Random Thoughts

I’m afraid this is a random thought email. Baby J hasn’t wanted to sleep much lately making a very tired mama who can’t think about things for very long.

First is this amazing Etsy seller I happened to stumble upon. The Countrytree Toy Shoppe has the most wonderful wooden toys. I love this shop’s stuff. You can tell that it is made with such care. Brian and his wife work together making these wonderful toys using gorgeous woods and finishing them with mineral oil and non toxic paints.

I love this…


And I’m getting Ben this for his birthday…


Second, I have to apologise for not uploading new dolls today. I’m working on an order for Natural Pod this week and that has been taking up all of our time. Check in to NP next week for 6 new dolls! I will get some up next week.

Another apology for my ridiculously long email response time to my customers. I’m going through that time with a baby that they like to bang on everything and do what you are doing. Add that to a baby that doesn’t sleep means no time for mama to get her emailing or blogging done.

Last weekend I mentioned my cousin’s wedding. It was such a great time! The Food! The wine! The endless arms to hold Jasper and entertain Ben! Fantastic. Jasper made my mom so proud with his eating capablities. How a child eats in the Italian culture is seen as such a revered trait. Jasper does not dissapoint, unlike Ben who would only eat white buns with butter with his Shirley Temple’s. Bocconchini, olives, lasagna, veal, beans..goodness you name it- he ate it! My mom was the proudest Nonna at Roma Hall that night!

Hubby and I had a wonderful date day with only one child. Cruised book stores, had a coffee and went for a Steamrollers. Perfect Vancouver kinda day. Glad to be back home though.






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