new things..

No pictures today as I’ve misplaced my camera. And I broke my cordless phone – dropped it. All members of my immediate familia are laughing right now, I go through about 6 phones a year. Got to make the trip out to Radio Shack this weekend and pick up a new one.

I took a trip into Duncan today and stopped in at Trendy Tots at 151 Craig Street. They have been renovating for the past few months and I finally saw the finished result and was absolutely blown away! The place looks fantastic, I am so impressed. When I first moved here almost a year ago I was quite dismayed at my shopping choices. I mean, I’m not a big shopper by any stretch but I enjoy looking around and seeing whats hip and happening (’cause I’m that type of gal, ha! I am so kidding!) . Anyhow, I stepped into Trendy Tots and it was like a ray of hope had descended upon me. It’s a kid store, yes, but it is the coolest, friendliest kid store..EVER.. Maybe it’s because I have this whole wardrobe of clothing that I’m about 15 baby pounds too heavy for, but I love buying kids clothes. I say it’s market research for the dolls- inspirational shopping. Lol, I’ll use any excuse I can get.

So, there are other exciting things happening for Bamboletta. I’m in the process of re-setting up an Etsy shop. I have one right now – Bamboletta Dolls- but haven’t put anything up for sale in a long time. I will still be selling my dolls through Natural Pod as well, I love that my customers have access to such amazing toys and things for their family. I hope to have a few things up for sale by weeks end this of course is all dependent on Jasper and the cutting of tooth number three.






3 responses to “new things..”

  1. Berrie Avatar

    xo Berrie

  2. Amy Atkinson Avatar
    Amy Atkinson

    Will you be listing any new dolls soon?

  3. admin Avatar

    Hi Amy,
    I’ll probably be listing one tonight and one tomorrow 🙂
    Hi Berrie..Thanks!!

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