Most of this post is for us who do our own dyeing, I don’t think it will be that interesting for everyone basically it’s for Berrie and me! Look at this shop, it’s Maiwa on Granville Island. Everything you could imagine for dyeing, natural fibres to dye and books galore. I basically have the same route that I take each time I go into Vancouver and it usually starts here, then to Terra Breads for their amazing Apple Rosemary Bread delightful-ness which is located at the Granville Island market.
So, on the dolls, I’m working right now on a few dolls for Natural Pod. These two gals should be up in the next day and I’ll have two more up on there by weeks end. I’m also sending a few down to Robert , including LADY gnomes – OMG, so fun to make, and some other dolls to take to the Country Living Fair in Columbus, Ohio. Then I’ve got a sweet bunch of dolls to finish up for my window display at Birkeland Bros. coming up. I picked up my doll ‘props’ on Friday from Constances partner Mike, who is an amazing carpenter. He built me a table and 2 chairs and a swing that hangs from a branch. I will take pictures, I meant to today but my battery died. I am finishing up a bunch of custom orders as well. Phew, busy!
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