Serendipity Doll – Little Buddy Clover


To enter for a chance to buy Clover please leave a comment at the end of this post (NOT THE PICTURE) ONE comment per family. Winner will be chosen on May 15th at 7 pm PST. Doll costs $95 plus shipping.

Please note that people who have never commented before will get the note comments โ€˜await moderationโ€™ย  โ€“ please donโ€™t keep entering โ€“ I have to manually approve these comments and sometimes it takes me a few hours. Thanks!






417 responses to “Serendipity Doll – Little Buddy Clover”

  1. Nicole Romeo Avatar

    We would love her here!! I love her outfit!

  2. Jennifer Avatar

    OH, I love her!

  3. Jill K Avatar
    Jill K

    That hair is AWESOME!!!!!

  4. Michelle C. Avatar
    Michelle C.

    She is stunning.

  5. S Avatar

    She is gorgeous!

  6. Wendy Biel Avatar
    Wendy Biel

    Darling, Just darling! Love her!!!

  7. Kathy G Avatar
    Kathy G

    How awesome. A little with red hair. Rubbing my genie bottle ๐Ÿ™‚

  8. Meghan Kohles Avatar
    Meghan Kohles

    I love her hair! She can come home to us! ๐Ÿ™‚

  9. Evette Avatar

    Would love her! Thanks for the chance ๐Ÿ™‚

  10. Carolyn O. Avatar
    Carolyn O.

    How beautiful!

  11. Alicia V Avatar
    Alicia V

    she is so sweet!

  12. Amy Avatar

    We would love a chance at a little buddy!

  13. katie Avatar

    adore her!!!

  14. AllisonRae Avatar

    She was our dream doll!!!! We wanted Clover but weren’t lucky please let us have luck today ๐Ÿ™‚

  15. Meg Desrosiers Avatar
    Meg Desrosiers

    Oh I love her! Fingers crossed : )

  16. Janice Avatar

    Love her!

  17. Susana Avatar

    I LOVE her!

  18. casey Avatar

    so cute!

  19. Joelle Avatar

    She is so lovely!

  20. Faith Davis Avatar
    Faith Davis

    LOVE her hair! Here’s hoping!

  21. Tamara Avatar

    Love her!

  22. Jennifer Bohlen Avatar
    Jennifer Bohlen

    Please pick me! Would absolutely love her forever!

  23. Tammy Dean Avatar
    Tammy Dean

    Love, Love, Love!!!

  24. celine Avatar

    thanks for the chance! ๐Ÿ™‚

  25. Melissa Avatar

    Love love love her. ๐Ÿ™‚ And I mean love her! ๐Ÿ™‚

  26. Mary Jane Pilgrim Avatar
    Mary Jane Pilgrim

    I hope she comes home to Juneau!

  27. Kiran T Avatar
    Kiran T

    We love her outfit! Crossing our fingers

  28. jodie Avatar

    love her!

  29. Louise Avatar

    Oh I tried for this one! She’s just darling!

  30. Kirsten Avatar

    Very cute!

  31. Kelly Skinner Avatar
    Kelly Skinner

    I couldn’t figure out how she sold out before the page even loaded?! So glad Clover is a Serendipity. She is adorable ๐Ÿ˜›

  32. Katie P Avatar
    Katie P


  33. Tracy Wilson Avatar
    Tracy Wilson

    I LOVE LOVE LOVE this doll. What a beauty. How awesome that someone may get a chance at her.

  34. Rachel Q Avatar
    Rachel Q

    She is just beautiful!!! Would love to bring her home!!! ๐Ÿ™‚

  35. elizabeth utley Avatar
    elizabeth utley

    ekk shes nice!

  36. Malia G. Avatar
    Malia G.

    Would love her!!!

  37. Lisa F Avatar
    Lisa F

    She’s gorgeous!!!

  38. Elizabeth Avatar

    She is adorable.

  39. Jennifer W Avatar
    Jennifer W

    I absolutely LOVE this LB!!! She is who I wanted in the upload!

  40. jill Greenslade Avatar
    jill Greenslade

    She would fit right in with my family! Love her!

  41. April Avatar

    Clover come join our family! Kayla and Selena would love to have you ๐Ÿ™‚

  42. Jennifer Thibodeaux Avatar
    Jennifer Thibodeaux

    Love her. Ready to bring her home:)

  43. Shelly Gudmunsen Avatar
    Shelly Gudmunsen

    Love her!!

  44. Kirsten Avatar

    What a beauty! She would be our dream doll.

  45. Laura Avatar

    we’d love her!

  46. Cara Avatar

    Love love love!!!

  47. amy Schillinger Avatar
    amy Schillinger

    She is perfect for us. I’ve been dying to get a redhead for my girls.

    Thanks for this chance!

  48. Courtney Tijerina Avatar
    Courtney Tijerina

    Love to have her!

  49. Melissa Avatar

    We LOVE her!!!!

  50. Hillary Avatar

    We would love her!!!!

  51. Jennifer Varanini Avatar

    I’ve always wanted a red head!!!

  52. Jennie F Avatar
    Jennie F


  53. kristin lockwood Avatar
    kristin lockwood

    She is beautiful and would be very loved!!

  54. Jean W Avatar
    Jean W

    Thank you for the chance. We love her!

  55. Karen Wright Avatar
    Karen Wright

    I would love a chance to buy her! Thanks.

  56. angie wiser Avatar
    angie wiser


  57. Georgia G Avatar
    Georgia G

    Me please would love one for once

  58. Susan Avatar

    Beautiful! We would love her!

  59. JennW Avatar

    ๐Ÿ™‚ thanks for the chance!

  60. Heather Avatar

    Her hair is divine!

  61. Jessica K. Avatar
    Jessica K.

    She is so beautiful and petite, here is to wishful thinking ๐Ÿ˜€

  62. Robyn Avatar

    Love her!

  63. Jennifer Bouvy Avatar
    Jennifer Bouvy

    Would love her!

  64. Juana M Avatar
    Juana M

    She is super cute! love her eyes!

  65. rasberrysink Avatar

    I love Clover!! Please come to our house and have a great life! Kate would love you!

  66. Meredith Avatar

    She can gladly come live in South Carolina with us. ๐Ÿ™‚

  67. Cara C. Avatar
    Cara C.

    She is beautiful!! Thanks so much for the chance to bring her to our home. ๐Ÿ™‚

  68. Amanda Avatar

    LOVE LOVE LOVE her!!!! ๐Ÿ™‚

  69. Vanessa Chornak Avatar
    Vanessa Chornak

    So Beautiful!!!! My Daughter Lilyana Rain’s 1st Birthday is in a few weeks. I have been trying and trying. I would LOve Love to be able to give her a doll as pretty as her for her 1st Birthday. !!!!!

  70. Elena Avatar

    She’s so darling!

  71. April C. Avatar
    April C.

    LOVE, LOVE her!!

  72. Katie Jane Goode Avatar
    Katie Jane Goode

    Love her!!!

  73. MichelleD Avatar

    PLEASE Send her to us!!! PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE!!!

  74. RHONDA Avatar

    love her. just perfect

  75. Kristin Greniet Avatar
    Kristin Greniet

    Thanks for the chance for her to join our home <3 our fingers and toes are all crossed!!

  76. Carlin Avatar

    My favourite little buddy ever!

  77. Nicole Avatar

    What a little beauty.

  78. wendy Avatar

    Beautiful!! We would love to welcome her home :c)

  79. Tia Avatar

    I don’t usually go for the little buddys but she is simply adorable!

  80. Agnes Avatar

    We’d love this pretty little lady!

  81. Allison Avatar

    Her hair is TDF!!

  82. Shannon Avatar

    She’s so cute, would LOVE her!

  83. paula Avatar

    she is a dream doll…love!

  84. Crystal Powe Avatar
    Crystal Powe

    I love her!

  85. Tam Totter Avatar
    Tam Totter

    I love her!

  86. Krista Avatar

    Oh she is so very cute!!!

  87. Kerri Rikke Avatar
    Kerri Rikke

    <3 the green eyes!! still a newbie and id love to bring her home for DD!!

  88. sue shermetaro Avatar
    sue shermetaro

    Soooooooooo Very Cute!!

  89. Karyn Gragg Avatar
    Karyn Gragg

    She is sooo pretty!!! Would love this little LB. ๐Ÿ™‚

  90. Liana Avatar

    We would LOVE her!

  91. Andrea G Avatar
    Andrea G

    so adorable!!!! Fingers crossed!!!!!!

  92. Annie Avatar

    Love her! Thanks!

  93. susan ayers Avatar
    susan ayers

    Please with sugar on top

  94. Kimberly Yanovak Avatar

    love her!! she is adorable!!

  95. Barbara H. Avatar
    Barbara H.

    She is an absolutely gorgeous LB and we would love the chance to welcome her into our family!!!

  96. genia Avatar

    WOW!!! She is the perfect LB for us

  97. Sarah Avatar

    She is such a gorgeous little sweetheart! Love her!

  98. Janet Avatar

    Love her!

  99. Diane Avatar

    She’s such a cutie!! I’d love to love her ๐Ÿ™‚

  100. Shana Avatar

    Cutest LB! Just darling ๐Ÿ™‚

  101. Sharon Avatar

    My daughter would absolutely love her

  102. amyt Avatar

    Would love her for my one year old!

  103. Gareth J Avatar
    Gareth J

    She would be perfect for my DD!

  104. Melissa Avatar

    We would love her here!!

  105. Kathleen Avatar

    Okay, she is way too cute, and since my fingers will never be fast enough to get a LB on an upload, I have to enter. ๐Ÿ˜€

  106. Jenny H Avatar

    such a cutie!

  107. Sarah Avatar

    She is adorable. Fingers crossed!

  108. Candy Avatar

    I wanty!

  109. mari Avatar

    my favorite LB ever! I loves her!

  110. amie Avatar

    Oh..fingers crossed, love her!

  111. Krista M Avatar
    Krista M

    She is beautiful!!!

  112. Bobby Avatar

    My daughter would love her

  113. Janet Avatar

    She’s so cute!

  114. kathy Avatar

    me, please=)

  115. Alicia Avatar

    Oh, she is super sweet! ๐Ÿ™‚ We would love to bring her home!

  116. Lori G. Avatar
    Lori G.

    Here’s hoping to shed my newbie status and bring her home! Thanks for the chance. ๐Ÿ™‚

  117. Cristina Avatar

    would love her!

  118. Rei Tsou-Pfund Avatar

    Love at first sight! please let clover join us here in Switzerland!

  119. Amy Fisher Avatar
    Amy Fisher

    Yes, Please!

  120. Ashli Avatar

    I’m wishing on a four leaf clover!

  121. Libby Cantrell Avatar
    Libby Cantrell

    I’d love to have her!

  122. Kimberly Sullivan Avatar
    Kimberly Sullivan

    Now this one is a cutie she fits my style!

  123. Emily Avatar

    love her

  124. Melissa Avatar

    I would be SO thrilled to get her! Please RNG can you pick me just once???

  125. Carol Avatar

    She’s absolutely adorable!

  126. amy drissel Avatar
    amy drissel

    She’s so sweet! Love this one.

  127. jill c Avatar
    jill c

    she’s spectacular! this second chance makes it a lucky friday the 13th!

  128. Mary Avatar

    Clover! Oh Clover! Come on home!!!!

  129. Amey A. Avatar
    Amey A.

    She’s a beauty!

  130. Lin Avatar

    I’m so glad we broke Big Cartel, since I always feel like Serendipity is more fair to everyone. I would love to have her!

  131. Robin Chase Avatar
    Robin Chase

    She’s so pretty ๐Ÿ™‚

  132. Jennifer Avatar

    Would love her!

  133. Carrie Avatar

    So sweet!!

  134. Mercedes Avatar

    Oh, she is PERFECT!! Pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeease let me buy her!!!!

  135. Lisa Avatar


  136. Kimber Avatar

    Love her!! So pretty!! ๐Ÿ™‚

  137. Marie-Claude Avatar

    Clover is so pretty!

  138. Chrystel Avatar

    what an adorable lb!

  139. Shane Avatar

    LOVE her! Oh how Id LOVE to bring her home with us! ๐Ÿ˜€

  140. Lea t Avatar
    Lea t

    Oh, we would love a chance for this gorgeous gal!!

  141. Jessica Elam Avatar
    Jessica Elam

    My little Masyn would love her!!!!! So adorable!

  142. Julie L Avatar
    Julie L

    Fingers crossed!

  143. Lillie Avatar

    Would love to have her, she is beautiful… <3 Thanks for the fun!

  144. JulieY Avatar

    Oh, she is very pretty.

  145. Abby Avatar

    She would be a dream come true!!!

  146. Rachel Avatar

    Oh please pick us!

  147. Helena Avatar

    I know a little girl who would love a LB.

  148. Denise Avatar

    Darling!! Thanks for this opportunity.

  149. Kirstin Avatar

    Thanks for the chance – she is so cute!!!

  150. Paisley Avatar

    We love Clover! So beautiful!!

  151. jen willard Avatar
    jen willard

    I am madly in love with clover. My little girl would love her!!

  152. Nana Avatar

    I’d love her, please

  153. olivia Avatar

    i love her

  154. Carrie Avatar

    Clover would love it here:-)

  155. Linda Avatar

    Who ever is lucky to get her will be happy.

  156. Amy Shepperd Avatar
    Amy Shepperd

    Absolutely darling! We’d love to give Clover a home.

  157. Kylie Avatar

    Tried so hard to win this little one. Would love to make her a great homw here with my Bella!

  158. Michelle H Avatar
    Michelle H

    Just beautiful. Hoping for a little luck as today is my daughter’s birthday!

  159. Molly Avatar

    So sweet would love a chance

  160. Ted Avatar


  161. Sarah Avatar

    Adorable !!

  162. Kristen Avatar

    Would love to give Clover a home in Texas! ๐Ÿ™‚

  163. Linda S. Avatar
    Linda S.

    My granddaugther would love a little LB!

  164. auntie ee Avatar
    auntie ee

    my favorite yet!!!! so cute

  165. Elaine Avatar


  166. Pam Bailey Avatar
    Pam Bailey

    I’ll take her!

  167. Robin Morey Avatar
    Robin Morey

    So pretty! Would love this for our daughter!

  168. Stephanie Avatar

    Love her!

  169. Shelley C Avatar
    Shelley C

    Love her!

  170. Nikki E Avatar
    Nikki E

    I’d love to bring her home~

  171. Lindsey Steffener Avatar
    Lindsey Steffener

    She’s beautiful!!! We’d love her!!

  172. Donna Avatar

    love her!

  173. Bren Avatar

    She’s soooo sweet!

  174. Melissa H. Avatar
    Melissa H.

    serendipity dolls always make me happy!

  175. Linda Avatar

    She is a natural beauty

  176. Kelly W Avatar
    Kelly W

    Beautiful ๐Ÿ™‚

  177. Debra Stallings Avatar

    She is so adorable.. LOVE her!!

  178. Kate Avatar

    What a cute little friend she’d be for my daughter.

  179. Jenifer Avatar

    Looooove her! She looks like my younger sister….what a great new baby gift she would be!!!

  180. Kathy Jones Avatar
    Kathy Jones

    thanks for the chance!!

  181. jai conroy Avatar
    jai conroy

    I would love to have her.

  182. Jeanne F. Avatar
    Jeanne F.

    Love her!!!

  183. Jodi Avatar

    We’d love to have a red haired little Bambo! We love the brunettes best but she is pretty cute : )

  184. Shannon Avatar

    Live her hair and sweet face.

  185. Jennie H Avatar
    Jennie H

    She is gorgeous!! Love her!

  186. Theresa Melodick Avatar
    Theresa Melodick

    Would love this little cutie!

  187. Deborah Johnston Avatar
    Deborah Johnston

    Please make me a newbie no more.

  188. Ann K. Avatar
    Ann K.

    A strawberry blonde LB. She sure would be welcome in our home.

  189. Lissa T Avatar
    Lissa T

    Such a cutie!

  190. Katherine Avatar

    What a sweet little clover!

  191. Jamie Scott Avatar
    Jamie Scott

    Love her!!

  192. Suzanne Avatar


  193. Brooke Avatar

    Cute! Cute! Cute!

  194. Anna Avatar

    She’s a cutie!

  195. Stacey Carvell Avatar
    Stacey Carvell

    So cute!

  196. Danielle Avatar

    Please enter us in for the chance to bring Clover “the tiny dancer” home! My daughter would be thrilled to be her new mom! :). Thank you!

  197. JennyO Avatar

    We would love to give her a home!

  198. Michelle Avatar

    Love the red locks!

  199. Erin M :) Avatar
    Erin M ๐Ÿ™‚

    crossing my whole body!

  200. Willow g Avatar
    Willow g

    Loveeeeeee her!!

  201. Gemma Avatar

    She is beautiful! I would love to have her!

  202. Kelsey Avatar

    Oh my look at her!! Love her hair

  203. Debby L. Avatar
    Debby L.

    Oh, C… You know we need a Little Buddy at my house for the new granddaughter, and she would be perfect!!! Here’s hoping….

  204. Vanessa Avatar

    Would love her!!!!!!

  205. Chaos Avatar

    LOVE her! Would love her in our family <3 Thank you for these Serendipity dolls!!!

  206. Kandi Avatar

    Oh, this is awesome, thank you

  207. jesse Avatar

    my girls would love her.

  208. Kellie Avatar

    Sarah is turning 4 this month – She would LOVE this little doll!

  209. Jess W-O'B Avatar
    Jess W-O’B

    Have a little girl that would love her!

  210. Kim S. Avatar
    Kim S.

    I would love her!

  211. Nancy Avatar

    Love her to pieces!!

  212. Mary Ellen Avatar
    Mary Ellen

    Such a cute Little Buddy! Would love to give her a wonderful home.

  213. Marisely Avatar

    I love her!!! I need some lucky vibes…

  214. Mandy M Avatar

    She took my breath away when I saw her. Fingers crossed!

  215. Holly Jean Donovan Avatar
    Holly Jean Donovan

    Going once going twice, winning miss Clover would be so nice! Aubrie’s birthday is in June, I hope I win you so she can swoon ๐Ÿ˜€ We are newbies!!

  216. Priscilla Edson Avatar
    Priscilla Edson

    I would love to get this for my daughter! Clover would make my little Isabela so happy

  217. Rachel C. Avatar
    Rachel C.

    My red-headed babe would love a red-headed girl as a new friend!!! ๐Ÿ˜€

  218. Heather K. Avatar
    Heather K.

    Happy to have a second chance at her!

  219. Kim Avatar

    She is rad. One day I hope to have an LB!

  220. Luke Teigland Avatar
    Luke Teigland

    Would LOVE Clover for our littlest lady!

  221. Brenda Bell Avatar
    Brenda Bell

    Must be the name Clover! She is adorable and I love her sweet little face. Thanks for this chance.

  222. Darlene Gil Avatar
    Darlene Gil

    She is beautiful!!! We would love to have our first doll!

  223. Theresa Haas Avatar
    Theresa Haas

    Gorgeous! Enter me, please.

  224. Rakelle Avatar

    She is one of the prettiest Little Buddies. Thank you for the chance to bring her home.

  225. Shannan Avatar

    LOVE her!!

  226. Jennifer Chesla Avatar
    Jennifer Chesla

    She is beautiful ๐Ÿ™‚

  227. Allison Avatar

    Oh I would love her!

  228. Sara P. Avatar
    Sara P.

    My little girl needs this little buddy!!! Her four brothers just aren’t wanting to be her little buddy’s!! Thanks for the chance, hope we can have a Bambo dolly someday!!!

  229. Trish B. Avatar
    Trish B.

    Tried for her Friday with no luck. Hoping this is our second chance to bring her home!!!

  230. Melissa Andersson Avatar
    Melissa Andersson

    She was soooooooooooooo almost in my cart!!! <3 her

  231. GiGi Avatar

    Oh my love you are too sweet for words <3

  232. Eva C. Avatar
    Eva C.

    She’s so cute!

  233. Suzie Avatar

    Just beautiful.

  234. Jan Avatar

    Pretty please come and live with me ๐Ÿ™‚

  235. abby Avatar

    love her

  236. phillerb Avatar

    entering for my wife

  237. Faye Barber Avatar
    Faye Barber

    She’s so cute!

  238. Tracy S. Avatar
    Tracy S.

    A princess!

  239. Sundee Avatar

    We would LOVE to have little Clover!

  240. donna Avatar

    she’s beautiful!!

  241. Suzi C Avatar
    Suzi C


  242. zara Avatar

    she’s so sweet!

  243. Alma Avatar

    She’s beautiful!

  244. Aria Avatar

    Fingers and toes crossed ….eeeeee

  245. Rachel Avatar

    I love her! She’d love it in Georgia!

  246. deborah Avatar

    please please pick me!!!!!!!

  247. megan Avatar

    this will be like winning the lotto!!

  248. MJ Brinkman Avatar
    MJ Brinkman

    Would love to have clover for my granddaughter. please and thank you:)

  249. Melissa Rosado Avatar
    Melissa Rosado

    Clover….. we want you!!!!!!!!

  250. Tanya Avatar

    Would love her. Still don’t have one of these cute buggers

  251. Valerie Avatar

    Would love this little gall!

  252. Danielle E. Avatar
    Danielle E.

    She is a beauty! Thanks for the chance!

  253. karalisa Avatar

    Thanks for the chance!!

  254. Tracy Avatar


  255. Dan Avatar

    Would love to be included – for my wife, I mean, daughters!

  256. Tonya Avatar

    Adorable ๐Ÿ˜‰

  257. Jen Avatar

    so sweet!

  258. Melinda Avatar

    Gorgeous little girl!

  259. Suzanne Hurlston Avatar
    Suzanne Hurlston

    Absolutely gorgeous!!

  260. Karen Avatar

    Me Please ๐Ÿ™‚

  261. Heather Johnson Avatar
    Heather Johnson

    What a beauty!

  262. Lissa Avatar

    What a sweetie!

  263. Ellen L. Avatar
    Ellen L.

    We’d give her lots of hugs!

  264. Katie Argus Avatar
    Katie Argus


  265. Nicole Goodsell Avatar
    Nicole Goodsell

    So sweet ๐Ÿ™‚

  266. Denise Trionfero Avatar
    Denise Trionfero

    Yes ๐Ÿ™‚

  267. Corrine Avatar

    Count me in pls

  268. Theresa S Avatar
    Theresa S

    Love Her!!!!

  269. Cheryl Ch Avatar
    Cheryl Ch

    We’ve always wanted a little buddy!!

  270. Carla J Avatar
    Carla J

    ๐Ÿ™‚ yes please!!

  271. Linda Greenwood Avatar

    This petite lady is darling!!!!

  272. Laure Avatar

    oh she is perfect…we would love to have her as an addition to our family!

  273. Kim Fotheringham Avatar
    Kim Fotheringham

    So little! So cute!!

  274. Heather Avatar

    Love her!

  275. Kristen TW Avatar
    Kristen TW

    pure sweetness!

  276. Meredy Avatar

    We’ve got the perfect home for this perfect little buddy:) gorgeous!!

  277. Felicia L Avatar
    Felicia L

    She is so cute. I love her.

  278. Lala Avatar

    love her!

  279. lea gose Avatar
    lea gose

    Would love to bring her home to Texas!

  280. Lindsay Avatar

    She is sweet!

  281. Lainie Avatar

    She is perfect – thanks as always for the opportunity!

  282. Grace Avatar

    Clover is cute! I love her!

  283. Angela W. Avatar
    Angela W.

    Love her!! Please count us in ๐Ÿ™‚ Thanks!

  284. Joan Avatar

    She’s the best!

  285. Becky wright Avatar
    Becky wright

    Love her! Hope she gets to come home to me!

  286. Elaine Avatar


  287. athena Avatar

    love this little cutie so much!

  288. Amanda Underwood Avatar
    Amanda Underwood

    Clover, come live with us in Tennessee….! You are ADORABLE!

  289. Melissa H Avatar
    Melissa H

    opps i meant to say this one is my favorite ever! but they are alll soooo great!

  290. Bridget Gooding Avatar
    Bridget Gooding

    Gorgeous! I want her!

  291. lizzie Avatar

    Thanks for the chance to no longer be a newbie! ๐Ÿ™‚

  292. Abbi Avatar

    She will be popular but I will throw in my hat ๐Ÿ™‚ So Lovely!

  293. Nadine Avatar


  294. Anna Avatar

    Love her!

  295. Travis Avatar

    Trying for the kids!

  296. Tracy Avatar

    Here’s to hoping…she soo cute

  297. LeeAnn Reinfurth Avatar
    LeeAnn Reinfurth

    Love her. so cute

  298. Nikki Avatar

    We would really like a sweet gal to come live with us!!

  299. Wendy Avatar

    Such a cutie!!!

  300. tara Avatar

    Would love to give her a home.

  301. Bethanne Avatar

    I absolutely love it!!!

  302. Michelle Avatar

    She is sweet!!

  303. Claire Avatar

    She’s so cute!

  304. Delicia Avatar

    I would so LOVE Clover! I have been trying for a LB for so long. Pick me please!!

  305. Danielle B Avatar
    Danielle B

    We would be so happy to have Clover come live with us!

  306. Shelley C Avatar
    Shelley C

    Oh we would love any doll! I never should have let my daughter see them! She is so bummed every week that her mom can’t buy a doll!

  307. Jennifer L. Avatar
    Jennifer L.

    LOVE LOVE LOVE her!!!! ๐Ÿ™‚

  308. Jacqueline Avatar

    I adore her!

  309. Jenna Avatar

    we’d love to have a little buddy! she’s lovely and so perfect for us!

  310. Kinda Avatar

    So sweet!

  311. Cheri Avatar

    Eek! A beautiful LB.

  312. Shannon Avatar

    My 5 year old would be in heaven! It would be the perfect birthday gift for her!!

  313. Lisa M. Avatar
    Lisa M.

    Please! We would love her!

  314. Mia Jones Avatar
    Mia Jones

    Love her, thanks for the chance!

  315. Ashley P. Avatar
    Ashley P.

    Clover is absolutely perfect…love EVERYTHING about her! She would be just perfect for my youngest girl Gemma who unfortunately doesn’t have a Bamboletta of her own yet!

  316. Heather Avatar

    Omg a lb serendipity! I hope you pick me! !!!!!

  317. Kimberly Thomas Avatar
    Kimberly Thomas

    She is our dream doll! Absolutely perfect!

  318. Sarah A. Avatar
    Sarah A.

    I adore her! Thank you for the chance.

  319. Melissa Avatar

    She would be a perfect fit in our house….love her!

  320. Alison Avatar

    Oh she is cute

  321. lark Avatar

    Oh jeeez….simply love her. My dd would go gah-gah.

  322. susie reed Avatar
    susie reed

    Love that sweet face:)

  323. Michelle Lyons Avatar
    Michelle Lyons

    Wishing you all that is GOOD! Wishing I am lucky:)

  324. erica Avatar

    Me, please.

  325. Donna Avatar

    Love her hair!

  326. Ari Avatar

    me, me…….

  327. Laura Ring Avatar
    Laura Ring

    I would love to have a Little Buddy since my daughter is still kind of little. ๐Ÿ™‚

  328. Jeanne Kimble Avatar
    Jeanne Kimble

    I hope I can – I hope I can – I hope I can….. bring her home!

  329. Heather Derksen Avatar
    Heather Derksen

    We would so love to welcome Clover into our home and hearts. Thank you for the opportunity. <3

  330. Samantha Cardiff Avatar
    Samantha Cardiff

    Such BEAUTY in a small package!!!! We would <3 to welcome her home ๐Ÿ™‚

  331. Lisa Delcourt Avatar
    Lisa Delcourt

    She’s so pretty.

  332. Susie H. Avatar
    Susie H.

    Oh I can’t believe she’s up as a Serendipity!! So excited we all get a second chance!
    …Please come live with us Clover!

  333. lelan Avatar

    how did she get missed??

  334. estelle Avatar

    hi Clover!

  335. Jen Avatar


  336. Ryane Avatar

    how did this happen. I’ve never seen a LB get passed by:() we’ll take ya!

  337. KT Avatar

    maybe 22nd attempt is a charm LOLL

  338. Rose Avatar

    please come live with us!

  339. Lotte Avatar

    Yeh for second chances. always hopeful.

  340. Lena Avatar

    We’d love to have Clover in our bambo family.

  341. Lisa Avatar

    We tried so hard to get a LB, here’s hoping to a miracle????

  342. AnneR Avatar

    isn’t she lovely!

  343. Lauren W Avatar
    Lauren W

    she is so cute ๐Ÿ™‚

  344. Summer Turner Avatar
    Summer Turner

    Would love for this to be my girl’s first bambo ๐Ÿ™‚ she is gorgeous!

  345. Barbara Avatar

    She is a cutie!

  346. kerrie Avatar

    what a beautiful lil buddy ๐Ÿ™‚

  347. Renee Avatar

    She is the one we wanted!!!!!!!!!!!!

  348. Emmeline Avatar

    The most beautiful doll I’ve ever seen!!

  349. Mitra Avatar

    I would love her!!

  350. Darlene Ketzel Avatar
    Darlene Ketzel

    My grand daughter would love this little buddy doll

  351. Joseph Rodriguez Avatar
    Joseph Rodriguez

    Me me!

  352. jason Avatar

    So cute!

  353. Chris Avatar

    My wife/kids would love her!

  354. Katie Ethridge Avatar
    Katie Ethridge

    Too sweet!

  355. Kristen Avatar

    Yes please!

  356. Bernardete Avatar

    She is so cute!

  357. BJ Williams Avatar
    BJ Williams

    I just was told about these dolls yesterday. They are adorable and would be honored to have one for my little girl. They are so cute.

  358. libby dowling Avatar
    libby dowling

    Just beautiful!!!! <3

  359. Melissa Avatar

    In Love <3

  360. charlotte's doll Avatar
    charlotte’s doll

    what a beauty!!

  361. Lauren H. Avatar
    Lauren H.

    Love her!

  362. Christie B. Avatar
    Christie B.

    So precious!

  363. Cindy Roberts Avatar
    Cindy Roberts

    She’s so cute! I’ve got a special little one who would love to call this one her friend.

  364. Stacey Henderson Avatar
    Stacey Henderson

    Iโ€™d loveeee a chance to win her she would be a perfect 1st birthday present for my daughter.

    Thank you

  365. Michelle Avatar

    Would love to give her to a special little girl who has gone through too much the past 5 months.

  366. Miriah Avatar

    Oh love her!!!!!

  367. Robyn Avatar

    She is so pretty and sweet!

  368. Leanne Avatar

    She’s perfect! We’d love to welcome her to our family ๐Ÿ™‚

  369. Jennifer Cole Avatar
    Jennifer Cole

    We would love to add this adorable doll to our family. Thanks Jennifer

  370. Jenny Avatar

    We would love to add an LB to our collection!

  371. Rene Avatar

    LB’s are my new obsession and I’d love to get my hands on just 1!

  372. Kelly Loyd Avatar
    Kelly Loyd

    Aw!!! She’s adorable! We would love to give her a good home!

  373. Melissa Marie Avatar
    Melissa Marie

    Need a little one for the girls! Luv her!!

  374. Carrie Avatar


  375. Britne Avatar

    Love Little buddy!!

  376. Jess M Avatar
    Jess M

    Would love her 4 my baby girl!

  377. Jennifer Avatar

    Just throwing my hat in the ring! Thanks!

  378. Tina Avatar

    ๐Ÿ™‚ Maybe? ๐Ÿ™‚ SO fun to try. Especially for this little sweetheart ๐Ÿ™‚

  379. Tawnya Avatar

    She is beautiful!

  380. Linda Avatar

    Love this little sweetie:)

  381. Lori Avatar


  382. Ashley P Avatar
    Ashley P

    LOVE HER! Would be perfect for my little lady!

  383. Johnna Oates Avatar
    Johnna Oates

    Love her!!!!!!!

  384. Tracy Avatar

    I adore this girl.

  385. Fawn R Avatar
    Fawn R

    Oh I hope today is my lucky day!

  386. krista Avatar

    she’s so sweet!

  387. Lorene Avatar

    I have been waiting for a Little Buddy!! Yeah!

  388. Inbal Avatar


  389. Tiffany Seghini Avatar
    Tiffany Seghini

    Love her!

  390. Keith P. Avatar
    Keith P.

    I have the perfect little girl in mind for her:)

  391. John S. Avatar
    John S.

    She’s the perfect size for my little girl:)

  392. Bridget Avatar

    Would love to have her here in PA.

  393. Elizabeth B Avatar
    Elizabeth B

    My little one would love3 her

  394. Kathy G Avatar
    Kathy G

    Okay then…..I missed clover and only commented on Daphne. I sure hope I get lucky ๐Ÿ™‚

  395. Brian Avatar

    My daughters need a little one.

  396. Lynn M. Avatar
    Lynn M.

    Ah,the elusive LB! One of these days I’ll sang one! She is lovely! Pick me!!

  397. Michael Avatar

    pick me!

  398. Christie Avatar

    Please send this little LB to my house!

  399. Brianna Avatar

    She needs to come to sunny Australia ๐Ÿ˜€

  400. Kelly W Avatar
    Kelly W

    Didn’t see my comment ๐Ÿ™

  401. Katherine emberly Avatar
    Katherine emberly

    Not sure how, but now am obsessed getting these for my little girls.

  402. Christine Brunell Hammock Avatar
    Christine Brunell Hammock


  403. Amanda Lancaster Avatar
    Amanda Lancaster

    Love her!

  404. Teri Avatar

    We have Bamboletta dollies but no little buddy Bambo – we need a baby sister!! : )

  405. Judith Rotruck Avatar
    Judith Rotruck

    Love that ginger hair!
    My granddaughter would love her!

  406. Sarah Avatar

    She is adorable! If only we could be so lucky:)

  407. kate Avatar

    Ah! She’d be May’s perfect little sister– we’re smitten!

  408. Melonie Avatar

    I need one of these dolls so badly!

  409. Kathy Stanson Avatar
    Kathy Stanson

    May God continue to bless your business for you hard work and generosity!
    Love the little ones, too!

  410. Mary Rodin Avatar
    Mary Rodin

    I am praying that she comes to live with us here in South Florida! <3

  411. Lashara Avatar

    Love her!!!!

  412. Laura Avatar

    so beautiful. I would love this LB.

  413. Melanie Avatar

    WOuld love to bring you home to meet Maddie & Brenna!

  414. Kathy Stanson Avatar
    Kathy Stanson

    May God bless the work of your hands!

  415. Jessica N Avatar
    Jessica N

    I would love to buy Clover as my daughter’s first Bamboletta doll.

  416. Sharon Goddard Avatar
    Sharon Goddard

    I want one toooooooooo!

  417. Ann Avatar

    So cute!

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