This picture has nothing to do with this post. It was taken yesterday morning – I couldn’t resist showing you all. So, Ben’s doll , ‘Tofu’ is now almost 3 years old and Jasper’s , ‘Ash’, is about a year old.
This is almost embarrassing – it’s been SO long since I last blogged. I’ve thought of it many times, but my life has been pretty uneventful – I feel as though I’d bore you all with my ramblings about my days. It would go something like this – wake up/kids to school/dolls/pick up and hang out with kids/dinner/dolls/sleep/repeat. The sleep part in my day is my only variable.
Well, it does feel like something has happened to Bamboletta in the past 4 weeks or so. Things feel like they’ve just gone up a notch – you know? The interest in the dolls has skyrocketed – it’s been amazing. Every time I open my email there are a dozen new messages from people asking about where they can find a doll. You can’t believe how excited John and I are about all this – now it’s just figuring out how it’s all going to ‘work’.. the constant juggling of family, work and home. The home is the definite loser right now – you should see my laundry pile.. my mother would cringe if she saw the state of it.
This may be a good time to let you know what is happening with the ‘re-opening’ of custom dolls on December 15th. On that date, the custom doll option will be available in a limited number. It’s a pretty high number, but there is a limit on it. Once the spots are filled, I will close the custom dolls down until January 4th. From then on I will accept new custom doll orders once a week – again, this will be a limited number. I will still have ready to go dolls available each week as well. I’m not set on a day of the week yet, I’ll let you know when I figure this out. This will ensure that I don’t go over the amount of dolls we can make in a month.
I’m thinking it will take a few days to fill up the custom spots (John says a few hours!). Anyhow – we are then going to ‘close shop’ from December 21st until January 4th. TWO weeks! I need time with my family and also to sit down and map out what we will be doing in the upcoming year – I’d love to make a business plan! I’m not sure we want to get too much ‘bigger’ – I love the size that we are at right now because it allows me to be so connected with all of you- I don’t ever want to lose that, it feels like a very special thing we’ve got going on with each other. 😀
Okay – I best go now – I have 10 faceless dolls waiting for their eyes to go on!
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