I’m trying to get out to Vancouver this weekend to visit my family and get a much needed dose of city into me. I’m out of all my notions and my fabrics are running low. I love Textile Clearing House, Dress Sew and sometimes Fabricana to pick up my goods. There are a few fabric places here on the Island, but if you are like me and go through about 2 fabric markers a week getting them at 50% off (at TCH) is really worth it. That’s another little tip.. fabric markers… for tracing out your patterns, then sewing, then cutting and for marking out your eyes and mouth.
It’s really different out here. It’s almost been a year and this place still feels pretty foreign to me. In a good way. Last night we were awoken by a fight going on between some eagles and owls. What a freakin’ racket they make! It was the most bizarre sounding thing I have ever witnessed. I still haven’t gotten used to the fact that deer on the road are a real threat. Really. You see them all the time here.
On the dolls front, I am working on a few to try to post up on Natural Pod this week. We’ve been doing alot of prepping the last 2 weeks and paper work. I got my dates submitted to the Vancouver Farmer’s Market and have almost finished up my application to Circle Craft. It’s a pretty intense application/jury process. I need to supply a professional sketch of my booth display. My drawing capabilities are pretty dismal. I should be working on that right now instead of blogging, but this is more fun.
This lovely gal is over to her new lovely home with Adelaide. This sweater is made with a very sweet baby cashmere from Elann.
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