Here are a few dolls that will be up for sale soon on Natural Pod. From now on I will give Natural Pod dolls on the first of the month and they will be loaded up shortly after. It will be fun to see a whole bunch of them up at the same time. Many of hese dolls feature my fancy new Japanese fabrics and sweaters made with delicious yarns like baby cashmere and the softest alpaca! Nonna has been knitting up a storm lately getting all the sweaters ready for the dolls.
Am I the only one who hasn’t heard of SewMamaSew? Wow, what a great selection of fabrics! J has a cold/cough right now and isn’t sleeping all that well at night so I find myself trolling the internet. I must have spent a good hour on that site alone last night.
I’m often asked about supplies and where to find them. One of my all time favorite places online is Weir Dolls. They have the best customer service and always have what you need. If you want to attempt to make your own doll, I really like their kits. I’ve emailed Weir Dolls many times desperate for tubing or something that I’ve run out of and it’s always shipped asap. Great place. You can just tell when a business is coming from a good place, you know what I mean?
Hey all you Facebook fans out there, Bamboletta Dolls has it’s own page. This is John’s (self confessed Facebook addict) doing. There isn’t much on there now, but I hope to use it for keeping my customers up to date on events and general going on’s. Go ahead..friend me!
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