Thursday Finds and Ramblings..

I’m going to have to move my ‘Thursday Finds’ to another day. Thursday nights are a busy night over here, this is the night John and I usually prep the weeks dolls. Stuffing, cutting and tying – lol, all night long.

Luckily for us we are in the Alps segment of the Tour de France. I’m not a sports person at all – but I love watching TdF. Love it! It is so relaxing and exciting at the same time especially now with the very steep hill action. And – man alive- that Lance Armstrong.. very impressive. I have no idea what actual goes on as far as tactics, or whatever, and up until recently I thought that the Palleton was a rider (it’s the group of riders or something). I choose my favorites almost soley on their outfits and I don’t know how long the race goes one. I wrote more on my TdF love last year – you can see here if you want to see where the love began.

I picked up this book (Buddhism for Mothers of Young Children)  to offset my current obsession with reading all the Twilight books (I’m actually listening to them while I work – I’m at the end of Eclipse and am about to start the Breaking Dawn one – LOVE them!). It’s a really easy read essentially about being mindful and present with our children – I really enjoyed it.  It is a gentle reminder of this fleeting time. Where do I get time to read you ask? We visited my parents this weekend in Vancouver so Nonna had the kids pretty much all the time. It was the usual Vancouver trip that starts with a trip to the fabric stores and ends with a trip to the Aquarium. Fun times.


I should go – I feel guilty as I can see John on the couch stuffing bodies, I should join him. I have to show you all this though – these are some of my new clothes that I’ll have for the dolls. These clothes were made up by Reggie and Constance. I sketched out my doll clothing ‘vision’ and they made it a reality. These dolls will be up tomorrow for sale – around 1pm ish PST.







5 responses to “Thursday Finds and Ramblings..”

  1. Amber Avatar

    I actually got ‘Buddhism for Mothers of Young Children’ for my birthday in May, and it’s been sitting on my shelf. I’m glad to hear you enjoyed it. I have such a long book queue myself, but maybe I’ll move it up. I could use some mindfulness, quite honestly.

  2. Cheryl Avatar

    The funny thing is that link is for the book “Ignore Everybody: and 39 other keys to Creativity”. . . .which is a little different than being present for your kids 🙂 . . . .but i found the book you mentioned and might have to pick it up. Can’t wait to see this week’s dolls a little closer! Have a wonderful weekend!

    1. admin Avatar

      thanks for that Cheryl! I was going to talk about that book, but wasn’t impressed with it so I didn’t think it was worth mentioning 😉
      hi Amber – it’s a great book – especially if you are feeling overwhelmed as I tend to. a lot.

  3. Monica Avatar

    Holy moly…ya know…I am at my LYS knit group when you stock usually…darn good thing.

    How many dolls you you keep at home with you and your boys? If I could Christina, I’d have more dolls than letters in the alphabet. Each week at least one talks to me.

    I too am sucked into Twilight. The HS they used in the movie filming is just down the road from me….I’ve thought of adding pics of me there to my blog. 😉 Make some mommas jealous! lol

  4. Leola Avatar

    Hi Christina – so lovely to meet you today – love your website and love that you too have a Janome and that you love to read (I am also a librarian and to ‘talk’ books is one of my joys!)OGD makes story pillows which seem to be a big hit – so we are kind of on the same page. I think we should have tea one day and chat about the possibilities – love your energy. After the baby fair!!! Love Soule too…….my grandies love books and my favourite book is Miss Rumphius or as my kids called it the Lupin Lady……
    Hope to talke to you soon.

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