Doll Giveaway … Chloe


I am constantly amazed at the generostity and kindness of my customers. Today I asked if any crafty moms would like to donate their wares to an auction I am organizing to benefit the MS Society – within a few short hours I had over FORTY people donating doll clothing, sweaters, furniture – amazing! So to continue this good feeling I’ve decided it was time for another doll giveaway! Stay tuned to the blog regarding details and developments for our MS Auction doll(s)- it’s going to be sa-weet! And, if anyone knows how to do a raffle online legally I’d love some input – for now I’m going to do an auction through the MS Society but I’d love to do a raffle!

So – to enter to WIN Chloe just leave a comment at the end of this blog post! One entry per person and anyone can enter – from anywhere! Shipping is included. Winner will be chosen via random number generator and contest will close on Wednesday April 21st at 8pm. Good Luck everyone!






853 responses to “Doll Giveaway … Chloe”

  1. Genesis Avatar

    She is just the yummiest little springtime dolly. ๐Ÿ™‚

  2. Kerry Harris Avatar
    Kerry Harris

    What a sweetie! You AND her, I mean! ๐Ÿ™‚

  3. Amy Langston Avatar
    Amy Langston

    Awwww…Chloe is precious! Again, Thank you for organizing a benefit for MS. My Dad was diagnosed with MS 10 years ago. ((Hugs)) ๐Ÿ™‚

  4. Mandy Moore Avatar

    Oh I’ve been admiring your dolls for such a long time. We’d LOVE to have Chloe in our home to love on! Beautiful work!!!

  5. Delphina Avatar

    She is absolutely beautiful. I am so happy with the response you got. MS is a horrible disease.

  6. Kari Moroz Avatar

    LOVE this baby! thanks for being so generous!

  7. Tracy Avatar

    So adorable, they all are really! Chloe is one of my daughters big girl friends, she would get a kick out of having a doll with the same name.

  8. Shannon Avatar

    Oh fingers crossed. I know a certain girl turning 4 next month who would LOVE her.

  9. Kris Richardson Avatar
    Kris Richardson

    What a cute doll with a cute name! Thank you!

  10. Huyen Avatar

    Would love to get Chloe for my dtr. TY.

  11. Jennifer Martinez Avatar
    Jennifer Martinez

    How precious! Avery has decided she needs one!!

  12. Jeanne Avatar

    She is adorable, we would love to adopt her.

  13. leah Avatar

    fingers crossed for this one – such a cutie!!!!

  14. Rachel Avatar

    Oh my – how generous! She’s a cutie!

  15. Michelle Avatar

    We’d love her!

    So nice to hear about all the generosity! ๐Ÿ™‚

  16. Betsy Dalton Avatar
    Betsy Dalton

    So generous! What a cutie!!!

  17. cherie nixon Avatar
    cherie nixon

    oh, she is so sweet and her eyes are filled with love and kindness.
    She would be perfect for my little heidi, who is a very generous little girl.
    so no poem this time from me just the honest truth

    thank you so much again for your generousness

  18. Kim Avatar

    What a cutie!! So nice of you to offer her up. ๐Ÿ™‚

  19. Sarah Avatar

    She is so cute, and it is so nice of everyone to offer up donations for the MS society

  20. Linda R Snyder Avatar
    Linda R Snyder

    She is such a sweetie, so very pretty. She reminds me of my younger daughterl. Thank you for such a nice giveaway. I love blog contests.

  21. Jodi Haselden Avatar
    Jodi Haselden

    We would love to give Chloe a new home!

  22. joy Avatar

    adorable! u give so much to others, it is bound to come back to u!!

  23. Nikki Rattray Avatar

    Love your dolls as always! Hope we win so our Ally Bambo doll can have a play mate!

  24. Aly Kantor Avatar
    Aly Kantor

    You’re phenomenal! Thank you for the opportunity!

  25. Dorothy Avatar

    I’m going to try my luck again. What a cutie!

  26. Dominique Avatar

    She is just adorable! Would LOVE to win her! ๐Ÿ™‚ I think it is just amazing that you are so kind to have these giveaways! ๐Ÿ™‚

  27. Austin Avatar

    Wow, she is a sweetie!!

  28. Tiffany U. Avatar
    Tiffany U.

    We’d love her here! She looks just like my girlies!

    I had wanted to offer stuff for the fundraiser doll, but we’re battling SERIOUS allergies over here…maybe next time! ๐Ÿ™‚

  29. Beth Avatar

    what a cutie! this would save my daugther from having to sell her ag doll to get a bambo ๐Ÿ™‚

  30. Candy Avatar

    lovely as usual.

  31. Ilene Avatar

    My daughter would LOVE her! I have yet to win one … and she is adorable! This is so generous of you ๐Ÿ™‚

  32. Joann E Avatar
    Joann E

    Chloe we would love to have you ๐Ÿ™‚

  33. Carla Avatar

    What a precious doll!!!!! I dont know how you can part with any of your dolls you make <3

  34. Marie P. Avatar
    Marie P.

    I’d love to win this for my granddaughters.

  35. Andi Avatar

    She is beautiful…as always!!

  36. Marie P. Avatar
    Marie P.

    I’m trying to win for my granddaughters.

  37. Allison Avatar

    If I ever had another girl, she would be Chloe…always have loved this name. And this doll is too cute too! You are SOO sweet Christina!!

  38. Bridgette Avatar

    oh my goodness! So cute and so sweet of you!

  39. Kelli W-S Avatar
    Kelli W-S

    Wow! Thanks for your generosity! Would love to have Chloe at our house.

  40. Paule Avatar

    What a generous thing to do! And such a beautiful doll!

  41. Brad HP Avatar
    Brad HP

    Thanks for the giveaway. Cute doll.

  42. Ona Avatar

    So cute! I can’t even stand it. LOVE HER!!! And you are amazing, as usual.

  43. Marah Mason Avatar

    How wonderfully generous of you, and thank you for helping out such a great cause. The doll is adorable!

  44. Greg Avatar

    Perfect for my wife. I mean, my daughter.

  45. Alicia Avatar

    OMGoodness! She is so cute! It’s so sweet of you to do this giveaway, I hope the auction goes well! ๐Ÿ™‚

  46. Lisa M Avatar

    I am always amazed at others generosity… love to pay it forward!

  47. Jamie Hicks Avatar
    Jamie Hicks

    Adorable!!!! So generous of you Christina!

  48. Shelly Avatar

    You have such a special gift, Christina … thank you!

  49. Meredith Klobucnik Avatar
    Meredith Klobucnik

    Wow this would have to be just as good as winning the lotto if I won her <3

    Chloe was always a name in the running when I was naming my kids and since I am not having any more I sure would love to adopt a doll with that name.

  50. Ana Ramos Avatar
    Ana Ramos

    Gorgeous as always! Chloe is a cutie. Would love to have her home with us. Thanks for all the people who gave for the MS Society. I am sure the auction will be extra special.

  51. emily Avatar

    you have such a wonderful heart, christina! love her!

  52. Shelley Avatar

    She is so cute! My mom has primary progressive MS (diagnosed 18 yrs ago) so I’m so grateful for your generosity.

  53. Carrie Burnett Avatar
    Carrie Burnett

    She’s adorable!! thanks so much for the chance, very generous of you!

  54. Amanda Avatar

    Another beautiful girl! Adore her!!

  55. genevieve Avatar

    …dew drops & apples…twinkly eyes and rosy cheeks…my two tiny daughters would be besotted!

  56. Danielle Avatar

    She is cute as a button, adorable!!! You are so talented! I don’t know where you find the time to get all this done, my mind would be scrambled eggs!!!

  57. Angelika Avatar

    Wow, what a super sweet and generous thing to do Christina! We would be honored to give Chloe a good home.

  58. Pamela Avatar

    Thank you for your generosity!

  59. Alysha Avatar

    Oh what a generous thing to do Christina. She is gorgeous and we would be soooo happy if she came to lve at our house xx

  60. Emanuel Avatar

    She is a cute one!

  61. Ana Avatar

    We would LOVE her!

  62. Erika Avatar

    Christina, your generous heart and talent amazes me. Thank you so much for having a giveaway. I’d love for Chloe to come live here.

  63. Jennifer Avatar

    So sweet of you Christina, you’re awesome!!!

  64. Sandra Avatar

    So beautiful! it is very generous to you. thanks!

  65. Paige Hill Avatar

    She is darling! My little Emma Jayne would love her:)

  66. shanda Avatar

    She is wonderful Christina and so are you for doing this!!!!

  67. Emanuel Avatar

    She’s a cute one!

  68. deborah Avatar

    thank you for being such a generous, whimsical soul. you add such beauty to the world.

    thanks for the chance to win, also. ๐Ÿ™‚

  69. Donna Avatar

    Oh fun! What a sweet thing to do!

  70. jennJK Avatar

    Chloe is adorable! Thank you for being so generous!! ๐Ÿ™‚

  71. Lisa Macri Avatar
    Lisa Macri

    So awesome that you’re giving back to the Bambo nation with this giveaway. Chloe is a love and I am sure my 2 little lasses would be psyched to be her Mamas if, by chance, she comes to live with us. Thanks!

  72. Lisa Avatar

    How awesome of you!!! She is sweet!!!

  73. Joleen Avatar

    yet another lovely you all have created! congrats on the auction developments!

  74. katie v Avatar

    I would be so incredibly over joyed if I ever won one of your creations! I so badly want my daughter (and my son, too) to have one I just can’t fathom ever being able to get them one.

  75. Lynn Avatar

    Oh, sweet

  76. Heather Avatar

    She is beautiful, and you are so sweet to give a doll away. Now if only I could be so lucky..XXXXX(crossing fingers and toes)

  77. Ethan U Avatar
    Ethan U

    My girls would enjoy her.

    Please enter me.

  78. Whitney Avatar

    She’s an absolute beauty. Thanks so much Christina. Your generosity is so heartwarming. โ™ฅ

  79. Heather Avatar

    Yay! Bless you and all the kind people who have stepped up! I don’t even care if I win the dolly for my little one, I loved reading about everyone’s generosity today. Totally made my day!

  80. Jen Avatar

    What a darling doll! Thank you ๐Ÿ™‚

  81. Linda Avatar

    Great fund raising idea. Love to have this little one.

  82. Stephanie Avatar

    Ohhh shes gorgeous!! Would love to give her a new home! Would be our 1st doll!!!! Crossing fingers!

  83. Claudia Avatar

    Thanks for choosing such a great cause and for being so generous! And Chloe is just too cute, as always!!! ๐Ÿ™‚

  84. Kathy Hennessy Avatar
    Kathy Hennessy

    What a wonderful gift! Thank you.

  85. Sharon T Avatar
    Sharon T

    My grandaughters pour over the pictures of your sweet dollies! We would love to win her!

  86. Elizabeth Avatar

    would love to be the lucky ones who get to adopt this little girl into our family!

  87. Agnes Avatar

    You are AMAZING! Your generosity is infectious.

  88. Meghan Schmidt Avatar
    Meghan Schmidt

    OH Oh OHoHoH!!!! would love to win a bambo for my baby, due in two days!!!!
    thank you!!

  89. Andrea Avatar

    I love primitive type dolls! How beautiful! Please enter my daughter!

  90. Mari Villarreal Avatar
    Mari Villarreal

    OMG Christina!!

    I feel like I have already won, just being able to participate

    She is gorgeous… ๐Ÿ™‚

  91. Shana Avatar

    Grateful for this opportunity, she is beautiful!

  92. Casey Avatar

    Would love to win sweet Chloe. What a sweet, wonderful thing to do, Christina!!

  93. Kimber Avatar

    She is too cute! We’d love a Chloe for our Chloe. ๐Ÿ™‚

  94. John Rous Avatar
    John Rous

    my partner is in love with these dolls, and well they are very beautiful! we are expecting our first anytime now and would like a chance to win!
    thanks so much ๐Ÿ˜€

  95. Lena Avatar

    we would be delighted to give Chloe a wonderful loving home in Sydney Australia ๐Ÿ™‚ Thanks for the opportunity and such amazing generosity ๐Ÿ™‚

  96. Lauren Avatar

    How generous! What a pretty dolly! Perfect for my little one.

  97. Candice Avatar

    Awesome way to help MS and a cutie too ๐Ÿ™‚ Hoping…

  98. Lillian Avatar

    She’s darling – so excited to enter!

  99. Bill Avatar

    A Giveaway? Great!

  100. Alejandro Avatar

    This doll is wonderful! It would be great to win a doll for my daughter for such a good cause.

  101. melissa jones Avatar
    melissa jones

    Chloe is perfect!

  102. Caprice Avatar

    Thanks for this chance to win! She is beautiful!

  103. Jamie Robinson Avatar
    Jamie Robinson

    Thank you for organizing a benefit for MS. My co-worker had to quit his job due to the stress causing his MS to flare up.

  104. Amy H Avatar
    Amy H

    So cute!

  105. Brynn Avatar

    Beautiful doll made by those with truly beautiful hearts. – Brynn

  106. Shannon Avatar

    My dear friend just had an MS scare, and her daughter’s name is Cloey.

  107. SueAnn Avatar

    What a generous thing for you ALL to do. I love the babies everyone of them. Keeping our finger crossed here in Richmond

  108. Kelly Grande Avatar
    Kelly Grande

    What a beautiful doll, and what a great cause! We’d love to share Chloe with our little girl.

  109. carlin Avatar

    Wow! Your generosity is amazing as always! I’d love to give my little one a doll with such good karma!

  110. Milagros Avatar

    How absolutely adorable Is she! The generosity of strangers is also incredible!

  111. Louisa Avatar

    What a sweet doll!

  112. Jen Avatar

    So beautiful! We would LOVE her!

  113. Tonya Avatar

    So lovely and sweet! Thanks for opportunity!

  114. Sky Avatar

    Another generous offering! Thank you!

  115. genia Avatar

    So generous for everyone to come together like that….and for a great cause:-)

  116. betsy Avatar

    well… it can’t hurt to try!

  117. Karen W. Avatar
    Karen W.

    Oh, what fun!!

  118. Jill Johnson Avatar
    Jill Johnson

    What a cutie! How very generous of you.

  119. Cassandra Avatar

    A double take on this cute little gal, I had to comment!
    You must have amazing Karma with all the generous things you do. We can all learn from that!

  120. Julie Vila Avatar
    Julie Vila

    What a doll!

  121. victoria Avatar

    given my luck latley I am not likely to win- but I wanted to say that i think this is alovely idea =)

  122. karina Avatar

    love her ๐Ÿ™‚ she looks like she would love the coast life in Australia ๐Ÿ™‚

  123. Melissa Avatar

    Oh I love her!!! this is such an awesome opportunity. ๐Ÿ™‚

  124. Jodi Huggins Avatar
    Jodi Huggins

    How cute! And for such a great cause ๐Ÿ™‚

  125. Ann Avatar

    Thanks for your generosity Christina and for helping the”Bambo Nation” be an ambassador for such worthy causes.

  126. Hillary Avatar

    Crossing my fingers… she is wonderful ๐Ÿ™‚

  127. Carmela Smythe Avatar
    Carmela Smythe

    Wow! Beautiful ๐Ÿ™‚

  128. Amy Avatar

    Thanks for all you do Christina. Chloe is just adorable.

  129. Rema-Lian Bell Avatar
    Rema-Lian Bell

    you are such an awsome woman, keep up the good work ๐Ÿ™‚ thanks for the opportunity!

  130. Erin McDonald Avatar
    Erin McDonald

    Awww she is such a cutie!! My little Sophia would LOVE her!!!

  131. Theresa Avatar

    She is a cutie!

  132. Susan Avatar

    She is a cute and darling as you are Christina. Your boys and your family must be very proud of you as you give so much of yourself in each of these dolls that you put out there. She is lovely.

  133. Julie Brandon Avatar
    Julie Brandon

    Chloe! Your clothes match the Virginia Bluebells and your hair sparkles like sunshine! Looking at you brightens the day! You would love our gardens and loving care!

  134. Melissa Avatar

    What a sun-shiny sweet girl Chloe is!

  135. Judy Avatar

    Chloe is beautiful!! Love her!

  136. Sara Avatar

    Cute as a button! Thanks Christina for your generosity :o)

  137. Olya Avatar

    You are doing an amazing job encouraging people to donate to charitable causes in one way or another ๐Ÿ™‚ And of course, someone’s little girl will get very lucky soon!

  138. Kari Avatar

    What a cutie pie!

  139. Marijke Avatar

    She is such a cutie pie. Love her!

  140. *~*Katie*~* Avatar

    MAN ALIVE!!!! She’s so cute!!! I would LOVE to bring her home to my girlies!!

  141. violet's mama Avatar
    violet’s mama

    You are so amazing Mama! I love you and all that you do for others:-)

  142. Elisa Avatar

    I would love to win Chloe for my amazing friend Jen!

  143. Ben Avatar

    What an amazingly generous thing you do each day — thanks so much!

  144. Joanna Avatar

    Love her hair!

  145. Jocelyn Avatar

    here goes nothin..

  146. Kim Avatar

    OH My little baby girl would LOOOVE her!

  147. Jena Mo Avatar
    Jena Mo

    My heart skipped a little-possible-happy-beat… the contest closes on my wee Ria’s bday!!! I view that as a nice little good luck sign that perhaps her little 3 year old self could have “one of those dolls” (her words when I’m viewing them) after all!!! ๐Ÿ™‚ So fun!!! So generous!!! ๐Ÿ˜€ thanks

  148. samantha Avatar

    What a sweet girl she is! just darling! i just returned from getting my hair done-my hairdresser was just diagnosed with MS-so sad…i feel terrible. So nice of you to donate to such a worthy cause. thank you!

  149. Darryl Avatar

    yeah my baby girl would love this doll

  150. Julie Lawrence Avatar
    Julie Lawrence

    What a wonderful give away. Thanks for the chance to win this cutie.

  151. julieann Avatar

    She is gorgeous! What an amazing gesture too!

  152. Diego Avatar

    yes please! i love her and you are amazing!

  153. Mark Avatar

    My daughters would love her! Thanks for the opportunity!

  154. Michelle Avatar

    You are amazing Christina! Yay Chloe!

  155. Elisa Avatar

    I have a chinchilla named Chloe. I would love to meet this little girl. ๐Ÿ™‚

  156. Michelle Avatar

    You continue to amaze me daily with all you do and your generosity. Looking forward to the auction and this little girl is beautiful.

  157. Amy C Avatar
    Amy C

    SO amazing of you, Christina! Chloe is gorgeous!!!

  158. Jennifer Avatar

    My daughter has said she “Has to have one of those babies”

  159. Carey Avatar

    Oh she is so precious ๐Ÿ˜€ Love her!

  160. Jennifer Avatar

    Thank you so much for the giveaway! You are so generous!
    And thank you for supporting the MS Society.

  161. Stacie Avatar

    Wow! Your dolls are amazing. I would love for m daughter to be able to have one… she loves her babies so much!! What a wonderful thing your doing for MS.

  162. Melissa Avatar

    How sweet of you to do this!! She is a cutie! It’s awesome that so many want to help!!

  163. Ingrid Avatar

    We have an aunt with MS and ride every year. If we win Chloe, we’ll bring her along for the ride.

  164. Emily Rebro Avatar
    Emily Rebro

    Chloe is adorable! Thanks!

  165. Cathy Avatar

    You are so A*M*A*Z*I*N*G Christina!

  166. Jess Avatar

    She’s BEAUTIFUL! Congrats on getting so many people to help. I’m sure it’s going to be awesome and hopefully will raise lots of money. ๐Ÿ™‚ What a wonderful cause.

  167. Maria Avatar

    OH LOVE LOVE LOVE Her!! keeping my fingers and toes crossed for this one.

  168. Anna Avatar

    She is gorgeous and you are so very generous to be giving her away. Thank you for the chance to give her a good home.

  169. Kathy Avatar

    Would love to win my baby her first Bambo!

  170. Melissa Avatar

    She is such a cutie! You are supporting a great cause in the MS Society…thank you!

  171. wendy Avatar

    wow she is so cute, looks just like my birdie

  172. Mary Rodin Avatar
    Mary Rodin

    Thanks for addressing this horrid disease. Hopefully much GOOD will come from your lead!
    And thanks so much for a wonderful contest! Chloe is ADORABLE and would make my princess…or any princess…JUMP FOR JOYYYYYYYYY!!!

  173. Jennifer Avatar

    Christina, your heart is huge! Thanks for all you do. Chloe is beautiful!

  174. Marissa Avatar

    Thanks for the giveaway! My little girl would love this one!

  175. Shannon Avatar

    How very generous you are! She is wicked cute.

  176. Wendie Avatar

    We’d love to win her for a friend’s little girl!!! She’s beautiful!

  177. Jill Avatar

    she is beautiful!

  178. Analia Avatar

    I love your dolls, so cute!! Thank you so much!!! My little 3 years old girls would love this doll!!! Cant wait!!!

  179. Chris Avatar

    we would love to have this doll!

  180. devin Avatar

    Wow! Thank you for such a generous giveaway!

  181. Anne Avatar

    Chloe is adorable. Thank you – and all the other mamas – so much for your generosity! Hoping that the MS Auction pulls in a lot for the MS society!

  182. Jennifer M Avatar
    Jennifer M

    that is so generous, christina! i would love to give chloe a home.

  183. Jenny Avatar

    She is gorgeous; I especially love her hair. We would give her a very loving home if we are lucky enough to win her!

  184. Kristin Avatar

    She is too cute!

  185. Tanya Avatar

    Oooh, she’s adorable! I hope the MS auction is a big success!!!

  186. Susan Avatar

    Very sweet doll made and given with a big Heart !

  187. elizabeth Avatar

    What a great idea. Thanks for the chance to win such a cutie.

  188. Carli Avatar

    What a wonderful thing to do! She is beautiful!

  189. Reese Avatar

    Oooohh, could I be so lucky?

  190. Erica Avatar

    What a generous gift Christina <3

  191. Serena Avatar

    oh, she is adorable! my daughter would love her up good.

  192. Katie B. Avatar
    Katie B.


  193. heidi marineau Avatar
    heidi marineau

    This is so sweet of you! Hope I win!

  194. Todd B. Avatar
    Todd B.

    What a cutie.

  195. Jason Pedherney Avatar
    Jason Pedherney

    so generous. lovely doll ๐Ÿ™‚

  196. Melissa T. Avatar
    Melissa T.

    Chloe is adorable! Thank you for organizing a fundraiser for such a worthy cause. I lost my Aunt to MS. It is a tough disease.

  197. crystal morris Avatar
    crystal morris

    bravo! she’s a beaut!

  198. Jacqueline Avatar

    Another cutie pie. Thanks for your generosity!

  199. Sarah Avatar

    she is lovely, thanks for your generosity C!

  200. Sheena Avatar

    absolutely adorable

  201. Sarah Coder Avatar
    Sarah Coder

    She is so Adorable! Love this doll! hope the fundraiser goes well!

  202. Les Avatar

    We would love for her to come live with us…….

  203. kiko Avatar

    So sweet! If I win, I am going to give her to my friend Janine who has been wanting one for a long time. I hope I win!

  204. Bunny Avatar

    I am constantly amazed at your generosity. Thank you!

  205. Alexis J Avatar

    Ohhhh she is super cute!!! Hope we can give her a special home!

  206. Lauren Avatar

    Oh, she is just darling!!! I would love to give her a loving home ๐Ÿ™‚

  207. Lesli Avatar

    OMG, I would LOVE to win this for my daughter. She is obsessed with babies and this is just beautiful!

  208. Candice H. Avatar
    Candice H.

    She’s adorable!!

  209. Allison Avatar

    Christina, your generous heart is inspiring. Chloe is gorgeous. I have two friends with MS. Thank you for all you do.

  210. Lynn M. Avatar
    Lynn M.

    What a great idea (the auction and the free doll!!!). I hope you raise tons!

  211. Lisa W Avatar
    Lisa W

    Chloe is so sweet, and you are such a generous good soul! ๐Ÿ™‚

  212. Stephanie Avatar

    She is so precious. Thank you for being so generous with your talents.

  213. Alison Avatar

    She is lovely! Oh I am so glad that so many people have stepped up! That rocks!

  214. Emma Avatar

    What an adorable girl! She’d be perfect for my blue eyed, blonde haired girls! Thanks for the chance to win her!

  215. Elaine Avatar

    What a sweetie! Christina-what a better place the world would be with people like you! God bless!

  216. Jessikah Avatar

    She is beautiful! All your dolls are just gorgeous!

  217. Corina Young Avatar
    Corina Young

    I love how generous you are! What an adorable girlie!

  218. Theresa Avatar

    So so sweet of you to do! ๐Ÿ™‚

  219. Desha Avatar

    What a sweetie. And what a great cause!!

  220. Tina Avatar

    I’m so glad you got lots of responses! And how generous of you, to start with ๐Ÿ™‚

  221. Tony Avatar

    Although I have a Chloe, my daughter would love a doll named for her!

  222. Jennifer G Avatar
    Jennifer G

    She is beautiful, hoping my entry is the lucky number.

  223. bling bling Avatar
    bling bling

    How generous!!! she is gorgy- just fabulous and we would love to give her a loving home ๐Ÿ™‚

  224. Victoria Avatar

    Hope we get lucky! ๐Ÿ™‚ My 2 little daughters would love her!

  225. Rhiann Avatar

    Oh she’s just precious!!! I SO want a blondie for my little girl who is a blondie. Someday….

  226. amanda miller Avatar
    amanda miller

    love love love her!

  227. Kelly Avatar

    Adorable, as always! Crossing my fingers for this cutie!

  228. Samantha Avatar

    Beautiful as always – filled with such love and generosity!!

  229. Joe Avatar

    Cute doll! My wife would love it if we got this doll.

  230. Abbie Avatar

    Soo sweet! you go above and beyond!

  231. Tina Glover Avatar
    Tina Glover

    What a great opportunity! such fab dolls! ๐Ÿ™‚

  232. Katie M Avatar
    Katie M

    she is adorable – love the hair!

  233. Simone W Avatar
    Simone W

    another beauty!!! I know a few little ones who would love this little playmate!!

  234. Amy Ferguson Avatar
    Amy Ferguson

    Hope would love her for a dolly, and Iris would love her for a sister! You’re so kind. Thank you for your generosity.

  235. Janine Avatar

    Very cute! We would love her! And I noticed Keiko was trying to win one for her friend Janine…I wish I was her friend..what an awesome friend she is..but I’m not that Janine, I’m just another Janine. Thanks ๐Ÿ™‚

  236. janice rieg Avatar
    janice rieg

    These are so cute! Even if I don’t win, I need to get one! So pretty and sweet.

  237. Katie Avatar

    So generous of you and of couse she is just so sweet.

  238. Dan Avatar

    Wow so generous, thanks for the opportunity!

  239. Jodi Avatar

    Thanks so much, love the chance to win this sweet dolly ๐Ÿ™‚

  240. natalie pola Avatar
    natalie pola

    yay! pick me please mr random number generator

  241. Sharyl Avatar

    She’s so beautiful!

  242. Natasha Avatar

    She’s beautiful and comes from such a sweet and generous place! She’ll be such a blessing to whoever she goes home with. (but I hope it’s me, lol)

  243. Maura Avatar

    chloe is super cute! we’d love to win her and give her a good home

  244. Lars Avatar

    entering to win because my wife told me to

  245. Amanda Avatar

    I would love to win Chloe! She is so super sweet!

  246. Jenn Avatar

    we love her and thank you for your generosity – and for stirring-up the giving spirit – esp in the name of MS.

  247. serena Avatar

    Adorable as always!

  248. Paul Avatar

    My daughter would love this doll

  249. Rebecca Avatar

    Would love to welcome Chloe into our home ๐Ÿ™‚

  250. Amy Avatar

    She’s cute as a button!

  251. Virginia Avatar

    Beautiful!! The doll and your heart! I am so blessed to ‘know’ you!

  252. Tami-Lyn Avatar

    ahh she looks so wise!

  253. celine Avatar

    i have tried many, many, many times to buy your dolls without any success. maybe i will get lucky and win one instead ๐Ÿ™‚

  254. Erin Hoskins Avatar
    Erin Hoskins

    Here’s hoping! She is absolutely adorable ๐Ÿ™‚

  255. Kristin Avatar

    Chloe is so cute, so sweet, so precious and Christina, you are so kind!

  256. Hannahlin Avatar

    Oh my daughter’s best friends name is Chloe and she is moving away soon. This little one would be so perfect for her!!! Thanks again for all you do to out of kindness.

  257. Melanie Avatar

    Christina, what a lovely thing to do. You’re a bit generous yourself ๐Ÿ™‚ I’m sure 40+ extra bits is enough, but if you do something like this again, I’d love to contribute – I missed when the call out went up this time.

  258. Gretchen Avatar

    So sweet!! Would be a perfect gift for my daughter’s 3rd birthday coming up…

  259. Angela Avatar

    This is an exciting opportunity! Your dolls are absolutely adorable!

  260. Emma Avatar

    Oh! Let me win! Your dolls are so delicious!

  261. Kira Avatar

    WOW!! You are so generous for giving away another doll. *crosses fingers* Can’t wait to hear more details about the raffle!!

  262. Perry Avatar

    She’s so cute! Trying our luck..

  263. Nancy Avatar

    So generous of you!!

  264. Jenny Avatar

    I’ve got to be in it if I want to win it! Chloe is a beautiful babe….of course!

  265. Laura Vollick Avatar
    Laura Vollick

    Pick me-Pick me!! xoxo

  266. Elishia Avatar

    she is so lovely!!!

  267. Serena Avatar

    How great. Chloe is cute, as all your dolls are!

  268. Lucy Wagenaar Avatar
    Lucy Wagenaar

    Oh, she is adorable! Please come live with us, Chloe! The MS society is close to our hearts, I can’t thank you enough for what you are doing with the auction. xxx

  269. "Dolly Dolly Gumdrop" Avatar
    “Dolly Dolly Gumdrop”

    How insanely sweet of you!
    If I by chance win this dolly I promise to donate her to a little girl that would other wise not be able to afford her. She is actually in Canada so no crazy shipping to France:)

  270. erin de kock Avatar
    erin de kock

    What a wonderful life you must live – always so much generosity flowing. . . It must make you a very joyful person, Christina! <3

  271. Natalie Avatar

    Thank you, thank you, thank you for doing an auction for the MS Society. My mother died of MS when she was 47 and I was 20. My brother has it now. This is close to my heart, and if you figure out the raffle, I’ll be buying tickets!

  272. Lori Avatar

    Chloe is just adorable and what a great person you are! I’d love to help if you’re still looking…better go email you ๐Ÿ™‚

  273. shelby Avatar

    She is so sweet! I love her!

  274. Heather Avatar

    She is an absolute doll… remimds me of my little doll!!!

  275. Sarah Wong Avatar

    I love your generosity. Bamboletta spreads so much love and joy to everyone.

  276. Lori M Shomphe Avatar
    Lori M Shomphe

    OOOOOH…pick me…Abbie has been coveting a blondie ๐Ÿ™‚

  277. April O. Avatar
    April O.

    Great cause! We know someone with MS, and it truly is something worth fighting.

    Thank you for the chance to win sweet Chloe. ๐Ÿ™‚

  278. katew Avatar


    My goddaughter has been waiting for a year for the perfect doll! Chloe is gorgeous!

  279. Sarah Riggs Avatar
    Sarah Riggs

    Thank you SO much to Christina and ALL the wonderful volunteers helping for the MS donations/raffle/auction. Christina – I didn’t know you were looking for stuff and I will see if I can get my mom to do a doll quilt (perhaps?!?) I can’t sew, but would love to donate SOMETHING. As many of my Facebook and Bamboletta friends know, I was recently diagnosed with MS. I’m actually one of the lucky ones (so far) – no major impairments.

    I’d LOVE to win Chloe – she’s a lovely girl. Thanks to everyone at Bamboletta for warming my heart so very often…


  280. Nele Avatar

    My two and a half year old who’s glued to the computer screen right now said “good heavens, it’s the sister of River”… so I can safely say that she’ll offer Chloe a sweet home.

  281. Kristin Avatar

    I have a niece named Chloe, I’d love to give her a home with her!

  282. Cristina Avatar

    Chloe is absolutely wonderful, just like you, Christina. And I am sure, just like everyone else in Bamboletta family. Thank you ๐Ÿ™‚

  283. Jane Avatar

    I would love to have this beautiful dolly – you are all wonderful artists.

  284. Carrie Avatar

    She is beautiful, and you are just wonderful C!!

  285. Sabrina Avatar

    Love her – another little sweetheart! x

  286. Monique Avatar

    chloe’s a cutie!

  287. Melissa Avatar

    Aw, she is lovely!!

  288. Scott Avatar

    Freya says that Chloe and Tullulah could be sisters and Daddy should try to win her for her. So here I am again!

  289. Martha Avatar

    what a cutie indeed ๐Ÿ™‚ thanks for the chance!

  290. Elizabeth Avatar

    Wow there are a lot of people in love with this dolly already. She is super sweet!

  291. We Avatar

    She looks so cute. we would love to have her!

  292. Dusty Avatar

    My wife would love her for our daughters birthday.

  293. Bobby Avatar

    Such a kind gesture!!!

  294. Audra Costello Avatar
    Audra Costello

    Chloe, Chloe, you’re so sweet. To win you would be such a treat!

  295. Sarah S. Avatar
    Sarah S.

    I love her!

  296. Jason Avatar

    That is precious!

  297. Hannah Avatar

    so pretty

  298. becky Avatar

    chloe is adorable. thanks for the chance to win!

  299. Christine Avatar

    Precious sweet Chloe! Your creativity AND generosity are so special ~ bless you!

  300. Brie Sloan Avatar
    Brie Sloan

    What a perfect little girl for spring!

  301. Shannon Avatar

    What a beautiful doll, and what a great thing to do!

  302. Margaret Avatar

    Yeah! My Chloe would eat-her-up!

  303. pumpkinpie Avatar

    I’d love to have Chloe here for one of my girls. Am soo hoping we get a doll this year – somehow!

  304. Jan Avatar

    I think I’m too late to enter for this one, but will try anyway. I didn’t see her when I looked a few hours ago!
    I hope the auction goes well. will you be putting details up here soon?

  305. Sandra Avatar

    Chloe is so cute, thanks for the opportunity and for all of your generosity. Good luck with the raffle!

  306. Kim Avatar

    love her!

  307. Lea T Avatar
    Lea T

    What a generous thing to do, Christina! Chloe is precious and we would love her to be at our house ๐Ÿ™‚

  308. Cheryl Avatar

    You are so kind. One of my best friends just got diagnosed, and she’s only 36! You are such a generous spirit!

  309. Peach Avatar

    Oh, Chloe is so adorable and you are such a sweetheart!

  310. Ted Avatar

    Your generosity is amazing. . .and whomever wins this doll will have a special appreciation for that!!

  311. Salvador Avatar

    So great. .thanks for the chance. . .and for organizing the MS benefit!!

  312. Laura Avatar

    So sweet – we would love her!

  313. Amanda Avatar

    What a lovely little lady made such a sweet team ~ love overlfolowing ๐Ÿ™‚

  314. pamela Avatar

    Awesome to organize such an event & offer such a cutie pie!

  315. Jaime Elliott Avatar
    Jaime Elliott

    Perfect for my little Jane. Thanks so much!!!!

  316. Louise Youngman Avatar
    Louise Youngman

    Another beauty.. yes please!!

  317. Andrea Avatar

    I never used to play with dolls, but now I find myself desperately hoping that I’ll get one of yours for my girls ๐Ÿ™‚ Your dolls ARE really marvellous!

  318. Deb Gabriel Avatar
    Deb Gabriel

    I would love to have this little one come to me. Thanks so much for the opportunity!

  319. Angie E Avatar
    Angie E

    Oh What a sweet little girl. We’d love for her to come and live with us.

  320. Lindsay Avatar

    Fingers crossed! Thanks for your generosity!

  321. Michael Avatar

    So cute! You are great, Christina!

  322. Valery Avatar

    Wow! How generous!

  323. Reece Avatar

    I would like to win Chloe for my sister.

  324. Sam Avatar

    That is such a lovely idea. Thank you.

  325. Amie O Avatar
    Amie O

    She is a cute doll, Love her!!

  326. Delaney Avatar

    She is such a beauty, I hope my number comes up!

  327. Jennifer Avatar

    She is gorgeous! Would love to provide a home for her!

  328. Sara F Avatar
    Sara F

    We would love for Chloe to come live with us. Thanks for the opportunity!

  329. Stephanie Avatar

    She looks beautiful! She looks just like my niece Charlie and would make a perfect birthday gift

  330. Corey Avatar

    She is amazing! My Chloe would love her!! =)

  331. Cheryl Avatar

    She is a lovely girl and she would have so much fun at our house…especially with the warm weather. She would enjoy walks to the park and rides down the slide.

  332. Ashli Avatar

    What a precious doll…we would love to have her! ๐Ÿ™‚

  333. Lisa Avatar

    She is just adorable, as are you – thank you for the giveaway!

  334. Joan Avatar

    Thank you for being so generous and kind. It is awesome to see sellers like you doing things like this and the kindness that you show everyone is so classy! Thank you for being you.
    Your dolls as so delightful.

  335. Elaine Avatar

    She has the sweetest face!! ๐Ÿ™‚ We would love to give her a happy home!

  336. Catherine Avatar

    Chloe is adorable! And I’m late coming to this and have not read discussions elsewhere, so this may have been addressed . . . but when other charity raffles have been held online in the past I’ve seen someone sell something minimal, like a pen, for the cost of a ticket. They then say each pen purchase qualifies you to have an entry into the contest to win a doll. Apparently, that is legal versus selling actual raffle tickets. I’m wondering if you could actually “sell” something as simple as an online document with fun info about Bambolettas – hair stylings etc – it could even be stuff compiled via the Facebook crowd, that way you would not be mailing out anything. Of course, I’ve never looked into this personally, it’s just what I’ve seen others do.

  337. Nicole K Avatar
    Nicole K

    Oh, I’m so pleased so many responded with offers to donate their items to help MS. I’d sure love to win one of your dolls, we do not have one. Thank you for helping MS!

  338. Sara Warren-Hill Avatar
    Sara Warren-Hill

    She’s absolutely adorable. I know she’ll go to an amazing home (whether it’s ours or not).

  339. Sherri Avatar

    What an amazing opportunity! Thanks so much for the chance!

  340. Amie *C* Avatar
    Amie *C*

    Oh that is just amazing! What big hearts everyone that loves Bamboletta has! We would love sweet Chloe.

  341. Jami Avatar

    Chloe is as perfect as you are, you are a very good person.

  342. Mrs.doubtfire69 Avatar

    Love her!! thanks for the opportunity;)

  343. Julie Wagner Avatar
    Julie Wagner

    This is wonderful! I am continually amazed by how awesome you and your company are! Thanks for the opportunity!

  344. Sara Avatar

    We would love for Chloe to come live with us! Thank you for the chance!

  345. Connie Avatar

    Exciting! My daughter and grandaughter are so in love with your Bambolettas! Thanks for the giveaway!

  346. Sara Avatar

    We would love for Chloe to come live with us! She is beautiful! Thanks for the chance.

  347. Carol Avatar

    Beautiful doll, would love to give her a home.

  348. Cristina Avatar

    She is so gorgeous and chubby! Thanks for doing this, Christina!

  349. Clare Avatar

    Ah, how interesting it is to see how many daughters and granddaughters are also called chloe in these replies… My niece and chloe would go beautifully together, sharing the same name, no?

  350. Julie Wagner Avatar
    Julie Wagner

    This is so exciting….What a great opportunity and giveaway. Your company continues to amaze me!
    (posted something earlier, but didn’t see it come through)

  351. Megan Hardie Avatar
    Megan Hardie

    That’s me when I was little!!

  352. Lisa O'Regan Avatar
    Lisa O’Regan

    Wow, this is so generous of you! Thank-you!

  353. Crystal Avatar

    What an adorable and sweet little doll and great cause ๐Ÿ™‚ My girls would love to have her!

  354. Tracy Avatar

    She is very cute ๐Ÿ™‚

  355. Laura Avatar

    she is adorable!

  356. Melissa Donovan Avatar
    Melissa Donovan

    To win on of your dolls would be awesome…this one is beautiful! Gods will she will be home here to entertain my Grandchildren!

  357. tracy and muriel Avatar
    tracy and muriel

    Sa-weet is right – all around. From you MS Auction to the donations to this give away. And chole – she’s darling. Thank you.

  358. rowan Avatar

    oh she is just adorable!

  359. Shelleys Avatar

    I love your dolls. My daughter has one, and she thought it would be great if we won this one for the “baby in mommy’s belly”. I’ll be crossing my fingers. Thanks so much for the great give away.

  360. Maddie Avatar

    Oh-ho, Chloe is sooo very welcome to stay with us. She’ll have a doting mummy and sisters!
    Best of luck to everyone xo Maddie

  361. Lindsay Rodin Avatar
    Lindsay Rodin

    Oh, I hope I win this for my little sister! She would be in HEAVEN!!!

  362. Neil Rodin Avatar
    Neil Rodin

    My wife and daughter made me enter this. I guess it must be important, huh? So many comments on a blog and it isn’t even about sports……crazy!

  363. Sara Avatar

    So love this sweet little chloe. What a great treat for my morning internet browsing!

  364. Jodi O. Avatar
    Jodi O.

    Chloe is darling! Kudos to you, Christina, and all the moms participating in the MS auction. What a way to give back!

  365. Tia Webb Avatar

    Oops, left my comment in the wrong place at first!!! Here it is:-
    What a little cutie!!! Weโ€™d love to give us a home here with us in the uk. Her blonde hair and blue eyes fit right in with my two little girls!! The only problem might be the sharing!! Iโ€™m sure weโ€™ll manage though.

    T xxx

  366. wendy Avatar

    chloe is sooo adorable!! the name & her presents remind me of a long ago friend! thanks for bringing back the memories :c) *love*

  367. Monique Avatar

    What a sweet giveaway and a great cause for the auction! Good luck to everyone!

  368. Debby L. Avatar
    Debby L.

    Chloe would love to come to my house to play with my granddaughter–she is a cutie–I’ll share!!!

  369. Carla Avatar

    Oh you are so awesome! Would love a chance to win!

  370. Luke Avatar

    My daughter would love to play with her!

  371. Heather Avatar

    come home chloe… fingers crossed ๐Ÿ™‚

  372. Paola Avatar

    My little boy Alessandro loves handmade dolls. He would love your precious Chloe so much!!!

  373. Jenna Avatar

    The MS raffle is such a heartwarming idea.

  374. Jennifer Avatar

    I could definitely find Chloe a wonderful home…love your products!

  375. Jessica Avatar

    She would be so well loved! (And I’m certain she will be wherever she goes…)
    thank you!

  376. Jason Avatar

    I can’t think of anything better for my niece. Thanks!

  377. Jennifer P Avatar
    Jennifer P

    Our arms and home are open and waiting for you to come and be loved by us…

  378. Maggie Avatar

    Oh she would be so perfect for MY Chloe! A Chloe for Chloe. Fingers crossed.

  379. Dave G Avatar
    Dave G

    My little grandaughter Lilah would give Chloe alot of hugs and kisses and tender loving care!

  380. Heather Avatar

    Cute as a button.

  381. Brandie Avatar

    You are so sweet! Chloe is just gorgeous. I would love to bring her home with us:)

  382. Victoria Avatar

    Wow, she’s gorgeous!

  383. Maria Avatar

    Oh, my daughter would love to have Chloe, thanks for doing this!

  384. Rosanne Avatar

    She is adorable!!Our granddaughter would be so happy!!!

  385. Ellie Avatar

    Chloe, you are lovely, however not as lovely as the heart of the woman who created you!

  386. Liz Rego Avatar
    Liz Rego

    Oh we would love Chloe! And she would arrive just in time for to be a present for our toddler from her new baby brother!! PERFECT.

  387. jenny Denysenko Avatar
    jenny Denysenko

    Chloe is so adorable and stylish love the shoes and skirt!

  388. Desiree Avatar

    she is beautiful

  389. Laurie Avatar

    Hi Chloe… you are a cutie! We’d love to love you.

  390. LaLa Avatar

    Chloe is adorable…as is everything you make! Thanks for the generosity!

  391. Rick Avatar

    my girls would love her (and me if I win) thank you

  392. kathy Avatar

    dear chloe,
    we would love for you to come live with us. please choose us=)
    *fingers crossed*

  393. Jesse H. Avatar
    Jesse H.

    My nieces will love this doll!

  394. mindy t Avatar
    mindy t

    This doll is so special. My dad has MS so thank you for donating.

  395. Paul Avatar

    For my wife (and kids)

  396. Paula Avatar

    Thank you for this opportunity!! Such a beautiful doll.

  397. Amy Graff Avatar
    Amy Graff

    I would love to have this doll for my beautiful little niece:) You do wonderful work!!

  398. Leslie J Avatar
    Leslie J

    She’s gorgeous! Ives needs a sister!

  399. Laura Avatar

    So precious! Thanks for all of your generosity, Christina.

  400. Ashleigh Avatar


  401. Melanie Moore Avatar
    Melanie Moore

    so exciting! Thanks again

  402. Nicole Avatar

    Yeah another giveaway! We would love for Chloe to be the first bambo at our house.

  403. Arkay Avatar

    This doll is very beautiful! We would love to give her a forever home!


  404. anne Avatar

    Oh! She looks just like my little girl!

  405. Seema Avatar


  406. Teri Avatar

    You are so amazing!! What else can I say???? Happy Thursday!!!!!

  407. Cynthia S. Avatar
    Cynthia S.

    A beautiful doll will be welcomed by all!

  408. Amie Avatar

    Life is not measured by the number of breaths you take, but by the moments that take your breath away.— Unknown Chloe is breathtaking and so is what you are doing for MS.

  409. Angela Simpson Avatar

    You are so sweet and giving to your customers! She is adorable!

  410. Christine Avatar

    Precious Chloe! Your creativity and generosity is over the top, Christina! Well done!

  411. michelle Avatar

    Thanks for this raffle!!!

  412. Scott Avatar

    I think supporting the MS Society is a fantastic idea! My daughter would love this doll!

  413. Mary Avatar

    What a great charity to support, and thank you for your generosity with this raffle ๐Ÿ™‚

  414. Eric Avatar

    Thanks for this giveaway, my daughter would love Chloe.

  415. Danni Avatar

    She is lovely, and so is the way you run your business!

  416. Susan Avatar

    Yes, please!! She’s beautiful.

  417. Kate Avatar

    I would LOVE to get this sweetie for someone very special!

  418. Erin Avatar

    So very cute ๐Ÿ™‚

  419. andrea Avatar

    oh chloe, its even one of my favorite names! she is so cute! i love clothes and hair!!

  420. Cindy Avatar

    We would love to win Chloe!

  421. Deborah Avatar

    Thanks for this great opportunity Christina.

  422. Robin Avatar

    Chloe would LOVE our home, almost as much as we’d love her.

  423. John Avatar

    Thanks for being so generous everyone!

  424. Tucker Avatar

    My sister REALLY needs Chloe to love and hug! She is having trouble sleeping and needs a companion!

  425. Jerry W. Avatar
    Jerry W.

    My daughter would love Chloe. She loves babies! This one is so sweet!

  426. Joanna Avatar

    love love love her! come live with us chloe!

  427. Sascha Avatar

    She is almost as beautiful as the work you do for others. Thanks Christina. I would love to win your doll.

  428. Katie Ethridge Avatar
    Katie Ethridge

    Wow!! So generous, thanks for the chance ๐Ÿ™‚

  429. Andy Avatar

    thank you! My wife would love her

  430. Meg Avatar

    Thank you for such an amazing giveaway!

  431. tara Avatar

    Thank you for the chance to bring a doll home.

  432. Casey A Avatar
    Casey A

    So very generous, and beautiful!

  433. Jennifer R Avatar

    Chloe is absolutely beautiful!! I’d love to win her for my daughter. P.S. Thanks for all the wonderful work you do with charities ๐Ÿ™‚

  434. Julie R Avatar
    Julie R

    She’s adorable. Just love her. Thanks so much for the opportunity!

  435. Melanie Avatar

    Beautiful ๐Ÿ™‚

  436. Ed Avatar

    My daughter would love her.

  437. erin Avatar

    yer the best, once again… xx e.

  438. linda Avatar

    She is adorable….

  439. Leila Avatar

    She’s beautiful!

  440. Aria Avatar

    She will be welcome addition to our home, Violet would love to show her around and tell her how to jump on the beds without being noticed.

  441. melissa jauregui Avatar
    melissa jauregui

    Shes sooooo cute. I love it ๐Ÿ™‚

  442. melissa jauregui Avatar
    melissa jauregui

    Shes soooo cute! I love it ๐Ÿ™‚

  443. Sarah Avatar

    She is super cute!

  444. Miriam Avatar

    To cute.

  445. Jennifer I Avatar
    Jennifer I


  446. Melissa Avatar

    Pay it forward!!! ๐Ÿ™‚ She is a cutie!

  447. Christine Avatar

    Please add my name. You inspire me!

  448. Katy Avatar

    What a cutie!

  449. Kathy Valencia Avatar
    Kathy Valencia

    What a great cause. My best friend was diagnosed with MS about 15 years ago. It is sad to see her slowly losing her battle.

  450. Alison Avatar

    Christina, is there anyone of this earth with a bigger and purer heart than yours? I don’t think so. You are truly someone that we can all admire and aspire to be. Thank you.

    We would love to have the chance of winning Chloe. She is super cute!!

    Good luck to everyone!!

  451. Ashley Avatar

    Oh she’s darling! I still have one girl left who does not yet have a bamboletta!

  452. Jane Avatar

    I adore this! My daughter Anna would love it!

  453. Brian Simpson Avatar

    cute doll will try my my little girl!

  454. Sandra Avatar

    I hope I can win for my grandaughter!!

  455. Teryn Avatar

    what a cutie! I love the little blondies …

  456. Wendy Avatar

    What a beauty!

  457. David Avatar

    Hoping a grandpa’s luck will work!

  458. Steve Avatar

    Here’s another grandpa putting his hat into the ring…

  459. Margaret Avatar

    Your dolls are so beautiful – they have such a gentle, loving spirit to them!

  460. Tara W Avatar
    Tara W

    love her

  461. Rheinila Avatar

    I know a little sweetheart who would love Chloe!

  462. Melanie Avatar

    so cute

  463. Darlene Avatar


  464. Arun Avatar

    Chloe looks like she’s stepped out of a fairytale, but no tigers to eat up this little one!

  465. Murray Avatar


  466. Peter Avatar

    There’s someone very special who would love and be loved by Chloe out there!

  467. Carolyn Avatar

    she’s so pretty. thanks by the way for donating to a MS charity. My mom has MS and it’s a cause near and dear to my heart. You’re the best!

  468. Kelsi Avatar

    We would love to give Chloe a home! Thanks for your generosity!

  469. nancy Avatar

    What a cute doll!

  470. Melanie Simard Avatar
    Melanie Simard

    Cute little girl, as always… I discovered your website 2 months ago and I am in love with each doll you create! I would love Chloe and a LB later for my daughter….
    Thanks for the beautiful work you do!

  471. Kelly Avatar

    Chloe is beautiful!! I just found your beautiful dolls this week ๐Ÿ™‚ I love the amount of time and attention that is put into making each one ๐Ÿ™‚

  472. David Avatar

    She’s beautiful. Thanks.

  473. Karen Avatar

    Cutie Chloe would be a perfect addition to our home!

  474. Monica Avatar

    She is lovely Christina! I am missing so much not being on FB, huh? lol

  475. Bethaney Avatar

    My Sadie would love her!

  476. Nick Avatar

    We would love this doll.

  477. Helen Avatar

    Cute dolly…hope she makes it to our house!

  478. Bj C. Avatar
    Bj C.

    She is the sweetest thing ever!

  479. Sandi Avatar

    Chloe is absolutely precious!! We would love to have her. Great work with charities. Blessings

  480. Serena Avatar

    She would be my baby’s first doll! What a cutie!

  481. Maria Carpenter Avatar
    Maria Carpenter

    She is so sweet!

  482. Andy Avatar

    hoping to surprise my daughter.

  483. Tanya Avatar

    What a lovely gesture~ you are such a kind and generous person Christina! I love the MS auction idea too…what a fantastic idea :o) Such a sweet dollie ๐Ÿ™‚ Thank you!

  484. Jean LeMoine Avatar
    Jean LeMoine

    I know a beautiful little girl would would love this beautiful doll !

  485. Sara Avatar

    she would be perfect for my daughter’s b-day in may!

  486. tracy_a Avatar

    You are so generous – and make the cutest dolls! This looks just like a Chloe I know…

  487. Jenifer Avatar

    my mom wanted to name me Chloe! Sooo cute!

  488. Amber Lee Avatar

    My daughters BFF’s name is Chloe, this would be perfect!

  489. Jill Avatar

    She looks just like my darling towhead grandaughter. Would love to get it for her. She looks over my shoulder and loves AAAALLLL the Bamboletta dollies.

  490. Suzie Avatar

    Concerning the raffle, I am not sure about all of the legal issues, especially the differences between Canada and US, but what about setting up a “team” for a local MS walk? Anyone could donate to the team through the MS site and it goes right to them, but you have records of who donated to you and how much. Then you could “gift” a donor with a prize. Don’t know, just brainstorming. Wouldn’t want any trouble for you.

  491. Lauren Ralph Avatar
    Lauren Ralph

    Chloe is beautiful as all of your dolls are. Thanks for your generosity in supporting such a great cause that so many of us are affected by.

  492. Wendy Avatar

    Oh, she’s a cutie-pie! Thanks for the opportunity!! ๐Ÿ™‚

  493. Katie Avatar

    What a beauty! I would love to give her a new home. ๐Ÿ˜‰

  494. Molly Avatar

    Chloe is so cute! She looks just like my daughter. I know she would love to play with her. Thanks for paying it forward.

  495. sharon Avatar

    chloe is so cute.

  496. Pat Avatar

    hoping to get this for my grandkids!

  497. carey Avatar

    She’d be great for my niece!

  498. Gabriella Avatar

    She’s so adorable, thanks for the opportunity

  499. sangeeta Avatar

    I wish …I wish …I wish my darling daughter could have this dolly!She is so cute.Thanks again for your generosity!

  500. Brenda Bell Avatar
    Brenda Bell

    She is such a sweetie!!!!! She would make a great addition to our family!!!

  501. Janine Sept Avatar

    I am REALLY hoping that this will be my FIRST Bamboletta baby, for my little baby girl!!!! Fingers Crossed!!!

  502. Lea T Avatar
    Lea T

    I would love to bring her home!

  503. Michelle Halliday Avatar
    Michelle Halliday

    Adorable! and a great cause!

  504. Gretchen Avatar

    So cute. I love the mushroom skirt!

  505. Wade A Avatar
    Wade A

    My niece would adore this doll ๐Ÿ™‚

  506. Candace Maze Avatar
    Candace Maze

    Little Chloe is adorable! I have been waiting for a Bamboletta doll to gift my niece for months! What’s even better – supporting the MS Society while you’re at it! My fingers will be crossed until the end of the contest! ๐Ÿ™‚

  507. Robin A Avatar
    Robin A

    Bamboletta Bamboletta let this doll come over to Riley’s house. She would be thrilled to have this baby.

  508. Robin A Avatar
    Robin A

    Bamboletta Bamboletta let this beautiful baby come over to Riley’s house. She would be well loved

  509. Catherine Avatar

    She’s a darling! Thanks for the giveaway!

  510. Casey Avatar

    I’d love a chance, too! Beautiful dolly.

  511. Tish Thomas Avatar
    Tish Thomas

    I am the adopted aunt of my neighbor’s daughter, Lilah, and we’d love to be selected for this doll for her.

  512. David Hicks Avatar
    David Hicks

    With our newborn just arrived I must try to get her a special bambo of her own.

  513. Bridget Avatar

    Chloe would be a beautiful first Bambo for my granddaughter.

  514. koneko Avatar

    another lovely!

  515. Melissa Avatar

    Love her!! So sweet of you to do a giveaway!!

  516. Neal Avatar

    Free, we can get with that. ๐Ÿ™‚

  517. Joy Avatar

    So wow already 500+ comments. Not sure it’s even worth entering, but she looks just like my DD. So sweet. Would make an amazing Summer gift. A perfect buddy for our summer vacation!

  518. Dave Avatar

    Hope to get her for our daughter!

  519. Marisely Avatar

    She’s so pretty!

  520. Sue C Avatar
    Sue C

    She’s so very sweet… thank you for another giveaway! She would be well loved in our home!

  521. Kara Avatar

    Thanks for doing this! I’d love a chance at this little punkin!

  522. Jennifer Avatar

    What a beautiful doll! All of your work is lovely.

  523. Naomi Avatar

    People are naturally generous, aren’t they? Chloe is adorable.

  524. Katherine Barrett Avatar
    Katherine Barrett

    Thank you for the opportunity to win this adorable bamboletta doll!

  525. Julie Avatar

    So super generous of you Christine! And all the ladies who donated! Can’t wait for the MS dolly.

  526. Candace Avatar

    We’d love to give that cutie a happy home!

  527. Nathan Avatar

    I would love this doll for my daughter – she looks just like her.

  528. Glen R Avatar
    Glen R

    We would love to have her meet my daughters. Thanks.

  529. colleen Avatar

    we’d love to adopt this cute little one. ๐Ÿ™‚

  530. Denise C Avatar
    Denise C

    she is gorgeous!!

  531. A Miller Avatar
    A Miller

    My nieces in Asia would LOVE to snuggle Chloe!

  532. Stephanie Lacson Avatar
    Stephanie Lacson

    great cause!

  533. Di Avatar

    Your generous heart and beautiful spirit never stop amazing me. You are a wonder!

  534. Sara Avatar

    Yipee! Let it be me and a good home it shall be! Actually, I plan on giving it to child where I teach who has very little to her name. Thanks for the contest.

  535. brandi finnman Avatar
    brandi finnman

    very nice little doll nice of you to give it away

  536. Ashley Avatar

    VERY CUTE!!!! My niece would love her!!!!

  537. Sara Avatar

    Chloe is a cutie!

  538. Kevin Elliott Avatar
    Kevin Elliott

    This is a lovely doll and would make my girl very happy, she would love it.

  539. Jane Avatar

    Love this dolly – thanks for the opportunity.

  540. Kev Avatar

    I would love this for my little girl – thank you so much.

  541. Scott Ethridge Avatar
    Scott Ethridge

    Would be perfect for my daughter’s birthday!

  542. Carolyn Ellis Avatar
    Carolyn Ellis

    Hope I win!! Thanks ๐Ÿ™‚

  543. Patricia Bornhop Avatar
    Patricia Bornhop

    These dolls are beautiful! Thanks for the opportunity!

  544. Adriana R-B Avatar
    Adriana R-B

    Wow what a cute doll.

  545. Elaine Avatar

    Chloe is precious. She will make a great companion for any child.

  546. Lisa Avatar

    She is soo cute, love her hair

  547. Lindsay Avatar

    What a cutie as always. We would love to welcome her to our home.
    You’re so generous for doing this. Thank you.
    Looking forward to finding out more about the MS auction doll.

  548. Joel Avatar

    I have two little girls who would love Chloe.

  549. Amy Craft Avatar
    Amy Craft

    I am in love!! I know Gracyn would love her!!! And thank you for the wonderful thing you are doing in regards to the benefit for MS. I have a cousin and a very dear friend who have MS. Thank you!!

  550. Wendy J Avatar
    Wendy J

    Wow she is beautiful!

  551. Rob P. Avatar
    Rob P.

    Hope to win one for my girl!

  552. Nalie Avatar

    She is so cute! Thank you so much!

  553. Irene Avatar

    Chloe is beautiful!! And thank you for your generosity! U are awesome ๐Ÿ™‚

  554. Mark Bell Avatar
    Mark Bell

    Would love to add her to our family for my little girl!

  555. Lola Avatar

    Chloe is beautiful, my little girl would love her so much!!

  556. Fiona Avatar

    She is adorable! What a kind way to bring awareness to MS. Thank you for the opportunity.

  557. alana Avatar

    Your dolls are absolutely beautiful….would love one for baby on the way!

  558. Tina M Avatar
    Tina M

    How awesome that so many people are able to help! Wish I was crafty! Good luck to all!

  559. Stephen Avatar

    My daughter would love this doll!

  560. Shannon Avatar

    She’s adorable! Congrats on the donations…I didn’t know my raffle last year was illegal…oops. I changed it quickly once I learned that, as I saw that someone else doing something similar listed her raffle tickets as “collectible tickets” instead. That way, it was an actual, physical something that someone was buying – a collectible ticket! I think it’s mostly the language that creates the issues, so if you stay away from the “R” word, than maybe it’s fine?

  561. Tracey Avatar

    Beautiful! And a cause close to my heart as my mom has been living with MS for 15 years…

  562. Patrick R Avatar
    Patrick R

    Would love this doll for my daughter.

  563. Mary Avatar

    Entering for my granddaughter. Thank you for the chance!

  564. shawn Avatar

    My wife loves her…

  565. Christina Smith Avatar
    Christina Smith

    We would give her so much LOVE!! XOXO!

  566. Vera Avatar

    Chloe is very,very cute! Love to have her!

  567. Steve Avatar

    My daughter would love her.

  568. Sarah Avatar

    She is so cute! I know my little lady would love her ๐Ÿ™‚

  569. MSchmidt Avatar

    So sweet! We’d love to have Chloe join our family!

  570. Anne Avatar

    My daughter would love one for her “any day to be born” first baby.

  571. Ana Maria Avatar
    Ana Maria

    Chloe is beautiful, will love to have her!

  572. Sally Avatar

    Chloe is very cute. I know a very sweet little girl who would love her and give her a good home.

  573. Maria S. Avatar
    Maria S.

    Beautiful doll! my granddaughter will love her :).

  574. Travis Avatar

    Posting and hoping for the kids! Would be the first Bamboletta for them if they get her!

  575. Dawn Avatar

    Thanks so much for the chance for Chloe!

  576. Roxane Avatar

    Would love to welcome this one home.

  577. Marcia Avatar

    I would love to have Chloe for my 11 month old niece. What a great keepsake and thanks so much for this opportunity to win her. She needs a loving home.

  578. Joan Avatar

    My granddaughter would be thrilled by this beautiful doll! Thanks so much for doing this!

  579. Kimberly Avatar

    Thanks Christina! she is sooo cute!

  580. Dawn Avatar

    Christina – you rock!!!! She is adorable!!!

  581. Ashley Adkison Avatar

    my little miss marley would love this little baby to pieces! crossing my fingers and toes!

  582. Ashley Avatar

    My little miss Marley would love this baby forever! crossing my fingers and toes!

  583. Tanya Walery Avatar
    Tanya Walery

    very cute doll

  584. Tania and Nuala Avatar
    Tania and Nuala

    Most Special

  585. Adam Avatar

    OK my wife tells me that husbands have the magic touch with your raffles, so please let my number be the one. With three little girls this doll will get plenty of love.

  586. Elma Riedstra Avatar
    Elma Riedstra

    Lovely doll and lovely you!!

  587. Tasha Avatar

    My daughter already has her Bamboletta, but she’s getting a sibling in July who we would love to spoil with his/her very own little beauty. We’ll give you a good home, Chloe!

  588. Anne Bente Avatar
    Anne Bente

    Would love to win!!!

  589. Deby Auerbach-Brown Avatar
    Deby Auerbach-Brown

    Thank you so much for the chance to win Chloe. She is so cute and my little girl would just love her.

  590. Gita Skorija Avatar
    Gita Skorija

    Winning would be too amazing to be true!

  591. Tamara Avatar

    Oh, she’s cute! I like the mushroom skirt.

  592. em Avatar

    she is lovely – and so are you for giving her away. there is a little doll-less 2 year old who here who would love to be chloe’s mama!

  593. Uncle Bill Avatar
    Uncle Bill

    Little Lilah longs to lovingly lick lollipops with chLoe.

  594. Debbie Shank Avatar
    Debbie Shank

    Good luck to Lilah!

  595. Samantha Avatar

    What a great cause! I will definitely keep my eyes out for your auction dolls ๐Ÿ™‚

  596. Helen Avatar

    My grand daughter would love this cutie!

  597. ashley adkison Avatar
    ashley adkison

    would love to give her to my daughter! she would love her to pieces!

  598. katy Avatar

    we’d love to give chloe a home in the uk x

  599. Shayne Ostrowski Avatar
    Shayne Ostrowski

    My daughter would LOVE her!!

  600. Bonnie Avatar

    Oooohh, my little one turns three in June and she would LOVE her!!

  601. Beth Avatar

    You have done a beautiful job with these dolls. I am an artist, and I could see writing little books to go along with each doll, explaining their characters. They are each so special. Keep up the good work, and thanks for the opportunity to win one of your dolls.

  602. margo Avatar

    fingers crossed. been trying to buy a doll for some time now!

  603. Sarah T Avatar
    Sarah T

    would love that little sweetie for my 3 year old neice. Thanks for the great giveaway.

  604. Derrick Avatar

    Chloe will be loved in our home ๐Ÿ™‚ God bless your generous heart, Christina!!

  605. Heather P. Avatar
    Heather P.

    Such a sweetie! Love her! Thanks for the chance to win her!

  606. Robyn Avatar

    Chloe is so lovely! I can think of several little girls and big girls who don’t have a bambo yet who would love her.

  607. Stephanie Avatar

    She is such a cutie pie! Thank you so much for this opportunity. You rock!!!

  608. Valerie Avatar

    She’s just gorgeous!

  609. Erin Avatar

    Oh boy – she’s CUTE!!

    Thank you for continuing to do good work, in addition to making beautiful dolls.

    I would love to win Chloe and pass her along to a special little girl!

  610. Tia McFarlane Avatar
    Tia McFarlane

    Well, I wasn’t going to comment because this doll just doesn’t feel like “ours”. BUT, after thinking about it I know a girl who was expecting to have a little sister who unfortunately didn’t get to stay here very long before becoming an angel. I think Chloe would be a wonderful gift for her, so if fate decides to place her in my hands thats were she will go.

  611. Amie Avatar

    Another Cutie! Not posting for the doll …. I have online raffle info for you ๐Ÿ™‚

  612. Wendy Avatar

    I work with children with disabilities, and if I win will be passing along this sweet little doll to a little girl with a muscle disease, who is having a birthday this week, and is a HUGE doll fan. If I don’t win, I’ll keep trying to buy one! Keep up the beautiful work!

  613. Angie Avatar

    She is darling! Thanks for the chance!

  614. Kristy Avatar

    Such an open and ‘ready’ face! Sure to be welcomed with lots of cuddles and loving in her new home, wherever it turns out to be! Awesome work and somewhere I come to be inspired, often ๐Ÿ™‚ Thanks for the opportunity. ๐Ÿ™‚ Kristy in Australia.

  615. Charlene Avatar

    This little beauty would be welcomed into our homeschooling family here in the woods =) Thank you for the amazing opportunity! Ps- I would love to contribute to the raffle package, please drop me a note.

  616. Valerie Avatar

    How incredibly generous of you… she’s gorgeous!! ๐Ÿ™‚

  617. CanCan Avatar

    Chloe can come to our house in Southeast Asia ๐Ÿ˜€

  618. Rachel V Avatar

    Chloe would be perfect for my little Chloe.

  619. Jennifer Avatar

    She is so sweet! Thank you for making such wonderful dolls!

  620. Erin Zackey Avatar
    Erin Zackey

    Oh what a sweet little darling! My little girl would adore her!

  621. Rred Avatar

    What precious gifts you offer with your time and generosity–to your doll fans and to MS patients. ๐Ÿ™‚

  622. Jenn Shehata Avatar
    Jenn Shehata

    So Sweet! I’m sure my daughter would love her but I almost want her for me!

  623. Zsรณfimamรกja_Gabi Avatar

    Chloe is so sweet girl! I hope to win her for my daughters:)) Thank for the chance.

  624. NanT Avatar

    very cute!!

  625. Emma G Avatar
    Emma G

    Chloe is gorgeous, we’d love to welcome her into our home! Thanks for the giveaway

  626. Piroska Avatar

    Chloe is gorgeous!Thank you for the opportunity! Piroska from Budapest

  627. Katie Avatar

    She’s adorable. My daughter is a Chloe. ๐Ÿ™‚

  628. Alice S Avatar
    Alice S

    She’s a cutie, as always. My daughter’s friend is named Chloe, so there’s no doubt she would love this one. It could be the little sister to her Bamboletta.

  629. Alison Avatar

    We would love to give Chloe a home here! Although with all the comments here, I’m thinking it’s about as likely as winning Lotto 649!

  630. Megan S. Avatar
    Megan S.

    Adorable! You are so talented. I’d love to win her.

  631. Renee' Avatar

    So kind and generous of you to donate to such a worthy cause! Chloe is gorgeous, thank you for the chance…fingers crossed!

  632. ana Avatar

    That’s such an adorable doll! My little Carolina would love her! ๐Ÿ™‚

  633. em Avatar

    she’s adorable! thanks for another give-away chance!!

  634. Alissa Avatar

    it’s the faces on your dolls that really make them so unique, would love to see it in person!

  635. Marina Avatar

    Hi Christina,
    sounds like you are keeping busy!

    Luna would love to have a new doll.

  636. rae Avatar

    what an adorable face with those sweet little cheeks! thanks for the opportunity to win one of your beautiful creations! ๐Ÿ˜‰

  637. Crystal Avatar

    She is so adorable!

  638. jill Avatar

    i am so impressed with how you run your business! i know it hasn’t been easy with how in demand your dolls have become!

    i think you and your dolls are amazing!


  639. Jacki Avatar

    A lovely girl! A sweet girl at this house promises to give her a great home!

  640. Angie Avatar

    Adorable! We would love to give her a home.

  641. Ying Avatar

    What a darling girl! Thank you for holding this giveaway.

  642. Jenifer Avatar

    Whoa! a LOT of comments ๐Ÿ™‚ She’s adorable. DD asked, “Mommy, do you think that’s me?”…aw, I hope it is ๐Ÿ™‚

  643. Bryn Avatar

    We love everything that Bamboletta stands for. We’re so happy to have found you!
    My daughter received a ‘Sleepy Dolly’ for Christmas, and loves tucking her under her arm and holding her as she is gently rocked to sleep. I would love for her first ‘big girl’ doll to be a Bamboletta, as well, and there’s something about ‘Chloe’ that really reminds me of my daughter (that’s why I had to post a comment for the first time on this one :). I love her spirit! Good luck with your fundraiser, and thanks for making it fun!

  644. Kristin Avatar

    My daughter jumps up and down saying that every one of your dolls she sees is just the one she would love. This one is just wonderful! So, here’s hoping… Thank you so much for this giveaway offer!

  645. Kit Avatar

    Thank you for all you do…and another beautiful doll to boot!

  646. Rebecca Avatar

    Beautiful doll, as always!

  647. Leann Avatar

    I would love to win Chloe. She’s adorable and we’d give her a very good home. Please pick me!

  648. Michele F Avatar
    Michele F

    She is very cute! Thanks for the chance to win her! MfrykasAtMtsDotNEt

  649. Dawn Kramer Avatar
    Dawn Kramer

    She is absolutely adorable. Would love her for my granddaughter

  650. Crystal Rogers Avatar
    Crystal Rogers

    Oh my, what lovely eyes you have…he he he

  651. juana arias Avatar

    us, girls at the black lantern love, love, love, your pretty dolls…count us in!

  652. Jordan Avatar

    lovely doll!

  653. kris Avatar

    She is adorable.

  654. Don Avatar

    I love to win this for my family.

  655. Aimee Avatar

    My little girl really wants a doll just like this. I will keep my fingers crossed!

  656. michelle Avatar

    She would make a lovely friend to my children!
    thanks for the chance to win her!

  657. Jo Anne Avatar

    Another beautiful doll from Bamboletta! Chloe would surly find a good home with my granddaughter. You are very generous with your giveaways. Thanks

  658. kirsten Avatar

    oh…she is a sweetie! i know just the little girl to give her a good home. thank you.

  659. Kendal Avatar

    she is very cute! Thank you for the giveaway ๐Ÿ™‚

  660. Lisa Avatar

    So cute, we would love to give her a new home!

  661. Novia Avatar

    She is STUNNING Christina, as always ๐Ÿ™‚ And your generosity is out of this world!

  662. Cody Avatar

    Would love to win her for my daughter!

  663. Julie Avatar

    I would SO love to win one of your beautiful dolls! I have three daughters who would LOVE her.

  664. rikki Avatar

    chloe is so precious!!

  665. Shannon Avatar

    Oh how I would love to be able to give Chloe to our daughter! She’s gorgeous! Thanks for the chance.

  666. Terese Avatar

    Oh, so cute! I would love the chance to have Chloe come home to us ๐Ÿ™‚

  667. Aimee K. Leonard Avatar
    Aimee K. Leonard

    I have a sweet little boy ready to give Chloe lots of lovin’. He loves a cute baby doll.

  668. Heather K Avatar
    Heather K

    Thanks for being so generous!

  669. Erica Avatar

    I would love to have her live with us!! <3

  670. tai Avatar

    Oh Chloe, so are so very sweet!

  671. Sue Coppen Avatar
    Sue Coppen

    This is my first post after years of drooling over your dolls (metaphorically speaking), Chloe is beautiful!

  672. Tanya B Avatar
    Tanya B

    Always love your work! She is so cute … I adore her mushroom skirt.

  673. Dayna Avatar

    Oh she’s such a cutie! We would love to give her a forever home! ๐Ÿ™‚ You’re so kind Christina!!

  674. Emily S. Avatar
    Emily S.

    You and the Bamboletta mamas never cease to amaze me. Chloe will be loved where ever she ends up.

  675. Kathy M. Avatar
    Kathy M.

    We would love to give Chloe a loving home!! ๐Ÿ™‚ Luck be on our side

  676. Bethany Avatar

    thanks so much for the giveaway! i also look forward to the auction ๐Ÿ™‚

  677. Rachael Avatar

    Chloe is so adorable. My daughter would love to have her as a friend!

  678. Kimberly Nelson Avatar
    Kimberly Nelson

    Oh my, Chloe is just adorable, especially in her bright springtime outfit! My daughter, would love to give her a new home and introduce her to all her other dolly friends! ๐Ÿ™‚

  679. erika~ the inspired mama Avatar

    wow, what a lovely, lovely little doll!! we would be thrilled beyond belief to win! and we would give her a wonderful home, of course! we have a little girl celebrating a birthday next month and i am guessing that chloe would be a very welcome guest at the festivities! thank you for the generous giveaway ๐Ÿ™‚


  680. Shirley Avatar

    She is absolutely gorgeous! I just love your dolls!

  681. Luke Avatar

    Our sweet girl will would love this pretty doll!
    Thanks & Blessings!

  682. Janie Avatar

    What a lovely doll! Chloe wuold be a perfect friend for niece!

    Thanks you Christina for sharing your fantastic work!

  683. Kathy Avatar

    Adorable— as always!

  684. kelly Avatar

    I love your dolls!! So precious!


  685. kelly Terkuc Avatar
    kelly Terkuc

    What a cutie! Please keep us up to date on the auctions too for MS!

    Chloe is a cutie! finger’s crossed for this give away We have a cute little room and little mommy for her waiting!


  686. Joanna Avatar

    Just like all your other dolls, she is gorgeous and any little one would be lucky to have her. I’m crossing my fingers!

  687. Ashleigh Avatar

    Oh yes please. What a blessing to win a beautiful bamboletta doll…and she would certainly need a friend some time in the future…Thank you!

  688. Heather Avatar

    My daughter would love her! Her brother has a cute little boy dolly and we think he needs a ‘sister’.

  689. Helena A. Avatar
    Helena A.

    Oh my!! It’s my dream to have one of your dolls, but now I can’t afford it ๐Ÿ™
    I would love to win!


  690. dennisW Avatar

    My daughter (and wife) would love her!

  691. julie Avatar

    we love her…. from the mushroom skirt to her haircolors! so cute and my daughter would be so happy. thank you!

  692. Sherry Avatar

    What a great cause to support! And Chloe is too, too cute. Thanks for the giveaway.

  693. Sarah Avatar

    Thank you for creating such special little creatures! Both my 2 year old daughter and 7 month old boy loved looking at the picture of this little beauty. Thank you for the opportunity.

  694. Kara Avatar

    Our own Chloe would love a doll with her name!!

  695. Sarah Avatar

    Ooh very sweet! X

  696. Susie Avatar

    I’ve just discovered your dolls – they are beautiful, as is your kind spirit in hosting the auction for MS. For For the giveaway – my daughter would adore and cherish Chloe! Please keep creating such beauty!

  697. Thalita Dol Avatar

    She’s perfet! I hope she wants to live in Rio!!!

  698. trynna Avatar

    Chloe is soo sweet, and we would love to welcome her into our home. Thank you for your generosity…

  699. emily L. Avatar
    emily L.

    Chloe, I would love for you to come brighten my house. Thanks for the opportunity!

  700. Juliana Del Rio Avatar
    Juliana Del Rio

    So lovely! Entering for my BF’s little niece ๐Ÿ™‚ Thanks so much!

  701. Christine Avatar

    What Springtime fun! – crossing fingers and toes that Chloe gets to come play at our house!

  702. Julie L Avatar
    Julie L

    This is so wonderful. Thank YOU for your generosity

  703. Sarah MacMillan Avatar
    Sarah MacMillan

    So lovely!

  704. Elizabeth Avatar

    She’s gorgeous! My three year old would love her!

  705. Nancy Morosin Avatar
    Nancy Morosin

    She’s adorable! I’d love to bring her home! Thanks!

  706. wendy Avatar

    Thanks for the chance to win.

  707. Robbie Avatar

    I would love the chance to win one. ๐Ÿ™‚

  708. Tyl Avatar

    My girl would lover her – thank you!

  709. Teneile Pickett Avatar

    Chloe is such a pretty doll. I hope I win her for my little girl.

  710. Diane W. Avatar
    Diane W.

    I would love to win that beautiful baby doll!

  711. Natalie Stewart Graham Avatar
    Natalie Stewart Graham

    My Emme would just adore Miss Chloe:)

  712. Sylvia Gutierrez Avatar

    I just happened to find your site while browsing! Your dolls are absolutely precious! I’m keeping my fingers crossed–hope to get it for my daughter! If I don’t I’m sure the dolly will be much loved where ever she goes!

  713. Branddon Avatar

    I would love the chance to win Chloe and earn some serious Brownie Points with my family!


  714. Alma Avatar

    Chloe is adorable!

  715. Stefanie Avatar

    Hello, I would love to enter your giveaway. Your dolls are beautiful by the way.

    Stefanie ^^

  716. Kristen B. Avatar
    Kristen B.

    Such a sweetie. I love the mushroom skirt!

  717. Kim Avatar

    Your dolls are gorgeous and makes me wish I was a little girl again! Oh what the heck, are you ever to old to play with dolls?!!!! Love to have Chloe take over the guest room!

  718. Kerry Avatar

    She is quite the looker- Chloe is the name of the newest baby in our neighbourhood, very fitting.

  719. Lee Avatar

    We would give her a happy home!

  720. Missy Avatar

    She is sweet!

  721. Glenda Penner Avatar
    Glenda Penner

    Hi, a contest!! How fun. I’m in for sure and hope I’m the lucky mama. Thanks for the chance, Glenda Penner My daughter came upon your website and was excited to share it with me. What beautiful dolls, especially the hair and simple faces. Delightful.

  722. Lynne Avatar

    What nice little faces and the clothes are beautiful. They look so huggable.

  723. Jennifer Avatar

    Delightful and cheerful and girls dream.

  724. Kristy Avatar

    I know a little girl who would welcome Chloe in open arms. Thanks for this opportunity!

  725. Anne-Odile Avatar

    Thank you for your kind and beautiful heart, Christina!

  726. angelina Avatar

    you are so generous! i love giveaways! hey…onto another note , i missed the bellybutton tute, did you do it/?

  727. Audrey Avatar

    So sweet! Would love to welcome her into our crazy home!

  728. Sage Avatar

    So sweet, my little one would love her!

  729. Beth Carpenter Avatar
    Beth Carpenter

    Chloe says: “Welcome spring!”

  730. Amy Thornton Avatar
    Amy Thornton

    Such a sweet idea. Chloe does just sing spring. Thanks for sharing!

  731. Karen Avatar

    As usual she is just precious! Looking forward to the auction, great cause!

  732. Leah Avatar

    Just darling!

  733. Melissa Avatar

    She is so adorable! And we are amazed by your kindness and generosity!

  734. Jen Avatar

    She’s perfect for my little Sophia!

  735. debbie Avatar

    She is cute. Hooray for you and your friends for your support of such a good cause. Looking forward to the auction.

  736. Kristin Avatar

    Oh, I love her and I know my daughter would too! Thank you for the opportunity!

  737. Peggy Avatar

    Such a beauty! So generous of you too.

  738. Heidi Avatar

    Oh My goodness!
    Her name is Chloe, I have a chloe Jo and her Bday is coming up…….
    She is lovely!!!! Thank you for such an exciting opportunity!!

  739. Nathalie Avatar

    Wish she will join us!

  740. Alye King Avatar
    Alye King

    It is so amazing how everyone comes together for a wonderful cause

  741. Maureen Goodman Avatar
    Maureen Goodman

    Chloe is a cutie. Your generosity is overwhelming!

  742. Mike Avatar

    Very pretty!

  743. Nancy Avatar

    What a beautiful doll and wonderful cause!!

  744. Pam Avatar

    Very, very cute! I just love your dolls. There is no comparison!

  745. David Avatar

    I would love to get this for my daughter! Thank you.

  746. Hannah Heis Avatar
    Hannah Heis

    I have been admiring your dolls for a while. I would love to have one in our home. Thanks for this oppportunity!


  747. Jennyfer Osecheck Avatar
    Jennyfer Osecheck

    would love her!!!!

  748. Jesca Byndom Avatar

    Your craft of love deeply aids the progress and learning of future mothers and fathers of humanity. Blessed Be!

  749. Casey Avatar

    She is our favorite!! ๐Ÿ™‚

  750. Rachel Avatar

    This doll looks just like my daughter, Greta! And just in time for her 3rd birthday, too!

  751. Tracey K. Avatar
    Tracey K.

    She is so cute!!!!

  752. Rich C Avatar
    Rich C

    My daughter would love her.

  753. Aubrey Avatar

    You are too much, crazy lady!! I’m in! xo

  754. Jen A Avatar
    Jen A

    Such a cute dolly!

  755. Billy Avatar

    Our granddaughter would love her!!!

  756. Ed G Avatar
    Ed G

    My girls we be so happy to have Chloe as thier new baby.

  757. charlotte miller Avatar
    charlotte miller


  758. Kathy G Avatar
    Kathy G

    My granddaughter would be Chloe’s best friend!!!

  759. Brent P Avatar
    Brent P

    My 2 year old would be over the moon to have her.

  760. BrianS Avatar

    My daughter would love her.

  761. Krista Avatar

    Such a sweetie!!!

  762. Holly Avatar

    My twin girls would love her!!! Their grandma has MS. Thanks for doing this great giveaway! ๐Ÿ™‚

  763. Courtney Avatar

    She would be great for my daughter

  764. Michelle Avatar

    My daughter would love to snuggle Chloe!

  765. Tasha Avatar

    Once again, another beautiful doll ๐Ÿ™‚

  766. Rebeccca Avatar

    Thank you for doing another giveaway!

  767. Carrie Avatar

    What a sweetie!

  768. victoria Avatar

    Such a lovely little one. We’d love to add her to our family. Thank you!

  769. MamAmor Avatar

    I know a little one who would LOVE to hug a doll like this!

  770. Angela Avatar

    I am constantly amazed at the wonderful little business that you have built. And to see it being used for a good cause always warms the heart. Your dolls are lovely!

  771. Erin Avatar

    She’s so lovely, hope we’re the lucky family ๐Ÿ™‚

  772. Sweet Sarah Avatar
    Sweet Sarah

    Oh my, she is adorable! My daughter would be thrilled to finally have one of these:)

  773. Rachel Avatar

    Chloe is beautiful. You are so awesome to do this ๐Ÿ™‚

  774. Kevin Avatar

    My daughter would just adore her..

  775. Geneviรจve Avatar

    She is so lovely! We would be very happy to have her. Thank you once again!!

  776. Sarah Powell Avatar
    Sarah Powell

    She wants too come live on our log home! ๐Ÿ™‚ I have lots of dollie friends for her!

  777. Marsha Newtson Avatar
    Marsha Newtson

    New to your beautiful dolls. She is adorable. I would love to have her at Grandma’s for my 2 GRANDbaby’s to play with.

  778. Jennifer N. Avatar
    Jennifer N.

    So nice of you to do this. She is a cutie!

  779. Jeremy N. Avatar
    Jeremy N.

    My 3 year old would love this- thanks!

  780. jenny martin Avatar
    jenny martin

    What a cute doll! I would so love to win this for my God-daughter Brooke!

  781. Barbara Avatar

    Thanks for another chance to win a one-of-a-kind treasure.

  782. Fiona Avatar

    My daughter would love this when she is older. I love your dolls. My cousin got three custom dolls last year and they are awesome. I really wanted to get one, but at the time, my daughter was only 6 months old

  783. Shelly Virtue Avatar
    Shelly Virtue

    OOooohhhh, I’d give my arm and leg to have that sweet little dollie! Love all your dolls. Expert workmanship! You Are FABULOUS!!!!!!!

    Shelly <3

  784. Shaivite Avatar

    Chloe is so sweet! thanks for the chance to win!

  785. Terry Avatar

    She sure is cute!!!! We would love her here!!!

  786. Judy Apple Avatar

    What a wonderful idea!

  787. carmen Avatar

    My friends have these dolls for their kids and cant say enough about them! My little girl is named Chloe and would LOVE this precious little doll with the same name!!

  788. Melanie Avatar

    What a beautiful doll. My 5 year old would be thrilled to have one just like her.

  789. Izaak Alpert Avatar
    Izaak Alpert


  790. glen Avatar

    She is a cute one. My little girls would love her.

  791. Megan Avatar

    We would sure love to have her!

  792. Dan Avatar

    My daughter would love her.

  793. Joyce Avatar

    My granddaughter would love her.

  794. Gabi Avatar

    She is lovely.

  795. Fiona Pingyin Avatar
    Fiona Pingyin

    Not sure why my comment this morning didn’t post, but reposting it. My daughter would love this doll. Your dolls are awesome. My cousin was lucky enough to get three custom dolls for her kids last year.

  796. erica and natasha Avatar
    erica and natasha

    hmmm, i already have only one in 782 chance, and there’s still 24 hours to go! Here is to chance smiling upon us.

  797. Kate Avatar

    WOW what agreat thing you are doing. I just love the way crafters can get together online and do something good.

    To own one of your dolls would be such a pleasure. You have been a constant source of inspiration for my own doll making.


  798. Roxane Avatar

    she would be welcome here!

  799. Jody Avatar

    Chloe would have a special place in my home and in my heart! She is absolutely precious!

  800. Helen G Avatar
    Helen G

    We would love to give Chloe a good home! She is so cute!!

  801. Scott Shane Avatar

    I said “I want this doll for my niece.”

  802. Kerry Avatar

    Random Generator…pick me! Chloe would be most welcome in my home…

  803. Ashley Avatar

    So sweet! Tomorrow is a birthday celebration in our household, so perhaps this little one can be an added bonus! =)

  804. Adam Avatar

    We know a little boy who’s going to need a dolly to love *very* soon!

  805. patty Avatar

    I have several granddaughters who would love little Chloe!

  806. Elizabeth Avatar

    oh please pick me! ๐Ÿ™‚

  807. Jolie Avatar

    Wow! A giveaway?! Yay!!! She’s a beauty

  808. Erika Avatar

    I wish, I wish, I wish!!!!

  809. Jenni Avatar

    Beautiful doll! Fingers crossed…

  810. bindu Avatar

    i am smitten by the soft summer cloud smile

  811. Reuben Avatar

    Nice doll!!!!

  812. rachelzana Avatar

    She’s super cute!

  813. Theresa Avatar

    What a cutie!

  814. Heather TenKley Avatar
    Heather TenKley

    Chloe would be a welcomed addition to our home ๐Ÿ™‚

  815. Stacy Avatar

    Okay, I can’t remember if I entered or not…so here goes! We would love this doll soooo much!

  816. Dave Brandon Avatar
    Dave Brandon

    For Alice Brandon!!!

  817. Steve Brandon Avatar
    Steve Brandon

    I would like this doll – it is lovely!!

  818. Margo MacArthur Avatar
    Margo MacArthur

    Jayden is at an age where Chloe would be such a great best friend for her. Thank you for always engaging us moms and demonstrating how much you care vs. simply running a business. It shows.

  819. Claire Avatar

    Fingers crossed! How awesome of you to do this ๐Ÿ™‚

  820. mary Avatar

    what a cutie! you are so generous!

  821. Simone Ashby Avatar
    Simone Ashby

    My dear friend Tressa sent me here. I love your work! All of it stunning. I particularly like this doll’s hair. It remind me of this Middle Eastern jeweled pasta I enjoy making. 8)

  822. Paige Miller Avatar
    Paige Miller

    I stumbled upon your dolls today, they are incredible!

  823. Becky Collier Avatar
    Becky Collier

    We love your dolls!

  824. Amy R Avatar
    Amy R

    Oooh she’s cute!!!

  825. Leanne Avatar

    Adorable…. what a sweetheart!

  826. Misha Avatar

    Oh, we would love to have Chloe come home to us! Thank you so much for the generous giveaway!!

  827. Mary Avatar

    so cute… would love for my granddaughter!

  828. Sam T Avatar
    Sam T

    We would love a chance to bring her home to our family. Thanks so much for your generosity!

  829. Tim Avatar

    Trying to win her for my little girl!

  830. Sean Avatar

    My daughter (and wife) would like this doll.

  831. George Avatar

    My daughter would love this doll.

  832. Carli Avatar

    She’s beautiful!

  833. Sam Avatar

    trying for my daughter (probably more for my wife though)

  834. Jill Avatar

    I think she is a cutie.

  835. Jennifer E Avatar
    Jennifer E

    Come on random generator, pick our family to be blessed with sweet Chloe!! :0)

  836. Scott Avatar

    My daughter would love it, but it would really be for my wife. ๐Ÿ˜‰

  837. JP Avatar

    Hope Chloe can join our family soon!

  838. angelina Avatar

    she’s coming home with me!!
    wait and see..

  839. Jessica K. Avatar
    Jessica K.

    I would LOVE a chance to win. My daughter would be thrilled :). Thanks.

  840. Jen Riley Avatar
    Jen Riley

    Nhiya would love her!

  841. Bambo Lover Avatar
    Bambo Lover

    Omg My name is chloe she is the exact same as ME

  842. Dave C Avatar
    Dave C

    Would be wonderful to give my Olivia a beautiful Chloe for Christmas. ๐Ÿ™‚

  843. Amanda C Avatar
    Amanda C

    Chloe come and live in Australia with us!

  844. AManda b Avatar
    AManda b

    Pretty please!!

  845. Heather Davies Avatar
    Heather Davies

    Ohhh, so sweet! My little girl would be so thrilled and it could be a gift from her soon to be new baby brother/sister to be…

  846. Courtney Scaggs Avatar

    I would love to have this for my angel pie!

  847. cheryl Avatar

    She would be welcome here, something to snuggle after my Relay for Life walk this past weekend…I love how you are always helping! Blessings to you and the mamas who make everything possible! ๐Ÿ™‚ ๐Ÿ™‚ ๐Ÿ™‚

  848. Jen Avatar

    You are so generous! We’d love her to come live with us! ๐Ÿ™‚

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