
    Kelly Agnew

    Super cute! We would love a little Lark at our house.

  40. Joann Avatar

    Oh how we would love to have our first LB! Please let it be Lark!

  41. Angelika Avatar

    Love her!

  42. Chrystel Avatar


  43. Mary Clark Avatar
    Mary Clark

    Would love this lb…such a cutie!

  44. Anne Avatar

    Absolutely, we would love her!

  45. Tracy Avatar

    this is the one I was trying for! Adorable ๐Ÿ™‚

  46. Tonya Avatar

    Oh, perfect size for our little bit! Would love for her to join us at Christmas!

  47. Laura Avatar

    Cute! Would love to keep her on the island. ๐Ÿ™‚

  48. Prencie Avatar

    So, I know my chances are extremely slim on winning this raffel but I so hope and pray that I do!!! I LOVE all of your Bambo dolls but so far this one resembles my daughter the most!!!! She has light brown hair and was born with golden streaks mixed in!! I don’t where she get’s it from!??!:) She is my only girl and is so full of life and love and I know this doll will light up her life on a daily basis!:) Thank you!:)

  49. Jen A Avatar
    Jen A

    Adorable – would love to have a chance to own little Lark!

  50. Theresa Haas Avatar
    Theresa Haas

    She’s sweet!

  51. Melissa Avatar

    Come to mama! Tried so hard for her!!! We’d give her a great home!!

  52. Rachel Joy Avatar
    Rachel Joy


  53. Dominique Avatar

    Super cute! Love that it is a Little one!

  54. Ellen Avatar

    We would love the chance to help Santa bring Lark to our little sweetie!

  55. Janet Avatar

    Yes, a LB! So excited!!!

  56. Amanda Avatar

    She is darling!

  57. Allison Avatar

    She is perfectly adorable! So cute! We’d love to have her lived with us.

  58. Cathy Avatar

    I don’t know what to comment!…. lol!

  59. Lorene Avatar

    I have been wanting a little buddy so BAD!! PLEASE pick me! LOL.

  60. Anna Avatar


  61. Heather Avatar

    My girls and I have only just discovered these amazing dolls and they are completely in love! This lovely little lady reminds me of my oldest who would be in girly heaven if we are lucky enough to give Lark a home!

  62. Amy D Avatar
    Amy D

    Love Lark!

  63. Sundee Avatar

    Such a sweet face!

  64. Brooke Avatar

    She is amazing!

  65. Erin Avatar

    me please…please!!!

  66. Kori Avatar

    She is SOOOO cute!! I love her!

  67. Danielle Avatar

    Thank you for this chance!! <3 Lark!! ๐Ÿ™‚

  68. kelli Avatar

    We’d love to have Lark at our house!

  69. genia Avatar

    EEEKKKKKK….another cutie…would LOVE her:-)

  70. Julie Avatar

    She is adorable. I love her hair.

  71. Melissa A. Avatar
    Melissa A.

    She’s the one I wanted….would love a chance for her.

  72. Janeb Avatar

    She’s a cutie too!!!! Would love to give her a family ๐Ÿ™‚

  73. Alexis Avatar

    A Little Buddy!!! So exciting!! She is adorable too ๐Ÿ™‚

  74. Heather K. Avatar
    Heather K.

    Aww, I tried for her. She looks like the little sister of our 15″ girl.

  75. Mary Catherine Avatar
    Mary Catherine

    YES!!! Love her! ๐Ÿ™‚

  76. Antonella Avatar

    I’ve got a 9 year old sister that would love one a waldorf doll. This lil gal would be perfect for her!

  77. Jill W. Avatar
    Jill W.


  78. Julie Avatar

    She reminds me of my favourite doll from childhood; beautiful!

  79. kerrie Simes Avatar
    kerrie Simes

    what a delight <3

  80. Krista Avatar


  81. Cristina Avatar

    Love her!

  82. Melanie S. Avatar
    Melanie S.

    Love her!!!! She’s perfect!

  83. Kim e Avatar
    Kim e

    Lark! The herald angel sings! Glory to this little buddy.

  84. jennJK Avatar

    she’s a cutie pie! ๐Ÿ™‚

  85. mari Avatar

    she was my favorite! once again, fingers crossed!

  86. Melissa Avatar

    LOVE this little cutie!

  87. Whitney Avatar

    Ahhhh I can’t resist the LB cuteness!!

  88. Victoria Lee Avatar
    Victoria Lee

    Would love Lark for my brunette little girls. ๐Ÿ™‚

  89. Cassandra Avatar

    She is a sweet heart! <3

  90. Melissa Avatar

    Oh! She reminds me of my little girl!!!

  91. Paige Hill Avatar

    Crossing my fingers:)

  92. Debby L. Avatar
    Debby L.

    Gotta love the Little Buddies!!!! Count me in!!

  93. Claire Avatar

    She’s absolutely adorable! Looks like my daughter….especially those chubby rosy cheeks!

  94. Stefanie Avatar

    my daughter said, “she looks like a nice girl!” and i agree!

  95. Ann Avatar

    Hurray for the adorable little buddies.

  96. lea t Avatar
    lea t

    Ohhhhh! I have been trying to get an lb for my littlest one and she would be perfect!

  97. Dave Avatar

    Would love her! ๐Ÿ™‚

  98. Bri Avatar

    She is so lovely and wonderful. Thank you for the opportunity!

  99. megg Avatar

    Awwww….she’s so cute ๐Ÿ™‚

  100. Michelle Avatar

    Love her, would love to give her a home!!!

  101. Stephanie Avatar

    I’d love to get an LB!

  102. Erica Hayes Avatar
    Erica Hayes

    Would love a chance, thanks! Adorable!

  103. Cassie Avatar

    Oh…. wow!!!!! Would just love her!!!

  104. Lisa F Avatar
    Lisa F

    She’s adorable!!

  105. Amy Avatar

    Lark is so adorable! We’d love to have her join our family!

  106. Laura Avatar


  107. Jill Avatar

    A LB would make my bambo family complete…and she is a real cutie pie!

  108. Mia Avatar

    OOOOhhhhh, so cute! We would love her!

  109. Wendy Avatar


  110. Christina A. Avatar
    Christina A.

    Oh my, she is perfect! We need to bring her home! ๐Ÿ™‚

  111. Sarah Riggs Avatar
    Sarah Riggs

    I’ll throw my hat in – she has that PERFECT Bambo face…!

  112. Jenn Morgan Avatar
    Jenn Morgan

    I have been trying for a LB for a while and my daughter would absolutely lover her!!

  113. Glenda Avatar

    I must have her!

  114. Tabatha G Avatar
    Tabatha G

    OMG!!! I’m in love with her!

  115. Anna Avatar

    This would be the perfect gift for my niece’s Christmas!

  116. Casey Avatar

    ADORABLE!!! Love her!

  117. Erryn Avatar

    Lark is gorgeous, She would be perfect for our little buddy!

  118. Corina Young Avatar
    Corina Young

    I so hope she comes to live with us!

  119. Trish Boyer Avatar
    Trish Boyer

    She’s lovely. We’d love to give her a home!

  120. Jenninbrissy Avatar

    Lark is gorgeous so thank you for this opportunity to buy her instead of the normal crazy uploads :).

  121. kevin Avatar

    She is very cute!

  122. Katie Avatar

    Oh, she is beautiful!

  123. Chrissi Avatar

    I want her!!!!!

  124. shannon hiles Avatar
    shannon hiles

    love the dolls!

  125. Wendy Biel Avatar
    Wendy Biel

    Love, Love, Love her!!!

  126. Lynn M. Avatar
    Lynn M.

    Ack!!! I’ve never been lucky enough to win an LB. She is beautiful!!!!

  127. Ally Avatar

    She’s gorgeous. I’d love to have her!!

  128. lindsay Avatar

    It is still my little one’s birthday – maybe we will get lucky this time!

  129. Katie M Avatar
    Katie M

    She’s adorable!

  130. Carlin Avatar

    What a lovely little lady!

  131. Alison Avatar

    I know just hte little girl for her ๐Ÿ™‚

  132. Heather Avatar

    Oh my! LOVE HER!

  133. Melissa Avatar

    Cuteness! Sign me up! ๐Ÿ™‚

  134. Katherine Avatar

    LOVE HER!!!!

  135. Amber Avatar

    We would love her!

  136. Amy Ence Avatar
    Amy Ence

    Pure Sweetness!

  137. Catherine Avatar

    Love her!

  138. Marijke Avatar

    She would make a lovely addition to our family ๐Ÿ˜€

  139. Ramona Webster Avatar
    Ramona Webster


  140. Katie Avatar

    Love her!!!!

  141. Lisa Wilkinson Avatar
    Lisa Wilkinson

    Love lark!

  142. Katie Avatar

    She’s so sweet! Love her! ๐Ÿ™‚

  143. Silke O Avatar
    Silke O

    what a cutie

  144. Carla Aldag Avatar
    Carla Aldag

    I am a mother of 3 from OZ and am new to the world of Waldorf inspired dolls. I would love this little lady to join our family : )

  145. Olivia Avatar

    she is so lovely!

  146. Lila Hatton Avatar
    Lila Hatton

    What a cutie!

  147. Trina Avatar

    Such a beauty!

  148. Elaine Avatar


  149. Charlotte Miller Avatar
    Charlotte Miller

    What an adorable little doll!

  150. Alicia Avatar

    Oh, how I love her! I know a little girl who would love to find Lark in her stocking on Christmas morning ๐Ÿ™‚

  151. Cheri Avatar

    She is so cute! My daughter would love her.

  152. Lyn Stewart Avatar
    Lyn Stewart

    I would love to give Lark to my granddaughter! What a beauty!

  153. Michelle Avatar

    Fingers crossed! We need a little so badly….

  154. Robyn Avatar

    We think she’s so cute and wee!

  155. robin Avatar

    Lark would find a loving home here!

  156. Charity Avatar

    OK, I hope I am doing this right… this is my first time trying for one of your AMAZING dolls!!!! She is beautiful, and matches my girlies!!! We would love to have her!!! ๐Ÿ™‚
    Charity <

  157. Dana Avatar

    So adorable.. would make the perfect Christmas gift for my daughter!!

  158. Julie L Avatar
    Julie L


  159. Corrine R Avatar
    Corrine R

    Ohh shes a cutee fingers crossed…

  160. Nikki Avatar

    She is so sweet!

  161. Mia Avatar

    Lark come home to NC.

  162. Steph Avatar

    So cute!!

  163. klkk Avatar

    What a cutie!

  164. Keri Work Avatar
    Keri Work

    Abbey loves Lark!!!

  165. Denise C Avatar
    Denise C

    she is adorable. Would love a chance to have her

  166. Alison R. Avatar

    Oh I’d love her…. she is soooo cute!

  167. Lori Avatar


  168. Alan Avatar

    I know a little girl she would make very happy

  169. Melinda Avatar

    Very cute!

  170. Jennifer Avatar

    So cute!

  171. Heather P Avatar
    Heather P

    Oooh, she is a cutie!! ๐Ÿ™‚

  172. Liz Avatar

    Pick me! Pick me! Please!

  173. celine Avatar

    please, please, please let it be me ……… ๐Ÿ™‚

  174. Raven Fyre Avatar
    Raven Fyre

    We have a son named Lark so we would truly love another Lark join our family.

  175. Irene Avatar

    Gosh!! She is the best serendipity to come up…. what a very nice surprise! I hope Lark comes home to us ๐Ÿ™‚

  176. Stephanie Landis Avatar
    Stephanie Landis

    Thanks Christina!! Shes precious. Xoxo

  177. zulekha Avatar

    count me in..wanna get one for my daughter..fingers crossed..:)

  178. Leslie Avatar

    Would love her to join our family. So sweet!

  179. MamaM Avatar

    Oh yes please, a little buddy is a want and a need!

  180. chesney Avatar

    Too cute!

  181. Schaneon Mahon Avatar
    Schaneon Mahon

    We would love to welcome Lark to our home!

  182. Melissa Avatar

    Me me me me!! Please!! Love her!

  183. Melissa Avatar

    Love her so much, she is adorable and we would love her here!!

  184. Susana Avatar

    Hello Lark – you are a cutie-patootie! Come on over and live with us!

  185. Sara Avatar

    Love her!! She looks like my little girl. Perfect Christmas present!

  186. Dani M. Avatar
    Dani M.

    I would LOVE to win her!!! What a cutie. I’m sure my daughter would love her and I would too ๐Ÿ™‚ Thanks for the chance!!

  187. Teresa Verhoestra Avatar
    Teresa Verhoestra

    ME, ME, ME I need that cute little thing.

  188. Jeanette Avatar

    What a perfect size to fit in a pocket..or my youngest’s backpack ๐Ÿ˜‰ Lark is a sweetie who needs to come to Japan!lol!

  189. Anne Avatar

    Oh! I wasn’t able to try on Friday…so I am very excited to have a chance now! I know a little girl who would love to play with Lark. <3 Thank you for the opportunity!

  190. Linda Jones Avatar
    Linda Jones

    Love to give her to my granddaughter !!

  191. Patricia Avatar

    My granddaughter would love this girl! She’s is so sweet!

  192. Angela Neil Avatar

    My DD would LOVE her!! I hope I win!!

  193. Gina Avatar

    I would just love her for my babe, she is adorable!

  194. Rob Avatar

    My daughters would love this…

  195. Patsy Avatar

    She is perfect! What a great Christmas present.

  196. Alison Avatar

    I’d love to have her.

  197. Serena Avatar

    Oh! What an adorable lb! Thanks for the opportunity to bring her home!

  198. Danielle Z Avatar
    Danielle Z

    Wow! An LB too! I’m in!

  199. Hayley Conley Avatar
    Hayley Conley

    I would love this little sweetie!!!

  200. Lauren Avatar

    Oh lovely Lark!!

  201. Katie Avatar

    Thanks for the chance to win!

  202. Terri Avatar

    What a gorgeous little doll!!

  203. Rebecca Avatar

    Wow! Would we ever love to give her a home ๐Ÿ™‚

  204. Janice Avatar

    She’s a cutie! xo

  205. Sara Hope Avatar

    Love pretty little Lark! What a Lark!

  206. Lily Avatar

    Would luv luv luv to have her!

  207. Valerie Avatar

    Love her!

  208. Suzanne Avatar


  209. Aimee B. Avatar
    Aimee B.

    She’d make a wonderful holiday gift in our family! ^_^

  210. Felicia Avatar

    So cute

  211. Andrea G Avatar
    Andrea G

    My ittle one says ‘Come live with me LB’!!! Here’s hoping ๐Ÿ™‚

  212. Jennie Avatar

    sign me up!

  213. Heather Derksen Avatar
    Heather Derksen

    LARK!!! I can’t believe she’s back! Oh, please Ms. Random Generator, pick me!!!

  214. Chantal Avatar

    please, please please (with fingers and toes crossed) pick me. she is divine

  215. Jennifer I Avatar
    Jennifer I

    Pretty please with sugar on top ๐Ÿ˜‰

  216. Sarah Avatar

    Love love love her!

  217. Annie Avatar

    What a cutie! I’d love to give this to my little brown haired, brown eyed girl for her first birthday in December !!

  218. Kristin Avatar

    Lark is super sweet…and I love her name!

  219. charmaine Avatar

    Love Lark, will see if today is our lucky day ๐Ÿ™‚

  220. Jennifer O. Avatar
    Jennifer O.

    Fingers crossed!

  221. Mary R. Avatar

    I got the Oops! message for Lark during the RTG upload…hopefully she will come home now! :o)

  222. Laurie Avatar

    Yay! She’s darling! So excited to have a chance!

  223. rachael Avatar

    Me pls.

  224. Sabrina Avatar

    We love little buddies!

  225. Ellen L Avatar

    Lark is beautiful!

  226. Clement Avatar

    Our daughter would love her!

  227. Jennifer B. Avatar
    Jennifer B.

    She is so sweet! We would love her!

  228. gretchen Avatar

    oh please….pretty please!

  229. Evelyn Avatar

    She would be perfect for my niece. Fingers crossed (and toes to).

  230. Joleen Avatar

    One of these days ๐Ÿ™‚

  231. Faith Avatar

    Just found your site and how sweet the dolls are!

  232. Allison Avatar

    Awww I love her!

  233. Bridget Avatar

    SHe is my dream one for my youngest granddaughter! Would just worship her!

  234. Elaina Avatar

    Hoping little Lark find her way to our house!

  235. Kim R Avatar
    Kim R

    Would love this little LB!!!

  236. irina williams Avatar
    irina williams

    i would be thrilled to take lark home , she is just amazing !!!

  237. Tracy Avatar

    Oh lark is so sweet and we’d love to invite her into our home!

  238. Ashley Avatar

    Hooray for a chance at a little buddy! =)

  239. Carol Martin Avatar
    Carol Martin

    I love the name AND the doll !!!

  240. Shannon Avatar

    Lark is adorable!!

  241. Hanna C Avatar
    Hanna C

    Yay, a little buddy. I’m definitely in, with all fingers and toes crossed that this is the one for my little girl. ๐Ÿ™‚

  242. Ashli Avatar

    A little buddy for my little buddy! ๐Ÿ™‚ She’s precious.

  243. Elizabeth Avatar

    Yay, she is adorbale!

  244. Nico Avatar

    Please enter me! Nico alexa schwartz on FB

  245. Michelle C Avatar
    Michelle C

    I have as much of a shot as finding a needle in a haystack but what the heck!

  246. Amie O Avatar
    Amie O

    I would love her, had her in my cart and it would not let me check out.

  247. Lainie Avatar

    She’s a beauty – hoping for the best!

  248. Fiona Pingyin Avatar
    Fiona Pingyin

    What am adorable LB

  249. Cheryl Avatar

    Wonder addition to our family

  250. Dee Avatar

    Such a cutie!

  251. Abigail Avatar

    i wasn’t going to enter but she is just so darn cute!

  252. Paula P Avatar
    Paula P

    oh she is so so adorable

  253. Sumer Avatar

    Love her!

  254. Amanda Rowell Avatar
    Amanda Rowell

    My youngest would fall in love with Lark.

  255. Kimberly Avatar

    Soo adorable!! Crossing fingers & toes!! ๐Ÿ™‚

  256. Megan Avatar

    Awwwww….how tiny and CUTE!! Love it!

  257. Isabel Avatar

    Ooooooh! how cute! I know a girl who deserves that cutie!! ๐Ÿ™‚

  258. Marie Whitten Avatar
    Marie Whitten

    This was my favorite of the little buddies!!

  259. Sonia Garbo Avatar
    Sonia Garbo

    Love this little girl!! My little Girl would love her =)

  260. Marisely Avatar

    Christina, thanks for the second chance to try for Lark. She is so gorgeous. Her new mommy is going to be so happy.

  261. Whitney Port Avatar
    Whitney Port

    Oooohhhh! She’s too cute!

  262. jennifer N. Avatar
    jennifer N.

    so cute!

  263. tracy Avatar

    She is so adorable!

  264. Kris Avatar

    Our house would love her. Thanks for the opportunity!

  265. Sally O Avatar
    Sally O

    Brown eyed girl ๐Ÿ˜‰

  266. mamajen Avatar

    too many blondes in this household! we need a brunette!

  267. sue shermetaro Avatar
    sue shermetaro

    soooooooooooo cute!!

  268. Nicole Nelson Avatar
    Nicole Nelson

    want her!!!!!

  269. Michael Avatar

    My daughter would love her!

  270. Jen L Avatar
    Jen L

    A perfect LB! May we be so lucky!

  271. Teri Avatar

    We want a little buddy so badly!!!! Love, sweet love!!!!

  272. Amy P. Avatar
    Amy P.

    OMGosh!! We LOVE her and we NEED her. This would be our first, but I’ve been admiring them for ever since I found you.

  273. Olivia S Avatar
    Olivia S

    She is so pretty! Love the brown hair and eyes!

  274. Cara T Avatar
    Cara T

    Love her!! Had her in my cart ๐Ÿ™‚
    Thanks for the second chance!! <3

  275. Meghan Kohles Avatar
    Meghan Kohles

    She is lovely! I adore the little buddies! ๐Ÿ™‚

  276. Jaime Avatar

    Love her so much!

  277. Cara Avatar

    Love the LB’s!! Thanks for the chance to have Lark come home to us.

  278. christine b Avatar
    christine b

    such a sweetie!!!!

  279. Madeleine Avatar

    She looks just like me!

  280. Amy E. Avatar
    Amy E.

    Love Lark…what a cutie!

  281. Tracy Black Avatar
    Tracy Black

    here we go again!

  282. Theresa S Avatar
    Theresa S

    I love her! LOVE, LOVE, LOVE.

  283. Emily O Avatar
    Emily O

    Yeah for little buddies!

  284. Shannon Avatar

    I love her pretty brown hair and diminutive size.

  285. Mandy Moore Avatar

    Oh a Little Buddy! Perfect for Sage’s little sister!
    We’d love her to pieces!

  286. Evette Avatar

    Oh wow! Just love her! Please pick me ๐Ÿ™‚

  287. Sharon M Avatar
    Sharon M

    Just another adorable creation by C!

  288. RVB Avatar

    Beautiful…love her long hair!

  289. Heather Avatar

    I just love her! Beautiful ๐Ÿ™‚

  290. Heather Farr Avatar
    Heather Farr

    We would love to get a chance to bring Lark to our home!

  291. Tracy Avatar

    Keeping our fingers crossed here. One of these times….

  292. jai conroy Avatar
    jai conroy

    She’s a cutie!

  293. Eliza Avatar

    I would love her!!!!!!

  294. Paula Avatar

    LPVE!! LOVE1 NEED!!! Thank you!

  295. Luke Avatar

    Would love to win this little lady!!!

  296. Susannah Avatar

    Whoever wins will be happy as a lark!

  297. Tracey Avatar

    Oh my word, she is so cute!!

  298. Jeanette L. Avatar
    Jeanette L.

    She is so gorgeous! Love her!

  299. Christie Coleman Avatar
    Christie Coleman

    Adorable! Would love her ๐Ÿ™‚ !

  300. Freckles Avatar

    She is ADORABLE! We’d love her ๐Ÿ™‚

  301. Joyce Avatar

    Would love her for my daughter!

  302. Shari Avatar

    Love ๐Ÿ™‚

  303. Olivia Avatar

    Absolutely precious LB!! <3 Please enter us into the drawing. ๐Ÿ™‚

  304. Cathy Avatar

    We would love her! What a cutie!

  305. Shontel Avatar

    She is beautiful!!! My daughters would shower her with lots of love!!

  306. Margaret Keithley Avatar
    Margaret Keithley

    We would love her!!!

  307. Rosaleen Carter Avatar

    OMG, it is my dream to have a little buddy in our home!

  308. Richard Carter Avatar
    Richard Carter

    I want one!

  309. Nan Avatar

    She’s so sweet! Trying for Tay….. (xoxoxxxxx)

  310. Michelle Avatar

    ok, here we go. Maybe it’s my lucky day.

  311. JupiterK Avatar

    She is adorable. She will be much loved if she comes to our home.

  312. Linda Avatar

    Another Bambo delight!

  313. ronnie Avatar

    Would love to have Lark come live with us!

  314. Di Avatar

    So cute!

  315. Angela Simpson Avatar
    Angela Simpson

    Another cutie!

  316. Amy Avatar

    She is so sweet! Thank you for the opportunity!


  317. Susan Avatar

    A little buddy would be very welcomed here!!

  318. Jill N. Avatar
    Jill N.

    My granddaughter would love her for sure!

  319. Elaine Avatar

    My Granddaughter would love her! Thank You

  320. Christine Avatar

    So so cute!!

  321. Susan S. Avatar
    Susan S.

    OMG! OMG! I would love her! EEP! Please let this be my lucky post!

  322. Hillary Avatar

    She is so darling!! We would love her!

  323. jackie Avatar

    christmas present for my princess

  324. Kelly Avatar

    My little Sophie would LOVE this!!!

  325. Elaine Avatar

    She is soo cute! We’d love her!

  326. Melanie Avatar

    Oh Lark, wouldn’t you love to come and play at our house? I know you’d love it here ๐Ÿ™‚

  327. Kira Avatar

    She looks like my daughter, Hannah!!! <3 her!

  328. Rebecca Avatar

    Oh, lovely Lark, my little lovey daughter would luxuriate in your lovely loveliness! She’s almost three, so still wee, and loves wee babies. May it be our lucky day! We will take wonderful care of you! (What is the likelihood of Rebecca-winners, two days in a row? I guess statistically, anything is possible…)

  329. Heather Avatar

    Adorable! We would love to have her!

  330. Heather Black Avatar
    Heather Black

    would love little buddy lark!

  331. Alishia Perez Avatar
    Alishia Perez

    Newbie ๐Ÿ™‚ would love for our baby girl!

  332. John Avatar

    I’d love her for my granddaughter.

  333. Catherine Avatar

    She is a sweetie

  334. Acia Avatar

    So cute! Crossing my fingers….

  335. Kimmy R Avatar
    Kimmy R

    Give up ladies…she is mine! ๐Ÿ˜‰

  336. emily Avatar

    looks like the little sis to our Heidi!

  337. Lyn Avatar

    How loved you would be…..

  338. Pam R Avatar
    Pam R

    Please enter me for Lark! Love!

  339. Lori K Avatar
    Lori K

    Yay for Lark! Reesie would love you soooooo much! We don’t have a bambo yet so she would be our first little angel baby!!!! Pick us! Pick us!

  340. Rmetelka Avatar


  341. Jill Johnson Avatar
    Jill Johnson

    Please enter us for Lark. ๐Ÿ™‚

  342. Alec Avatar

    She’s cute! My daughter would love her.

  343. Heather Avatar

    She’s adorable.

  344. joy Avatar

    Beautiful! Would love to bring her home for my little gals.

  345. Claudia Avatar

    Oh my Gosh, she’s the ONE I was going for. I tried to check out with her three times and then got booted off. Please let this be my chance at this perfect little lady for my little lady!!!

  346. kitschywoman Avatar

    Count me in! <3

  347. Vinai Avatar

    Lark is so cute!

  348. Justine Semple Avatar
    Justine Semple


  349. Jean Avatar

    She is beautiful! They all are! Fingers crossed she gets to come home to us!

  350. Sara Rose Avatar
    Sara Rose

    My lil cutie would love on this lil cutie tons! ๐Ÿ™‚ Good luck everyone!

  351. Katy Sincliar Avatar
    Katy Sincliar

    Would LOVE her for my girls!

  352. Chris Avatar

    Wow, lark is such a cutie!

  353. Ali Avatar

    I would LOVE to have her ๐Ÿ™‚

  354. Erin :) Avatar
    Erin ๐Ÿ™‚

    Here goes nothing again…whole body crossed ๐Ÿ™‚

  355. amanda miller Avatar
    amanda miller

    cute cute cute!!

  356. Cyndi Avatar

    Lark – I hope you come to our house – we are hoping for a LB and you would be perfect for us!

  357. Morgan Avatar

    Very sweet!

  358. Brian S Avatar
    Brian S

    I never win anything but I have to try for my girls.

  359. denise Avatar

    Love her…….fingers crossed!

  360. Bianca Avatar

    Lark come over and play!!!

  361. Hillary Avatar

    Lark we would love you ๐Ÿ™‚

  362. Megan Fogel Avatar

    We would really really love her!!

  363. Kelly Avatar

    She’s adorable!

  364. Amanda Clark Avatar
    Amanda Clark

    Super cute!!!

  365. Heidi Avatar

    Lark is the perfect LB! Your dolls are all great!

  366. Julie Avatar

    Oh oh oh! She would seriously brighten my day!!

  367. Jessica P Avatar
    Jessica P

    Wow she is wonderful!!!! I am new to the site and hoping I get lucky =) Fingers crossed….and toes too!

  368. Pat S Avatar
    Pat S

    Sooo sweet for my GD.

  369. Lisa Avatar

    She is so cute!!

  370. Renee Avatar

    Me please!

  371. Abbi Butler Avatar
    Abbi Butler

    Love the LB’s and what a gorgeous dress!

  372. Katie B. Avatar
    Katie B.


  373. Julia Avatar

    Me me

  374. Paula Avatar

    Such sweet face! Cuuuute!

  375. Ana Kondo Avatar
    Ana Kondo

    Such a cute little doll, I would love to have the privilege of having such a unique Bambolleta doll. Good luck for all the fans.

  376. Heather Stafford Avatar
    Heather Stafford

    She’s beautiful!

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