I’m feeling a Christmas slowdown right now. I have 3 dolls to finish before Monday, they ship out for early January birthdays. That’s it until next Friday, I’m taking a little break so, unfortunately there will be no postings on Natural Pod for new dolls for the next two weeks.
My parents and sister are coming out to visit this Saturday and staying until Wednesday. I’m totally looking forward to seeing them and eating my mama’s yummy, yummy food. Benji is so excited for Christmas he’s practically vibrating! I’m almost done my Christmas shopping, all thanks to Etsy and Natural Pod (for Ben)! I bought almost everyone’s gift on there except my dad and John. A trip to the bookstore this afternoon will solve that… I hope!
Hope everyone has a great holiday!
PS For some reason, I can’t write in paragraphs.. this program puts everything in one big paragraph, hmmm, please don’t think I have bad grammer! I’m not lovin’ WordPress..no pics, no paragraphs – I have to read the help section. Figured paragraphs out! And pic’s somewhat!
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