Golden Ticket



I’ve had the idea to do a Golden Ticket since the beginning of the year. I was a HUGE fan of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory and would spend hours as a child fantasizing about getting one of those tickets in the mail. So – I’m doing a Bamboletta version of a Golden Ticket  which is valid for ANY doll the bearer of the ticket wants for FREE – it even includes shipping (also for FREE). It makes me giddy to think of the happy faces this is going to create!

SO – to get your address in the running for a Golden Ticket you need to email your address to . I need your full mailing address. This is open to people all around the world! I’ll never sell your address or anything like that. Please just send one address per household (so not dad’s work address, mom’s work address, your dog sitter’s address – you get the drift) and you only need to send it once – we’ll set up an ‘address’ book and will randomly choose a few people per month (via Random Number Generator).

Here are the ‘rules’. These tickets can absolutely never ever ever be sold OR transferred. Never. They are only valid to the person they are issued too. Each ticket will have a serial number and the person’s name on it. There are a few other rules as to when the selection must be made, time limit, etc – but they are on the ticket itself. The biggest rule is that they are not transferable at all – let’s keep this FUN! Please only enter your address ONCE – no need to keep sending it (month after month) .. once you’re in there – we’ve got it 🙂

Lots of love,




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419 responses to “Golden Ticket”

  1. casey Avatar

    I am in awe. You’re so amazing….what a fantastic idea. <3

  2. Ann K. Avatar
    Ann K.

    Thank you Christina for putting so much magic in so many people’s life. What a dream to win a Golden Ticket.

  3. Analia Avatar

    You guys are so nice, I love this idea! LOVE IT!! Hope I get a golden ticket I am sure my princess would love it too!

    Thank you

  4. Holly Avatar

    What an amazing idea!! So excited. Thank you!

  5. Nicole Romeo Avatar

    I just love this idea!! Thank you! My favorite movie growing up as well was Charlie and the Chocolate Factory!!! I watched it over and over again!

  6. Carly Avatar

    Yay!!! So very generous! My 4 daughters and I adore your dolls and are so thankful for this chance. xx

  7. pamelaG Avatar

    i love you 🙂

  8. Kate Avatar

    What a fun and generous idea. Love it.

  9. Melissa Avatar

    This is so awesome! Thanks for giving us a chance at this, how neat!! XO

  10. Jennifer M. Avatar
    Jennifer M.

    you have such a generous soul! thank you for this…so fun!

  11. Emily Bradshaw Avatar
    Emily Bradshaw

    Swoon…what a kind and generous thing to do.

  12. Teryn Avatar

    This is so fun! Thank you, Christina!

  13. Marta Matsumoto Avatar
    Marta Matsumoto

    Coolest idea EVAR! Having witnessed your generosity firsthand this doesn’t surprise me, but I am still in awe of you and how you are managing to pull off a crazy-successful business on your terms. Hats off to you, C! Thank you!

  14. Diane Avatar

    Loving this idea! You are so generous 🙂

  15. Nicole Ritts Avatar

    Wow amazing indeed! Thank you for being so wonderful!

  16. Amy R Avatar
    Amy R

    I love it!!!

  17. Shannon Avatar

    Absolutely Amazing! I cannot express how much your generosity and sweet sprit touch those around you 🙂 Thank you for the chance. We love Charlie and the Chocolate Factory here.

  18. Lily Avatar

    Thank you so much for offering this opportunity!! With baby #2 on the way this would be an awesome welcome to the earth gift lol 🙂

  19. LisaB Avatar

    You are so kind.

  20. Emily C. Avatar
    Emily C.

    You are the cutest and sweetest little company ever, ever, ever!! Thank you so much 🙂 xoxo

  21. Jennifer G Avatar
    Jennifer G

    You are simply amazing!

  22. Jennifer Jeffries Avatar
    Jennifer Jeffries

    What an incredibly cool idea! This will be so fun and exciting!!!!

  23. Con Avatar

    You rock, best idea EVER!

  24. Allison Brunette Avatar
    Allison Brunette

    You are SO sweet for doing this. Wow…simply adorable!!

  25. Kristen Avatar

    Sooo much fun!!! What a great mail to get! So much better than a bill!!!

  26. Janet Avatar

    OMG! Best idea ever!!!

  27. Cassandra Avatar

    “So shines a good deed in a weary world.” -Willy Wonka

    EEEEEEEP! 😀 xo

    “The suspense is terrible… I hope it’ll last.” -Willy Wonka

    And how true are those words about Team Bamboletta and your Golden Tickets!

  28. Shannon Avatar

    What a brilliant idea! That was one of my fav movies when I was a kid!

  29. Trish B. Avatar
    Trish B.

    *jawdrop* I’m im awe. that is all.

  30. Karlee Avatar

    I am going to find that last Golden ticket and me and paw are going shopping. lol
    I do love that show.

  31. Anna Avatar

    You are amazing. What an incredible opportunity. Thank you!!!!

  32. bindu Avatar

    hugs 🙂

  33. Kerri Rikke Avatar
    Kerri Rikke

    how exciting!! thanks for the opportunity – and wow – how generous of you to offer this gift – it is a true gift – God Bless you all!!!


  34. bindu Avatar


  35. nikki jackson Avatar
    nikki jackson

    what a fun way to share the love of these little beauties!!

  36. Libbi Avatar

    This is so amazing that you are doing this!! I have been trying for months to get a doll with no luck, so maybe this could be my chance! I love Charlie and the chocolate factory!

  37. Inga Avatar

    What a generous and fun idea!

  38. Rosie Avatar

    I love that movie too – never get tired of watching it. 😉 What a cool & very generous idea for you to do. Thanks for the opportunity.

  39. Amber Avatar

    Simply amazing! I am so thankful for the chance to enter. I know my girls would be beyond excited to ever win won of your beautiful dolls! What a great giveaway and I know your business will be blessed for your generosity. Thanks!

  40. Rebecca Harvey Avatar
    Rebecca Harvey

    I am doing a happy dance around the house!!! Oh what a great idea!!!

  41. Lesley wheeler Avatar
    Lesley wheeler

    How fantastic! Amazing idea! 😉 thanks for the chance!

  42. Jenny Avatar

    This is so amazing! Thank you!

  43. kai Avatar

    Wow what an amazing idea! you are insanely generous.

  44. Sunshine Mama Avatar

    How generous! And a golden ticket makes anything more fun 🙂

  45. Rei Tsou-Pfund Avatar

    This is really awesome!! Thank you for doing this!! ;))
    question: We will be moving in August, can I send our new address by then? Thank you!)

  46. Heather H. Avatar
    Heather H.

    Thank you, thank you, thank you, to the entire team at Bamboletta! You are an amazing group of people!!

  47. Katie Gerber Avatar
    Katie Gerber

    Oh my goodness I am so excited. I can see the glimmer of the gold ticket on the top of my computer. I know Charlie and the chocolate factory off by heart. So excited at the concept and the chance!!!!

  48. Karyn Avatar

    What a generous idea! Thanks for the chance! We love Charlie & the Chocolate Factory at our home-and are grateful for the chance at a Golden Ticket.

  49. Jody Avatar

    Thank you for this fun way to obtain one of your beautiful babes!

  50. Felicia Adkins Avatar
    Felicia Adkins

    I’ll be dreaming of a golden ticket. This is so cool!!!! Thanks.

  51. Wendy Avatar

    Sooo awesome! All the songs from the movie are now flooding through my head!

  52. mari Avatar

    Just amazing. Your generosity never ceases to amaze me. I’m more excited to hear the happy stories than to get one myself… although I’d be pretty happy to see one in the mail!!!!

  53. Jenn Avatar

    Serious magicmaker with a heart of gold! WOW! I am in awe and can not even IMAGINE how it would feel for myself, much less my little loves, to get a golden ticket in the mail. Mail is such a big deal to littles anyways, but to get such a G I F T… Wow! Thanks for all you do!

  54. Susannah Cox Avatar
    Susannah Cox

    Christina- this is a bunk to the old adage “it is better to give, than to receive” because there are going to be HUGE smiles on either end of this gift! Your generosity of spirit and heart astounds me and I feel blessed to be a part of the extended Bamboletta family. Thank you for all you do and all the joy you bring- again, and again, and again! 🙂 Have a wonderful day! 🙂

  55. Meredy Avatar

    WOW!!!!! It’s going to be so much more fun to check the mail – and to hear the stories of the lucky winners!! what fun!!! Being able to do stuff like this has got to be the best part of having a successful company! Thanks for the kindness & fun:)

  56. Eva C. Avatar
    Eva C.

    Woohoo! Thanks again, Christina! This is so fun. 🙂

  57. Ellen L. Avatar
    Ellen L.

    You are so wonderful, kind , and caring! What an amazing thing to do!

  58. Jenny Avatar

    Awesome! I loved Charlie and the Chocolate factory as a child–the book and the movie. Have both the movies now in our home collection. I really wanted that wallpaper and an everlasting gobstopper.
    Thanks for this fun opportunity!

  59. Libby Cantrell Avatar
    Libby Cantrell

    This is awesome! I would rather have a Golden ticket than a winning lottery ticket!

  60. Sundee Avatar

    I am so excited!!!

  61. Jennifer L. Avatar
    Jennifer L.

    You are amazing!! Thank you for this opportunity!! 🙂

  62. Ang W. Avatar
    Ang W.

    Nothing but love for Team Bambo! Thanks so much for being a fantastic company and truly caring for your customers. Thanks for a wonderful opportunity!

  63. Hana Avatar

    Wow, so excited! What a fun idea! Checking the mail will never be the same! Thanks so much! Fingers and toes crossed 🙂 (I have visions of Golden Tickets dancing in my head!)

  64. Delaney Avatar

    Christina you rock!

  65. Lacy Avatar

    Talk about putting smiles on faces! Now can you just find me some lickable wallpaper please!

  66. cyndi stallings Avatar
    cyndi stallings

    hope i get a golden ticket in mailbox!! how
    exciting and what a great idea. thank you for this chance! definitely better than a tour of a
    chocolate factory!!!

  67. Mary Avatar

    Whoo hoo! Now I have the “I got a golden ticket” song from Willy Wonka running through my head. What a cool idea.

  68. Jill K Avatar
    Jill K

    This is so amazing!!! Our little one is only 3 weeks old but I’m hoping for a golden ticket on her behalf!

  69. Jason Avatar

    you guys are the absolute coolest!!!

  70. Rebecca Avatar

    I love Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, too! What a wonderful and generous idea! And we don’t even have to eat a million chocolate bars!

    Good luck everyone!!!!!!!!

  71. Heather Avatar

    LOVE IT!!!!!!

  72. cassie Avatar

    my friend has managed to purchase a few of ur dolls for her 2 girls. They bring their dolls over and it makes my 2 yr old sooo jealous! You do not realize what winning this ticket would do for her! My friend also got my 7 mth old a baby doll from you guys! She LOVES it! So please take us into consideration! Ty so very much!!!!!

  73. Genevieve Avatar

    This is beyond cool!

  74. Michelle Avatar

    you are totally racking up the karma right now. What a wonderful and generous thing you are doing. Love to you.

  75. Kim Avatar

    You are one cool chick, lady! 🙂 I wish you could have hidden cameras to see the people getting those golden tickets, how exciting! (But then again, I guess hidden cameras are a bit creepy, scrap that LOL)

  76. Teri Avatar

    O.K., I just went on Amazon and ordered Charlie and the Chocolate Factory so I can see what everyone is talking about! I haven’t ever seen it! I ordered the older version because it seems like everyone thinks the new one is creepy. My poor mailman – now I’ll be stalking him for a movie AND a Bambo golden ticket! : )

  77. Nicole Merryman Avatar
    Nicole Merryman

    Tears of joy…my maillady will LOVE me now…lol…Thank you for this!! Yes we are going to watch the great version of Charlie and The Chocolate factory tonight <3!!!

  78. Lindsay Avatar

    What a great idea!! Thank you for all that you do 😉 We are expecting baby #3 in September so need to start working on a dolly for her/him – happy to know that there are so many ways to try and get dolls. Thanks again.

  79. Rema Avatar

    what a most generous idea! I will be sure to spread the word! 🙂

  80. Atarah Avatar

    Thank you so much! You are so kind and generous!

  81. Michelle Avatar

    SO excited! What a fun idea. I hope we get to hear from the winners, too! Just because I’m a rule follower LOL – I should tell my MIL not to send in her address, right? One address per family?

  82. Shelly Gudmunsen Avatar
    Shelly Gudmunsen


  83. cheryl Avatar

    I just love Roald Dahl, I would fall over if I got one in the mail, I don’t think I could love any dollmaker more! You are the best!!!!

  84. Heather Avatar

    You. Are. the. BEST!!!! 🙂

  85. kristen h Avatar
    kristen h

    I love Willy Wonka and I love Bamboletta – what a perfect pair!!! Thanks Christina for keeping the magic alive for all of us!

  86. Alison Avatar

    Christina – you are amazing.

  87. Mari Avatar


    YOu just never stop surprising me

    What a wonderful idea!

    Im getting goosebumps just thinking about how happy some lucky golden ticket winners will be 🙂

    I love that book too, and this idea is just larger than life!


    And THANK YOU for being so FANTASTIC!

  88. kezia Avatar

    wow!! how fun!! what amazing gifts!!! thank you !

  89. Lesia Czobot-Cassie Avatar
    Lesia Czobot-Cassie

    This is awesome !! Thanks

  90. Lesia Czobot-Cassie Avatar
    Lesia Czobot-Cassie


  91. Jenna Avatar

    Thank you for giving us all this wonderful opportunity! We LOVE your dolls, but this is the only way that we have a chance of ever owning one. What a generous act of charity.

  92. Suzanne Hurlston Avatar
    Suzanne Hurlston

    Yay! So fun, I love the idea!! Now, we just need to get lucky. 🙂

  93. Crystal Avatar

    Christina and team Bambo I am in awe of you. This is such a wonderful thing. How exciting. Thank you! You make me so proud to be a BC WAHM. 🙂

  94. Tracy Avatar

    Love the movie, love the dolls, love the idea! So magical and fun! Thanks

  95. Heather Bhatti Avatar
    Heather Bhatti

    Wow…you are awesome!

  96. Eliza Avatar

    You. are. amazing!!!!!! I just sent my email!

  97. Natalie Avatar

    Oh wow! I too always used to dream of getting a golden ticket from Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. What an amazing dream come true to get one from you! This is wonderful. I am so happy for those that get one. I never win anything 🙂

  98. Tara A Avatar
    Tara A

    Love this!! I’ve entered 🙂

  99. Aga L Avatar
    Aga L

    Thank you!!!

  100. Jeanette Avatar

    Thank you so much C for this amazing opportunity and yet another glimpse into you beautiful heart and soul!

  101. Alison Avatar

    Your generosity and beautiful heart knows no bounds!! Thank you

  102. trina Avatar

    Wow. That is seriously, just, wow. What an amazing gift!

  103. Sue LaFleur Avatar
    Sue LaFleur

    Love this idea!!!! So kind to do this.

  104. Ellen Ewankow Avatar
    Ellen Ewankow

    Wow, great idea!! Thanks so much for the opportunity… Would love to win!!

  105. Ashley Avatar

    wow! this is such an amazing thing to do!

  106. Jamie C Avatar
    Jamie C

    oh my gosh. what an amazing, generous and thoughtful thing for you to do. My heart is inspired by yours. Hugs!!



  108. sue shermetaro Avatar
    sue shermetaro

    Love this idea!!!:)

  109. Devon Avatar

    This is so fun! You rock!!!!
    We just read Charlie and the Chocolate factory to the kids…

  110. Jewell Drury Avatar
    Jewell Drury

    I am so excited.. do we send you our home address or just our email address?

  111. Ninan Avatar

    Love this idea! Sending my address now!

  112. melissa Avatar

    What a wonderful idea. Thanks!

  113. Wade A Avatar
    Wade A

    Amazing! Charlie and the Chocolate Factory is my favorite movie of all time.

  114. Shrieking Violet Avatar
    Shrieking Violet

    You guys do beautiful work…everyday, but this is Uber-Awesome! What FUN!

  115. Nicole Avatar

    WOW! LOVE! How sweet and exciting will it be for the ones who are lucky enough to open their mail and see that sweet little ticket in all of its glory! AMAZING!!!!

  116. jami smith Avatar
    jami smith

    This would be a dream come true!

  117. Linda Greenwood Avatar
    Linda Greenwood

    A very bright light in a sometimes scary world. Thank you.

  118. Becky Collier Avatar
    Becky Collier

    This is awesome! Look forward to meeting her!

  119. Georgina Avatar

    Brilliant idea! Huge fan of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory too! How exciting! 🙂

  120. Katie gerber Avatar
    Katie gerber

    Oh Jenny, I used to dream of licking that wallpaper too!!!! How great would it be? I also used to dream of eating the flower tea cup that willy winked bit into… Mmm

  121. Shannon Avatar

    Thank you for the chance to win one of your beautiful dolls! We’ll be keeping our fingers crossed!

  122. Kellie Avatar

    What a wonderful gift you are offering.
    Thank you for doing this!

  123. Audra Avatar

    If I win, I WILL prance around my neighborhood singing, “I’ve Got a Golden Ticket” from “Charlie and the CHocolate Factory.”

  124. MIranda W-J Avatar
    MIranda W-J

    We read Charlie and the Chocolate Factory in Grade 4. I stayed up at night too excited to sleep. The anticipation that filled me while we read this, made me (literally) nauseous. I LOVED that book. The movie was good (I really like Johnny Depp), but it just wasn’t the same as the first time you read the book.
    How wonderful for you to try and share that same magic!

  125. Heather Avatar

    You are amazing. That is all.<3

  126. Kristina S Avatar
    Kristina S

    I would seriously cry!!! What a great idea and how fun!!!! You are awesome!!

  127. Mel Avatar

    I was always a fan of Varuca myself! 😉

  128. Jaclyn Carreon Avatar
    Jaclyn Carreon

    I absolutely love this idea! Charlie and the Chocolate Factory was my favorite growing up.

  129. Renee Bryant Avatar

    wow! I would love to see my daughter’s face if she won one of these!! 🙂 Thanks for a great giveaway!!!

  130. Heather Janzen Avatar

    My daughter’s school is doing “Charlie and the Chocolate Factory” as the school play this year! She is playing the role of Mr. Salt 🙂 Please make our dreams come true and SEND US the GOLDEN TICKET! please? thanks! We love your dolls!

  131. Bonnie Nassau Avatar
    Bonnie Nassau

    Amazing! You guys are simply amazing!

  132. Janice Davis Avatar
    Janice Davis

    congratulations Bamboletta! I think to celebrate, Zoey should come play at our house 🙂

  133. Sabrina Avatar

    Gold! Absolutely love it x

  134. Robyn Avatar

    Yay for a chance to win one of your GORGEOUS dolls!! My daughter would be the happiest little girl in the world if we could win!

  135. Heather D. Avatar
    Heather D.

    Wow–what a FUN contest!! Now, my childhood dreams might come true! I always wanted one of those tickets too!

  136. fern Avatar

    so rad!!!

  137. Davina Gerard Avatar
    Davina Gerard

    Wow! Super generous!

  138. Angie Avatar


  139. Maria Elena Avatar
    Maria Elena

    Amazing idea, Thank you so much!!!

  140. Elizabeth Creamer Avatar
    Elizabeth Creamer

    yay!!! DH tried telling me that DS cant have a doll because hes a boy im now determined that my sweet boy will have a doll 🙂

  141. Mona Weseloh Avatar

    I know the sweetest little foster child who would love this! Thanks for the opportunity to win her one!

  142. Lila Avatar

    I love the magic you are creating here in such a generous offer! sweet

  143. Jen Riley Avatar
    Jen Riley

    How exciting! Wouldn’t it be amazing to win?!

  144. Rosanne Marosits Says Avatar

    I love the face’s of all your dolls, they all have their own special features. I think every doll you assemble are very special and loving,

  145. Amy Avatar

    I’ve dreamed of this happening.

  146. CHERYL Avatar


  147. Cailee's momma, Catrina Avatar
    Cailee’s momma, Catrina

    I have 3 boys and was blessed with a daughter almost 9 months ago! It is a true dream come true and has opened a whole new world for me! I fell in love your baby dolls and admire your amazing talent! I so would love to give my daughter one of your babies for her first birthday! Thank you for doing “The Golden Ticket”!!!

    Yours truly!

  148. Candi Avatar

    My granddaughter would LOVE LOVE LOVE one of your babies!

  149. Glenda Avatar

    I would love the opportunity! I was on a plane without WiFi today and my seven year old so wants one!

  150. sarah Avatar

    I tried making my own Waldorf dollie for my little girl. I failed miserably. I’d love a Bamboletta for my daughter!

  151. linda jones Avatar
    linda jones

    Thanks…you are so generous.

  152. Janet Avatar

    YOU are a super duper WOW bunch of ladies! What a wonderful thing you do!

  153. Lil Avatar

    You totally rock. xxxxxxx

  154. aBBY Avatar

    This is AwEsOmE!!!!!!

  155. Angela Yamamura Avatar

    Pure imagination. Hold your breath, make a wish, count to three…Love you Christina!

  156. jessica Avatar

    if i put my address in a month ago for a previous drawing, i don’t have to submit it again OR do i need to resubmit every time you have a golden ticket drawing?

    1. admin Avatar

      only submit your address ONCE please!

  157. mary Avatar

    Golden ticket! What an awesome wonderful idea! I have grand baby girls!

  158. Kelley Avatar

    The thrill!!!

  159. Jennifer Avatar

    Oh mt gosh…I hope to get a golden ticket my daughter is a huge fan of Charlie and the chocolate factory..She is loves the dolls.

  160. vicki walker Avatar
    vicki walker

    This is for Gabby, our little red haired baby girl!

  161. Kali Day Avatar
    Kali Day

    fingers crossed!!!

  162. julia Avatar

    where do we leave our address

  163. Hannah Avatar

    ooooohhhhhhh do i want the golden ticket we love all the dolls weve seen but a purple haired fairy is what we dream of!

  164. Breanne Kaiser Avatar

    Wow, this is very cool!! Thanks for giving everyone the chance 🙂

  165. Jennifer Royster Avatar

    I dont know if I am doing this right but I would be so blessed to get a dolly

  166. Lesia Avatar

    Crossing my fingers & toes!! Hope I win!! Would be a great gift for my daugther Sofia.

  167. S Avatar

    Thanks for the chance!!! <3

  168. Gabriela Ochoa Avatar

    Hope to win 😀

  169. Karen Avatar

    You are very generous. Thank you.

  170. Micaele Avatar

    I’m reading Charlie and the Chocolate Factory to Hannah now. We’re just at the beginning where the first two tickets have been found. We’re so excited to think we might be the next one! Thank you so much for your generosity.

  171. Erin Avatar

    yes please! (thought I had entered already….but can’t find it….)
    love to get one for my friend 🙂

  172. Donna Carver Avatar
    Donna Carver

    This is a fabulous way to play the game! We girls would scream if we are choosen to receive the golden ticket. Xoxo

  173. Babe Avatar

    This is such a fabulous idea! I have been trying to get a doll for my 2 year old daughter. Maybe this time I will be as lucky as Charlie! Thank you!

  174. Rachel Barnes Avatar
    Rachel Barnes

    I am a huge fan and my 2 daughters would love to have a new BFF.

  175. Jenny Avatar

    I sent my address in, but just wanted to make sure it went thru. 🙂

  176. leigh ann white Avatar
    leigh ann white

    Love these precious little dolls! my daughter loves them as well.

  177. pam Kirkland Avatar

    This is the coolest thing I’ve ever heard of. I loved that movie and the golden tickets!!!

  178. Adrienne Walker Avatar
    Adrienne Walker

    I don’t seem to have much luck with lottery tickets. Maybe it’s because I’m meant to have a GOLDEN ticket!

  179. Callie Avatar

    Well maybe we will be lucky! I would love love love a golden ticket for my baby girl! Thank you for the chance what an awesome and generous idea!

  180. Megan Smith Avatar
    Megan Smith

    OH WOW!!!!! Im the crazy one that started the convo on fb:) Thank you so much for offering this! Hopefully we will be lucky and my daughter will be a lucky one:) Thanks again!

  181. maya Avatar

    this is soo awesome how often do you give out golden tickets?

  182. maya Avatar

    wow this is very cool of you. how often do you give them out?

  183. Denell Avatar

    I tried to do this but I couldn’t 🙁

  184. Audra H Avatar

    Fingers and toes crossed!!!

  185. Jess Avatar

    It’s such a generous and beautiful gift!

  186. Courtney Engstrom Avatar
    Courtney Engstrom

    How fun! I so love Charlie and the Chocolate Factory too!! Thanks!

  187. Christine Foley Avatar
    Christine Foley

    I think you are a doll! Your generosity is inspiring. Thank you for the reminder to be kind especially to kids. Good time of year to pay it forward!

  188. Rosalyn Avatar

    OMG, how did I miss this?! Emailing now. Thank you, this is so much fun!

  189. Leyla Hauser Avatar
    Leyla Hauser

    what a great idea!

  190. Andrea Bogenschutz Avatar
    Andrea Bogenschutz

    How fun!! :))

  191. Crystal P Avatar
    Crystal P

    I used to dream about getting a golden ticket too! Great idea.

  192. Sherri Adams Avatar
    Sherri Adams

    I went through the list twice and didn’t see my name – this may be a duplicate. If so, p[lease delete. I would so love to win a golden ticket!! Thank you for all that you do!

  193. anita Avatar

    never won a contest before but who does not try never knows.

  194. Janet Avatar

    Maybe it will be me!!! LOL

  195. Leilani Kesaulij- Serra Avatar
    Leilani Kesaulij- Serra

    Leilani Kesaulij – Serra
    Jl. Pantai Berawa Gang
    Jalak 17B No. M11
    Denpasar 80361
    Bali – INDONESIA

  196. Leilani Kesaulij - Serra Avatar
    Leilani Kesaulij – Serra

    Sorry! Could you delete my above address?!

  197. brooke Avatar

    Is this still an up and running thing? Havent seen anything on the page. AWESOME IDEA! =DDDDD

  198. Shannon Avatar

    What a special idea! I am a newbie and would love to win a golden ticket so I can get my little girl her first dolly.

  199. Sara F. Avatar
    Sara F.


  200. Melanie S.B Avatar
    Melanie S.B

    I loooooove Charlie & the Chocolate Factory!! <3 If I got a golden ticket in the mail I would shout it from the rooftops!! What an amazing idea.

  201. Laurie Avatar

    Do you announce/publish who wins the Golden Ticket?

  202. Vanessa Do Avatar
    Vanessa Do

    Not sure if this is for the golden ticket or not?

  203. michelle yager-french Avatar

    this is awesome! Thank u!

  204. Mindy Esau Avatar
    Mindy Esau

    Oh my gosh!!! What a fun, amazingly creative and exciting idea!!! <3

  205. Chenoa Avatar

    I will think of you every time I hear Harry Connick Junior sing “Golden Ticket” forever.

  206. Ali S. Avatar
    Ali S.


  207. Lillie Avatar

    I am not sure why this is on the blog but this would be as equal to me as Charlie getting the factory. lol – so I am not gonna miss it, even if this is the wrong place or time to post, nothing lost but a few seconds. Thanks!

  208. Mehgan Perez Avatar
    Mehgan Perez

    Ditto Lillie. Not sure if this is even still goingon but with a try! I want a golden ticket!!!!

  209. Christy Campbell Avatar
    Christy Campbell

    The chance to get a golden ticket is like a DREAM come true!!! I love the Willie Wonka reference!!! Best movie 😉 thank you!!!

  210. Mai J Avatar
    Mai J

    I hope I win!!

  211. Céline Richard Avatar

    I would love to win this! My address is:
    Céline Richard
    3760 Croissant Oscar
    Brossard, QC, Canada
    J4Y 2J8

  212. Linda Graham Avatar
    Linda Graham

    How absolutely amazing!! Sending address!

  213. Loretta Hurt Avatar

    Thanks for this wonderful doll my granddaughter would love this ……

  214. Jenine Weinstein Avatar
    Jenine Weinstein

    LOVE LOVE LOVE this idea!!!!! Thank you so much for being such an incredibly sweet, dear soul. ♥

  215. Jody Avatar

    I always wondered how the Golden Ticket worked. Thanks for the explanation! I do believe I would hyperventilate if I won one of these!!! Thanks for the chance and for making such precious dolls1 🙂

  216. Jody Avatar

    I always wondered how the Golden Ticket worked. Thanks for the explanation! I do believe I would hyperventilate if I won one of these!!! Thanks for the chance and for making such precious dolls! 🙂

  217. Chanel Maratita Avatar
    Chanel Maratita

    Thanks so much for the opportunity 🙂

  218. Shannon Avatar

    What an exciting offer! Thanks so much for the chance. Your dolls are so special and adorable!

  219. Laura Avatar

    Hi just a suggestion to cut down on emails…maybe if you sent an automated reply saying your on the list might help?

  220. yvette Avatar

    Can’t wait! 🙂 I love your dolls and hope to get one for my little munchkin.

  221. renee waters Avatar

    You are really amazazing and this is awesome, I am glad you posted again because I missed it before! XOXO

  222. Grace Lemberski Avatar
    Grace Lemberski

    Please !! Make my wish come true !!!!

  223. Catherine Scott Avatar
    Catherine Scott

    Hi team Bamboletta I don’t think I put myself in the right spot for the Golden ticket. I think I put my name on a FB page. So I’m adding my name here. I’m sorry if it doubled please erase one name.

    Thank You so much for the chance to win golden ticket.


  224. Raven Fyre Avatar
    Raven Fyre

    You ladies rock! I always loved Charlie and the chocolate factory too.
    Winning this would be as epic as winning the lottery!

  225. Yvette Avatar

    The best gift for 2013

  226. Heather Y. Avatar
    Heather Y.

    Yippee!! This is so much fun… Thanks for being so thoughtful!! 🙂

  227. Nikki V Avatar
    Nikki V

    So sweet of y’all! I hope I get some good luck 😉

  228. Christine P Avatar
    Christine P

    How very sweet! Do you announce the winners?

  229. Jennifer L Avatar
    Jennifer L

    I never win anything…this would be the best thing to win EVER… I am so in love with these dolls. I wish I had one growing up myself…I guess I will have to settle for getting my sweet girl one 🙂

  230. Alexandra Palmer Avatar
    Alexandra Palmer

    I had a doll growing up that I loved and we moved so much that it got lost. I have a 3 month old and she has no dolls. I think one your dolls would be awesome to win for Madeline!!

  231. Barbara Garnett Avatar
    Barbara Garnett

    What an awesome idea! Thanks for the chance…

  232. Janet Sise Avatar

    What a great idea! I am very new to your beautiful dolls, and I can’t wait to purchase one for my granddaughter.

  233. Dawn Avatar

    I love Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, what a great idea!

  234. Erika Knipe Avatar

    YaY! Such an exciting giveaway! Thank you!!

  235. Angela Avatar

    So exciting

  236. M. Avatar

    I’m SO beyond excited!! Everyone dreams of a GT!! Hooray Team Bamboletta <3

  237. April W Avatar
    April W

    Yippee skippy!!!!!!! Fingers crossed for a ticket!!!!!!!!!

  238. Jennifer white Avatar
    Jennifer white

    How awesome!!!! <3

  239. Donna jandt Avatar
    Donna jandt

    what a fun idea,,I am always looking for a golden ticket in everything,,I always felt like you just never knew when one could appear…..

  240. Gabrielle Lowe Avatar

    This so much fun, can’t wait to see all the excitement your golden tickets bring! 🙂

  241. Jennifer Avatar

    Once again I am in awe of the generosity of the Bamboletta Team. We love everything you do and have since we found you!

  242. tosha Avatar

    so exciting!

  243. carlene najera Avatar
    carlene najera

    I could spenf hours looking in the window of your store. Great work!

  244. Laurie Whiteman Avatar

    Love the book, love the movie, would love a Golden Ticket but regardless I adore your dolls!

  245. Robyn H. Avatar
    Robyn H.

    you are absolutely amazing! how totally awesome, thank you so much for the chance!

  246. Courtney Scaggs Avatar
    Courtney Scaggs

    Thank you SO much Bambo team and for everything you do is so fun and magical for us all! 🙂

  247. margaret hutson Avatar
    margaret hutson

    What a great Idea we love Charlie and the choco factory here too, and promise if we were to win our doll would have a good life in little old new Zealand xx

  248. Jessica Graf Avatar
    Jessica Graf

    You seriously are one of the most giving people, ever! Just reading the first paragraph brought tears to my eyes cause Charlie so deserved a ticket. I hope those that are picked understand how lucky they are and are not a Violet, Mikey, Veruca or Augustus. Yet, if those people do get it, we know the Oompa Loompa’s will get them. LOL

  249. Amelia Heffelman Avatar
    Amelia Heffelman

    Congrats!! And thank you 🙂

  250. Amy W Avatar
    Amy W

    Congrats on 20k

  251. Jen Patola Avatar
    Jen Patola

    So excited for this opportunity! Congrats on 20k!

  252. Ambi Avatar

    One day we hope to visit your magical shop. Your dolls are amazing!

  253. Rachel Joy Gagliano Avatar
    Rachel Joy Gagliano

    How wonderful!!!

  254. Jennie C Avatar

    This is so exciting!!! I would just LOVE to win a Bamboletta doll for my daughter!!! Yay!!!

  255. Jacinta Avatar

    Would love to win a doll 🙂

  256. Yon Avatar

    This is awesome! I’d love one~

  257. Claire R Avatar
    Claire R

    So exciting, both the milestone and the giveaway! Thank you for including us in the your celebration, as always! Fingers crossed. 🙂

    Congrats to you and Team Bamboletta on the success and here’s to many more fun and exciting milestones!!! 😀

  258. Bindu Avatar

    <3 when i think about way back in 2008 and how we chanced upon you through Mahar Dry Goods and then again Soulemama … it makes me all teary to think of the many lil hearts you have lit up and the many homes you have brightened! God Bless You C 🙂

  259. Tina Avatar

    Golden ticket!!!

  260. Shannon Avatar

    SO excited about this!! Evie and I will be stalking our mailbox. Thank you! You have such a big heart <3

  261. Jessica P Avatar
    Jessica P

    So awesome!!! Congrats on 20,000 likes and more to come 🙂

  262. Jessica Wokurka Avatar
    Jessica Wokurka

    Congrats! We would love to be chosen!!

  263. Cherie Patrick Avatar
    Cherie Patrick

    What a lovely gift 🙂

  264. Lesa Dodd Avatar
    Lesa Dodd

    Your dolls are works of art. My daughter and I would be thrilled to play with one together!

  265. Carol M Avatar
    Carol M

    What a fun idea! We love our Bambos!

  266. Maynard Academy Avatar
    Maynard Academy

    Homeschooling 3 kiddos is nothing compared to what you ladies do creating these dream dolls 🙂 Excited for the lucky winners, can’t wait to hear which dolls they choose!!
    Kara and the Maynard Mob

  267. Melissa Simmons-Biskup Avatar
    Melissa Simmons-Biskup

    Love these dolls… Very talented, beautiful work!

  268. Genevieve Estadt Avatar
    Genevieve Estadt

    Yay!!! Would love a golden ticket!!! 🙂

  269. Sue Altman Avatar
    Sue Altman

    We just watched Willy Wonka last night…spent a little while trying to explain the difference between a remake and an original…they didn’t get it **sigh**

  270. channon Avatar

    Such fun! Your dolls are lovely!

  271. Stacey Dunfield Avatar
    Stacey Dunfield

    I’d love to win a golden ticket

  272. Heather Knobbe Avatar
    Heather Knobbe

    This is such a great giveaway! Thank you!!

  273. Maureen Avatar

    Love your idea of the golden ticket 😉

  274. Emily Moyer Avatar
    Emily Moyer

    Awesome idea we would so thankful to win ! Thanks for the chance 🙂

  275. Tina Grillo Avatar
    Tina Grillo

    Willy Wonka is one of my favorite movies and I love love love this idea.

  276. Lori C Avatar
    Lori C

    What an awesome gift

    Congrats on 20k!!!

  277. Anaïs B Avatar
    Anaïs B

    So generous of you to offer these Golden Tickets!

  278. Jessica Nelles Avatar
    Jessica Nelles

    This is such a neat idea! Thanks so much for another giveaway. 5 very lucky people will be so excited.

  279. Michelle P Avatar
    Michelle P

    OHHH so exciting!! Congrats!!!These dolls are amazing!!! Always dreamed of getting one…it would be epic!!!!!!!!!

  280. Jody Reinbold Avatar
    Jody Reinbold

    I old love to win a golden ticket – what a treat that my daughter could pick her own doll! Thank you

  281. Laura Avatar

    That’s awesome!
    Thank you so much for the chance!!
    Laura ❤❤❤

  282. Susan Allison Avatar
    Susan Allison

    This is exciting. Thank you for being so generous. Sue

  283. Barbie Harwell Avatar
    Barbie Harwell

    <3 Golden Tickets!

  284. jenna alstad Avatar
    jenna alstad
  285. Melissa King Avatar
    Melissa King

    ❤❤❤ your work!! You guys rock!!

  286. Danielle Avatar

    Congrats on your 20,000 likes….

  287. Gloria Bishop Avatar
    Gloria Bishop

    Congratulations. Absolutely love your dolls. Would be amazing to win one of them. Best wishes and that your company continues to thrive 🙂

  288. Anna Volpe Avatar
    Anna Volpe

    Amazing Comoany. Amazing opportunity. Thank- you!

  289. Anna Volpe Avatar
    Anna Volpe

    *company – so excited, I can’t even spell correctly! 🙂

  290. Jennifer mcClure Avatar
    Jennifer mcClure

    So excited! I’ve always wanted a golden ticket – ever since Charlie found his!! 🙂

  291. Cassandra Clair-Mudge Avatar
    Cassandra Clair-Mudge

    You are so generous! And I LOVE this idea!

  292. Mary Jane Pilgrim Avatar

    Congratulations on 2000! Thank you so much for the opportunity!

  293. Linda Reeder Avatar
    Linda Reeder

    Your dolls make this grandmother smile. Would love to give one for Christmas.

  294. Meghann C Avatar
    Meghann C

    Congrats on 20,000 likes!!! Your dolls are so beautiful and well made.

  295. Heather W Avatar
    Heather W

    I love your dolls, your site, your ideas and you as well, keep up the awesome work !!!

  296. jennifer gregg Avatar
    jennifer gregg

    My girls, and myself, just love your dolls!

  297. LisaN Avatar

    BIG CONGRATS!!!!!! <3

  298. Kristy Ryan Avatar
    Kristy Ryan

    It is so awesome that you are doing this!!

  299. Rachelle R Barco-Calderon Avatar
    Rachelle R Barco-Calderon

    Love this! Thank you so much!

  300. Suzanne Nakhid Avatar
    Suzanne Nakhid

    Congrats to u all!!! Your dolls are definitely something special & my daughter Eden would be so happy to have one!

  301. brittney thurston Avatar
    brittney thurston

    I have dreamed for years of getting a golden ticket. We would love one 🙂

  302. Elizabeth B Avatar
    Elizabeth B

    Thank you so much!

  303. Heather Avatar

    Fingers and toes crossed.

  304. Michelle Keefe Avatar
    Michelle Keefe

    So awesome!

  305. kaytee wood Avatar
    kaytee wood

    Congrats on 2000! I love that your always doing such great giveaways!

  306. april novack Avatar
    april novack

    Thanks so much for the wonderful opportunity!

  307. Mishia Avatar

    soooo how many times can we submit our address?? LOL…just kidding! ONLY ONCE!! ;0)

  308. Ana Avatar

    Congrats and how exciting! My boys (especially my 3 year old) would love a doll to add to his collection of babies!

  309. Alice Ridge Avatar

    I love your dolls! They are just too sweet!!

  310. Tierra DiCarlo Avatar
    Tierra DiCarlo

    What An Awesome Idea! Making Magic Happen!

  311. Megan Turner Avatar

    Thank you for the chance!

  312. Debby Avatar

    Oh what fun!! Everytime I see a Wonka bar in the store I think of the golden ticket 🙂 Thank you for making us all feel like kids again and for doing this giveaway.

  313. Christina Avatar

    These dolls are so amazing. We do not own one but sure would love too 😉

  314. Mandy S Avatar
    Mandy S

    This is incredible!! What a fun, magical idea! Thank you!

  315. Jessica Avatar

    Bamboletta Dolls is such a generous company. Thank you so much for the opportunity and chance to win one of your dolls! 🙂 My little girl would love to have her own Bamboletta baby 🙂 Thanks!

  316. Kristal Avatar

    How exciting! And I also love Willy Wonka:). It was even one of the themes I did when I was a program director at a summer camp:)

  317. Cathy Lazas Avatar
    Cathy Lazas

    Thank you for the hope of winning.

  318. Michelle Q Avatar
    Michelle Q

    So exciting for you! Congrats!

  319. Jessica Avatar

    This is such an exciting idea!

  320. Laura Legh Avatar
    Laura Legh

    Congratulations on the milestone! Hope I win a doll for my twin girls!!

  321. Laura Legh Avatar
    Laura Legh

    Congratulations on the milestone! Hope I win a doll for my twin girls!!

  322. Jennifer W Avatar
    Jennifer W

    Woo hoo love it!!!

  323. Kelly Waney Avatar
    Kelly Waney

    So exciting! <3

  324. Pat Mahon Avatar
    Pat Mahon

    What a great idea!! The dolls are so fabulous, everyone needs one for sure.

  325. Eileen Avatar

    I LOVE this concept!!! Pick me!

  326. Jackie Cropper Avatar
    Jackie Cropper


  327. Donna Johnson Avatar
    Donna Johnson

    Thanks for the chance! Love your dolls!

  328. Julie Avatar

    Can’t wait, so fun!

  329. angel Avatar

    YAY!!! so awesome/sweet of you!! Fingers crossed!!! thank you for the chance!

  330. Elisa F Avatar
    Elisa F

    How fun!! Thank you for your generosity!! 😀

  331. Sherry L. Avatar
    Sherry L.

    Thanks! How fun!

  332. Kelly Avatar

    Wow! Congrats on this milestone!

  333. Laurel Adolphe Avatar
    Laurel Adolphe

    What a fantastic and original idea!

  334. Heather Avatar

    Thanks so much for this chance! So excited!

  335. Lisa Avatar

    Oh this is SO wonderful! Thanks for an amazing contest 🙂

  336. Jenelle Avatar

    So fun!

  337. Addy Van Anne Avatar
    Addy Van Anne

    amazing giveaway! <3

  338. Laurel Jennifer Dailey Avatar
    Laurel Jennifer Dailey

    Just sent my email. Praying I am fortunate enough to win one of the stunning dolls for my daughter. Thank you SO much for the chance!

  339. Erika Nunnikhoven Avatar
    Erika Nunnikhoven

    Yay! Such a generous giveaway. And I love the Chocolate Factory reference. Your dolls are so lovely but beyond my budget. Hoping I win!

  340. Tabatha Boyes Avatar
    Tabatha Boyes

    I would love to win this!!!

  341. Heather K. Avatar
    Heather K.

    My girls would love this!

  342. Randi Renee Graves Avatar
    Randi Renee Graves

    love this idea!

  343. Pam Avatar

    Amazing! Congrats!

  344. Melania Avatar

    I am in love your dolls. They are so sweet and beautiful.

  345. Julie D. Avatar
    Julie D.

    Congratulations, and thanks for the chance to win!

  346. Ashley Adkison Avatar
    Ashley Adkison

    Love you guys so much. You are so loving and generous

  347. Ramona Webster Avatar
    Ramona Webster

    Beautiful dolls that are given life by those who love them

  348. DeAnne Brownlee Avatar
    DeAnne Brownlee

    Your dolls are beautiful! It must be so much creating each one!

  349. DeAnne Brownlee Avatar
    DeAnne Brownlee

    It must be so much FUN creating each one! LOL!

  350. Shirley Avatar

    Love your dolls! 20 000 likes! amazing!!!!

  351. Spencer wiggins Avatar
    Spencer wiggins

    Thanks for the chance beautiful ladies!

  352. Lisa Avatar


  353. Jena Avatar

    I think I can. I think I can. 😉

  354. Elsa Liz Avatar
    Elsa Liz


  355. Kelly Avatar

    We love your dolls & your generosity to do these golden tickets:-)

  356. melissa l Avatar
    melissa l

    OH my gosh, this is soooo cool!

  357. Carrie Avatar

    How FUN!

  358. Dana Summerville Avatar
    Dana Summerville

    Would love our first doll!’

  359. julie pearson Avatar
    julie pearson

    His is a very cool idea…

  360. Alanna Avatar

    Who wouldn’t love a Golden Ticket? Thanks for a chance to win.

  361. Stacey Camp Avatar
    Stacey Camp

    Thank you for this opportunity – you guys are so generous. I would love a boy doll for my now 2 year old son – this would be a great chance to get one. Thank you again for your wonderful kindness and business!

    The Camps

  362. Rilee B Avatar
    Rilee B

    Would love to win!

  363. Kandi Avatar

    Love it! Your generosity is, as always, flooring!!! <3

  364. Michelle Avatar

    what a gift!!!

  365. Ang W Avatar
    Ang W

    Always inspired by your generousity! Thanks for giving!

  366. Kelly Avatar

    You’re awesome!

  367. hannah nelson Avatar
    hannah nelson

    Congratulations bamboletta!!

  368. Dezmedved Avatar

    Would love to win.

  369. Gaja Avatar

    This is amazing ! Good luck to everyone !

  370. Aimee Avatar

    This is so incredibly generous! My daughter would be thrilled! Thank you for the chance!

  371. jenn culley Avatar
    jenn culley

    We have just moved and forgot to update our address. Please let us know how and where to do so. Hope to be in the draw for reaching 20, 000 daughter has seen these wonderful dolls in there different stages and says that she hopes not only to have one but when shes older be apart of being a Bamboletta mommy…thanks Jenn and Kym

  372. Jillian Wisniewski Avatar
    Jillian Wisniewski

    You are simply amazing! Thanks for the chance to win! Just emailed you!

  373. Rosanne marosits Avatar
    Rosanne marosits

    You are very good at what you do. You give everyone a chance to play along with your excitement .

  374. Kimberly W. Avatar
    Kimberly W.

    Sent our address! !! Crossing our fingers! !!! 🙂

  375. Lesley R Avatar
    Lesley R

    so exciting!

  376. Veronica Wolfe Avatar
    Veronica Wolfe

    How have I missed that you are doing this? Such a no brainer tho, with your talent. Can’t wait to explore your site. My Anna (11yo) just learned to crochet and is already crocheting a doll!

  377. julie-anne Avatar

    j aimerai beaucoup avoir la chance de gagner!
    vous faites un superbe travail!!! BRAVO

  378. Wanda Avatar

    Congratulations Bamboletta!!! <3

  379. Angie S. Avatar
    Angie S.

    Congrats ladies! ❤

  380. Meredith Alger Avatar
    Meredith Alger

    Congratulations! Well deserved!

  381. Natalie Avatar

    Such a pleasure to own your dolls, made possible by so many hands. Warmest congratulations.

  382. L Wolfe Avatar
    L Wolfe

    Hope I win:))

  383. Kathy LeMmon Avatar
    Kathy LeMmon

    You’re so amazing….Thank you for this amazing chance to get my grandaughter one of your dolls.

  384. Sherina green Avatar
    Sherina green

    This is so generous of you Bamboletta!

  385. Belinda W. Avatar
    Belinda W.

    Congrats, I would love to win a golden ticket

  386. thomas nelson Avatar
    thomas nelson

    Reaching 20, 000 followers is a huge feat. We love your dolls and applaud your creativity as a group.

  387. Crystal Avatar

    I love your dolls!!!!

  388. Amy Avatar

    What a fun idea!!

  389. jennifer shepit Avatar
    jennifer shepit

    Absolutely LOVE your dolls! congratulations 😀

  390. Wendy Weng Avatar
    Wendy Weng

    What a great idea! I am just as excited to win a golden ticket as the kids were to receive a winning candy from the movie.

  391. Karine Foisy Avatar

    Thank you very much for this great giveaway! 🙂

  392. stephanie ellis Avatar
    stephanie ellis

    This is so lovely! Good luck to everyone who has entered.

  393. Lori Avatar

    WOW!! Great giveaway! Fingers crossed!

  394. Airian Avatar

    Thank you for the giveaway! We love your dolls!

  395. jessica harris Avatar
    jessica harris

    These babys are so pretty.. there like a peiceof artwork..thank you guys gor bring great..

  396. Jessica Salen Avatar
    Jessica Salen

    What a great idea! You are truly special people who make a magical doll.

  397. Dee Crawford Avatar

    My friend works there with you all & I have dreamed of having one of your lovely little ones for a while. I am saving up to buy one, but if I got a Golden Ticket, oh my! I’d be in seventh heaven!

  398. Kimberley Guziel Avatar
    Kimberley Guziel

    My sister has been trying to get one of your dolls for her two year old daughter. I made her a knitted dolly so I know she would just love one of the Bamboletta’s.

    Kimberley Guziel
    4910 Little Mack Trail
    Howell, MI 48855

  399. Deborah holman Avatar
    Deborah holman

    Great the concept . Keeping fingers crossed…

  400. Andrea Wright Avatar
    Andrea Wright

    We would love to give a doll to a little girl here in the UK xxx

  401. Kelly Camacho Avatar
    Kelly Camacho

    You guys are awesome!!! XOXO

  402. Heather Lewis Avatar
    Heather Lewis

    Gorgeous dolls. We would love one:)

  403. Rebecca Richardson Avatar
    Rebecca Richardson

    I love that you do this. I recently found out about this sweet baby dolls and fell in love. I’m excited to add one to our family some day!

  404. Denise Huzzey Avatar
    Denise Huzzey

    Beautiful dolls!

  405. Laura Luyt Avatar

    As if I didn’t love your dolls and your company enough already; I just discovered this golden ticket thing this morning! Wow. Just wow. What a way to bless people! So much fun and sweetness. Bless you all, too! xoxo

  406. Lena Odie Avatar

    What a thoughtful thing to do! I’d love to get an African Doll one day if you’ve made any! Bless you all for your work & ministry!

  407. angela forman Avatar
    angela forman

    I love your dolls, just found the site this week.. and I am very impressed by you all, your talents, and your approach to your products, your generosity to your staff and the people who buy your dolls, all speak of a wonderful lady, and a wonderful staff who all work beautifully together to create this unique and fun doll.. bless you all and may you continue to be inspired and increase your ideas and popularity through the years ahead…:-)

  408. Mel Jortner Avatar
    Mel Jortner

    I think this is so amazing and we still keep hoping ours will come in the mail someday (even though we have a baby girl on her way to us right now FINALLY!!) I would love to see photos of some of the winners — I imagine the smiles would be HUGE — does anyone ever share them with you? If so, I think you should post a few — let us all live vicariously through them. You are such a wonderful team – amazing work and this is such a cool thing. 🙂

  409. kristin Avatar

    So hoping that one day my little Miss Ava will get her golden ticket!

  410. Kassia Avatar

    My little Grandgirl Kassia would love to love one of the Bamoletta dolls as I’m sure they would love to be loved by her.
    The dolls are amazing having seen them for the first time in Vancouver, BC at Granville Island yesterday.
    I new as soon as I saw them, I was going to have to investigate further, everyone needs a Bamboletta. 🙂

  411. April Vannini Avatar
    April Vannini

    My daughter just loves your dolls so much. What a special gift you all are giving so many children.

  412. Donna Davis Avatar
    Donna Davis

    I just discovered your dolls tonight and am delighted with them! I’d love to win one for my little granddaughter. What a wonderful idea, this Golden Ticket…. I’m sure Charlie would agree!

  413. Joanne Chipponeri Avatar
    Joanne Chipponeri

    appreciated thank you!

  414. Hayley Elliott Avatar
    Hayley Elliott

    I am absolutely in love with your dolls and have been for YEARS! Can’t believe I just now found out about the Golden Ticket. So glad I did and I hope we get lucky!!! <3

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