Big Doll ‘Drop’

I worked and worked hard this week and last to make 9..yes 9! new dolls for Natural Pod. All going well I should have them photographed tomorrow and then Bridgitte will load them on to the site. They should be up by Wednesday… maybe, hopefully =).

We had a lovely putter-y day today mowing the lawn and playing outside with the little ones. Baby J is just over 8 months now, goodness what a nice age this is. He is just so sweet and cute, still doesn’t sleep, but wonderful none the less! This picture just about sums up his personality..







3 responses to “Big Doll ‘Drop’”

  1. nathalie Avatar

    wow!!! what a big boy you have! i can believe he is already 8 months old. how time flies! and yes i don’t think your husband would like to see him a tutu….not even a blue one. giggles!!! have a wonderful week!

  2. Naomi Avatar

    He is adorable! And look at those chompers…

  3. gary…

    excelent post, keep it coming…

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