Serendipity Doll – Erin


To enter for a chance to buy Erin please leave a comment at the end of this post (NOT THE PICTURE) ONE comment per family. Winner will be chosen on Sunday the 10th at 8pm PDT. Doll costs $200 plus shipping.

Please note that people who have never commented before will get the note comments ‘await moderation’  – please don’t keep entering – I have to manually approve these comments and sometimes it takes me a few hours. Thanks!






263 responses to “Serendipity Doll – Erin”

  1. Jennifer L. Avatar
    Jennifer L.

    Me!! She is adorable!!! 🙂

  2. Dawn Fisher Avatar
    Dawn Fisher

    She is beautiful♥

  3. Meghan Avatar

    We’ll take this beauty!

  4. Colleen Avatar


  5. Nicole Eppes Merryman Avatar
    Nicole Eppes Merryman

    What a very beautiful girl, would love to have her join our family. Thank you.

  6. Jean W Avatar
    Jean W

    Please pick us. She was the one that got away today! Well, got away from DH ’cause I wasn’t home to try. 🙂 Thank you so much. xoxo

  7. Denise Avatar

    LOVE her. My daughter’s birthday is next week. Wonder if that is a good luck charm for me after way too many months…. Thanks for this opportunity!

  8. Nicole Merryman Avatar
    Nicole Merryman

    What a very beautiful girl, would love to bring her home. Thank you.

  9. Sarah A. Avatar
    Sarah A.

    She is so lovely! We would love her!

  10. Allison Rae Avatar
    Allison Rae

    She is just pure sweetness! We would love to have her 🙂

  11. Angela Simpson Avatar
    Angela Simpson

    Would adore her to pieces!

  12. Sarah A. Avatar
    Sarah A.

    She is so lovely!

  13. Hillary Avatar

    She’s lovely. I’m hoping to get a doll for my daughter’s birthday.

  14. Chantelle Avatar

    Island girl looking for her 1st Bamboletta companion. Erin would be perfect!

  15. Debbie M. Avatar
    Debbie M.

    Love her! Love them all!! How can anyone be picky when they all are so stinkin’ adorable<3

  16. Jess Avatar

    What a cute doll!!!

  17. Dana Avatar

    Oh… She’s precious! We need her! Her Bambo sister, Mina, will be so happy!

  18. Heather H. Avatar
    Heather H.

    She’s so pretty!!!

  19. Mandi Avatar

    We would love her!!!

  20. Jennifer Avatar

    Would love her!

  21. Jaime Thomas Avatar
    Jaime Thomas

    Her hair is divine!

  22. Tracy Avatar

    Absolutely in love with your Dollies. Discovered them at the 435 Art Fair and now my daughter is asking for a Sister. Hoping maybe a Bamboletta will appease my Piccolina!

  23. Jenny Avatar

    I know a little boy who would call her ‘Ner-wyn’. At least that’s what he calls his sister Erin! Good luck everyone!

  24. Victoria Lee Avatar
    Victoria Lee

    LOVE her! 🙂

  25. Staci Avatar

    Love her hair and eyes, so striking!!

  26. Larisa L Byrd Avatar
    Larisa L Byrd

    Newbie here, would love a chance to give this sweet little girl a loving home! Thanks.

  27. Jennifer Thibodeaux Avatar
    Jennifer Thibodeaux

    OMG love her hope she gets to come home with me:)

  28. kristina Avatar

    I love her!!

  29. Carrie Mc W Avatar
    Carrie Mc W

    I don’t know how anyone could pick just one to be a favorite – it would have to be one of each for me!

  30. Jacqueline Avatar

    Love her!

  31. Steph Avatar

    I hope, I hope, I hope I get lucky this time. I love her!

  32. lindsay Avatar


  33. Carlin Avatar

    She’s stunning!

  34. Carlin Avatar

    She’s wonderful!
    (I just commented and entered my e-mail address wrong! Please ignore it!)

  35. Andrea G Avatar
    Andrea G

    what a sweetie!!!

  36. regan Avatar

    yes, please 🙂

  37. Kari Avatar

    So pretty!

  38. vicki walker Avatar
    vicki walker

    This is for Erin’s baby girl if we are so lucky! She has blue eyes and her Mom, Erin is her whole world!

  39. Jennifer Chesla Avatar
    Jennifer Chesla

    would love to have Erin 🙂

  40. Kristin Avatar

    Please, please, please come to our house, Erin!!!

  41. Tonya Avatar

    She is a sweetie, and we’d love to have her!

  42. Stacey Poortenga Avatar
    Stacey Poortenga

    Beautiful…love her hair!!

  43. Paula Avatar

    Adorable !!! Love her!:)

  44. Melissa Avatar

    Oh gosh I love her!!

  45. Tiffany Avatar

    I love het!!! She is one of my favorites ever!!

  46. Brenda Avatar

    Erin is really pretty. Love the colors in her hair and her rich eye color!

  47. anar Avatar

    Love her!!

  48. Simone Avatar

    Oh Erin! I tried SO hard for you today. It’s meant to be. I can just feel it! See you soon little lady 🙂

  49. Carolyn Avatar

    Oh my goodness! I hope this is my time 🙂

  50. Tanya Walery Avatar
    Tanya Walery

    Cute!!! Still a newbie here.

  51. Melissa H. Avatar
    Melissa H.

    Still trying…

  52. Sara P. Avatar
    Sara P.

    Such a cutie!! We would cherish her!

  53. Jodi Avatar

    still a newbie – love the brunette girls! well they are all pretty nice : )

  54. susie reed Avatar
    susie reed

    I would love a chance to own this little cutie…I’ll give her a good home:)

  55. Shelby LaManna Avatar
    Shelby LaManna

    Add freckles please!

  56. linda jt Avatar
    linda jt

    Fairy bits, fairy bits, love those fairy bits!

  57. Elizabeth Esther Avatar

    Oh, please. Me! My twin girls will be in LOVE! (and I will, too!) 🙂 thank you, thank you!

  58. Amy Fisher Avatar
    Amy Fisher

    Oh, my….is it possible my favorite Babmo is up for Serendipity? Yeah! 🙂

  59. Amanda H Avatar
    Amanda H

    She is so beautiful! I would love to give her to my Ella 🙂

  60. Karen Avatar

    Please pick me she is perfect!

  61. JulieY Avatar

    I would love to enter. Thank you.

  62. celine Avatar

    please pick me. 🙂

  63. Khris E. Avatar
    Khris E.

    She is beautiful – thanks for the chance

  64. Ashley A. Russell Avatar
    Ashley A. Russell

    Gorgeous dream doll our family would love. She reminds me of giveaway doll Shauna…swoon! Fingers crossed.

  65. Darla S Avatar
    Darla S

    Love her!

  66. Tami D. in Ohio Avatar
    Tami D. in Ohio

    Would LOVE the chance to welcome this sweetie into our home!!! 🙂

  67. Jenn L Avatar
    Jenn L

    She is very sweet! 🙂

  68. KarenK Avatar

    Is it hard for you to let them go Christina? I am bummed out for days after I miss out on one I loved on upload day- and I never had her in hand. I can imagine there are a few you have a second thought about keeping for yourself. 🙂 I love Erin! She is just the sweetest!

  69. Rachel Joy Avatar
    Rachel Joy

    Blue eyes, brown hair….oh she is perfect!!!!!!

  70. Donna Avatar

    I’ll bet she could teach us how to play the banjo.

  71. Alison Avatar

    Oh I tried hard for Erin today… she is stunning 😉 I have a soft spot for the brunettes!

  72. Christina a Avatar
    Christina a

    She is gorgeous! She is the twin sister to my son’s boy & we’d love her very much!!!

  73. Elaine Avatar

    Oh Erin – one of my favorites this week!

  74. Sarah Avatar

    Our dream dolly…so sweet.

  75. Vanessa Avatar

    a real dream doll! love her classic look and her beautiful hair. my sweet 2 yr old boy will adore her as will I!

  76. Sandra Avatar

    We would love the chance to give her a home!

  77. Jessica K Avatar
    Jessica K

    She was the doll I was trying for!! It would really be meant to be!!

  78. Karyn Avatar

    Love her! <3

  79. Whitney Avatar


  80. Charles D. Avatar
    Charles D.

    Our friend was trying so hard for sweet little Juliet for our daughter today because of her rainbow hair! She said she would be perfect for our little rainbow baby! I think Erin fits the bill & we’d love her here in Indiana!

  81. jan Avatar

    Very sweet doll!

  82. Heather Avatar

    Love her! <3

  83. Kimber Avatar

    Our dream doll…she’s gorgeous!<3
    Thank you for the chance. 🙂

  84. Denise C Avatar
    Denise C

    she is adorable

  85. Ace E. Avatar
    Ace E.

    Thanks for the opportunity.

  86. Faith Avatar

    I wish I may………..
    I wish I might………………..
    Bring Erin home with us this time……………………………………………. <3 <3 <3

  87. Nina Avatar

    Please come to live with us, little Erin.

  88. Dana Avatar

    OMG me! She is so cute!!

  89. Erica Avatar

    i love her.

  90. Kelli W-S Avatar
    Kelli W-S

    We would love to bring Erin home!

  91. Ruth Collar Avatar
    Ruth Collar

    Such a sweet face! Us please.

  92. charlotte's doll Avatar
    charlotte’s doll

    wow, would love her to be our first bamboletta!

  93. Arielle P. Avatar
    Arielle P.

    I love her hair and would be happy to take her!

  94. Jaime Avatar

    Love love love Erin!

  95. Ann Avatar

    She is absolutely adorable!!!!

  96. Allison Avatar

    love her!

  97. Wendy Avatar

    Love her

  98. Fatmah Avatar

    Super cute face ! Love <3

  99. Tina Avatar

    Love her

  100. Suzanne Hurlston Avatar
    Suzanne Hurlston

    She is perfect!

  101. Hanna Avatar

    Love her! Her hair is amazing as is is everything about her. She’s perfect! 🙂

  102. Katie G. Avatar
    Katie G.

    This was my favorite this week (well, tied with Juliet!). I would love an opportunity to buy her!!

  103. Meaghan mcdowall Avatar
    Meaghan mcdowall


  104. Candace Metz Avatar
    Candace Metz

    Oh MY! I was soooo hopeful that she was a Serendipity. She was our dream doll and I think I contributed to getting her stuck in the system. I kept clicking and clicking. We would be honored to have Erin in our family! Perfection. Please choose us.

  105. Natalie Avatar

    Hope to be a first timer!!!!

  106. Angela Avatar

    She’s beautiful!

  107. Frank Avatar

    This doll was my niece’s favorite, too – it was my first time trying for one since my wife was at work (she even set an alarm to remind me!)

  108. Lesley wheeler Avatar
    Lesley wheeler

    She is adorable!!! We would love her!!

  109. Sarah Fitzpatrick Avatar
    Sarah Fitzpatrick


  110. andra Avatar

    I hope I am luck!

  111. Laurie Avatar

    ohhh that Iz the one I waz trying for…we want her zo bad…PLEAZE…
    the perfect little one!!

  112. karalisa Avatar

    Love little Erin!!!

  113. irina williams Avatar
    irina williams

    She is just stunning, my daughter would love her

  114. Cheryl Avatar

    love, love, love!!!!

  115. April C. Avatar
    April C.

    Erin is beautiful!!

  116. Yvonne Folsom Avatar
    Yvonne Folsom

    Absolutely LOVE her!

  117. Susana Avatar

    She is a stunner! Hope I’m lucky – my DD would love her.

  118. Heather Avatar

    Pretty eye color! We would love her.

  119. Teri Avatar

    Oh, I missed this upload! Would LOVE a chance at this little sweetie!!! : )

  120. Alison Avatar

    She is perfection! Would love for her to join our family!

  121. Melissa Avatar

    <3 her! Little sweetheart!

  122. Valerie Avatar

    She’s beautiful! We’d love to have her 🙂

  123. Michelle Avatar

    Thank you for the chance!!! Love the color in her hair and blue eyes!!!

  124. Kelly W Avatar
    Kelly W

    🙂 🙂 🙂 she was my favorite… thanks for the chance as I wasn’t around for the upload 🙂 🙂 🙂

  125. jen willard Avatar
    jen willard

    Awww, love her!

  126. Melinda guthman Avatar
    Melinda guthman

    She is beautiful!!!, please pick me :-))

  127. Ashley Avatar

    oh my goodness…she is my absolute favorite! we would love her bunches in our home!

  128. Jen A Avatar
    Jen A

    She is SO cute! I’m a newbie to these dolls. You make the best looking ones I have seen so far.

  129. Michelle H. Avatar
    Michelle H.

    Her hair is gorgeous!

  130. Angel Avatar

    PLEASE enter me she is GORGEOUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    thanks so much!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  131. Lacy Avatar


  132. Alison Avatar

    Would love to have her in our home!

  133. Stefanie Grissom Avatar
    Stefanie Grissom

    She is so beautiful! Please pick me..still a newbie!:)

  134. Victoria Avatar

    She is beautiful…just like all the rest! Would love to be the lucky person that gets to have her! Thanks!

  135. Jason Avatar

    We would love to welcome Erin to our home!

  136. Dianne Avatar

    Erin is a beauty, would love to have her !!!!!!

  137. megan gillikin Avatar
    megan gillikin

    Erin told me she wants to come to my house. Love her♥♥♥

  138. Stephanie Avatar

    I couldn’t design a more perfect doll for my daughter.

  139. Esther Avatar

    We would love her!

  140. Tammy Avatar

    Love her hair!!! 🙂

  141. Carol F Avatar
    Carol F

    Would love to give her a home – she is wonderful!

  142. Jennifer Kundert Avatar
    Jennifer Kundert

    I would love her for my daughter’s 5th birthday coming up! 🙂

  143. Erin Avatar

    Love her & we have the same name!!!

  144. stephanie K Avatar
    stephanie K

    Would love her in our house!

  145. Jocelyn Hecht Avatar
    Jocelyn Hecht

    One of my favorites ever! Thanks for this 2nd chance, and have a great weekend! 🙂

  146. Tagan Avatar

    Would love the chance to have her in my home <3

  147. Nancy Avatar

    She’s FABULOUS! Gorgeous. Thanks for the chance.

  148. FLR Avatar

    I love her!

  149. Angie T. Avatar
    Angie T.

    She is stunning!!

  150. Vanessa Avatar

    This was my favorite! So pretty!

  151. Heather Bhatti Avatar
    Heather Bhatti


  152. Lori G. Avatar
    Lori G.

    Would love to give her a forever home. Thanks for the chance!

  153. Stephanie Avatar

    I would love the chance to buy this beautiful doll for my little doll!

  154. Ashley P. Avatar
    Ashley P.

    Oh my gosh..this is our DREAM DREAM DREAM doll. I have a blonde Erin for my youngest daughter from April because she has blonde hair and blue eyes and now this Erin looks like my oldest daughter…brown hair and blue eyes. She would complete our Bamboletta family!!! She would be the PERFECT Christmas gift!

  155. Michelle Avatar

    My dream baby!!! She’s gorgeous. Kajsa would love her.

  156. Julia Avatar

    She is super cute!

  157. Brandi Avatar

    I am so thrilled it is Erin. My little Lexi needs a sibling doll. Her older sister has one and it is almost torture to Lexi! Please send Lexi a bambo to love.

  158. Britne Avatar

    So pretty <3

  159. MishC Avatar

    she is beautiful. Thank you!

  160. Talisha Cunningham Avatar
    Talisha Cunningham

    She is precious. Love everything about her.

  161. Jenna Avatar

    blue eyed beauty and her sweet little dress! yes please come live here!

  162. Vanessa Avatar

    A beautiful doll! Her hair colour is lovely.

  163. Deborah Johnston Avatar
    Deborah Johnston

    Please be my lucky serendipity.

  164. Helen's Mom Avatar
    Helen’s Mom

    She is such a cutie. Love her!

  165. Mary Jane Pilgrim Avatar
    Mary Jane Pilgrim

    Such a beautiful girl!

  166. Megan W. Avatar
    Megan W.

    I love her!

  167. Allison S Avatar
    Allison S

    We would love to have her!

  168. Jenelle Avatar

    We would love her!!!!

  169. Laura Avatar

    we love her!

  170. Rebecca jennison Avatar
    Rebecca jennison

    She is gorgeous

  171. Jill Avatar

    I loved her. She is gorgeous! Rainbow hair on a brunette. WOW!

  172. Jill Avatar

    So cute! Fingers crossed!

  173. Nicole K. Avatar
    Nicole K.

    Oh! I just Love her!! Pick me Pick me!!

  174. Tara Avatar

    Love her!!!

  175. sguerrero Avatar

    she is a cutie!

  176. Kristin Sawyer Avatar
    Kristin Sawyer

    She is gorgeous!! I would love to give her a home at our house!! :o)

  177. Cindy Avatar

    Swoon! me please 🙂

  178. Samantha C Avatar
    Samantha C

    She is just beautiful!!

  179. kimberly Yanovak Avatar

    Erin is so super adorable!!

  180. Gita Avatar

    Fingers crossed for Ruby’s birthday!

  181. jennie b Avatar
    jennie b

    Love her!

  182. Angela Avatar

    Our sweet daughter Rebecca would love to have such a beautiful playmate! Erin will be so loved as she joins in the wonderful adventures of childhood!

  183. Pam Avatar


  184. Erin Avatar

    She could not be more perfect for my blue-eyed girl!

  185. Lindsay Avatar

    We’d love her to join our family!

  186. Allison S Avatar
    Allison S

    Come on home Erin!

  187. Jolene Avatar

    She is beautiful.

  188. Stephanie Reid Avatar
    Stephanie Reid

    Oh Erin!!!! Yay — I was trying for her the entire upload <3

  189. Jan Avatar

    Oh, my goodness. She is just adorable!

  190. Vanessa Avatar

    So cute!

  191. Janet Avatar


  192. Jessica K Avatar
    Jessica K

    She is just GORGEOUS! I can only imagine to be sooo lucky!

  193. lizzie Avatar

    Love her!! Thanks for the chance 🙂

  194. Robin Morey Avatar
    Robin Morey

    Lovely <3

  195. Cindy Frost Avatar
    Cindy Frost

    This would be a great birthday gift for my little girl! We are new to dolls so I would love the chance!

  196. lyndsay p Avatar
    lyndsay p

    Yes please <3

  197. mark Avatar

    she is great!!

  198. Jennie H Avatar
    Jennie H

    She’s beautiful! Love her!

  199. libby dowling Avatar
    libby dowling

    I love her <3 thnx for the chance to have her in our family!

  200. JillRB Avatar

    What a beauty!!!

  201. Debra Stallings Avatar

    Love Her!!! I need a Bambo. 🙂

  202. Lori Avatar

    so cute!

  203. Megan Avatar

    Love her!!

  204. Tracy Avatar

    One day I may get lucky with a Serendipity gal! I love her. 🙂 My kids would love her even more.

  205. Mike Avatar

    My daughter would love this!!

  206. Ann K. Avatar
    Ann K.

    Erin is a stunning and beautiful doll.

  207. Abbi Avatar

    Thank you! 🙂

  208. Allison Avatar


  209. ameliaw Avatar

    She’s simply beautiful. Wow!

  210. Lori Avatar

    If you’re lucky enough to be Irish, you’re lucky enough!

  211. Sue H Avatar
    Sue H

    She is gorgeous!!

  212. Sally Avatar

    Will I ever be lucky enough?

  213. Cathy Avatar

    Love her sweet face!

  214. Nadija Avatar

    Would love this for my granddaughter

  215. Barbie Huff Avatar
    Barbie Huff

    She would be our first and our Dream come true Bamboletta doll!!

  216. Rebecca Avatar

    So adorable!

  217. Rakelle Avatar

    I can’t help myself. Erin is so gorgeous!

  218. lissa t Avatar
    lissa t

    She is beautiful!

  219. Mandy M. Avatar

    Oh Yea! Erin was on the top of the list this week! Fingers crossed!

  220. Michelle D Avatar
    Michelle D

    She’s a beauty!

  221. Ani Norita Avatar
    Ani Norita

    She’s pretty!

  222. Linda Greenwood Avatar

    beautiful Erin~~please come and live with me!!

  223. Katherine Avatar

    Love her!

  224. katie Avatar

    amazing as always!! my fingers are crossed!

  225. jennifer Avatar

    <3 <3 <3 this sweet girl was the one i was trying for. we adore her!

  226. Twyla Avatar

    very pretty, here’s hopin’

  227. Kris Avatar

    Love her!

  228. Tammy Avatar


  229. Stephanee Avatar

    We would love the chance for her! She was one of our favorites this week! Thanks for the chance!

  230. Mary Robichaux Avatar
    Mary Robichaux

    Yes please, I would love her!

  231. Gary Avatar

    You have no idea how much easier my life would be if I won the chance to purchase this doll for my daughter

  232. Laura Avatar

    would love this sweetheart for my friend Cheryl…. 🙂

  233. Wendy Avatar

    She was one of my favourites! LOVE her!!!

  234. Craig Avatar

    My girls would love me forever if I could bring this doll home. Thanks for the chance.

  235. Ily Avatar

    Love her expression, it’s as if she’s begging me to take her home! Love her!

  236. Penelope Haynes Avatar
    Penelope Haynes

    She beautiful. She needs to come be with me <3

  237. christine b Avatar
    christine b

    Every doll is beautiful and this one would have a special home here. Love her colored hair:)

  238. Jessica Mathias Avatar
    Jessica Mathias

    Miss Erin,
    It looks as if you have a million choices on where to call home.
    Please tell your current mommy that you would really like to go see Oklahoma!!
    Hope to see you soon, Love The Mathias Family

  239. Rei Tsou-Pfund Avatar

    We love her!!! hope she will be able to join our family!!! lots of hugs for little Erin!!
    Thank you for the chance!

  240. Cindy Roberts Avatar
    Cindy Roberts

    Would love to have her join our family!

  241. Robert P. Avatar
    Robert P.

    My daughter would love her!

  242. Jillian Avatar

    Love her!

  243. GIanna F Avatar
    GIanna F

    From Gianna, Age 6… “I like her, her hair is like mine but my eyes are brown. She could snuggle with me at night.”

  244. Kim C Avatar
    Kim C

    Erin is precious!

  245. Fiona Avatar

    What a cutie pie

  246. Tiffany Avatar

    Love her!! I have been looking for a blue eyed beauty with brown hair. Looks just like my girlie (minus the colors in the hair, of course 😉

  247. Carolyn Davidson Avatar
    Carolyn Davidson

    She is the prettiest doll going!

  248. Dana Stigall Avatar
    Dana Stigall

    So cute!

  249. Sarah M Avatar
    Sarah M

    Absolutely gorgeous!!

  250. Amy D Avatar
    Amy D

    Very sweet little girl! Love her.

  251. Erin ST Avatar
    Erin ST

    What a cool name for this newbie’s first doll:)

  252. Jacqueline Do Avatar
    Jacqueline Do

    I’d love to win this for my niece! 🙂

  253. Tamara Avatar

    Love her!

  254. Kathy Avatar

    What a cutie!

  255. Ava Avatar

    I love her.

  256. Melissa H Avatar
    Melissa H

    love her!

  257. Sue Avatar

    throwing our hat into the ring for this beautiful doll. ….

  258. Trish Avatar

    Very pretty- would love to have her here!

  259. Jessica Elam Avatar
    Jessica Elam

    Love her!!!!

  260. Elizabeth Weaver Avatar
    Elizabeth Weaver

    She looks like my daughter and has the same name as my beloved older brother that passed away of brain cancer 3 years ago. I would LOVE to have her!

  261. Justine Semple Avatar
    Justine Semple

    lOVE HER HAIR…………She is gorgeous !!!!!!!!!

  262. cheap dolls house miniatures…

    bamboletta: natural, handcrafted companions for little ones – » Blog Archive » Serendipity Doll – Erin…

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