Ack! The adventures are a day late, I am so sorry. I’ve been at the computer a lot trying to upload stuff on to the new shop and sewing like mad to get stock ready. Busy.
Since this is Lucita’s first time in Guatemala and everything is such a new experience, she thought it might be interesting to share some of her thoughts and impressions from the last 7 weeks here.
Things that take getting used to…
Toilet paper is put in trash cans rather than flushed.
Sunset is at about 6pm all year long!
This dry season produces SO much dust. It’s everywhere all the time!
The cobblestone roads are tricky to walk on.
There are many languages besides Spanish and they all sound very different!
Erupting volcanoes and rumbling earthquakes are common here. Minimal but always the possibility of more!
Security guards with guns at many stores and all banks.
Children working to help support their families.
The poverty.
Helicopters flying overhead.
The stories of violence in the newspapers. Always with photos!
Mothers begging with their children in the street.
Gold rimmed teeth as a fashion statement.
Skinny unwell dogs living in the streets.
Shower water is heated at the head by an electrical device, fondly called “The Widow Maker”
Cold water is the only option to wash one’s hands.
Things to love about being here…
Mangos. Yum! And Mango season is fast approaching.
Women carrying their babies on their backs everywhere they go.
The sweet faces of the children.
The vast array of colours everywhere.
The beautiful embroidery on the women’s clothing.
The smiles of the people.
The ancient ruins.
Sunshine every day!
Fountains in all the parks.
Blue skies and puffy white clouds.
Guatemalan coffee!
Meeting wonderful people that are working to make a difference for those in need.
The incredible sight of volcanoes.
Flowers always in bloom.
Fresh fruits and vegetables from the busy and chaotic markets.
Dogs are welcome almost everywhere.
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