fabric advice.. and FREE fabric!

Please see December 30th post for your chance to WIN A DOLL!ย 

So, if you’ve read my last few posts, you’ll know that I’m trying to streamline what I do. Make choices easier for my customers and less emailing for me. One of these things we want to do is offer several fabric choices for customers to choose their dolls clothing from. I’ll still get my crazy Japanese fabric and wicked imports because, well, I just can’t help myself. Those fabrics will be made up into clothing for sale on the ‘clothing and accessories ‘ section. Anyhow, I’ve pulled up some fabrics that I LOVE and want to narrow it down to 5 choices. What do you gals (and guys – hi Robert!) think? What is the cutest? Whats not – maybe a bit weird? I totally appreciate this, really, really!

hedgehogs.jpg folklore.jpg

1 hedgehogs andย  2 forest fabric


3 fairies andย  4 toadstools

birds.jpg roses.jpg

5 walking birds andย  6 flowers

mermaids2.jpg mushrooms.jpg

7 mermaids and 8 mushrooms

redbirds.jpg owls1.jpg

9 birds on branches andย  10 crazy owls

Okay – to reward you for your efforts – I’m going to give ONE METRE OF FABRIC to the person chosen by the magical random number generator! Another contest!ย  Just leave your comments below – the usual. We’ll close this contest on the 15th of January.

This amazing fabric can be found on Fabricworm – the best fabric around.

Update.. January 10th

So, so far it look like number 1 and 2 are a sure thing. I’m rethinking number 10 just because the owls do look a bit crazy – some look a little scary crazy, like the grey one in there, he looks mean. I’m sorry, I forgot who commented on that – but you are right. It is cute, but I remember how much you really look at things when you are little. Am I being a bit over the top on this? Number 9, 3 and 5 are all within a few votes of eachother. I’ll keep you posted!!






155 responses to “fabric advice.. and FREE fabric!”

  1. Tressa Avatar

    okay, seriously. you’ve done it again! you are so amazingly generous and generate such excitement, in my anyways!, for all your delightfully creative endeavours. I LOVE THESE FABRICS! and how cool it would be to win a yard of any one. here’s my 6 pics:

    9 and 10, no question – they are whimsical and inviting with a small enough repeating pattern & images to work well with little tiny garments. same for 1 and 2.

    for the 5th, i’d go with 4 OR 5 (too many birds already? though little ones love our winged friends). could you score the toadstools in something more gender neutral colours, blue or green? or are these picks all for girl dolls?

    what fun! enjoy all the advice! ๐Ÿ™‚

  2. Tressa Avatar

    that awkward sentence was meant to read “nd generate such excitement, in ME anyways!, for all your delightfully creative endeavours”

    xo t

  3. Bonnie Avatar

    Love all the other ones too. It is very hard to choose!!

  4. Leanna Avatar

    Hi Christina! Happy new Year and it looks like it’s going to be a big one for you!
    I love Love love fabric too!!! now the choices!

    Love # 9, 10, 7, and 1

    Don’t dig # 6 & 8

    #2 is nice except that I find sometimes it’s hard with fabrics that have the same pattern but upside down, if you don’t really try you might und up with a lot of upside down trees and squirrels, or wasted precious fabric trying to get most of it the right way up!

    Can’t wait!

  5. Monica Avatar

    I adore # 9, 10, 7 and 1. ADORE (And want…hope they make it into the mix. ๐Ÿ˜‰

    #3 is so delightfully girly that I think it must be included…such a sweet fairy fabric.

    I like that #5 is very gender neutral…which is especially nice if it’s a top that can be swapped between girl and boy dolls.

    I don’t love the flowers (hides head in bag). lol

    So looking forward to seeing your new site!!

  6. melissa t. Avatar
    melissa t.

    Hi, I love almost all of your fabrics, so here are my top 5 choices 10,8,4,3,and #2 are the ones that most appeal to me, but having seen your dolls I am sure that whatever you choose would be beautiful. Thank-you Melissa

  7. Jane Avatar

    I love all those fabrics, but 1, 2, and 5 are my top favorites!

  8. Jessica Avatar

    I definitely like #1 and #2 the best. They’re cute, but not too distracting for clothing or even matching bags.

  9. Sue Avatar

    My choice would be 1,2,3,5,7.
    Number 6 is my least favorite one.
    Love the Japanese fabrics .
    Have a great weekend!

  10. kirsten Avatar

    i love the 1st two!

  11. Amber Avatar

    My faves are 1, 2, 3, 7, and 9.

    I don’t really like 6 or 8.

    It’s so tough to choose, so many lovely fabrics!

  12. jozen Avatar

    LOVE LOVE LOVE #2! you are more than welcome to make Zoe’s doll a dress in that fabric.

    P.S. I think that I am becoming your #1 fan!

  13. anna Avatar

    #2,3,5,8,9. those are my fave.

  14. Heather Avatar

    I love 1,2 and 5 but I don’t particularly like 6 to big and flowery. Hope your having a great new year.

    Heather T.

  15. Meike Avatar

    Difficult choice to make… But here goes:
    1&2, without question
    3, because hey, that’s my fave Alexander Henry fabric ever
    4, because I love toadstools
    and 9, because those birds are just the sweetest!

  16. Simone Avatar

    Hi Christina~

    “Sprouts” called and Gracie’s dolly is coming home tomorrow, I am so excited to meet her…I can hardly wait! Thank-you so much for creating her for us!

    I alays love the fabrics you choose! Here are my pics:

    I LOVE #10 it is my fave! I just opened my in home KinderCare called “littlebird” we call Gracie our little bird so it seemed fitting and also because there is a little bird who comes to sleep in our entry way each night at dusk…so sweet! I also like #2 very much (I almost requested it for Gracie’s dolly but thought I had said enough, you are the master and know best!) # 3 very cute (already have matching dresses waiting for Gracie and her new dolly in this fabric!) #4 Love…It! and then it was a toss up between # 10 and # 6 The owls are so whimsical, owls adorned our Christmas tree this year when Gracie was not taking them off for cuddles! I think the flower fabric has great colours and would really accentuate the features of the dolls! What a great idea, hope it helps!

  17. Tanya Avatar

    In making my selection, I thought about clothes for little people/dolls and what prints would really show up well on their clothes & be attractive/interesting to the children who play with them. My favorites are 1, 5, 7 (had a tough time choosing between this one & number 2), 8 & 10.

    Hope the New Year is treating you wonderfully.

  18. Steph Avatar

    2,3,5,6,7 are my faves but they are all particularly cute. I don’t think you vould do wrong with any of them!

  19. Michelle Z. Avatar
    Michelle Z.

    I think the first two (hedgehogs and forest) are the cutest. #6 would be my least favorite, but only because it looks like the pattern is kind of big.

  20. April Avatar

    I love Japanese fabrics too – they just aren’t easy to come by on the East Coast ๐Ÿ˜‰
    I don’t love the mushroom/toadstool prints, or the big bold flower – it seems too big for a doll dress, but everything else is great ๐Ÿ˜‰

    Good luck choosing. It’s tough to do when you love fabric. I have that problem too – which is why I also love fat quarters ๐Ÿ™‚

  21. Ashley Avatar

    The mermaids are my favorite followed by the fairies and then the toadstools (both are nice), then the forest and birds on branches. The little repeating birds are my least favorite of all and I’m not really sure why.

  22. Lisa Z Avatar

    My favorites are 1, 2, 3, 5 and 9. But they’re all great! I can see that smaller prints might be better for small garments. So cute!

  23. Hope Avatar

    I love the hedgehogs, the forest fabric and the mushrooms the best. It could just be the picture, but I think that the print of the flowers and birds looks a bit big for such tiny outfits. For our doll, I had someone online make me some additional outfits in the mushroom and forest prints combined with a red dotted fabric and they are really cute. I like the idea of mixing the fabric prints together to make the outfits really whimsical. I can send you some pictures of the ones I have if you are interested just to see what else people are doing.

    I also think you should look into selling (particularly at the holidays) exactly what I did for Charlotte for Christmas. I set up a child sized wooden drying rack (from Magic Cabin) with a little washbasin and scrubboard and hung all the little clothes that I purchased on the drying rack with clothespins. She has the best time washing/drying/folding all the little clothes and dressing her doll. You would sell more clothes to go with the dolls and it would help “beef up” the gift for those who were looking for a cute way to “set up” the doll for Christmas morning. You could also combine the doll with a set of handmade bedding (quilt/pillow/stuffed bear in a little drawstring bag). Just some thoughts. Charlotte absolutely adores her doll and I cannot say enough about how incredibly talented you are!!!

  24. Erica Hildebrand Avatar
    Erica Hildebrand

    My faves are the faires and toadstools, but to be honest they are all too cute, but would follow up with birds, mermaids and the forest fabric.

  25. Shannon Avatar

    Wow, we get to help.

    I like 1,2, 4,5 and 8.
    I like smaller print so it shows up on the clothing. I tend to like moore of a color background instead of white because little ones have their dolls everywhere so stains are going to happen. So the smaller print with busier prints and color are great.

    I love nature type prints.

    The other prints either have to much white in the backgrond or the print is just to big and gets lots in the cloths.
    THe owls would be cute except that a few of them look very mean. Might worry a child. :O)

    Lots a wonderful choices.

  26. Roseanne Perkins Avatar
    Roseanne Perkins

    I love 10, 9, 5, 3, 2
    but some of them were really hard to choose between. Good luck!

  27. Sarah Z. Avatar
    Sarah Z.

    I just stumbled upon your beautiful fabric selection-
    These are a few of my favorite things…

  28. Rebecca Avatar

    I love these ones:

    2 forest fabric
    7 mermaids
    8 mushrooms
    9 birds on branches
    10 crazy owls

    I love your aesthetic! Have fun!

  29. Marta Avatar

    I like the small prints the best, they look nice made into small clothes! My favorites are 1,4,5,8,& 10, although 2 and 3 are pretty nice too. I wonder if you would give any thought to selling a doll clothing pattern, or some bargain priced doll clothes. I know the prices reflect the work involved, but I rarely spend $20.00 on clothing for me and cannot rationalize much even for my favorite doll! Maybe I need to just try my hand at it and see what I can do! Thanks again for the inspiring blog!

  30. Knittypants Avatar

    1,2,4,8 and 10 I love them, especially 1 and 2.

  31. christine Avatar

    My favorites are 2,3,7,8&9. The only one I really don’t like is 6. It might be because it reminds me of the ugly wallpaper that was in my kitchen when we moved into our house.

  32. Stacy Avatar

    I really like the smaller print fabrics on the smaller items (i.e. doll clothes). That being said my favs are 1, 2, & 10.

    Thanks for another great opportunity to interact with your blog and shop!

  33. Paula Hackett Avatar
    Paula Hackett

    hedgehogs, owls and toadstools!

  34. kat Avatar

    my 5 year old daughter and i looked at them all and between the two of us we like the best…1,3,6,9 and 10. and thank you for offering a giveaway and for linking your fabric supplier. i had not heard of them yet ๐Ÿ˜‰ best of luck with this!

  35. Melissa L. Avatar
    Melissa L.

    1, 2, & 5 – but especially 1 & 2!

  36. Lisa Avatar

    I really like 2, 4, 5, 9, and 10. They are all such great fabrics, though!

  37. kristine Avatar

    LOVE them all! My top picks for your dolls….
    2,4,9 and 10.

  38. Ginger Avatar

    love them all. can i pick them all?

    if i had to pick – i’d go with #1 – hedgehogs. too cute.

  39. susanintexas Avatar

    I like the mushroom fabrics + fairies the best…that’s what I’d use for clothes I would make for my girls…Love your dolls btw. 3,4,7,8 and 10

  40. Tanja Avatar

    Great fabrics! My five picks would be the following: 1,2,4,9 and 10. I really love the first two fabrics! Good luck with the process of narrowing it down to the final five! Love your blog!

  41. pinkpeone Avatar

    my top picks would be 2, 3, 4, 9, then 5 (in that order).
    I love number 2, 3 and 4 the best but I also really like 9 and 5.
    Can’t wait for the launch of the new site!

  42. Simply Vintagegirl Avatar

    What lovely fabrics! My five favorites: 1 (SO cute!), 2, 5, 8, and 9.

    Make sure to tell that magic number generator to pick me! ๐Ÿ˜€

  43. Lindsay Brunswick Avatar
    Lindsay Brunswick

    oh! the owls!!!! yes, they are great. THat is the kind of fabric i could find great things to do with.

  44. Holly Avatar

    It’s strange – I’m not really all that into pink but my fav combination is definitely number 2 – fairies and toadstools. I also like number 1 too!

    I’m not sure how much this is helping because it seems everyone has a different choice so in the end you might have to just trust yourself and go with your gut.

    Something that helps me is to leave the fabric lying on a bench and then just take a quick glance every time you walk by – you’ll soon see which ones jump out at you! Much better than sitting there staring at them.



  45. kate Avatar

    my absolute fave is no.1, my least fave is no. 6 – only because it looks like a big pattern that might overwhelm little dolls ๐Ÿ™‚ But they are all cute

  46. Teresa Avatar

    They are all beautiful! My faves are 10 and 2. : ) Thanks for this awesome chance to win!!!

  47. Tara Avatar

    I love 1, 2, 4, 5, 7 and 10. I find 3, 6 and 9 have too much going on and 8 seems muted both in colors and details. Hope that helps.

  48. cheryl Avatar

    I just love the hedgehogs #1…Big Jan Brett fan too! Also the birds and trees #2, reminds me to feed our outdoor friends. Yes I love the fairys #3 and mermaids #4. Just reminds me of what I want to be when I grow up…and I also like the birds on the branches #9. The big flower one #6 reminds me of those plastic tablecloths. I’m not so fond of the birds one either #5. The mushrooms or toadstools are ok. I hope this helps.

  49. Jodi Avatar

    1 and 2…definately 1 and 2!

  50. Molly Avatar

    So many cute ones…too hard to narrow down! I do not care for #5 or #6 though. Good luck making a tough decision.

  51. Michelle Avatar

    My favourites are 1, 2, 4, 5 and 10. A lot of the fabrics seem very feminine to me, you may want to look at adding one or two gn ones.

  52. Naomi Avatar

    I’m partial to #2 because that’s the fabric our Bamboletta’s doll’s dress is made from. And I thought it was apt because Bob wanted to name Roo “Squirrel”- an idea I quickly shot down while she was in utero. But I would have to say my favorite overall is #7 because I love dreamy mermaids!

  53. Nicola Avatar

    My favs by far are 10, 9, 3, 2 and 1!

  54. Alicia Avatar

    Love, love, love #1,2,9 &10. Good luck narrowing it down! :>)

  55. careyr Avatar

    1,3,5,9. Thanks for the chance to vote!

  56. Jo-anna Avatar

    I love these fabrics. I would love a chance to win.

  57. Jo-anna Avatar

    eek, sorry, some of my post disappeared. Anything by alexander henry is the best. By far my fav is the fairies of tillbrook

  58. marta Avatar

    Hi Christina! Happy New Year!

    LOVE 1,2,5 and 9

    don’t like 6, and 7

    like all others! ๐Ÿ™‚

  59. marta Avatar

    my mistake!

    it’s 7 and 8 i like less!

  60. Alicia Avatar

    It really is amazing how much detail is noticed when a child is playing with the clothes. I do love mixing up outfits for them too.
    In order of preference;
    9 the colours are amazing,
    3 fairies are beauties,
    2 again the colours pop,
    1 the hedgehogs are cute,
    5 something about the walking birds is just like when they are all on a wire hanging out.

  61. pascaline Legros Avatar
    pascaline Legros

    i love all the fabrics but the “one” is number 4 with little mushrooms… love love it… take care


  62. chris Avatar

    I love #1 (hedgehog) & 2 (forest fabric)…#2 is my all around favorite. Next, I really like the birds #9. Then comes #7- the mermaid print is lovely and perfect for your magical dolls. #10, the owl print, is busy, yet it is also whimsical and playful. Next is #5. Then, I prefer #4 toadstools to #8 mushrooms. #3, fairies is more girly, princess than I typically like and my least favorite is the floral. Love #2! I must look for it on fabricworm….Good luck with your survey.

  63. Alicia Avatar

    I love the first 4 ๐Ÿ™‚

  64. Charis Avatar

    Numbers 2 & 9 are great! Also like numbers 1, 3 and 8. Not a big fan of #7.

    Good luck!

  65. barbara Avatar

    happy new year,and all the best for 2009
    dear Christine,
    i like the fabric :D!nummber 1
    for the doll clothing dress
    have a great sunday
    hope ๐Ÿ™‚ you make a great new doll
    regards barbara
    p.s. i like your site ๐Ÿ™‚

  66. Emily M. Avatar
    Emily M.

    gosh, it’s really hard to choose, i sincerely like all of those fabrics. i’m afraid the best i’ll be able to do is tell you the ones i care for least: 5, 6, and *maybe* 8. the crazy owls, 10, are one of my favorites! love them! don’t think they are creepy.

  67. Sarah Avatar

    I like 1 and 2, love 3, like 4, love 5, and like 7. The owls do look scary and I think the floral is a bit large for smaller scale projects (thought the colors are nice).

  68. erin Avatar

    they’re all pretty darn cute!
    i vote especially for #1,2,4,5,7 and 10
    not a big fan of #6 and 8
    i’m sure you and con will come up with some fabulous things!

  69. Aurelia Avatar

    My favorites are numbers 1, 2, 3, 6 and 9

  70. Tanya Avatar

    I love the crazy owls! I know my dd likes fabric w/things she knows …. owls, birds, dogs … etc. Sorry to Heather Ross for not picking her mermaids … LOVE her fabric, but I think the print is too big for your purposes. Owls owls owls!!!

  71. Beth Avatar

    I like the fabrics that keep the attention on your lovely dolls.
    I like 6 and 7. I made clothes for my daughter and her doll (which she is – ahem- outgrowing) from #7 and they look very cute. It’s a little easier to work with than the fabric you used for Jasmyn’s dress because there’s not so much centering involved and the images are smaller. #1 is my favorite, though. It would work for a boy or girl doll.

  72. Cate Avatar

    Hi Christina, I’m late to check in on your blog, we are in the middle of Tropical Cyclone Weather here in the top end of Aus, so here are my first loves.
    1, 2, 3, 4, 7, 9.

    I agree with the owl it is a little mean looking. (However how cute is the print!) I have seen nearly all these fabrics up close and some of them on your dolls already made up so I know that they are sure to be a hit.

    I have seen a little thumb go in a mouth and tiny chubby fingers trace over the faerie on number three, what a magical fabric as is number 2 and 7.

  73. Tessa Avatar

    My two year old and I have our thoughts…

    I like #1(too cute!), 2(also too cute), 3(super girly), 4, 5 (gender neutral), 9, 10(gender neutral too)…

    My two year old like # 3 the best…

  74. Camille Fargo Avatar
    Camille Fargo

    I like the first and the last duo the best!! Good Luck!!

  75. reggie Avatar

    I like 1 2 and 5 . When I made you dresses with 5 I fell in love.

  76. Lauren A Avatar

    Hope I’m not too late to enter! I’d love to win. MY FAV is # 9, Eva’s fav is #3

  77. Celly Avatar

    Itโ€™s really hard to choose…
    Anyway, my faves are , 2, 3,6, 7,9 and 10.

    I donโ€™t like 1, 8.

  78. CanCan (Mom Most Traveled) Avatar

    I love one and two, and I actually like the owls. I do wonder if the mermaids are a little scary, and especially thinking about TOPLESS mermaids. I remember in elementary school the book “In The Night Kitchen” always had a waiting list at the school library. Know why? Because it had a DRAWING of a NAKED BOY in it and you could see his WIENER! Stupid, I know, but kids are obsessed about stuff like that.

  79. jenny Avatar

    hedgehogs, flowers, forest, birds, fairies…handsdown the cutest.

  80. Kris Avatar

    1, 2, 4, 8, 9 are my favs. All of them are fabulous though. very nice selection, can’t wait to see the new site

  81. Kerry Avatar

    1 love it. it is unique and interesting, great for boys or girls.
    2, 3 & 4 would look good too as I think they would bring together the other features of each doll
    5, 6, 7 & 8 don’t work as well. I think they are very similar to many other fabrics you can purchase.
    9 & 10 are beautiful!!

    I think its important to stick with fabrics that are unique (hard to find or things that aren’t commonly thought of, like #1. Are you planning on keeping in mind the hair colours and other things you put on each doll? Most of these fabrics have pink in them so I would suggest keeping 1 & 2, to change things up.

    Have fun!

  82. Tonya Avatar

    Wow, that’s tough. I really admire you for trying to limit yourself. I have this insane fabric shelf/pile that is constantly threatening to overtake my entire sewing nook because I keep “needing” more.

    Numbers 2, 3, and 4 are some of my most favourites from my own collection, so I’ll go with those, as well as number 1, which is lovely, and non gender specific. And number 7 (although 9 was close!) because its really really lovely.

    Thanks for the contest!

  83. Con Avatar

    By them time I got all the way down here to comment I forgot the numbers!! I LOVE Crazy owls and as always folklore forest and mushrooms!

  84. Adriana Avatar

    I love them all…but I vote for # 1,2,3,5,9
    All the best!

  85. Fiona Avatar

    2, 3, 4, 9 and 10 are fabulous!!

  86. Marina Avatar

    Hi Christina,
    Happy New Year.
    The fairies and the mermaids ROCK! I also think the tree design with the little birds is very modern.

  87. andrea Avatar

    i was just going to say i ADORE the owls. but perhaps the scowling owls would be noticed and potentially creepy to the littler set. still i love them, so: owls, mushrooms, mermaids, birds on branches and forest. LOVE the forest also! (i didn’t pick anything super pink/girly, maybe because i’m mommy to two boys! so take that for what its worth.) your taste in fabric is fabulous and i love that you share your finds-thank you!

  88. Nathalie Avatar

    Hihihi, I like them all!

  89. Deuce0214 Avatar

    #2, 9, 3, 7, in that order!

    I worry about the scale of 9, but I’m guessing you’ve already thought of that!

    #2 definitely “feels Bamboletta” to me – very sweet!

    And congrats on being “legal”!

  90. susan monteith Avatar
    susan monteith

    I love the new fabrics as well, my choices would be 3,4,1,7 and 9 (which I echo the earlier concern about scale… but it is so lovely…). Would each be available in only one colour scheme? Would that mean you’d need to be careful about only having the pinkish/bueish tones? I wish you well in narrowing it down!

  91. Genevieve Avatar

    I like 2, 3, 4, 8, 9. But 1 and 10 are very cute too!

  92. Brooke Avatar

    Yes I too love 1 and 2, My fave is 9-the pattern looks very versitle. I would say 3 and a tie between 5 & 7.Good luck sorting the choices out as I will say they would all make great pieces-

  93. Kelly Avatar

    I don’t *heart* 6 & 7. Love the others.

  94. Pink Sky Avatar
    Pink Sky

    I love them all (even the crazy owls, though I have to agree that some do look mean, so that would disqualify them). 5 and 6 are a little too grown-up looking, IMO.

    My votes are for 1,2,3,8,9 had to throw at least one in there for any boy dolls. ๐Ÿ™‚

  95. liz frazier Avatar

    lovely fabric choices! you certainly have a good eye. i’m not crazy about the flowers (6) or owls (10)…i love the rest though. the flowers appear to be a little on the large size and i’m afraid that would overwhelm the dolls. good luck narrowing it down!

  96. nathalie Avatar

    ohhh what a pretty selection! i really like 1,2, and 4. Then 3 and 5!! You will like to work with less options on the dolls, but still have the different clothing available for purchase. i can’t wait to see the new site!

  97. Christine Avatar

    Holy cow, that’s a lot of comments! Well, I like them all except numbers 6 (granny curtainfabric) and 8 (mushrooms too small). And perhaps the owls because of what you mentioned (mean looking) although I still like the colors.


  98. Jesse & Juana Avatar

    OK… 2, 9, and 10 for sure…the colors and images are timeless and stimulating. Good for kids and their parents! Plus, placement on these makes each piece of clothing a little different (with what appears to be a bit larger pattern and a good bit of variation, compared to the others)i probably would also go with 7 because i’ve come to love that print on your other dolls…seems SO bamboletta to me (Again, a bit larger print, perhaps). Last, 4. it’s more fun than the other mushroom print (talking mostly color, here)…and you seem to have a thing with the mushrooms ;).

    Thanks, for another give-away! Juana

  99. Hilary Avatar

    I actually like the owls. I think they are all really cute except #6…not crazy about it…not sure why because I love flowers….

    Thanks for a give away!

  100. Kay Avatar

    great fabrics and lovely images…my vote is NO on 6 and 9 (although birds are quite lovely). only reason being is i feel the prints are too large for the dolls. i’m sensitive about these things as i am petite. for instance, i’m fan of the marimekko prints but i have to be careful, as when clothes get cut to my size, it sometimes looks like someone thew a few pain soaked sponge balls at me or there is one large flower on my lap or something…just my 2 cents!

  101. Christine Avatar

    Christina –

    I had a tough time deciding (can’t imagine the challenge you face). But, I asked my trusty assistants (ages 4 1/2 and 2 1/2), what they thought and here’s our “two-cents” worth:

    1 hedgehogs
    2 forest fabric
    3 fairies
    9 birds on branches
    10 crazy owls

    The toadstools (#4) were a close one.

    Good luck! Hope to visit your store soon – our fairies need more clothes

    Christine, Nora & Clare

  102. Aubrey Avatar

    I like 1, 2, 3, 4, and 7 (and I kind of like the owls, too – or at least the idea of the owls!)

    My other two cents, as a mother of three and a proud Bamboletta owner, is that it is REALLY great that you (and Constance) have fabrics for the dolls that can be found on Etsy for kids’ clothes. My daughter loves when she matches her dolls and I love that Constance’s shop sells matching outfits. It is nice that one could find (if they wanted) dresses/shirts/etc. for kids that wanted to match their Bambolettas. (am I the only crazy parent who seeks those kinds of things out for their kiddies??)

    Best of luck with your fabric choices!! =)

  103. Rachel Avatar

    I’d choose fabrics 1-5. Fabric 5 is gender neutral. The fairies are delightful. The toadstools are mod/fun. 1-2 are the best overall. I don’t like the flowers or the toadstools in the second to last row.

  104. Gillian aka Silly Gilly Avatar

    Fabric 4 and 5 – very cute and small enough scale for clothing
    Fabric 6 because it’s so bright and happy!

  105. Jill K Avatar
    Jill K

    I am SOOOOOOOOOO in love with number 10! Seriously, do you think a cute flippy skirt would be too much in that fabric for a grown woman? Hmmmm? I think I could happly smother myself in that fabric for the rest of my days and die a happy girl. I love the colors, the expressions, everything.
    The other four would have to be, in order of preference, #’s 2,5,9 and 1. Cute colors all and very suitable for whimsical little clothes.
    Not a huge fan of the mermaids and I’m usually a mermaid girl.
    Good choices no matter which you choose but don’t give up on #10!

  106. Vanessa Avatar

    My favourite is #1 Hedgehogs. I don’t know, there is something really cute and child-like about them. I see the fabric as a dress or a nightie.


  107. Chantel Hockstein Avatar
    Chantel Hockstein

    My favourite is #2.

    It is a beautiful imaginative print!

  108. Leah Avatar

    I actually really dig the crazy owls and the birds. I also love the mermaid fabric and the folklore fabric- soooo much more awesome in person ๐Ÿ™‚

  109. Jen N. Avatar

    Okay, here goes….I think #2 isn’t very “kiddish”. The colors are kind-of plain. And, though I love number 6, it seems like the pattern might be too big to get much of a feel for it on something as small as a dolls dress. I don’t really like #7. Just a little too un-bright.
    I really like all of the rest. My all time favorites would have to be the mushrooms and also the owls. I don’t see the mean ones. I love that print!! Just my $ .02!!

  110. erika~ inspired mama musings Avatar

    oh my, they are all fabulous! i LoVe 1 & 2. and #9 is wonderful too… love the birdies!!

    okay my favorite… #1. the hedgies are too cute!! ๐Ÿ™‚

  111. Jennie Nash Avatar
    Jennie Nash

    Love #1 and 2,5,7 and 9. Love fabric. So beautiful! My favorite right now is #9. The hedge hogs are super cute too.


  112. Julie Avatar

    Oh my goodnes what a wonderful collection of fabric, I love them all. My absolute favourite of all has to be no.10, those owls are really cool, I could stare at this fabric for ages. Not sure if you will actually get to my comment as I think I am 110!!!!! but I just wanted to say thanks for some great inspiration doll wise, I have recently made my very first doll and was totally inspired by your wonderful work. Thanks al lot… X

  113. Zsรณfimamรกja Avatar

    They’re all beautiful fabrics. It’s hard work to choose..

    My favorites are: 2,3,7,and 10.

  114. Melissa V. Avatar
    Melissa V.

    I love number 9…I am picturing a little pink sweater with those colors. I also like number 6, it looks like summer, bright and what a cute little dress it would make. I love fabric; I collect it knowing one day a project will come up where it will be perfect. Lovely patterns and colors you have picked!!

  115. Karen Avatar

    I have just found your blog and I love it. My favorites of the fabric are 3 (just love the fairies) and 9 (I love the colours). I’m not fond of 7 or 10 – although I love mermaids I find these ones to be a little scary – and as you’ve said the owls are a little frightening. Thanks for the great contest.

  116. Alison Avatar

    They’re all beautiful fabrics, so hard to choose the best one.
    I love number 1, for some reason my 5 year old has a real thing about hedgehogs and ladybirds. I love the colours in number 9 and I love 10 but if like you say the owls are scary I think best steer clear.
    So the five I’d choose are 1, 9, 2, 3 and 4.
    Dotty – my 5 year old – would choose 1, 3, 4, 8 and 9!

  117. Angela Avatar

    Definitely 1&2. Have a crazy thing for hedgehogs lately ๐Ÿ˜‰
    Beautiful fabric for beautiful dolls!

  118. Rachel Avatar

    In addition to 1 & 2, I like the toadstools,walking birds, & birds on branches. Very cute fabric cute!!

  119. Donna E Avatar
    Donna E

    I really like 1,2,3,7 and 9! Those are my faves,faires(3) and birds(9)being my total faves! So sweet!

  120. jill scripps Avatar

    my top 5:


    off to check out that fabric site now!!

  121. Teddi Avatar

    I love love love the toadstools. And of the three that you said are very close, I like the fairies best. The comment made about being little and looking at things for a long time pushed me over the top for the fairies. I’d love to win some fabric, too!

  122. Liz Avatar

    My very favorites are 1 and 7 (I’m partial to sea creatures, especially octopi). I also really like 2,3,8,9 and 10.

  123. Leann Avatar

    These fabrics are all great. I like all of them, but 5 and 6 are my least favorite. I especially like 1,2 and 3. While studying the owls, I found it hard to look at and stopped because I did not want to get a headache. But that may be just me.

  124. kiko Avatar

    I love 1, 2 & 10
    and I don’t care much for 6
    Other than that, the ones I didn’t mention are still cute, but 1, 2 & 10 seem to say ” made especially for bamboletta”
    Oh I really hope you pick me!

  125. Catherine Avatar

    I love 1, 3, 4, 5 & 7.

  126. Denelle Avatar

    #1 & #2, most definitely.

    Remember, you don’t want to seem too “girly” (ie mermaids) — I am a big encourager of my boy (and boys in general) playing with dolls. One way to encourage good papas is to have our boys nuture dolls! (my boy still plays with his doll, just not in front of the “guys” now that he is almost 6, which is almost grown up, you know mama).

  127. Cynthia Avatar

    #3 is my favorite =)

  128. Emma Avatar

    My faves are #2 and #10

  129. Cheryl A Avatar

    5 and 7 are my gaves, only because I bought some fabric from the same lines over the weekend! And where did you get 10? I’ve been looking ofr some cute owl fabric.

  130. MaryLucy Avatar

    #9 is my favorite, if the size of the birds is right for the dolls.

    My other votes are #1,2,3, and 10, unless the owls really are scary.

  131. Nicole Avatar

    Oh, I love them all! Definitely 1 & 2, *love* 4, toadstools! 7, and 9 O.k. did I just list all of them!? ; )

  132. Natalie Avatar

    I actually love #5 because of its simplicity!

  133. Anne Avatar

    I love 1, 2, 5, 9, and 10. I have a softspot for owls. And hedgehogs. ๐Ÿ™‚

  134. Julie Avatar

    I absolutely love fabric choices 1, 2 & 3. You used #3 for my daughter’s doll, and we love it!

  135. Colleen Avatar

    That’s a great idea to streamline things a bit…

    i may be revealing a bias because Honnie’s doll arrived dressed with kimono in pattern #5 – but i truly do love those little birds. It seems to me to be the brightest fabric of the 10, all the others appear to be muted tones and so, for that reason alone, #5 should be included as the option for people who like things on the brighter side.(of course if the colour thing is all just my monitor then #5 shd still prevail for it’s cute factor!)

    I really like #1 and #2 – a wee one cd make up all sorts of stories falling asleep looking at either of those lovely fabrics. I like #9 but wonder if the pattern is too large for the smaller clothes…are there enough repeats? you wd know

    I find #3 to be too busy tho i like fairies.

    If i had to choose between toadstools or mushrooms i’d go with #4. I like the more obvious print and i prefer the colours.

    I really don’t care for the mermaids or the big floral. At first glance i liked #10 but i didn’t even realise it was owls initially…if people think they are scary looking up close then maybe not a good choice!

    So, i think that makes it in order of preference 5, 2, 1, 9 and 4.

    Thanks for asking for our input. Best for 2009.

    p.s When i polled the wee one she claimed to like them all!

  136. Monique Avatar

    Hey Christina!

    I like 2, 3 and 5. Hope all is well with you and the family!

  137. Kate Avatar

    I think 5 walking birds and 10- love the crazy owls.


  138. Theresa Avatar

    My favorites are 1,2,8 and 9. We love Japanese import fabrics! I have half a walk-in closet full that needs to be sewn into something…would you ever consider putting up patterns (doll clothing/accessories) for sale on Etsy? I am not so good at the designing part. ๐Ÿ™‚

  139. Corine Avatar

    My favourites in order of ‘favourites’
    -#10 owls!
    -#2 Forest fabric
    -#8 Mushrooms
    -#1 hedgehogs
    -#9 birds
    They are all great fabrics, but the ‘crazy owls’ win in my books!

  140. Annemarie Avatar

    3$4 are my absolute faves, 7&8 come next, so not keen on 5&6.

  141. Cheryl Avatar

    I like #’s 2, 5, and 10. I don’t think the owls are scary… I think sometimes it is fun for kids to have a complicated fabric to look at.

    I am not crazy about #s 3 and 7. Not sure why…

  142. Lisa Avatar

    I’m voting for #1, 2, 5, 7 and 10. Good luck with your decision! You have lots of great input with all these comments.

  143. Reiza Avatar

    I’m not a fan of the crazy owls. I don’t like 5,6,7 or 8 either.

    I love 1 & 2 and I really like 4 and 9. I’m not sure about 3. I like it, but I just don’t know how it will work.

  144. kristen Avatar

    1, 2 and 7 are my favorites!

  145. Tasha Avatar

    Great fabrics!! My faves are: 2,3,4,7,9. The patterns on 5 and 6 are too distracting. 1 and 8 are a tad too muted for my taste, and I’d love a shirt made out of 10…even with the mean owls!

  146. Sigrid Avatar

    My favories are 1, 2, 3, 5 and 10.

    While I love mermaid-themed stuff in general, I am only lukewarm on the mermaid fabric. ๐Ÿ™‚

  147. mare Avatar

    number 2 & 10 are my favourites….
    i loved playing in the forest as a child, still do and i love owls and the colours are amazing.
    good choices, so hard to choose.
    Good Luck!

  148. Dayna Avatar

    Hi Christina! oooooooooooooooh, so exciting to get to help choose pretty fabrics. I’m a fabric-o-holic. I, however, couldn’t choose my favourite (perhaps a symptom of the addiction, lol) so my 2 year old Abbie (momma to the plum fairy) was more than happy to help me out.

    Abbie’s favourites were:

    #2 – forest – she IMMEDIATELY was looking through the pattern, picking out words she knows… pointing out “trees” “birdie – buck buck (all birds make chicken sounds you know! heehee)” “mushroom (her favourite)” and “flowers!”

    #3 – Fairies – she kept staring at all the flowers, and saying “flowers! pink!”

    #8 – mushrooms – Abbie got really excited and said
    “WOW!” and “pretty!” and was pointing out that they are mushrooms (like I said, they’re a favourite food for her – with hummus of course).

    So, straight from a child’s mouth for ya. ๐Ÿ˜‰

    And me – I love them all except 6. I don’t know if it’s just the way the colour looks online, but wow that reminds me of my great grandmother’s bathroom wallpaper. But kinda like the wallpaper on drugs (with just how bright that yellow is in there). Like I said, probably just the way it looks on the computer screen…

    Hope you figure out what your favourites are!

  149. Lisa B Avatar
    Lisa B

    I like the mermaids.

  150. marcie c. Avatar
    marcie c.

    I love #2 and really like the toadstools…the owls are sweet, actually…I don’t think they are scary. Children do not see “scary” like adults tend to. The colors are nice and the print is fun. But, I do love the birds on a branch! Tough decision, they are all beautiful. Thanks for yet another ‘give-away’ opportunity. Good luck.

  151. Ashley Avatar

    My votes are for 1, 2, 5, 7, & 9 with #5 being my favorite! Good luck!

  152. Elisa D Avatar
    Elisa D

    I may be in the minority but I really love those crazy owls!!I know my daughter always loves to make up little stories about everything she sees, and this would just add one more dimension to it all. Not such big fan of #5 with the walking birds, its sooo busy. Loving the bigger birds of #9 though. oh to get to be so choosy!! What fun!

  153. PDXMom Avatar

    Oh, I love # 9!!!!!!! I have ideas of what I can make for my girls with that!

  154. Jesca Avatar

    Nice article on family.


    Article on “Educating Girls and Women” Mother is First Educator ; ) Powerful Mothering wyzdom gained through your dolls.


    If you have time/interest…you’ll have to cut and paste the links. Also my husband and I have been hosting a radio show called Kore Issues on our lokal community based radio station KOPN 89.5 http://www.kopn.org for 8 years now. YOu can tune in live 5pm CST OR listen to podcast/ archive of topik of interest to you if u wanna.


    p.s. Say; my daughter Klaye will be 2 on March 4th…I send my order for her doll awhile back from you…but am wondering which size doll you would recommend for her…she is “advanced” for her age in my opinion…I suppose I may be biased though ; ) …but many others agree…plus I’m a teacher and have spend a lot of time with young ones (I sound like I think I’m hot stuff huh LOL ) … any thoughts?

    Thanks~ ๐Ÿ™‚

  155. Ravinder Tulsiani - Mentor, Ravinder Tulsiani - Trainer, Ravinder Tulsiani - Coach, Ravinder Tulsiani - Corporate Trainer, Ravinder Tulsiani - Author Avatar

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