June Doll Giveaway!


This is Leif and he is  my our June Doll Giveaway. We almost couldn’t give this little guy away, my son really likes him but has decided that Leif needs to find a new home. Now this is the first time that I’ve given away a boy doll  so I’m curious to see what the reaction is. To enter all you need to do is leave a comment below. This contest is open to everyone – everywhere. Only once entry per person please. Contest ends on July 10th at 9pm PST. Good luck everyone!!

To stay in the ‘contest loop’ you can subscribe to my newsletter and stay in touch through Facebook.

Yeah! Another contest – I LOVE contests!






604 responses to “June Doll Giveaway!”

  1. Leah Killian Avatar

    I *LOVE* YOUR BOYS! They are sooo cute! And this one is a blonde haired blue eyed boy like my Gabriel 🙂 He is beautiful! Great work Christina!

    Someone is going to be SOOOOO happy! (maybe me lol!)

  2. Casey Avatar

    Super cute!! Love his hair!

  3. Marla Stout Avatar
    Marla Stout

    What an adorable little guy. My little girl loves babies and would love to have a boy in her collection cause they are hard to find.

  4. Tiphini Avatar

    I just so happen to have two boys who would love to hang out with Leif! 😉

  5. Patricia Avatar

    My grandson would adore this sweet little boy!!!

  6. Erika Avatar

    Leif would make a wonderful addition to my family. Christina, your dolls have such great energy and are full of personality.

  7. Amanda Carnes Avatar
    Amanda Carnes

    Beautiful boy! I admire your work, it is amazing. Your dolls are the type that are treasured an entire childhood.
    Awesome Job, Christina!!

  8. Vanessa Avatar

    We love your contests too! What a beautiful doll.

  9. Erin Avatar

    We’re moving to the USVI, and my little one would love to share her new experiences with another adventure seeker…looks as though Leif would help inspire her to explore the new surroundings (whether climbing trees, playing in the sand, or meeting new friends). Leif looks like he’s already been kissed by the sun! Beautiful.

  10. Alicia Avatar

    Hooray for Boy dolls! Someone will just adore Leif!!

  11. Zoraida Avatar

    I admire the amount of dedication you give your dolls. I know that my Daniel would love to have one, I hope to be able to buy one for him soon. I wish you all the best in your life, work and passion.

  12. Amy MAbry Avatar
    Amy MAbry

    All our little girls need a “boy friend”! Would love to bring Leif home!

  13. jenny Avatar

    Leif is so summery and cute! I love his apple green shirt.

  14. jennifer Avatar

    I have a nephew who would love this little guy. He looks like he is waiting for some new adventures…

  15. jozen Avatar

    boy OR girl.. i want, i want!!

  16. Laura Reaux Avatar

    Yay! A boy doll! Love Leif… he’s adorable. 🙂 My son actually mentioned that he would like to have a boy doll recently. Pick us!

  17. becca Avatar

    Love his little blue jeans!

  18. CanCan Avatar

    Christina, I seriously almost have tears in my eyes looking at this beautiful boy doll. Thank you so much for giving one away!

    If he makes his way to our house, we have the perfect buddy for him. 🙂

  19. Sandra Avatar

    What a gorgeous doll! Boy dolls don’t get enough raving like girl dolls do but Leif is so adorable! We’d love to give him a home here!

  20. Tanya Avatar

    Lief looks like the perfect little friend for my mischievious little man =)

  21. Maria @BOREDmommy Avatar

    I adore your product!! Both of my kids would adore him!! Thanks for the giveaway!

  22. Jacqueline Avatar

    What an adorable friend he’s going to be to some lucky little person.

  23. Hope Avatar

    My daughter loves her Bamboletta and now here comes the perfect one for my son – blonde hair and blue eyes just like him!!! Keeping my fingers crossed that he will join our little “Bamboletta lovin’” family. Christina, you are awesome to keep doing these!!!

  24. Amber Driesman-Vowels Avatar
    Amber Driesman-Vowels

    Leif is adorable! I love that you’re giving away a boy doll this time Christina. My youngest would love him! (fingers crossed)

  25. shelley caskey (waldorfmama) Avatar

    oh my goodness, i would LOVE to win this little guy! thank you so much for this lovely giveaway. here’s hoping! 🙂

  26. Sarah Avatar

    He is just delightful. I see a bit of a free-spirited surfer in him.

  27. Lindsey Avatar

    That is one spiffy looking dude doll. That slightly crooked smile *grin* reminds me of my son when he’s being a little devious. If we put Leif in some sweat pants he would have an immediate partner in crime!I bet my son would say that it was Leif that spilled the bag of chocolate chips…not him. 🙂

    (here is to hoping for a shot at the drawing! My daugther has an American Girl doll…but there’s just not that much out there for boys.)

  28. Lorenzo & Francesca's Mommy (Brandy) Avatar
    Lorenzo & Francesca’s Mommy (Brandy)

    “Mommy, I want to get this doll for ‘Cesca because I think she would love him and kiss him and (s)nuggle with him in her letto (bed in italian) and sometimes he could come in my letto too perche dobiamo condividere Mamma, actually.” (because we have to share Mommy…awww….)

    And share they would, Lorenzo even says so!

    Ok, if we can’t adopt him, we’ll be adopting someone!!!! These are gorgeous and we are totally in love!

  29. gardenmama Avatar

    Your very generous mama!
    Little Leif is gorgeous : )
    He reminds me of my son with his long blonde hair : )
    My little ones would be happy to have him as a friend!

  30. Katie Avatar

    I heart leif.

  31. Natalie Avatar

    I’ve been entering your contests for the girl dolls, knowing if I won, the doll would really be *mine* to share with my son. But this one, well, he’d be Milo’s. So here’s hoping!

  32. Tiffany Stone Avatar

    What a sweet little guy! My younger son would love to share some summer (and fall and winter and spring) adventures with Leif!

  33. Jane Swanson Avatar

    I have three grandsons who would LOVE this wonderful boy doll!
    Crossing my fingers and toes on this one!

  34. Lauren A Avatar

    My best friend has a son who could really use a “buddy” now, since his older sister and now new little sister won’t be sharing any of their girls with him. Leif would be welcome in this family!

  35. Carrie T. Avatar
    Carrie T.

    This sweet doll looks just like my son, Sagey! He would make the perfect construction companion!

  36. Stine Bernhardt Avatar
    Stine Bernhardt

    I have been looking at your dolls many many times…simply LOVE them!!!! Wish that I had a doll like that, when I was a child 😉
    But this doll would be perfect for our son Bastian, I have been looking around to find him a speciel “friend” to take with him to daycare ect…
    Even the name is right, since we live in Denmark and Leif is a Danish name…lol

    Hope that we will be the lucky family!!!!

  37. Serena Avatar

    The dolls are super amazing + Leif will make a very good pal!
    He has such good hair.

  38. Adam Avatar

    Adore him!

  39. Toni Avatar

    Oh, you’re so generous with your giveaways. We would love to give Leif a home 🙂

  40. Jennifer Avatar

    I have a Lars who would adore a Leif! Your creations are beautiful- I admire your work!

  41. Alicia Avatar

    I know a little boy (and his baby sister) who would just love to cook dinner and tea for Lief! (and nurse him, and put him to bed, and cuddle him during the storms that we get here in the sticky hot midwest)

  42. Lisa Stahly Avatar
    Lisa Stahly

    This boy doll is so adorable. The hair is really fun and adds lots of personality. My daughter would love the name.

  43. Karen @ New and Green Avatar

    Hello Leif – we’d love to welcome you to our family 🙂

  44. Rachelle Avatar

    My son would love to have Leif so they could play trucks, go for bike rides and play at the park. Your work is unique and precious.

  45. barb hardy Avatar
    barb hardy

    A little boys “best” buddy!!

  46. Linda Johnson Avatar
    Linda Johnson

    I dream of Leif…love his boyish smile and cute hair! BEAUTIFUL DOLL!

  47. Sue Avatar

    I’m a boys(3) mom and love boy dolls!
    Leif is super cute with the wild hair.
    Love him! :0)

  48. Helen Avatar

    So cute! My little boy has very similaar hair (he won’t let us brush it) – and would be so excited for a litle boy baby on his 3rd b-day next month… I’m glad you put boys in the giveaways!

  49. Alicia Avatar

    Oooh, we’d love a boy doll here, hubby is a bit out numbered in a house of girls!

  50. kim page Avatar
    kim page

    My daughter wants a boy doll! Leif would be very loved at our house!

  51. Carolee Avatar

    Love your little boys Christina!!

  52. MJ Avatar

    That is such a special little fellow, we’d love him!

  53. Amber Avatar

    Leif is gorgeous, and I promise you we would give him a VERY good home. 🙂

  54. Joanna Avatar

    He is just beautiful! I have wanted to get my daughter a boy doll, and I just LOVE his hair. And it would be just in time for my daughter’s 3rd Birthday on the 12th!! 🙂

  55. Angela Avatar

    Oh! What a very sweet looking boy! Of course we would love for him to come to our home! I have two girls who would adore him! Thank you for this chance!

  56. KimmyM Avatar

    As a mommy to 2 boys, I love this little guy.

  57. Tai Avatar

    Oh he is so sweet! My boys would welcome him into our home with open arms!

  58. Linda Johnson Avatar
    Linda Johnson

    I dream of Leif….love his impish smile and wild hair. BEAUTIFUL DOLL!

  59. Erica Hildebrand Avatar

    My little guy is 18 months old now and covets his sisters dolls,or his babies as he calls them this would be PERFECT for him! He would love to have a special friend to snuggle with.

  60. Jessica Avatar

    Oh I love little Leif and I know a little girl, Isobel (my daughter) who would just love to have Leif as her little friend!

    My fingers, toes and eyes are all crossed ;o)

  61. molly Avatar

    Wow, he is so cute. My daughter says her doll needs a friend…he would be perfect! Thanks for another great contest!

  62. Hannah Avatar

    He is lovely!

  63. Shelby Avatar

    Oh he is so cute! I would love for him to come to our home!

  64. Debbie Avatar

    Leif is Darling!! I’m excited to enter this contest. Wonderful work!!:)

  65. Penny Campbell Avatar

    He is a cute little guy. Our little girl has only 2 dollies. I wanted to make sure she can spend enough time with them so we limit her. She would love to have a brother for her family.

  66. Beth Avatar

    What a cute little guy 🙂 He would be welcome here.

  67. kiko Avatar

    Pick me, Pick me! Maybe a little friend for Polly! 🙂

  68. Susannah Avatar

    I love the idea of a boy doll — our 4 month old guy would take extra care of Leif!

  69. Serena Avatar

    Leif is wonderful. We need a boy in this household!

  70. cassie Avatar

    i love leif!

  71. Mary Avatar

    He’s adorable! I’d love to see him in our house!

  72. michelle elliott Avatar
    michelle elliott

    Oh’ Boy!!!! We LOVE him…all of these little girls in our house desperately need a brother, you can be sure Leif would get all kinds of love and attention here.

  73. Trish Avatar

    Adorable!!! I’m crossing all my fingers! I LOVE him!!

  74. Kendal Avatar

    I love him! My little girl is a good mommy to all babies, boy or girl. We’ve never had a boy yet, would absolutely love to give Leif a home. Thanks for the giveaway!

  75. mika Avatar

    ALL of your dolls are amazing – boy or girl!

  76. ADRIENNE Avatar

    I love your dolls and have two little boys who would love a boy doll!!! Here’s hoping:)

  77. lisa Avatar

    Soooo cute!!

  78. Katie Avatar

    Come to England Leif, you’ll be well hugged.

  79. Joanna Avatar

    Annika would love to have a little boy doll in her crib alongside our newest addition to the family, “Molly”. She loves her doll to bits! Love the hair on Leif especially.

  80. lemarie Avatar

    i love this doll for my son alex he love to rock “babies” so this is perfect

  81. Eti Avatar

    Leif is so cute, we will be happy to have him in our family.

  82. Bonnie Avatar

    Oh, he’s adorable. Since both of my girls have Bambolettas, it would sure be lovely to win one for my son! He’s even got the same colouring!
    Thanks for the chance to win a doll, yet again!

  83. Angie Avatar

    What a lovely addition to anyone’s family. I know he would be welcome in ours.

  84. Lindsay Avatar

    Such a handsome boy!! He would be a wonderful addition to our family.

  85. kristen Avatar

    Lexi needs a friend! 🙂

  86. Mychelle Avatar

    Your dolls are very beautiful. We would love to welcome Leif into our home.

  87. Geny Avatar

    These dolls are just stunning, each one is just SO adorable!

  88. Carla Melton Avatar
    Carla Melton

    Leif is most welcome to come and live at our place. I have 2 little boys who will love him. 🙂 I love his hair btw!

  89. Anja Avatar

    wow, he is handsome little boy. my girls would give him a big welcome hug and they would never stop hugging him…

  90. ana Avatar

    What a cute boy doll! =)

  91. Christina Avatar

    He is adorable! I know my Josie would be kissing him forever!

  92. anna w Avatar

    Oh how adorable! I love his mussy hair! He actually reminds me of my little towhead girlie when she wakes up from her nap :u) Love him!

  93. michelle l Avatar
    michelle l

    ooohhh another chance to win a wonderful doll.

  94. Monica Avatar

    His hair looks just like my son’s!! Lovely!

  95. bookworm77 Avatar

    He’s gorgeous, just like all the others! My blond-haired, blue-eyed son would give him a good home.

  96. martha Avatar

    just adorable. he reminds me so much of my brother’s childhood doll, george!

  97. Penny Peberdy Avatar
    Penny Peberdy

    Such a sweet boy – he would be much loved in France

  98. heather h Avatar
    heather h

    Oh my, what a cutie! I have a toddler daughter that would adore welcoming little Leif into her heart. She loves her dolls, and a boy is wonderful! Your stuff is fabulous. Thank you for your generosity. Good luck everyone!

  99. jenny Avatar

    Oh he’s fabulous! Lime green is my all time favourite colour. So happy, so lovely….we need him! Best of luck with your give away!

  100. Kris Avatar

    What a wonderful give-a-way! This little guy is perfect for
    my little guy, Parker.
    Congrats on your sweet business growth!!

  101. megan Avatar

    He is one seriously cool little guy. We need more boys in our household to even out the gender in-balance. A bevvy of little ladies are waiting to take care of him…

  102. Adrianne Avatar

    Another contest? You just made my day! What a cutie pie he is. Maybe we will be lucky enough to be chosen. Criss Cross Applesauce…

  103. Bergló and daughter Krumma Avatar

    Hi there, it would be so perfect to welcome Leif here in Iceland, because Leif was the first Wiking to discover and settle down in Iceland. We could travel around and tell my daughter and her doll Leif all about their historical background. The bamboletta dolls are so beautiful and unique.

  104. Lindsay F Avatar
    Lindsay F

    Love him! And love you for being so generous. Keeping my fingers crossed!

  105. Amy O Avatar
    Amy O

    I love your dolls! They are so cute and full of LIFE.

  106. Gül Avatar

    Come on in Leif! YOu look like the Little Prince!

    ~fingers crossed~

  107. liz Avatar

    he’s adorable!
    please throw my name in the hat too!

  108. Mesude Avatar

    I am a great admirer of the bamboletta dolls!

    I wish I win!

    Thanks for sharing.

  109. Nur Avatar

    I never had a beautiful doll like him. Please count me in 🙂

  110. Steph Avatar

    He is just gorgeous!

  111. Thalita Dol Avatar

    awww! Leif is awesome!!
    I love him!

    I LOVE boy dolls, they are super cute.
    I had one boy doll when I was little, he was my favourite among all of my ‘babies’, his name was Gabriel. ^^

    Kisses from Brazil!

  112. gretchen Avatar

    This looks just like my son Wilson! We’d love it!!!

  113. Maddie Avatar

    Leif is such a hunk, in such a laid-back and cool way! This is what makes your dolls so special, they each have their own personality. He would be very welcome in our little family!

  114. Diana Avatar

    This little boy will be perfect for our home, we need a boyfriend for our little Dolly.

  115. Amy VG Avatar
    Amy VG

    This is so nice for you Christina. Your dolls are so beautiful. I’m sure Leif will be a welcome addition to any family. Blessings!

  116. mannequin Avatar

    He’s so cute; he looks all boy! Thank you so much for sharing your creations, it’s a lucky child indeed that has a bamboletta!

  117. tika greenlaw Avatar
    tika greenlaw

    Lief is so cute – I’d love to win to give it to afriend, whose pregant and due in november. My four are grown but they would have loved your dolls.
    tika 🙂

  118. Michelle Avatar

    I’m so excited! I’ve been hoping you’d have a boy in one of your giveaways, and this one is so cute.

  119. Jennifer Avatar

    I’m partial to your boy dolls, but that may be because I’m a mother to two sweet sons. Leif would make a wonderful addition to our family! He’s adorable. Count me in (:

  120. Pipsqueak Avatar

    We’d love to win this cool dude!!!

  121. Elizabeth Avatar

    Yeah! Boy dolls are GREAT! I would love to welcome such a happy and playful little guy into our Nursery class! Thank you!

  122. Julie Avatar

    Leif is soooo cute! He would be a perfect gift for my daughter who will turn 2 in August. I love all your dolls Christina!

  123. Leann Avatar

    I love everything about him, including his name. He would be loved very much by my two girls (9 and 21 months) and 4-year-old son. Thanks again for this opportunity. You are so kind and generous.

  124. Julie Avatar

    My son would LOVE to play with Leif! And he would make a great July birthday present! Thank you for the chance to bring him home!

  125. Jennifer Avatar

    My son would love Leif!!

  126. Lana Avatar

    Wow – how amazingly generous!! Leif – my little girl loves you already and promises to love and care for you for ever and ever. I hope you like lots of hugs and kisses Leif!! xxx

  127. anne Avatar

    wow, he look like two of my boys, we would love him!!!!

  128. Ella Avatar

    hello Leif. would you like to come and live with our group of friends?

  129. joanna Avatar

    He’s adorable! We’d love to have him join our home. Thanks so much for these giveaways – – so much fun.

  130. Debbie Livingston Avatar
    Debbie Livingston

    Our 2nd child is due mid-September and I have been wanting to get our little boy who will be three in August a boy playmate to take care of. Leif would be perfect! I searched long and hard for your beautiful dolls. I am so glad I found your site.

  131. Michele Avatar

    We would love Leif. I have two boys and he is adorable

  132. Bunny Avatar

    Leif is beautiful! My son would love him. I think he would be very happy living at our house! 🙂

  133. Jessica Avatar

    Your positivity and creativity are contageous – you make the world a better place! Love lief, good luck to whoever gets to welcome him! He is a gem!


  134. April Avatar

    Hi Leif,
    My Mommy showed me your picture and said you were free. I’m free too! But I will be four this fall. I’m gonna have a cake at the Children’s Museum! Ask your Mommy if she can bring you over too!
    From: Cali, Free Years Old. (My Mommy had to type this.)

  135. Heather Avatar

    Little boys need doll friends, too, and Leif is a precious one.

  136. Ginny Avatar

    He’s a beautiful doll! I would love to win him for my kids.

  137. Asheigh Avatar

    This is wonderful…girl or boy, black or white, long haired or short, green eyed or blue…children see us all (and their dolls!) as individuals. Each one is their friend and I think Leif would be a great playmate for our little ones!

  138. Elizabeth Thompson Avatar
    Elizabeth Thompson

    OOO – Lief even looks like my little boy! My boy is one now and could use his own doll. (Sister isn’t that into sharing hers!) And, I love the name! Thanks!

  139. Tonia Avatar

    What a beautiful doll! Thank-you for this opportunity!

  140. Megan Avatar

    He is so cute and looks just like my little Seth….crazy blonde hair!

  141. Jenny Avatar

    Hooray for boy dolls.

  142. Judy Avatar

    Oh how I love your dolls! They are all so very sweet, who wouldn’t LOVE to have one?!!!
    Please enter me in the drawing.
    Thanks so much!

  143. Brittany Avatar

    Lief is *so* my little boy! The crazy blond hair, sweet smile, and blue eyes, he’s just perfect!

  144. mima Avatar

    Oh how I have always LOVED dolls!! so excited that I stumbled across u!! Now that I have 3 little grandaughters……

  145. Laura-Lee Audit Avatar
    Laura-Lee Audit

    Leif looks exactly like my son!! I love him!!

    He would make a lovely addition to our family.

  146. Ashley Avatar

    We will take him – our house of girls needs a little balance!

  147. Rosemary Martinson Avatar

    He’s divine and suits his name Leif! What a glorious mop of hair he has, I love it! Boy dolls are so difficult to find, my sons would love one to play along with their sisters! Cheers to Bamboletta!

  148. Lisa Z Avatar

    Oh, he’s adorable!

  149. Lori Avatar

    My niece is absolutely fascinated with her babies and would love to be the “mama” to a little boy, especially a little boy named Lief!! I would be the best auntie ever….

  150. Meg Avatar

    Such beautiful dolls you make. We are so excited to find your site and to have the opportunity to win Lief. He is absolutely adorable!

  151. Bugaboo Baby & You - Sarah Avatar

    I don’t have one yet and this one is so cute! They all are! Good Work Christina, I hope some day we can bring one home to our house!

  152. Sage Avatar

    What a cutie! My son would love him.

  153. christine Avatar

    He’s beautiful. I hope I win!

  154. Kim Patrick Avatar
    Kim Patrick

    Leif is too adorable. He would fit in with my huge family. I bet you have so much fun playing and making dolls. What a blessing.

  155. Catherine G. Avatar
    Catherine G.

    Leif is too cute! We’d love to give him a good home!

  156. jenny martin Avatar
    jenny martin

    Oh what a cutie! I love the name Leif! This would be a perfect match for my TimothY!

  157. Robbie Avatar

    He’s a cutie and we would love to have him as a new friend!

  158. ramona Avatar

    Oh, a boy. That would be just perfect. I try my luck! Thank you for having the giveaways again and again.

  159. Monica Avatar

    Leif is adorable!! My kiddos would give him a happy home (if we’re so lucky!)… thanks for all the beautiful work you do. 🙂

  160. Judy K Avatar
    Judy K

    JuJu has new grandbabies coming at her faster than ever. One more on the east coast to keep Sasha company, and one on the west coast. Since I can’t be in two places at once, Leif would be just the ticket to keep my babies company when I can’t be around!

  161. lauren martin gauthier Avatar

    i love your dolls SO MUCH! and leif is no exception…crossing our fingers and toes over here 🙂

  162. Louisa Avatar

    While I generally find dolls to be adorable, I don’t think I’ve ever seen once that I love as much as this little guy! He seems to be brimming with personality. I also love that we share a smile! I’m glad to know you are on facebook. I will join your group as I have some facebook friends that would love to know about your dolls. Thanks for the giveaway!

  163. Connie Metz Avatar
    Connie Metz

    He is soooo adorable. I know my three girls would love to have a boy doll join the gang! You do such beautiful work!

  164. Alice Avatar

    My little grandson was playing with a purse on his arm yesterday. I would love to give him this doll! I hate it that some fathers are so silly about sons having dolls.

  165. kendrah Avatar

    my son, 2 next week, is just starting to really warm up to his little baby. would love to have something a little bigger for him to cuddle up with, like Leif. he is positively precious!

  166. Kathy Avatar

    He is so adorable!!! I have no doubt that he would be very loved in our house!!!

  167. Amanda Avatar

    What a wonderful little boy doll! My son would love to have a buddy. 🙂

  168. Jennifer Avatar

    Your dolls are so beautiful! I hope to purchase them for my son and daughter someday. Thank you for offering Leif for a giveaway. Have a great weekend!

  169. Ann Avatar

    My son Sam would love to have a little friend to spend his days with. Thanks so much for offering this opportunity!

  170. Deb Avatar

    Our daughter has a Bamboletta doll and loves her. Now our boys are asking for Bamboletta dolls! My one son keeps asking for a big brother for the little doll he has now!

  171. Koko's mama Avatar

    Oh, I would love to have a boy for my soon-to-arrive baby boy! Especially since his older sisters all have a bamboletta doll!

  172. Fanny Harville Avatar

    I’ve been trying to get my mom to buy one of your boy dolls for her grandson, my son, for his 5th birthday. I’ve been looking for a boy doll for ages and was so happy to discover your site via Soule Mama.

  173. Ryan Avatar

    My son is already asking for a Bamboletta doll for his birthday which isn’t until November! His cousin has one that he loves.

  174. kirsten Avatar

    ohhhh….this one is extra special. a boy! my little guy at home has a sweet boy you made him already. we just found out our baby on the way is a boy too! boys rock!

  175. Glaucia Avatar

    Hi Leif! You’re such a handsome boy! Would like to live in a tropical country? I have a little boy that would looove to have you as a friend!!! Christina, your dolls are enchanting, thanks for the chance of winning!

  176. Brenda Avatar

    Ooh, this little guy looks a lot like my little guy!! Cute name too.

  177. cat Avatar

    oh i know a little girl here who would LOVE that doll…thanks so much!

  178. Helena Avatar

    We just returned from Sweden and I think Leif may have some relatives there. We’d love to tell him all about our trip and see if we have any mutual friends in that lovely country.

  179. lynn Avatar

    He looks like my son! Same crazy blonde hair and big blue eyes! So sweet!

  180. Jennifer Avatar

    Ah he is just the cutest! Just like my Ethan. (o;

  181. Chris Avatar

    Oh my gosh he looks just like my nephew. What a cutie. We’d love to have him here.

  182. Barbara Avatar

    Entering for my favorite granddaughter. (She’s my only granddaughter, but still my favorite.) This little boy would be much loved by my daughter and her little girl.

  183. Geoff Avatar

    Once again I am posting because my wife told me to. LOL. The little man is very cute and I know my peanut would love him. (He’s probably the only boy I wouldn’t have to threaten with a baseball bat. Just kidding. Sort of.) Your dolls are very cute and I know my wife checks your site often.

  184. Devin Avatar

    He is just gorgeous! The world needs more adorable boy dolls like yours.

  185. Anne Avatar

    well, he is a very cute doll, and i’m sure my baby girl due 7/30/09 would love to have him for her first baby doll!

  186. Sonya Avatar

    My little elf has a birthday coming up. Oh, I wish, I wish, I wish!

  187. cheryl Avatar

    My oldest son would LOVE Leif as he has Asperger’s syndrome and could use a friend to tell his secrets to.

  188. Whitney Avatar

    Aww, what a sweet doll. I know a 3 year old who would love to add him to her family of dolls and animals.

  189. Leila Wylie Avatar

    Oh, he’s so cute! I love the name Leif. =)

  190. melissa Avatar

    love the hair – he is so cute!
    leif would make the perfect older brother to my daughter’s baby doll.

  191. Michelle Morra Avatar
    Michelle Morra

    He is so cute! I’m pregnant with my third, a little boy will be joining his 2 older sisters in the fall! Would love to have a boy doll for him 🙂
    I wish, I hope we get him!

  192. Sarah Riggs Avatar
    Sarah Riggs

    Awww… Please tell your son THANK YOU for letting Leif go on to new adventures. Emily says she needs Leif because he looks, “Just like Ethan!!!!!!” (her big brother!) We’re hoping that Leif can come and live with us and our 2 Bamboletta girls – they need a big brother, too!



  193. Roseanne Perkins Avatar
    Roseanne Perkins

    We love Leif too!

  194. Bonnie Holloway Avatar
    Bonnie Holloway

    We could use a little ray of sunshine at our new house. And Leif would do the trick! What beautiful dolls! They look like love!
    Thank you for sharing them!

  195. Ann Bachhuber Avatar
    Ann Bachhuber

    What a cute little guy. Reminds me of the 1st doll I wanted to purchase from you, but someone got to him before I did. We would love to give this guy a good home.

  196. Zsófimamája Avatar

    My daughters would love Leif very much. He is so cute with his blond hair and blue eyes. He would be perfect playmate for the baby dolls of my daughters.
    Thanks for the chance to win.

  197. catriona Avatar

    Wonderful, a little boy doll! My older son was incredibly jealous of his younger brothers’ doll – and here I thought 13 year olds (today!) were too cool for dolls.
    Looks like you’re going to have another incredibly successful contest, congratulations!

  198. Stacy Avatar

    Oliver would love a brother.

    Oh, and I have to comment on the new doll you loaded up, Kali. Not only does she have the same name as my stepdaughter but she looks just like her when she was little! Such a special coincidence. 🙂

  199. Samantha Avatar

    Every doll you make is truly amazing! My little girl would love a boy to play with… 🙂

  200. Meredith Klobucnik Avatar
    Meredith Klobucnik

    Oh my gosh is he cute, I have been in love with your dolls for a month or so now and hope to have one in our home soon. Beautiful work!

  201. Tabitha Avatar

    Oh, he is so cute! Count us in please! Thanks.

  202. wendy Avatar

    Sew handsome :c) I *love* his name & his hair ~ my daughter would love to have a friend for her beautiful Faye doll…

  203. diana Avatar

    i love your dolls!!! you are a very talented artist!!!

  204. kyndale Avatar

    Leif would find a very loving home with my two boys (and one daughter)!

  205. susanne Avatar

    beautiful doll! my 2 1/2 year old, Isaac, would love to play with him! they have the same color hair AND his favorite color is green! thank you for the wonderful giveaway!

  206. Heather R. Avatar

    He is dashing! Please count me in the giveaway – our baby is due 7/7/09 and he would be a wonderful companion for her arrival! Thank you for your continued talent and care in making these little friends!

  207. Kerry Avatar

    Yet another wonderful contest. Leif would be great in my home. I love the green-Leif connection.

  208. Tasha Avatar

    What a beautiful doll! Our two boys would love him dearly. Thanks for the chance to win!

  209. heather Avatar

    Thank you! We would welcome Leif, what a beautiful, sweet doll.

  210. Carol Avatar

    what a wonderful boy doll! i would so love to win a giveaway.

  211. Catherine Avatar

    He is so cute! Love the shaggy hair and the cheeky grin.

  212. Kristie Avatar

    My little ones would really love this doll!

  213. wren Avatar

    Beautiful boy doll, I have a wee lad that would love him!

  214. MIndy Taylor Avatar
    MIndy Taylor

    Ohhhh he is so cute!! I just got my sweet little girl in the mail and she is beyond beautiful! You women are sooo talented. And so sweet thanks for the extra goodies included in the box! It really made my day! My Little boy loves the doll and this would be perfect for him!!! Thanks for the chance.

  215. Jessica Avatar

    A very sweet little guy. Thanks for running another contest : )

  216. Erica Matthews Avatar
    Erica Matthews

    What a beautiful doll!!! My two daughters are desperate for a little brother, this would be such a well loved addition to our family!

  217. mare Avatar

    Hi Leif-

    We are getting your room ready and can’t wait unitl you come home with us…

    Mare, Frank, Harper & Maggie ( your bamboletta sister!)

  218. Cara Avatar

    When seeing the picture of Leif,my son said, “Hey! Who’s that?” Just how he addresses all his new friends.

    Thanks for the giveaway!

  219. Dayna McIntosh Avatar
    Dayna McIntosh

    Oh, Leif is so cute! He’d make an awesome playmate for my Abbie and her bamboletta fairy. 🙂 He looks more like Abbie does too. She loves her “babies”. 🙂 You’re a rare talent Christina. Thanks for the gift you share with the world. It must be very humbling and yet inspiring to know that the dolls you creat will create so many fond childhood memories for today’s children to look back on.

  220. Meg Avatar

    I LOVE your dolls and Leif is SO adorable! I am expecting my first baby and I’m sure it is a boy. Even if it isn’t, this little guy would be a welcome addition to our little growing family. Crossing my fingers.

  221. Ella Avatar

    My Name is Ella and I was born on July 10th. (I will be 5) I really love my doll Molly Mae that I got for Christmas and I know she would love a friend.
    Thank you for the chance to win him. E

  222. Valarie Avatar

    Leif is so cute and would have a very happy home here. Thanks for another fine give away. They are so fun.

  223. Kristin Avatar

    Oh he’s beautiful, what fabulous hair! My little girl doesn’t discriminate when it comes to babies, she would just love him. 🙂

  224. Lisa Avatar

    The little boy is super cute. My daughter would love him!

  225. Dawn Kramer Avatar
    Dawn Kramer

    Love each and every one of your treasures. He would be a great addition to our Abby doll.

  226. Judi Pawliger Avatar
    Judi Pawliger

    Little Lief looks like an angel without wings! He would add so much joy and fun to my grandaughter’s day(and cuddles at night). Hope he will join Sunny soon for lots of sunny,happy days! Love, Sunny’s Mimi

  227. Olivia S Avatar
    Olivia S

    Oh yeah! a ‘boy’ giveawawy! Would love to win this for my son’s first doll! 🙂

  228. Danielle Guymon Avatar
    Danielle Guymon

    So adorable! You create such beautiful dolls! Our Daughter would swoon over this little guy!

  229. Judi Pawliger Avatar
    Judi Pawliger

    My little granddaughter,Sunny would love to play with Lief by day, and cuddle him at night! He looks like an angel without wings! Hopefully, Sunny’s Mimi

  230. Judi Pawliger Avatar
    Judi Pawliger

    Hopefully my granddaughter Sunny will welcome Lief to play by day and cuddle at night! Soooo cute!Hopefully, Sunny’s Mimi

  231. denise Avatar

    Have been wanting a boy….So sweet love to add this darling to my daughter dolls. Right now we are waiting for a custom doll. Love your work Always!

  232. kristin Avatar

    that dolly looks just like my two and a half year old son Will!

  233. Jane Thorpe Avatar
    Jane Thorpe

    Hi Leif, you’re gorgeous!!! My little boy Sam would just LOVE for you to come with us. Be careful you don’t fall from that tree like all those other ‘leaves’ 😉

  234. Jon Avatar

    Cool doll!

  235. Julie Avatar

    I LOVE Leif! What a gorgeous little guy, and sweet companion for a feisty fellow I know and love. Thank you for the opportunity to win him.

  236. Marisely Avatar

    Leaf is adorable. I showed the picture to my little man and he said: “I want boy”. So cute. I hope he comes to live with us.

  237. amy Avatar

    What a gorgeous doll! We would love to give this little one a home.

  238. brooke Avatar

    Dear Leif,
    I am a little boy living in Indiana and so far I do not have any boy dolls to play with me. I would love to have you be my friend!
    (Brooke’s son)

  239. Chris Avatar

    My family and I work with newly arrived Bhutanese refugees who have lived most of their entire lives in Nepali refugee camps. We are constantly on the look out for toys for the children, but find “decent, nice” boy toys very difficult to come by. We want these little guys to grow up loving and kind, instead of using sticks as make-shift guns. Your precious boy doll Leif would make one little boy mighty happy!!! Your dolls are gorgeous and I especially LOVE your project in Guatemala. We’ve done similar things in Ecuador and it’s amazing how talented the women are!! Thank you for your work and generosity!!!

  240. Rebecca Kern Avatar
    Rebecca Kern

    Love it! Not many boy dolls are cute. This one definitely is.

  241. grazia Avatar

    would love to have this for my littlest guy (of three!). he’s super cute and a welcomed change from all of the trucks in my house!

  242. Carrie Avatar

    Sure, he’s a boy doll but he sure does look a lot like my daughter (blue eyes, short blond hair, wearing jeans)… I think she’d love it!

  243. Alexis J Avatar
    Alexis J

    WOW!!!! That little Leif look’s like a mini version of my son Roman…. Down to the blue eyes and awesome wild blond hair. Roman would love to give him a home in Victoria!

  244. Rheta Avatar

    Your dolls are gorgeous! Coming from a family of doll makers when i saw your bambolettas I called my mother right away to oogle these lovleies over the phone with me! We loved going through each doll and talking about their personaloities! We are yet to purchase one as my daughter just turned one and we have ttried to get dolls she can hold! Such a great thing your doing and creating!! All the power to ya mommies!!

  245. Bonnie Avatar

    Beautiful!! I always find your dolls inspiring.

  246. Elizabeth Avatar

    I having been checking this blog for him every single day! I LOVE him. Thanks for having another giveaway! 🙂

  247. Kristy Avatar

    This little boy doll reminds me of my nanny’s son, Cael. He is such a spirited boy who loves to run, dance and play…he has been such an inspiration to my own daughter Marlie. I swear she has been talking sooner, walking sooner, and truly enriched by having Cael in our life (she’s always trying to keep up). Unfortunately, in September their together will shorten as my nanny, Missi, will be starting nursing school…as a single mom who has spent her last two years nannying to be with her son…I’d love to be able to give this to Cael as he goes on to new adventures at Alameda Montessori (sans Marlie) Such a beautiful boy doll echoing Cael…his favorite color is green, same touseled hair and I swear I can see the same twinkle in Leif’s eye.

    Best wishes to all,

  248. Amelie Lachapelle Avatar
    Amelie Lachapelle

    I have a little girl here who would love to have this gorgeous little Leif in his playroom…

    Thanks for the giveaway!

  249. marne maykowskyj Avatar

    I ADORE Leif!! he looks exactly like my son! and my baby boy has JUST started hugging and squeezing and loving on things. how lovely would it be for him to be able to have a mini version of his big brother?!
    again your dolls are just truly amazing. I love to see what you are up to!

  250. Rebecca Avatar

    Gorgeous doll! I love the hair!

  251. Alison Avatar

    Leif is adorable. His hair looks almost identical to the as yet unnamed and surprise doll that my son will be receiving in a couple of weeks. I love his outfit – that green shirt is fabulous! I can see why your son didn’t want to part with him.

  252. kathie Avatar

    What a sweet boy doll.

  253. Julie Avatar

    I LOVE Leif! It would be SO cool to win him. 🙂 Thanks for such a great giveaway.

  254. jenna Avatar

    Leif looks like he would enjoy some gnarly waves, throwin up the shakka and chillin by the beach… send him to vaca with us in Hawaii. We love surfer dudes here on the Island.

  255. Gaetanne Avatar

    My son would love to give Leif a wonderful life!

  256. Amy Avatar

    I’m going to deliver my third boy on Monday. Leif would be a welcome addition to our family!!

  257. HEATHER Avatar

    Leif would be perfect for my blond haired blue eyed 6 year old. He is envious of his younger sister who received Maggie from you. I *really* hope we win.

  258. Denelle Avatar

    Our Bamboletta baby doll needs a sibling!

  259. Paula Avatar

    He is adorable. We love him! We look every Friday to see the new dolls, it is always fun to see them.

  260. Amanda Avatar

    He’s such a cutie!! We’d be happy to have him in our home!

  261. Valerie Avatar

    Leif is absolutely adorable!! He will be the perfect companion for a very lucky child… thank you so much for your generosity Christina! 🙂

  262. Rachel Avatar

    Leif is so cute! Looks like my son, but with blond hair. Thanks for the giveaway!

  263. Shannon Watson Avatar

    What a gorgeous little guy! Leif will be well loved in his new home… thanks for your generosity and the care you all take with each and every doll.

  264. Sue C Avatar
    Sue C

    He is super cute….and would be really well loved in our little home! Hope to win! :o)

  265. Geneviève Avatar

    My son loves to play with my daugther’s dolls. I know he would be happy to have one of his own. Thank you for this contest!!

  266. Birgitta Avatar

    LOVE Leif! He’d make a great friend for our son who is also a little Scandinavian blond. We’re expecting another baby in August and Leif could be just the secret to an easy transition for a new big brother! Your dolls are fantastic – the best I’ve seen!

  267. Jesca Byndom Avatar

    “Let the mothers consider that whatever concerneth the education of children is of the first importance. Let them put forth every effort in this regard, for when the bough is green and tender it will grow in whatever way ye train it” ~AbdulBaha

  268. Cheryl Avatar

    My little girl would love a little brother and Leif would be perfect! You do such beautiful work!!

  269. Jennifer Richard Avatar

    My son Ian needs this doll. His twin sister loves Laia and I am just waiting for another one to be available for her! Thanks for making these wonderful dolls!

  270. mountain girl Avatar

    Amazing – as usual!!!

  271. Jodi Avatar

    He is such a cute little boy doll. I know my son would love him. If we aren’t the lucky winners, I’ll be ordering one for him some time in the near future.

  272. Willew Avatar

    Beautiful boy! The one thing my little one doesn’t have.

  273. Sarah Avatar

    This little doll looks just like my little boy. So adorable!

  274. Renee Avatar

    I absolutely love your dolls and Leif is beautiful! He looks like my own blue-eyed blond boy.

  275. Rachel Avatar

    Adorable! My little boy would love him!

  276. Paola Avatar

    I LOVE this beautiful little guy! i just need him! He would be the perfect play mate for MY little guy Aleswsandro! He’s 2 years old and he loves handcrafted dolls! Please, give him to me! kisses from sweet Italy!

  277. dottyspots Avatar

    Oooooh, my brother’s middle name is Leif :0) He’s absolutely lovely (the doll that is, although my brother is too!)

  278. Naomi Avatar

    He’s a cutie! I am trying to decide whether to get Jasper the boy doll (Jonah) you have on your site or if I should have a custom one made. Tough call!

  279. emily Avatar

    Beautiful dolls!! My daughter would cherish one!

  280. Wendy Avatar

    I just love you dolls, boy or girl. I have a young child that is really into her baby, boy would I like to put one of your dolls in her hands.

  281. rae Avatar

    i love your little boy. my little boy has blond hair and blue eyes, too, and his bday happens to be tomorrow. so, i am entering this contest in his honor. thanks for the incredibly generous giveaway love!! 🙂

  282. Katherine McLean Avatar
    Katherine McLean

    Each year for Christmas I look for a unique doll for my daughters. It has become a family tradition and a special gift that they really look forward to. Your dolls are the top of my list for Christmas 2009. Katherine

  283. juana arias Avatar

    YIPPEE! the girls at the black lanterns studios would welcome a little boy! thanks for the chance!

  284. Prairie Girl Avatar

    We just love your contests! And this little guy is adorable.

    We would be honored to welcome him into our home!!

  285. Tava/Yarnmama Avatar

    My son would love this little guy! He is so cute! Fingers crossed.

  286. erika~ the inspired mama Avatar

    he is WONDERFUL!!! we would LoVe to give him a nice home!!! thank you for yet another generous giveaway 🙂

  287. Susan Saint-Leaves Avatar
    Susan Saint-Leaves

    Darling little boy doll that any child would love to receive. So cute and lovable and squeezable to take to bed for a nice nap or nightly nightly. Or to show off to a baby sister.

  288. Colleen Avatar

    Awww, Leif is super cute. We would be honoured to give him a new home. Count us in.

  289. Katye Avatar

    He’s darling! My son loves to care for little loves. He would be so honored to have him. Thanks for the chance to welcome Leif into our family. Peace!

  290. Lisa Avatar

    what a beautiful little boy! my daughter would love to have leif as a friend

  291. Laurie Avatar

    Your homemade treasure would be a beloved part of our family. Leif looks like our youngest two and would happily climb, tousle, tow, hug, push in boxes, flip, jump and otherwise rejoice in being one of our very young gang at play. Thanks for making another joyous friend to be.

  292. Laura Mogus Avatar
    Laura Mogus

    I just love your little boy Leif and would be ecstatic to have him in our family. We are currently trying to conceive after losing our first beloved daughter, and hope to soon have a little one on their way. It would be wonderful to have Leif here to welcome them!

  293. Lindsay Emerson Avatar
    Lindsay Emerson

    We have Amelia that you made for Clara and she loves her. She has five older brothers and one baby brother on the way and it would be soo cool for one of them to have a boy doll to play with her. Something she can do with them. We love your work!!! Happy Summer!!
    Lindsay and Clara

  294. tracy_a Avatar

    what a great doll for a boy to grow up with! thanks for your generosity!

  295. Janine Avatar

    oh my. count me in on the loving leif club.

  296. Petra Avatar

    He looks like he would make a splendid brother to Calliope.

  297. Angela .W. Avatar
    Angela .W.

    Dear Bamboletta, you guys are just amazing! The dolls you create are so beautiful and will create many memories for all children. I am from Campbell, Ca…and I recommend your website to all my friends who have small children. I would love to give this adorable boy doll a new home! I have a son who just turned two, and I can see that he is ready for his own doll. Thanks for giving us all a chance to win! Keep up the amazing work!!

  298. Tracy Avatar

    Leif is a cool dude! He’d fit right in with my little guy!

  299. Cat Avatar

    Love him! He would make the perfect special “fwiend” for my little but big in his heart and my other ways, son.

  300. Jodi Avatar

    This little guys reminds me of my 4 year old. He would love to play with a new companion!

  301. Elizabeth Avatar

    my son will love to play with this little guy. He can join caleb, in all the fun…

  302. Allison Avatar

    My son (7 1/2 years old) just walked in the room, saw Leif, and said, “Oh I would love to have that doll!” Such a precious work of art fit for loving and imaginitive play for any child…or grown-up child like me!

  303. marta Avatar

    aww look at the cute little guy! i have just the perfect home for him!:)*

    thank you

  304. Theresa Avatar

    Oh My GOODNESS! He is just adorable. We definatley need a boy doll around here 🙂

  305. Kate Avatar

    He is so cute. Our family would love to give him a home!

  306. Alice S Avatar
    Alice S

    Little Leif is just as cute as any of your girl dolls! I have a doll-loving little girl who would definitely like a boy to go with her girl dolls.

  307. Claire R Avatar
    Claire R

    He is adorable! My little guy Evan is turning 2 in July. Leif would be a wonderful present for him. Wish him luck!!

  308. Tara Lynchard Avatar

    I absolutely adore your dolls! Thanks for the contest!!

  309. pamela Avatar

    Oh I would love to have this little boy for my five year old daughter.

  310. Ally Avatar

    my little guy needs a friend…actually, Leif looks alot like him…..

  311. Stephanie Avatar

    Thanks for the giveaway, very cute.

  312. Märia Avatar

    I would love to have him for me 🙂

  313. Emily Avatar

    Leif, you can come live at my house!

  314. Sarah MacMillan Avatar
    Sarah MacMillan

    He’s gorgeous!

  315. hillary Avatar

    what a darling little lad. he would be our first boy… although i am sure he would not be our last.

    here’s to hoping little leif is lucky enough to join our warm family! goodness knows we’d be lucky to have him!

  316. Jen Avatar

    How adorable, my son would love him, he has been asking me for a doll and one of your precious creations would be perfect!

  317. Shawn Avatar

    I can see why your son loves him! He is a great looking boy. We certainly have room in our house for another boy. Thank you for another contest Christina.

  318. Corine Avatar

    My 18 month old son just looked at the picture of Leif, and to my surprise pointed at him and said “BAY-beee”!
    Oh I think he would love to have Leif as his own little “Baby” friend!

  319. Catherine Avatar

    What a cute little boy! I have a little girl who would love to take care of him.

  320. Kaidren Avatar

    This is the most adorable doll! My nephew would absolutely love having his own boy to play with!

  321. andrea Avatar

    I have been waiting for this one-he is too cute! I am in love with his clothing, the simplicity! The colors! He is so sweet.

  322. Emily Avatar

    I love him! He would be a perfect companion for my Jasper and his little brother too.

  323. jessi mathew Avatar
    jessi mathew

    i love your dolls. if i am lucky enough to win this…it just might be cause to have another baby!!

  324. Hilary Avatar

    You are so generous! Thanks for a beautiful give away! Thanks too for beautiful Molly you made as a big sister present for Mary! Can’t wait for this baby to come so Mary can have her baby!


  325. Suzie Avatar

    Adorable, just like the rest. You are so talented!

  326. Caryn Avatar

    What a beautiful little boy.

  327. Alison Avatar

    Boy or Girl! Makes no difference! We love him and think he should join our household!

  328. Julie Avatar

    Your dolls are just adorable!!! Thanks for the chance to win one!

  329. Tara Avatar

    I think your dolls are so beautiful and I know my little girl would have no problem with a little boy doll!

  330. Queen of the Click Avatar

    I love this doll! Lief is a great name and he would be adored in our house. Boys love dolls so I know everyone is going to go crazy over him.

  331. Tasha Avatar

    I’d love it if this little Lief fell from the tree into our family’s arms!

  332. Jane Avatar

    I couldn’t “Leif” this little guy behind! Yea for boy dolls!

  333. Elena Liss Avatar
    Elena Liss

    I am so in love with your little guy here. Your work just keeps a smile on my face. Now I know what to wish for on my Anniversary. LOL Keep up the great work. :o) God Bless.

  334. ash Avatar

    Wow! You guys are amazing, I don’t know how you do it! Thankyou.

  335. Andrea Avatar

    Hi Leif. We live in New Zealand where boys all have long hair, play on the beach, and eat fish and chips. Come join us!

  336. Tamara Avatar

    Leif is supercool. Our 2 year old son still loves his hand made baby doll but I feel is ready for an older doll too. I’d love to see his face light up if he gets to see Leif in the flesh!

  337. Catherine Avatar

    He is darling, looks perfect for cuddling! I love his blue eyes and super long jeans.

  338. Ashlee Archibald Avatar

    I love him! He is so handsome! I bet my daughter would love him too! She has a strange fascination with boys.. 🙂 I better watch out for the teenage years, i’m going to be in trouble! 🙂

  339. Lucie Avatar

    as always, beautiful, he would be well loved here! thanks for the giveaway!

  340. Mélanie Gagnon Avatar
    Mélanie Gagnon

    What a cutie! My son would love a Bamboletta like, just like his older sister.

  341. vala Avatar

    I would love to give little Leif to my son ….I just know it would be love at first sight…. your dolls are simply breathtaking….what a difference from the plastic shop ones…..and we love the name….(we are icelandic living in france)

  342. Kat B. Avatar
    Kat B.

    My 5 year old Caleb would love him 🙂

  343. Jane Avatar

    Your work is simply amazing! Leif is gorgeous. What a great talent you have to make such wonderful baby dolls.

  344. kris Avatar

    Oh my little man just saw him and LOVES him! I promise we would give him a good home.

  345. Amy Avatar

    oh, my sweet little nephew would be such a great Daddy for him! thanks for offering the giveaway!

  346. Kim Avatar

    Wow, so cute! My five year old son recently bowled me over with a request for a boy doll, so maybe Lief will be it, someone anyway will be very lucky. Thanks once again for another chance…

  347. wendy Avatar

    Such a lovely boy! He would have a couple of nice girls to play with here. Thank you for the chance to win. Wendy

  348. Tiffany Avatar

    Leif is so cute! I love his hair–it’s very awesome. I’m crossing my fingers…I have a little sister who is 18 years younger than me, and even though I would enjoy Leif for myself, I’m sure she would enjoy him much more! 😀

  349. Ayden Hockstein Avatar
    Ayden Hockstein

    My little guy would love to treasure Leif!!!!
    I hope we win he is beautiful!

  350. Julie Avatar

    Hi! Oh his so cute…My daughter would love to have a baby boy to take care of…will see if I’m gonna be the lucky one!!
    By the way your new store is fantastic! 🙂

  351. Sara Mahan Avatar
    Sara Mahan

    What a beautiful boy! It would be perfect for my Jonah who carries everything he finds around and calls it his baby. Leif come see us and be Jonah’s real baby!

  352. Catherine Avatar

    Leif is adorable. My son is almost 3 and I am due with another in August. He has been asking for a doll to take care of like his own baby! I already know this is going to be a tough transition for him. Winning Leif would be amazing!

  353. Kristen Avatar

    I love Leif! Thank you for the opportunity to win…

  354. Jessica Avatar

    What a cute doll! – we are expecting a baby in October and this would be a great addition to his or hers room. Thank you so much.

  355. Tracy Avatar

    He is totally adorable. I think it would be great to get a little boy doll for a boy. I’m guessing there would be lots of dads out there that would be okay with that over a “baby doll.” My daughter would love him though. She is kinda between things right now so I would love to give her something new to love and carry around. I think it would help her through some tough times being sick and having a very sick grandmother. Thanks!

  356. Stacie@HobbitDoor Avatar

    Leif is so cute! I would love to win him!

  357. April Avatar

    So cute! Would it be for my three year old or baby boy on the way? Thank you-

  358. Cindy Avatar

    I know my granddaughters would love him! They love to be good mommies.

  359. casey Avatar

    Absolutely beautiful dolls. I plan on ordering at least 4 for my nature-based playschool beginning in the fall.

  360. Missy Avatar

    I would love to win this doll…my son (a blondie) has a mass-produced plastic doll that he calls “Baby Cry” and tries to nurse it like Mama does with his little brother. Whenever I wear my youngest (6 months) in the Moby wrap, my oldest (he’s 2) has to wear Baby Cry, so I rig up a scarf wrap for him. Your dolls are amazing!

  361. gabriella Avatar

    Please… I have to win this little guy for MY little guy! In the last giveaway, I wanted to win a little “girlfriend doll” for my son. But this would be more appropriate for him. I have been wanting to purchase one of your dolls for him since his birth. We just can’t afford a doll for the time being. How wonderful would it be have this special doll just for him to hug and carry around!

  362. Juliette Avatar

    we LOVE our doll…so sweet and huggable and perfect! makes me want so many more!!! we love what you do, thank you….

  363. katy yates Avatar

    Oh goodness, could he be any cuter?! Thank you so much!!!

  364. Sarah Powell Avatar
    Sarah Powell

    I think this little guy is a real cutie, and that’a what I’m missing in my collection is a boy doll… Here’s to hoping luck is on my side this time! Thanks for having all your dolls for me to look at – it makes my day!

  365. Kelly Avatar

    I hope I win! I love, love, love your dolls!

  366. Teri Cook Avatar

    Beautiful dolls! We just ordered our first one and we cannot wait for her to arrive! A boy would be great to go with our girl!

  367. katie Avatar

    i hope i win…i hope i win…i hope i win!

  368. anna Avatar

    I really love your creations, simply wonderful!
    blessings and love

  369. Tanya Avatar

    He is adorable. You always pick out such great names!

  370. Jessica Avatar

    Oh, I was waiting for a boy doll for the giveaway!

  371. Ree Avatar

    Oh, love him! And so would my boy and girl! 🙂

  372. Anita Avatar

    I am so happpy to see a wee boy; he is simply charming. It is amazing how well charm is captured in your dolls!

  373. Sarah Avatar

    Another amazing doll. Love his hair and face. I’m sure O and E would love to have him join our family.
    xoxo Sarah

  374. Magnolia Avatar

    So adorable…He would make a great big brother for Rosie’s “Baby Lizzie”!
    Great work!

  375. michelle Avatar

    I need to win this doll beacuse he looks like my son and i would love to give him a baby brother to take care of!!!!!

  376. Sandi Avatar

    Oh my, I would LOVE to win this doll! He looks SO much like my shaggy haired little man! You do such wonderful work, I look forward to purchasing our first doll from you very soon 🙂

  377. courtneyb Avatar

    Wild blond hair and blue eyed just like my Dutch. He would love him. Absolutely adorable.

  378. Fawn Avatar

    I’d love to give your doll a home. SO CUTE!

  379. Summer Avatar

    He is SO adorable! It’s so hard to find cute boy dolls! My little man would LOVE him 😉

  380. Norah Avatar

    My baby to be Luca would love to snuggle up next to this little guy.

  381. Erin Zackey Avatar
    Erin Zackey

    Oh my goodness is he ever a charmer! Our little ones would be so smitten to have him in their lives! 🙂

  382. June and Lilli Avatar
    June and Lilli

    Oh how I LOVE your dolls!!! This handsome little guy is no exception!! We’d love to bring him home and shower him with affection!!

  383. Jennifer Jones Avatar
    Jennifer Jones

    I love these dolls. I could not have put into words what the perfect doll for my child would look like until I stumbled upon your dolls today. Perfect, just perfect!

  384. MamAmor Dolls Avatar

    I want him for me! What a lovely boy doll! Well…Ok..I’ll share him with my three kids!
    Thanks for your generosity!

  385. KATHY S Avatar

    What a cutie! My two granddaughters (ages 2 and 6) each have a girl ragdoll, and Lief would be the perfect companion for them. Love that hair…kind of a blondish red which is what my daughter (their Mommy) has…they would get a kick out of that! I love the impish smile and his big blue eyes! While browsing your gallery, I’ve got some ideas for Christmas dolls for the girls! Thanks for the giveaway!

  386. Nele Avatar

    His hair! So funky, so bold and so adorable…. wish I had hair like that. He’d bring our all girl home into balance..

  387. Rocio Avatar

    Our two bambolettas will be very happy to have a brother at home… we will be pery proud to have a boy to take care!!!!

  388. Cristina Avatar

    OMG! I really do understand why you love him so much 🙂 My daughters will be so happy to have Leif. Especially that one day we hope for a little boy (brother) to come into our lives…. Thank you Christina for this giveaway, your dolls are, as usual, magic for us…. Hugs, C

  389. Kellie Avatar

    Wow, so I guess the response has been great!!! I have two boys, and I love to see them carry around “companions”. I think you get to see the little dad they may be one day.

  390. Kathryn Pike Avatar
    Kathryn Pike

    I love the boy dolls sooooooooooooooooooo much, I am really wishing for him to become mine!!! x

  391. mel Avatar

    What a cute fellow. My boys would adore having him in our family!

  392. barbara andriolo(Netherlands) Avatar
    barbara andriolo(Netherlands)

    ciao Christina,
    i sure love your little raggazzo Leif
    and he would be very welcome in our family
    keep up the good work and thank your son to give him a new house
    with love Barbara

  393. alexandria (Netherlands) Avatar
    alexandria (Netherlands)

    hello Christina,
    come va?
    want to tell you that your little boy Leif is very cute end good looking
    would love to win him and he would be in a good home
    take good care and till next time
    love alex xxx

  394. Sarah Avatar

    I love your dolls! Love them! This boy would find himself well loved in our home. Thanks for the fab giveaway. xoxo

  395. Kari Avatar

    I am 5 sitting here, 5 days overdue, up at 5am (and 2am and midnight too) now surfing the web trying to occupy my mind and time. Love your dolls as would my daughter and soon to be daughter or son (it’s a surprise and I’m dying to find out right about now!!)
    June 29th- what a good day for a birthday don’t ya think?

  396. Amy T Avatar
    Amy T

    How adorable!! Your dolls are so sweet. We would love to give this one a home. Thanks for sharing.

  397. Emma Avatar

    We’d love to give Leif a home!
    The Glass family

  398. Amanda Z. Avatar
    Amanda Z.

    What a beautiful little boy. Yes, please!

  399. Tasha Avatar

    Oh he’s super cute, I love the hair!

  400. Everett Avatar

    My daughter would love him, thanks for the contest!

  401. Karlee Avatar

    Your dolls are amazing!

  402. Rebeca Avatar

    A stuffed boy doll is excellent !

  403. Janna Avatar

    He sure is cute! We’d love to give him a new home! Thank you!

  404. Sue Avatar

    He is darling!
    He would have to come to work with me so I could show him off. 🙂
    You do great work.

  405. Jennifer Gruver Avatar
    Jennifer Gruver

    Gosh, he sure is cute! Would make a treasured baby gift for my little sister who is expecting. SOOOO cute!

  406. Lindsay Avatar

    seeing all of the comments makes me smile…. i think about how many people have one of your dolls. I think about how much ours is loved, and multiply that love by all of the dolls youve sold. Think of all the love youve created!!!!…. I would love to have this little guy!

  407. nathalie Avatar

    what a sweet little guy! how generous of you christina and john.

  408. Erica Wilson Avatar
    Erica Wilson

    I love that you have a boy doll in the contest. He is so wonderful.
    Thanks for offering this contest.

  409. Cassandra Avatar

    My nephew would LOVE having Leif as a little buddy! I know that Seth (2 1/2) would love taking Leif to the park to dig in the sand and swing on the swings. I know that Seth would also love introducing Leif to all of his dinosaurs too! Thank You for this amazing opportunity!

  410. Alison Avatar

    Is it just me, or are the dolls getting cuter by the day?!! I think whoever wins Leif is going to be a very lucky and happy little person.

    It’s great that little girls get the chance to love a little boy doll and little boys get the chance to bond with and identify with a little guy.

    Good luck to everybody and a BIG thanks to Christina for givng us all the opportunity to win someone new to love!!!

  411. Audrey Avatar

    Leif is adorable!! I would love to get one of these dolls for my daughter before our new baby arrives in October.

  412. Sarah B Avatar

    Eeek! A such a sweet little guy.

  413. Melissa V. Avatar
    Melissa V.

    I am keeping my fingers crossed that Leif will join our family. My little Lucie would love him to pieces!! I love your dolls!!

  414. leslie Avatar

    what a sweet boy – all your dolls are lovely.

  415. Tonya Avatar

    We like boys! He’s very adorable, and we’d love to give him a happy and loving home.

  416. victoria Avatar

    A little boy for my new little boy. They even look alike. Thanks again for another contest!!

  417. Marie Avatar

    What an adorable doll! Pick me! Pick me!

  418. star Avatar

    he is so cute!
    Also – I still haven’t made the time to thank you for our custom doll!
    She is everything I had hoped! Her hair and her little sweater are beyond words.
    I’m sure she will be treasured for many years to come!
    thank you very much, Star

  419. Karen Avatar

    My daughter would LOVE a boy doll to play with! And my bday is the 11th, so it would be like a birthday present for me to win 🙂

  420. mamaK Avatar

    My little ones birthday is coming up soon, and he would love this doll to love and care for! With blond hair and blue eyes just like him, I know this doll would be a favorite. Thank you so much for this contest!

  421. zenobiashaven Avatar

    so very cute……woud find a caring home here with us…..hugs

  422. Carla Avatar

    I just loove your dolls!! Love Love and Love******

  423. Tonya Avatar

    Wish me luck!

  424. Charmaine Pollingue Avatar
    Charmaine Pollingue

    Love this little guy. You are so talented. Thanks for the inspiration. Charmaine

  425. Alicia Dunaj Avatar
    Alicia Dunaj

    I love Leif! He looks like my daughter, so I would let her decide whether he is a boy or a girl! Perhaps we would buy him a dress! lol :>)

  426. Rhonda Avatar

    I love his surfer hair!

  427. Diana Avatar

    Wow, what a fantastic doll! I’m sure he’ll find a loving, adventurous home with any of the commenters. My own little boys would adore him. Good luck selecting the winning entry…

  428. Christina Avatar

    Yes, I can see the trouble in letting go. Frankly I don’t know how you let any of them go. So sweet. Thanks : D

  429. Alison Haworth Avatar
    Alison Haworth

    He is lovely, what a cheeky face.
    Inspired by those gorgeous Guys you have at home? 🙂

  430. Claudia Avatar

    I love the idea of giving away a boy doll! And Leif is absolutely adorable…as was to be expected 😀
    I’m sure any boy or girl would love to add him as a friend!!!

  431. Mary Rogers Avatar

    Leif is so precious! We’d love to give him a home!

  432. Melia Avatar

    How kind of your boy to let him go!
    Leif will make some boy or girl very happy!

  433. Yvonne Avatar

    Hi Leif!

    Our house needs a little boy doll…too many girls! I promise you’ll be loved and cherished..

    The Gonzalez Clan

  434. Beth Carpenter Avatar
    Beth Carpenter

    Growing up I had a huge crush on teen idol Leif Garrett! This doll reminds me of him….. all he needs is a toy microphone! So adorable and cute that I’d keep him for myself!

  435. rachel Avatar

    Leif is so sweet, he looks like such a nice little person. thanks for the opportunity to bring him home to my little abigail 🙂

  436. mary grace Avatar

    based on the fact that there are 432 comments right now, i don’t think there’s any issue with giving away boy dolls… apparently they’re loved just as much as the girls are 🙂 i’d love a chance to win! there are many little girls that i know that would love to have a boy doll to add to their collection. he’s adorable!

  437. Christine Avatar

    A Boy! A Boy! As my daughters would say (about boys in general) “He’s handsome and stinky” (I’m going to let them keep that attitude until they’re about …..um…40!?) Besides a boy around our house would off-set all of the pink! crossing our fingers….

  438. Carris Avatar

    He would be a welcome addition to house of girls. Maybe my husband wouldn’t feel so out numbered!

  439. Sara Avatar

    My baby girl would ADORE this little guy!

  440. Erin Avatar

    What an adorable boy he is! I have the perfect buddy for him if we were the lucky family chosen to adopt him!

  441. Lea Avatar

    Oh, he’s so cute! Your dolls are awesome!

  442. Kathryn Avatar

    Dang, he’s cute! I love little boy dolls- must be because my firstborn is mini man and they’re glorious in all they do that is so different than us girls!”

  443. Monica Avatar

    I would love to be entered Christina! How exciting – a boy!! 😀

  444. Aubrey Avatar

    Wow – how did I miss this one? Definitely enter us for another Bamboletta! Woo-hoo! Will send pics soon of our whole big Bamboletta loving family… love the new addition – Arlo has made Gray sooooo happy! xxoo

  445. Colleen Avatar

    He is awesome! Love the dolls, can’t wait to get one for my little girl!

  446. julie Avatar

    Oh my goodness my daughter would totally love this little guy. She has wanted a little boy to play with her girl doll for a while now… fingers crossed! Thanks for a great giveaway!!!

  447. Julie West Avatar
    Julie West

    Too cute!!

  448. erin Avatar

    all the dolls are gorgeous, but i do hold a special spot in my heart for the boys – sigh – so very sweet! xx e.

  449. Cathy Avatar

    I would love to have a brother for our Bamboletta Charlotte. I found Charlotte on an Aus website, and she’s coming to live with my daughter Charlotte. If I won Leif, perhaps he could be mine alone?

  450. Stephanie Avatar

    These dolls are so special! They represent something that our culture is lacking. They help celebrate childhood, promote nurturing, and are respectful to all children. I train preschool teachers. Your little Leif would be perfect to help illustrate what we value and want for young children. I wish all children could have such toys! I truly believe the world would be a better place.

  451. Danita Avatar

    Oh please, please, please pick our home for sunny haired Leif! My little 2 year old boy would love him to pieces!

  452. Cari Snell Avatar

    Oooo! He is gorgeous. Such a sweet gentle face. And I love his nappy hair! I love the idea of my little boys having their own boy doll to play with, care for and pretend to be daddies with. I’ll keep my fingers crossed!

  453. Ginger Avatar

    Well, Leif is just lovely. He would be most welcome in our home. Here’s hoping!

  454. Nikki Fellows-Dodd Avatar
    Nikki Fellows-Dodd

    It is great to see your dolls being loved by so many children. Evenn and Norah are waiting until the angles have sent their special friends. Keep up the great work. I love the detail in the hair. Thank you for these generous contest prizes.

  455. Annin Avatar

    Wow, he’s adoreable. Looks just like my godson before his last haircut. Would love to welcome him home.

  456. Jen Avatar

    My little tomboy daughter would love a little boy to play with!

  457. audrey.mg Avatar

    Encore une fois, je tente ma chance car je trouve cette poupée très jolie.
    Mon fils serai ravi d’avoir une poupée garçon, en plus il est lui aussi blond aux yeux bleus !!!

  458. Diane Avatar

    He is “fantabulous” love the tussled locks! My sister just turned me on to your site.
    Your dolls are amazing!

  459. AnaB Avatar

    Oh, he is a.do.ra.ble!!!!!

  460. ShaneJackson Avatar

    Awwww- I just love him! We love dolls here in my house of boys, and he would be welcome with open arms! I’ve got my fingers crossed that we are chosen to be his new family! xo

  461. Jennifer Avatar

    my daughter Chloe would love this little guy, just like her new baby cousin tanner

  462. Robins Avatar

    I’m sitting here looking at Leif with my boy/girl twins and they’re both in love. He looks so much like my little man. (Such a cutie) 😉 We’d love to add Leif to our family. We’d give him lots of love.

  463. Bonnie Avatar

    Wow, this doll is fabulous! Please enter me in your give away, I would love to give him a home!!

  464. Melissa Avatar

    Leif and my son Xavier would be the best of friends!

  465. Karen Avatar

    What an adorable little guy. My grand daughter, Lily would love him totally. Lily & Leif…..sounds like a winning combination.

  466. Jenny Avatar

    I love the boy doll! Just can’t decide if I’d give him to my girl, or my baby boy…

  467. Michelle Avatar

    This could be my 8 month old son’s first doll!

  468. Elizabeth Horsman Avatar
    Elizabeth Horsman

    Oh my, he is adorable. He would get lots of love around here!

  469. Rachael Avatar

    He’s gorgeous! Boy dolls are awesome!

  470. Stephanie Avatar

    What a cutie. I’d love to be able to give him to my daughter for her birthday at the end of the month.

  471. Shannon Avatar

    We’d love to give Leif a new home. Thank you so much for the chance!

  472. Jeffrey John Avatar
    Jeffrey John

    Abby would love this doll, it’s absolutely awesome! She’s 2 and wanting him.

  473. Estelle Odle Avatar
    Estelle Odle

    Leif Babboletta is simply precious! I would adore being the grandma to present him to MY
    precious granddaughter Abby. Thank you for the generous opportunity.

  474. Tiffany Underwood Avatar
    Tiffany Underwood

    How beautiful! My daughter wants a “brother doll!” I can’t think of a prettier boy doll…I regret not knowing about you when my son was younger!

  475. Jacki Avatar

    I love this guy and my son would, too. We’d give him a loving home!

  476. Emma Avatar

    A beautiful doll! Leif would be cherished by my babies! Thanks for sharing such treasures!

  477. Sara Avatar

    Wonderful. I would love to give him a home!

  478. Lashara Avatar

    I love that you make such wonderful boy dolls! My daughter would LOVE this one. She’s so boy crazy and only 2 years old!

  479. Jesse Avatar

    We will be so happy to provide a new loving home for this super cute little guy !

  480. Jeannine Avatar

    Leif is so, so beautiful. Love him!

  481. Jen Avatar

    He is beautiful – he would make a great big-brother-to-be present for my nephew! Thanks for the giveaway!

  482. whitney Avatar

    Great work!…Leif is lovely!

  483. Tricia Avatar

    Oh! Another doll giveaway! How amazing! I hope to see you tomorrow at the Sidney Market

  484. Alison Avatar

    my boys love looking at your site. if weon this doll we would have to get another too!
    thanks for the pictures of all your beautiful dolls
    cheers alison

  485. Heather Avatar

    He’s a beautiful doll! I love all your dolls, boys or girls, and my kids would love him too!

  486. Lola Avatar

    I love him! He’s so cute. I love his name too!

  487. Tiffany McIntosh Avatar
    Tiffany McIntosh

    Oh my! He’s gorgeous, my little boy would love to give him a home!

  488. Alison Avatar

    He looks just like my son THOR!!!
    adorable dolls!!
    i am totally in ♥!

  489. Nicole Avatar

    We love Leif! He looks soooooooo much like my son, wild hair and all. Leif would definitely be at home here.

  490. Brooke Avatar

    OMG a curious little boy!!! We would LOVE for Leif to come and play!

  491. Ingrid Avatar

    WooHoo! Another contest! One day we hope we’ll be lucky enough to win one. But it’s so fun to keep trying!

  492. Tanya Avatar

    If you have a little boy
    All your very own,
    Then you have enough and more
    To make a happy home.

    What a cute little boy 🙂

  493. April Avatar

    My little guy is much more emotionally sensitive than my little girl, and plays with dolls so much more often than his sister, which makes mommys heart gush, of course. He would dearly love a little dude all his own!

  494. Julie Avatar

    So adorable! My son would love Leif! Such a cutie pie 🙂

  495. AmandaNickie Avatar

    What a sweet little boy! We would love to have Leif come be part of our family!!

  496. Hwee Yee Avatar
    Hwee Yee

    What a handsome boy Leif is! Hope he can join the boy doll you are shipping to me and be best of friends with my 2 baby boys!

  497. FiOna ImOgen Avatar

    Dear bamboletta,
    I utterly adore your little twinkling with playful jOy Lief bOy – be oozes handmade goodness, he is a work of art, a blonde fuzzy tree-climbing twig spirit! My sweet children would smother him with toast and honey LOVE.

  498. chelsea Avatar

    he could be my son’s twin 🙂 what a talented artist you are!

  499. Brooke Gustafson Avatar

    I absolutely adore your wonderful creations! My son is just turning 3 on Tuesday (the 7th) and he looks alot like Leif! How sweet would that be? Oh, lovely! Just absolutely beautiful.

  500. sandra Kleiss Avatar
    sandra Kleiss

    your dolls are absolutely amazing, I have 3 little boys that look just like Leif and would love him up, we have a lonely Max doll that would love a companion. I am so excited to have a discovered a Canadian company! Blessings:)

  501. Liz Avatar

    He’s adorable! My daughter would love him!

  502. Karen Avatar

    I’d love the chance to win this adorable little guy. I made one similar many, many years ago for my son … I know HIS son would love this one!

  503. Nathalie Avatar

    He is really cute. Once again, thank you so much for this amazing giveaway!

  504. Kandyce Avatar

    He is absolutely precious. I have a house full of boys who would make Leif feel right at home. Your give aways are the best. Now if I could only win one… 🙂

  505. Catherine Avatar

    Your dolls are beautiful and filled with obvious delight! Thank you for sharing your gifts with us all. My daughter asked if these kids live in the woods and whether we could visit.

  506. Ashley Avatar

    I think it is absolutely wonderful that you make boy dolls. And how great to offer one up in a contest! Count me in! =)

  507. Monique Lam Avatar
    Monique Lam

    super cute!

  508. Reiza Avatar

    Oh, he’s so cute. I love the girl dolls, but he’s adorable too.

  509. Tamara Avatar

    My Daughter would love Leif- me, too. I’m having a son this summer and the name Leif is on my list!

  510. Sherry Avatar

    Oh he’s beautiful (and looks just like my son). I have been coveting your dolls for years now, I imagine all the wonderful clothes I could make for him.

  511. Anne Bente Avatar
    Anne Bente

    Got Lisette and Koah today.
    They are BEAUTIFUL. Took some pictures, just to show you the reaction. You will soon get some of them ..:)

    My son, would love Leif, and they all would have one bamboletta doll each. So, hopefully, we’re the winner:)

    PS: And, thank you so much for the extra gifts we got. What a surprise.
    And organic chocolate for mum…mmmm, not a bad gift at all!!!
    Thank you so much for Beautiful Dolls, Surprises and Lovely Words!!!


  512. hanna Avatar

    Your dolls are just so so beautiful. My children would love this little guy.

  513. Sandy Avatar

    How cool. We would love to hang out with Leif.

  514. Zara Avatar

    Hi there, I just love your work – you are like a modern day Kathe Kruse! My little one (and not to mention me) would adore this little guy!

  515. Scott Macleay Avatar
    Scott Macleay

    I’m glad I finally found your website! I have heard about your dolls from many people!

  516. Lynn Avatar

    My son would give this doll a good home. (boys don’t often have a doll to play with)
    I love these dolls!

  517. Claudia Avatar

    This is really a cute little boy. My 9 weeks old son would love this little man so much!

  518. Michelle Avatar

    So sweet – great hair! My 2 little ones would just love him.

  519. Jen. Avatar

    Oh, my little boys would love him! Leif looks just like my Bax and Graham!

  520. Stephanie Dragonas Avatar
    Stephanie Dragonas

    How sweet! He would make a wonderful little brother for my girls!

    thanks so much for this giveaway


  521. Josy Avatar

    We would certainly love this little guy in our family of 6!
    So beautiful!

  522. Amy Avatar

    He’s so cute!

  523. Jenny Love Avatar
    Jenny Love

    Dear Christina,
    Giving away a bamboletta? I’ve never heard of such a thing!!! I’ve been admiring your amazing dolls for a couple of years now, dreaming of one for each of my children. You do such an incredible job of capturing emotion – each one sparkles with its own unique personality. I’m happy to see that your boys are no exception. Too often, elsewhere, the boy dolls do not have the same spark as the girls. Leif is proof that boy dolls don’t need to be the least bit boring. He is a charmer!

    On a different note, I want to share something with you & others. Recently I have been looking for a doll for my soon-to-be one year old’s birthday. It’s been an ongoing challenge convincing my spouse of the importance of a natural fibre doll. He thinks our kids will be too hard on them, though I totally disagree. Affectionate, yes, but not rough. Anyway, we’ve been hearing about vinyl dolls and how great they are (one retailer assured us, “they are definitely NOT plastic”). Vinyl didn’t sit right with me, but I needed proof. I found the lowdown on vinyl (aka PVC) on Greenpeace’s website. The information there is clear and unequivocal in confirming vinyl’s toxicity – for people, animals, and the planet. For anyone who is waffling on the importance of natural fibres, I encourage you to read up on PVC. It is shocking that, with all of the evidence on its harmful consequences, we continue to allow it to be produced and, even more unbelievable, we expose our children to it directly in their toys. Hooray to you, Christina, for producing such fantastic antidotes to the overabundance of “other” toys. Thank you for also making them accessible to all through these giveaways. You are very generous. They are truly works of art, but they are also so much more than that – for the children who they befriend and the rest of us who want to live gently on this earth.
    all the best to you,

  524. krista Avatar

    leif makes my heart sing!

  525. Brandon Avatar

    Thanks for another chance to win an adorable doll.

  526. Lorenzo & Francesca's Mommy (Brandy) Avatar
    Lorenzo & Francesca’s Mommy (Brandy)

    Oops, AND its Francesca’s BIRTHDAY on the 10th! Does that count for anything? 🙂

  527. Charlene Avatar

    WE LOVE BAMBOLETTA!!! Leif would be so welcomed to join little Joey (a little guy we already have from your lovely collection) and the rest of our crazy home!!! Thank you for the opportunity 🙂 Blessings, Charlene xo

  528. Carrie Avatar

    This doll’s mop head is s dead ringer for my son’s (who is turning 4 on the 21st). Leif would definitely find a new 4 year old best buddy at this house.

  529. Audrey T. Avatar
    Audrey T.

    Thanks for another chance for one of your dolls! Leif is so dang cute – his hair reminds me of a ray of sunshine making him a perfect summer giveaway. Good luck to everyone!!

  530. Diana Avatar

    Another terrific doll!!!! Lief, you are welcome in our home anytime!!!!
    Thanks so much!!

  531. seamama75 Avatar

    he is just lovely. he would have a very happy life with us 🙂

  532. Rita Avatar

    Cute! He looks quite cheeky…

  533. Elma Riedstra Avatar
    Elma Riedstra

    Oh I am so glad that you make some for boys:) Lets not forget the boys. Your dolls are amazing and I am so happy for these wonderful made dolls. I have three boys and we would be honored if he came our way. Thanks for such an beautiful giveaway:)

  534. Agnes Avatar

    Oh my, he is adorable!!! He looks just like my little one’s best friend – too cute!

  535. Meghan Avatar

    My nephew would love this doll!

  536. Veronica Rinker Avatar
    Veronica Rinker

    My little boy would love Leif. I really like all the dolls that you make.

  537. Liz Avatar

    Leif would make the perfect gift for my daughter – he would make a great companion to her doll that you made to look like her.
    Your dolls are amazing and I recommend them many moms.

  538. Mona Avatar

    I have 3 precious granddaughters… ages 4, 3, and 15 months, 2 grandsons… ages 15 and 11… Leif would be the perfect new baby “grandson” at our house.., lots of good babysitters and love for him too!!

  539. Heather TenKley Avatar
    Heather TenKley

    My little boys would love to have a little boy doll to cuddle with.

  540. Jessi Avatar

    What a bea-uuu-tiful boy:) We’d love to have him stay at our house! Thank you for the contest!

  541. Mae Avatar

    Leif would be a great friend for me and my doll. I like his hair and blue blue eyes – lovely!

  542. Wesley Avatar

    This little man is a treat! I would love to snuggle with him and put him on my bike.

  543. Lisa W Avatar
    Lisa W

    I figured out where Leif’s name comes from – he looks like a very young Leif Garrett!
    He would be treated like the young pop star he was in our house!

  544. Crystal Avatar

    My son’s birthday is the 30th – this would be wonderful!! Thanks for the giveaway opportunities!

  545. Lynne Smith Avatar
    Lynne Smith

    Leif is the cutest fellow around, I would love to have him in our home, the babies would just love him.

  546. Amy Avatar

    A very beautiful boy…..My son would surely love to play with him! It would be just the thing he needs in the difficulties we’re currently facing…..
    Here’s hoping for the best………….

  547. Lisa Avatar

    What a cutie!

  548. Amy Avatar

    I hope I win little Leif! My son would just adore him!!

  549. Janice Boudreau Avatar
    Janice Boudreau

    Your dolls are amazing. The kids and I have been loving them from afar (Ottawa) for quite some time. Hope we get lucky this time.
    Beau travail,

  550. April Avatar

    My blonde haired, blue eyed boy would love Leif (as would his momma). All your dolls are just so beautiful.

  551. Elisa Avatar

    Oooooh another lovely little man! I’m sure Leif would love to come and live on our farm and help do all the fun boy things (like catching frogs in our pond and making worm homes…)
    We’ll all be crossing our fingers 🙂

  552. Donna E Avatar

    Wow,this would be great for my lil’guy Luke! I think he’d love a lil’boy of his own to share his sister with! What a great offer,as usual you’re work is amazing!Good Luck everyone,and thanks for a chance!

  553. Margo MacArthur Avatar
    Margo MacArthur

    Jayden loves her little lady – I did not realize you did boys – he is gorgeous.


  554. Lisa Macri Avatar
    Lisa Macri

    What is up with the cuteness of Leif! I have a 13 month old impity-imp named Liv and I think she and the Leif-ster would definitely hit it off if given the chance to get acquainted!

    Good luck to all the other contest peeps and we have all twenty of our fingers (big and small) crossed.

    Love to my Bamboletta Sistas!

    Lisa, and Olivia “O-town” Macri Rock

  555. Stephanie Avatar

    He’s so sweet!

  556. Aaron Avatar

    Your work is fantastic. Leif is very cute. My wife always stumbles upon the best gifts for our kids, but I have found the best yet!

  557. Manca Avatar

    What a wondrefull oportunity:) He is so cute, boys should always have a boy doll to play, but here in our land is that very rare.
    You are amazing with your work!

    Bye Manca

  558. Anze Avatar

    Cute, our little one would love to have him. Thanks for oportunity!

  559. Rok Avatar

    Sweet, thanks for your great work!

  560. Desmond Avatar

    My son would love this one!

  561. Marianne Avatar

    I simply adore your dolls!!! My grandson would be looooove it!!!

  562. Christine Avatar

    My second son is due to be born in the next 4 weeks, so of course I’d love to win Leif for him. 🙂


  563. Cheryl Arkison Avatar

    You are so generous! Another gorgeous doll.

  564. Paula Avatar

    Leif would be a great brother to add to our family. My son and daughter both enjoy doll play. No lack of love in this family.

  565. Nicholas Avatar

    I know two little boys who would love to welcome Leif into their world of play!

  566. Jen Avatar

    I love Leif’s smile!

  567. koneko Avatar

    oh he’s lovely!

  568. Kristine Avatar

    Oh. He is very, very sweet. I’m sure he will be loved by anyone but hopefully by someone here in my house! 🙂

  569. Jessica Avatar

    super awesome hair!! my two boys would just love him

  570. Krista Avatar

    When my son (now 2) was born, grandma gave him an old plastic doll and told me “Everyone should have a babydoll, even boys. It teaches them to eventually become fathers”. I thought this was beautiful. The plastic doll has served us well in the bathtub, in the garden and at storytime. Perhaps we can now have a softer, more cuddly companion with which to play. Leif is beautiful with the same lovely hair as my son.

  571. Shannon Avatar

    Is is adorable. Of course your work always is. He kind of looks like he has a personality of his own. A little spunk amoungst innocense. Reminds me of one of ours sons. Good luck to all us mamas.

  572. Dawn Avatar

    Leif is a darling. I’m keeping my fingers crossed. Thanks.

  573. Brian Avatar

    Cool hair! Thanks for the contest.

  574. Jodi Mann Avatar

    My boys would your gorgeous boy!
    He is lovely!

  575. Jessica Avatar

    I’ve been thinking we need a boy in our collection–and this one is adorable! My daughter would be thrilled!

  576. Krista Avatar

    When my son (now 2) was born, grandma gave him an old hard plastic doll and told me, “Every child should have a doll, even boys. It teaches them to eventually become fathers”. I thought this was endearing. The plastic doll has served us well in the bathtub, in the garden and at storytime. Perhaps we can now have a softer, more cuddly companion with which to play. Leif is beautiful with the same lovely hair as my son.

  577. Kate Wilson Avatar
    Kate Wilson

    Hi, I love your dolls and would love to win this special guy/

  578. Karen B. Avatar
    Karen B.

    Would love to win this little boy for my new little boy soon to be born!

  579. Karen Allen Avatar
    Karen Allen

    We would love to have Leif join us on the Community Resource Bus. The bus will travel through the Cowichan Valley where young ones aged 0-6 will join us on board for some fun early learning, songs, stories and new friends.

  580. Cori Avatar

    What a darling little boy! My niece has blond hair and blue eyes just like him! He would be a perfect companion for her! 🙂

  581. Katrina Avatar

    Our family would love to be the proud recipients!

  582. Yvonne Avatar

    He is adorable

  583. Patricia Avatar

    Leif is awesome!! He has the same eyes and hair as my 6yo son, who *does* play dolls with his three sisters. He’d love to have a special one of his own. Thank you for the beautiful give-away! Thanks also for your newsletter; so glad I signed up. =)

  584. Dain Avatar

    My girls would love to have Leif over for tea. They would enjoy his company for many years to come. Thank you for this special opportunity.

  585. katie Avatar

    What a gorgeous little man. I have a loving home in England waiting for him!!

  586. Sharon Adler Avatar
    Sharon Adler

    I would like to enter, please. Gorgeous work, as usual!

  587. Lisa B Avatar
    Lisa B

    cute as can be!

  588. sandra Kleiss Avatar
    sandra Kleiss

    today is the day..We are hoping and prying that little my Max will find his way to our home. Blessings

  589. fuzzmama Avatar

    perhaps Leif will land in our laps!

  590. Bunky Avatar

    Very cool. My son would love this doll.

  591. Anne Avatar

    He is CUTE!! I hope I win! 😀

    P.S. I love love love your fairy dolls!

  592. sandra Kleiss Avatar
    sandra Kleiss

    I meant to say that Leif will find his way to our home to be friends with our little max:)

  593. Andrea Avatar

    I found your site looking for a first doll for my new baby girl. Marlo would love him for many years to come, so please enter us in your contest!

  594. sandra Kleiss Avatar
    sandra Kleiss

    I just showed my 3 year old the picture of Leif and he said”oh Mommy he is Maxs brother, Max needs his brother.LOL too cute

  595. jenny cochrane Avatar
    jenny cochrane

    What a lovely doll, he is simply adorable, my son and daughter have a great uncle in Sweden named Leif wouldn’t it be neat to have a doll by the same name!

  596. ronda hand Avatar
    ronda hand

    Adorable doll. whoever gets him will be a lucky child!!

  597. Michelle Avatar

    What an adorable boy doll. Whenever my youngest son saw it, he screamed “Wow a boy, not a girl! I love it for me, not hers!” As he pointed to his sisters.

  598. alison Avatar

    yay! you decided to name him leif! beautiful beautiful boy!

  599. Dana Avatar

    Leif looks just like my little girl’s friend, River. It’s River’s birthday next week and Leif would be the perfect gift!

  600. Abby Avatar

    What a fabulous prize your dolls are just so precious!

  601. Catherine Avatar

    Love at first sight–what a darling!

  602. sandra Kleiss Avatar
    sandra Kleiss

    The suspense is killing me:)

  603. Brooke Avatar

    What a cutie! My son would love him!

  604. gift voucher …

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