I *love* Amy Karol. I know lots of us do. I’m an avid reader of her blog ‘Angry Chicken’ and a fan of her book and craftiness. A few weeks ago Amy wrote a post about these fantastic Mermaid tails that she had made for her girls dolls. They are like a skirt with a tail that just fit over the doll’s legs turning any doll into a Mermaid – brilliant. I’ve seen these before but this one was so simple and cute and , well, perfect, that I just had to have it for my dolls. So I contacted Amy and asked her about the possibility of using this pattern for my dolls and Amy has graciously agreed. Tomorrow I’m going to make an Amy Karol Mermaid Kit (haven’t yet decided on what to call it yet). I’ll let you know how it goes. I really like making mermaids too, but I only make a few per year…. this way ANY doll can be a mermaid!
I’m currently working on 5 dolls for Natural Pod for sale on Friday. On Etsy I’ll have a few gals up as well.
I know that I’ve been alluding to a mega change happening here at the B doll palace. It’s more of a re structuring and growing time for me. I want this business to grow and support as many people as possible. I envision a group of mama’s working together making dolls for children with lots of love in every stitch. Kids can feel it and I think that the way everything is going right now, they need as much love in their lives as possible. I know that they are just dolls, but to me they are much more then that. I sound like such a cheeseball. I am a cheeseball.
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