Thank you so much for the overwhelming response to my latest Doll Giveaway! You are all so sweet – I have the best customers ever.
Delilah’s new home is…
I’ve been admiring your dolls for ages – they are so beautiful!
Yeah Angela! I will be emailing you tonight. Congrats to you!
I also wanted to share this great love letter we got today from Allison.
Hi Christina,
I just wanted to let you know that we received our newest family member, and Leila is beautiful! The children were amused that she had gone on such a big journey! Her arrival also led to a wonderful critical discussion with my 7 and 8 year old daughters, as we talked about the difference between Leila and mass produced dolls, such as Bratz and Polly Pocket. Among other things, we talked about what she was made of versus the Bratz dolls, how they were made, conditions of workers that made the mass produced dolls, and effects of both types of doll on the earth. Good and important stuff!!!! Anyway, thanks again!
Allison & Family
Leila in her new home – love the highchair!!
Thanks so much Allison!
I’m going to have another Doll Giveaway in the next few weeks, a boy this time. Keep checking back here for more details.
P.S. I have to apologise for my lack of blogging as of late. It has been INCREDIBLE over here weather wise and my evenings are spent sewing outside. Somehow being inside on the computer seems very, very wrong when it’s nice and warm outside – and it gets dark at 10pm. I feel as though I’m on vacation!
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