My friend Devon , photographer extraordinaire, is having a contest over on her blog. It’s for a portrait session. Even if you don’t live on our Island she is giving away a pretty sweet assortment of goods made by Constance.
We had a lovely day today. I dropped of a few new dolls at Trendy Tots in Duncan then we went to the Farmer’s Market for some strawberries. There really is nothing like BC strawberries. So sweet and red, mmm. We ate a pint on the way home and another pint after dinner with some whipped cream. I’m fortunate enough to get milk straight from a farm out here, so all I do is skim off the top cream and whip that up. It is so amazingly good.
There are three new dolls up on Natural Pod tonight for ‘adoption’. Remember they are having a contest too- so sign up for that.
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