Exactly One Year Ago …


The front of our little shipping room – so wee and cute!

One year ago I got the keys to our studio. The following few weeks were busy with us painting and cleaning and setting up shop – it was all very exciting. This past year has seen a lot of growth for us, Thamar joined me full time, I hired on Jessica and Nicole and a few new sewing mama’s joined the team. I guess if it was a ‘normal’ business this wouldn’t have been too much growth – I imagine there would be the big influx of cash from some investment and then you’d go all out, maybe? Anyhow, I’m growing steady and it’s more like the growth comes to me – I meet the right person to work with, talk to someone who knows someone who can sew – that’s how it sort of rolls for me. So this next step for us is exactly perfect .. we are adding an extra room to the studio at just the right time.

It was all quite serendipitous. One day while in the shop we were all in at the same time (6 of us), shipping boxes everywhere, dollies everywhere – it was madness! The studio is really quite small but I remember when I moved in that I thought there was NO way I could fill it. Ha. Then I happened to mention to the gal directly behind me that I needed space and one thing led to another and now I have an extra spot adjacent to us  that will become our shipping/ dressing area. I’m so excited! LOTS of work do be done but dang that space has good bones and I have a cute little frontage – eep!

Here are my plans on the doll front, my goals for the next few months. We are now at 25 ladies (and John) creating the dolls, knitting the sweaters, making clothes .. and rolling the heads (thanks John!). I can’t believe that – 25 people – that just blows my mind. So I’m aiming for 50 – 15″ dolls (and there are more boys coming – should start seeing more in about 3 weeks) and about 10 – 15 LB’s at least per week (with more to come) and then the usual Blanket Dollies and the Snuggle Dollies. I’m also trying to make jointed dolls (babies and bigger dolls) a regular thing but this will take some time to put into place.

Nice to have chatted! I have to do this more often!

PS – I know a lot of you share the same music taste as me. I am all over ‘Washed Out’ – gah – so dreamy – it’s been on repeat at the shop the past week with the new Fleet Foxes and Bon Iver ..






32 responses to “Exactly One Year Ago …”

  1. Jenn Hayley Melanie Avatar
    Jenn Hayley Melanie

    Fantastic news especially about the 10-15 LBs per upload :).

  2. Bamboletta Helper Avatar
    Bamboletta Helper

    I know this spot and love it

  3. Monica Avatar

    How stinkin’ exciting Christina! Gosh…I just love watching you grow. To think, when I got our babies…they were simply available. You’ve touched so many hearts! ♥

  4. Denise Avatar

    Oh love the new Fleet Fixes and Bon Iver CD’s!! Enjoy the music while you work and congrats on all your success and growth!! 🙂

  5. Michelle Avatar

    How exciting!!! Love your new spot!! More Little buddies is great news too!!!

  6. Nancy K Avatar
    Nancy K

    More LBs…. interessssting! Thx for the music reccs… always searching out new stuff 🙂

  7. Rebecca jennison Avatar
    Rebecca jennison

    Congratulations Christina on the growth…….yours a a company that has become very dear to our families heart. It is great to hear of your success!

  8. Tara A Avatar
    Tara A

    What a perfectly beautiful spot, so nice to have more room and such a sweet front. and yay new music- Bon Iver and Fleet Foxes have been on repeat in my car all month 🙂

  9. Rebecca G-M Avatar

    Wow! Congratulations to you and the Bamboletta team! What an amazing business model. Your hard work and kindness is beyond amazing. It is wonderful to see success in such a unique and special team. I am so excited for you!

  10. Mary Rodin Avatar
    Mary Rodin

    50 15″ and 10-15 LBs?! OMGosh…I have died and gone to Bambo HEAVEN!!!

  11. Lauren Elliott Avatar
    Lauren Elliott

    Totally not doll related but I cannot get enough of the new Bon Iver – love it!

  12. Ingrid Avatar

    Awesome spot. You know Bon Iver is coming to the Orpheum Sept 25th, right? Should I get you gals some tix? their whole ‘For Emma’ was our 10 year anniversary anthem 🙂

  13. Lisa Avatar

    How awesome is that!! Growing business for a lady w/a BIG heart…you and ur team make it special. Thank you for always sharing your talent w/us and giving so much to total strangers…most of all thank you for making my daughter ‘smile’…she loves her doll. You are one of a kind <3

  14. Rema Bell Avatar
    Rema Bell

    Christina I love your little story, and how exciting for you that u have the opportunity to expand even more!! Only a soul as charming and warm as yours could ever hope for such splendid success!! I have every faith you only continue to grow and share all that bambo love more and more with every passing year! ♥♥♥

  15. Nicole Romeo Avatar
    Nicole Romeo

    Love it!!! So awsome and glad to hear that Bambo is catching on everywhere!!!

  16. Jenna Avatar

    wohoo way to grow bamboletta! Your all very special and talented xoxox

  17. Melinda Avatar

    How exciting! I love to see how you have grown as a business over the past 12 months.

  18. Melissa Avatar

    Ooh, I was secretly hoping for some new music recommendations from you! You should make this a regular feature! And congrats on another successful year!

  19. Carrie Avatar

    I can’t believe it’s been a year already since you moved! You are amazing! <3

  20. Dara Avatar

    Great job! Your shop is adorable!

  21. Jenny Hay Avatar
    Jenny Hay

    It all sounds exciting Christina – congratulations!

  22. Fabs Avatar

    How exciting for you all, to see your company move to this new level! I strongly believe that when we have a clear idea about what we want to accomplish, and you work hard, things “just happen into place”. Congratulations on finding so many people you enjoy working with, and finding the right spot to expand!

  23. Michelle Avatar

    It’s a Bamboletta birthing center! Congrats on the expansion. Still waiting for mine, but love trying anytime I can make an upload!

  24. Dianne Avatar

    LOve the front on your new little “sweet” shipping area………love the growth too, congrats to you for the hard work & to all the girls, & of course John……..

    I might yet still get a girl !!! 🙂 , all so exciting for you all plus us the buyers………. Thank you all !

  25. Jes Avatar

    I always know that I am moving in the right direction when everything seems to fall into place. I am sure you know what I am talking about. I cannot wait to see how all of this expansion turns out.

  26. Heather Avatar

    Thank-you for sharing your goals with us Christina! Best of luck to you and everyone else on the Bamboletta team.

  27. Claire Avatar

    Oh, so excited to hear about your plans! Especially that there will be more boys coming soon!

  28. cheryl Avatar

    Wonderful, I am so very happy for you guys, Enjoy the new space…You could fill it with chocolate 🙂

  29. Tina Avatar

    SO happy for your success!!!! And what a perfect location to bring these little gals full circle! It just seems so perfect 🙂 Happy, happy day!!

  30. Jenifer Avatar

    It’s such a cute place….
    It’s sort of dreamy.

  31. Jennifer W Avatar
    Jennifer W

    How wonderful it must be to have a new shipping and clothing space!! I could not be more excited about the growth of dolls offered per upload and especially the 10-15 LB’s each week!!!!! I can hardly wait to continue to support Team Bamboletta during these exciting times!!

  32. Karyn Avatar

    More boys!! Yay! Huge fan of the Fleet Foxes too. 🙂

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