My little man turned one on Thursday. My mom, dad and sister are over this weekend to celebrate this very special occasion. I am so lucky to be his mama, this little guy is so full of life and curiosity and has absolutely no fear. He has taught me patience and given me lots of laughs. Baby J, I love you so.
Beautiful felt crown was a gift from the ever so lovely Ella. BTW if you haven’t checked out her blog please do so, it’s one of my favorites to read.
I’ve just finished up a new batch of dolls for Trendy Tots. Lori and Steve (owners) are so great to work with. They are so excited every time I bring a batch it. Lori is like myself, she told me the other day that she had to hug a doll goodbye once she sold it. I mean how great is that? So cute.
These dolls are dressed with some of the new fabrics I got in from Superbuzzy. I’m getting a bunch more in soon, I can’t wait! Speaking of clothing. Constance and I had a ‘meeting’ (ha! it was more of us gawking at fabrics and chasing baby J around, preventing him from pulling the industrial iron on his head!) about clothing the other day. Ohhh, I am so excited about the new clothes we are coming up with. Con’s got some amazing ideas for her own Bamboletta clothes (but I think they’d fit any 14″-16″ doll, well Waldorf-y doll anyways) and she’s made some very cool mock ups for stuff. She is trained in haute couture design, how lucky am I to have her as a friend and part of this all? She told me that her love for sewing started by making doll clothing and now look at her, it’s like she has come full circle.
This is Abbie. She’s up on Etsy today. I really like her outfit. These sweaters are like gold lately, this is my last one. Apparently I have 8 coming tomorrow from Vancouver from Nonna. I can’t wait! They are almost all spoken for already, it’s like a new Gucci bag or something like that. I’m so out of it – I have no idea what is hot in the bag department. Lol, I am seriously looking for a pair of Birkenstocks though. My sister and Vancouver friends will be having a major giggle over this. Not that there is anything wrong with Birkenstocks, on the contrary, I’m excited to have well supported feet. Let’s just say things have really, really changed for me.
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