At some point during today I realized that I hadn’t put anything together for Benjamin’s class for Valentines day. It isn’t as easy as hitting the local drugstore and buying some ‘Cars’ cards when your son attends a Waldorf school – although he would LOVE that, as I’m pretty sure a few of his boy classmates would too. When Ben came home today I put out some glue, some paper and some fabric – this is what we came up with. Then I sat him on my knee and just zigzagged the edges. Easy and cute.
* Yes, you are right – I do try to use the fairy fabric as much as I can!*
Another easy thing I ‘ve done were these beanbags. These get used alot around here, mostly as s to hold fabric down , or up, on furniture to build forts and caves. I just filled them with some Uncle Bens rice that I have had for about 6 years. I know it’s been that long because we moved into our first home with it. Lol, it was leftover from Johns place and was always put at the back of the shelf – way at the top. I also bought yards of broadcloth in all sorts of colours, serged the edges and have them in a basket for play. The green one will get thrown down for some grass and the blue one will be water- suddenly Bens room is transformed into an island. It’s awesome to see them play like this, and with such simple things. Weight
John is in the throws of a ‘Mancold’ so I apologise if we are bit behind on the emailing/correspondence side of things. Men and colds crack me up. (really watch this video – I laugh every time, it is SO true!)
PSS I have 5 dolls for Etsy tomorrow and 3 dresses! I’ll try to get them up at noon PST.
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