Happy New Year everyone! I hope that everyone had a lovely evening last night. New Year’s has always been an exciting time for me, like a present waiting to be opened..who know where life will lead us in the next year? John, Jasper, Ben and I spent a lovely evening at home in front of the fire. I worked on some dolls and John made heads. It sounds a bit boring, but it’s fun. We had the newest Radiohead to listen to and enjoyed a glass of red wine (well, not the kids).
I found a bunch of new wool from my favorite store ‘the Loom’ that I can’t wait to work with. It’s neat when I go into wool shops and see new things, I know exactly what I’m going to make. Berrocco has come out with an alpaca blend called ‘Jasper’ that is pretty dreamy. I hope to have a copper haired gal made up for this Friday using it.
I’m thinking about some things I’d like to work on for the new year.. they include
1. getting Ben’s nature table set up, silks and all
2. become involved more in Ben’s Waldorf school
3. get to Vancouver at least once a month. We went into Victoria a few days ago and it was sensory overload! The traffic, the people, the shopping! Lol, see what I few months in the sticks will do to a gal.
4. do farmer’s markets this year
5. do Circle Craft
6. camp
7. take on more customs
8. John and I out on a date..sans children!
What a crazy list. It’s good for me to write this down. Hope all is well with everyone!
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