No pictures today as I’ve misplaced my camera. And I broke my cordless phone – dropped it. All members of my immediate familia are laughing right now, I go through about 6 phones a year. Got to make the trip out to Radio Shack this weekend and pick up a new one.
I took a trip into Duncan today and stopped in at Trendy Tots at 151 Craig Street. They have been renovating for the past few months and I finally saw the finished result and was absolutely blown away! The place looks fantastic, I am so impressed. When I first moved here almost a year ago I was quite dismayed at my shopping choices. I mean, I’m not a big shopper by any stretch but I enjoy looking around and seeing whats hip and happening (’cause I’m that type of gal, ha! I am so kidding!) . Anyhow, I stepped into Trendy Tots and it was like a ray of hope had descended upon me. It’s a kid store, yes, but it is the coolest, friendliest kid store..EVER.. Maybe it’s because I have this whole wardrobe of clothing that I’m about 15 baby pounds too heavy for, but I love buying kids clothes. I say it’s market research for the dolls- inspirational shopping. Lol, I’ll use any excuse I can get.
So, there are other exciting things happening for Bamboletta. I’m in the process of re-setting up an Etsy shop. I have one right now – Bamboletta Dolls- but haven’t put anything up for sale in a long time. I will still be selling my dolls through Natural Pod as well, I love that my customers have access to such amazing toys and things for their family. I hope to have a few things up for sale by weeks end this of course is all dependent on Jasper and the cutting of tooth number three.
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