This little gnome is a special order for Robert at . He requested this months ago but with the move and general craziness I wasn’t able make him until now. He really is one of my most favorite dolls that I’ve ever made. I sculpted in a chin and larger gnome-esque nose then sewn in some white boucle mohair. His hat is attached and I made a basic outfit using velour. His limbs are articulated so he can b posed in many different ways. I jointed them using my new, spiffy doll joints. They take a bit longer then jointing using the button method but the doll is SO much sturdier. I also made 2 new babies and a mermaid for him, all should be on his site in a few weeks.

I’m working on 2 custom dolls next week and then just ‘stocking’ up untill the baby makes an appearence. I’ve entered the stage of pregnancy where fear of labour has been replaces with a mix of really, really wanting to meet my our new baby and wanting my body to be somewhat normal again.






One response to “”

  1. christina at bamboletta Avatar
    christina at bamboletta

    Hi there 🙂
    Of course I don’t mind if you link me! I’m sorry I haven’t responded to you babe and all, it’s been a crazy few days!
    Thanks for the compliments!

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