I had my parents over this weekend and they brought along Nonna for a visit too. She is just the cutest thing alive! Nonna, in case you didn’t know, does all my sweaters for me for Bamboletta. Last night we sat around the kitchen table , her knitting, myself doing dolls and my mom sewing buttons on the sweaters drinking coffee and tea and eating my mom’s yummy blueberry cake. It was a Hallmark moment. They left this afternoon to go back to Vancouver.
We went to the ‘Loom’ (my new FAV store) to pick up some lopi and new yarns for the dolls. I’m running low on brunette hair and had to stock up. So, myself and the family loaded into the ‘MomBomb’ (a desperate attempt to make my Toyota minivan sound cool) and did the drive out to the store. I really did luck out with this wool shop being so close to me. Next week we are driving into Victoria to check out the Beehive wool shop.. apparently it’s pretty great too.
I’m sorry for my complete lack of pics. I’m not really understanding how one puts pics up on this blog. I know that I’ve done it before, but it seemed to have happened by fluke. When I have a minute I’ll get reading through the help sections.
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