Important Change!

Just a quick post here. I wanted to announce as of May 1st there will be a 2 doll limit per household per month. I think most of you will laugh at this – seeing as so many of you have been trying for a while to get just one doll – but it is something that needs to go into affect. The 2 doll per month also includes ‘Angel-ing’ (which I think most of you are aware of I’m not that keen on) – so if you use your account/IP address to help someone out , that counts towards your 2 doll limit.

Thanks so much! I’ll be back for more of a ‘visit’ soon once I get over this head cold. Yuck!

*In case you are wondering what ‘angel-ing’ is – it’s the practice where someone will help a friend to get a doll using another computer.*






44 responses to “Important Change!”

  1. Jennifer Avatar

    I think this is a great new change, Christina! Thank you.

  2. Alicia Avatar

    I think this change will make a big difference in how many new mamas are able to get dolls πŸ™‚

  3. admin Avatar

    And not just the new mama’s but the ones who have siblings to buy for as well!

  4. Jessica KO Avatar
    Jessica KO

    Great decision

  5. Amy Avatar

    Thrilled about this new change…I think it will make a big difference when May uploads begin……Thank you!!!

  6. Stephanie Avatar

    I am amazed that people are still able to score 2+ dolls per month- They need to teach classes in Bambo Acquisition!

  7. Melanie I. Avatar
    Melanie I.

    People get more than 2 per month? Wow! They should spend their energy buying lotto tickets with that luck!

  8. Delphina Avatar

    Thanks for the update. I am sure there will be a lot of people happy with this change (mommas of triplets being the exception lol).

  9. Melissa Avatar

    I think the 2 per household limit is fine! I do however feel bad about the angel-ing thing because for instance on our board there is one person that will help someone and there have been many mommas that have their first doll because of it!! So I respect what you are saying C, but just think the angel-ing is a good thing, sorry…

  10. admin Avatar

    But they can still ‘angel’ but would use up their one spot for someone else. the vast vast majority of my customers have no idea about angel-ing and this sort of gives some people a real ‘leg up’ over everyone else. i know the intention is good! what i’m trying to do is make it more fair here πŸ™‚

  11. bindu Avatar

    thumbs up!

  12. Jennifer Avatar

    I think this is a great thing as it will hopefully level the playing field a bit for everyone. πŸ™‚

  13. Luke Avatar

    Love this rule! My wife actually gave up trying for a doll because of the stress and heartache of never being quick enough. I’m still trying for Mother’s Day, we have 4 girls she could give it to but I’m wondering if she would just keep it! πŸ™‚

  14. Jennifer Avatar

    I just wanted to say that Luke’s comment is one of the sweetest ever! I hope so badly he can get a Bambo for his wife for Mother’s Day.

  15. "Dolly Dolly Gumdrop" Avatar
    “Dolly Dolly Gumdrop”

    Great idea, spread the LOVE!

    and REALLY people score more than 2 per month?!!! I thought I was getting good, and still haven’t been able to snag one, after trying for 7 months! It was easier to get my daughter than the doll:)

  16. Kirsten Michelle Avatar

    As someone who’s been trying for 6 months to purchase one of your gorgeous creations…
    I thank you SO much, Christina.
    I can’t imagine how difficult it must be for you to traverse these waters…
    to balance such a high demand with your continued commitment to such beautiful craftmanship.
    I think of how hard you and the other mommas are working every time I don’t get a doll…
    trusting my time will come exactly when it’s meant to.
    Love and blessings,

  17. Jan Avatar

    I’m truly amazed that anyone can get more than 2 dolls a month.That is still going to be a lot of dolls, if they only have to wait 30 days.
    Must be some extremely fast internet over there.
    Anyway, that is a fabulous change. Good luck to all those who are still trying for their first doll.
    Thanks Christina for trying so hard to make it all fair. What a great job you do.

  18. TBro Avatar

    I kind of have to agree with Melissa in a sense. I understand why you are trying to control things, but on another hand it’s almost strange to me that you are such a caring, giving woman, but that you don’t want other women to help others out. Does that make sense? Not trying to cause any drama here or anything, just a curious thought I had. πŸ˜‰ And fyi… I am not a gal that has gotten more than 2 a month, more like 2 period! πŸ˜‰ I just know it will affect me helping my friends out because I don’t want to miss out on a possible future doll that might be perfect for us. But I guess that’s the intent of the whole thing. πŸ˜‰ As a “giver” myself, it just makes me sad to be unable to help others who are having difficulty. Just my 2 cents! πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ Hugs!

  19. Stephanie Avatar

    Thanks for doing that! I’ve been trying for a boy doll for ds who will nearly be 7yrs and if I don’t get one soon it will be too late for him. Time is running out for us!

  20. Riekie Dill Avatar
    Riekie Dill

    Thank you. That is HOPE to many of us.

  21. Lea T Avatar
    Lea T

    Hmmm, that almost makes me sad. I’m pretty sure I would have never gotten an upload doll without an angel. Even though I tried every.single.upload for a few months and got an empty email 3 times. My angel may not have wanted to give up her two dolls limit for me since she has more than one child to buy for, herself.

    The fact is that if you don’t have a fast computer and fast internet you are at a disadvantage. Sure, some people luck out and get a doll regardless but living rurally does not help my odds when our internet is slow.

  22. Leslie J Avatar
    Leslie J

    I think it’s a great idea! Gives hope to those that don’t have access to angels.

  23. Amie *C* Avatar
    Amie *C*

    I support this 100% C, people do not need more then 2 a month nor do the same angels have to keep getting dolls. If they sit out there is another doll for someone else to get πŸ™‚

  24. Jan Avatar

    I don’t understand angeling, but it seems that there have been kids waiting months and months for their dolls, while some people are buying more than 2 at a time, and not just for themselves. Sounds more like an Angle than an Angel. I think a 2 per month limit is unbelievably generous to people who want several dolls.
    If this frees things up a bit, then won’t those people who have lots of kids will also have a better go at buying them a doll? So where is the problem?

  25. Theresa Avatar

    I ditto Jan’s comments and think this is wonderful! I think it is also much more enjoyable to purchase your own doll instead of someone getting it for you (even though I *do* like to give them as gifts occasionally! :)). I truly believe people who have not been able to get a doll will find it ten times easier now without the “angels with an edge” competing for dolls and there will be less traffic on the site overall during upload times. Good call, Christina! πŸ™‚

  26. Teri Avatar

    Yeah!!! Maybe I will start to try for one again! I was lucky enough to buy my Bambo before all of this craziness started and now I would like to get my daughter another for her tea party group – but I had completely given up. I have to wonder if some of the people buying more than two are actually selling them somewhere?? I always keep an eye on this sight to see if there is any glimmer of hope of getting one but haven’t been hopeful lately – maybe now there will be a chance??? Some of us would just like one doll a year!!! Maybe that could be the new limit? : )) Thanks Christina!!!

  27. Petra Avatar

    Angels are still going to angel but they will use up there slots on angeling. It’s great these ladies who get lots of dolls are giving them up to other mummas and this doesn’t take that away, it just means they have to do it a little less often if they are looking to get dolls for themselves. And it opens up the chances for dolls to more people who don’t have an angel with “magic fingers”. Some of you angels are wickedly fast and that is great but this allows for people who don’t have access to the boards you are on, a better chance at a doll.

  28. Fiona Pingyin Avatar
    Fiona Pingyin

    This is a great idea. It is impossible to get a doll now. I hope it will give people who don’t have a doll, the opportunity to actually get one. I am hoping to get a doll for my daughter. She is getting to the age where she will be interested in dolls.

  29. Amie O Avatar
    Amie O

    I think it is a great idea too.

  30. Shelly Avatar

    I just think that whatever Christina and crew decide is ultimately best for this amazing company. We won’t find another more heartfelt, dedicated, and down-to-earth group of magic-makers anywhere, so I say that the sensible ground rules layed out by C lately are only going to make Bamboletta stronger. A stronger Bamboletta means more Bambos for us! Thanks for all you do!!

    By the way, I loved your status update the other night that said something about being in full-production mode ~~ YAY!!


  31. Nancy Avatar

    As a frustrated angel-less newbie, THANK YOU for these changes to help level the playing field!!! Also, I think the 2 per month limit is way more than generous, and wouldn’t have batted an eye if it had been 1 per month instead.

  32. cheryl Avatar

    I’m glad of the changes and hope it helps out.

  33. Cristina Avatar

    Love the idea! I truly hope that this will get more Bambos out to their new homes! πŸ™‚ The more kids that are able to get a Bamboletta doll, the better! πŸ™‚

    As far as angel-ing goes, each angel will get to do it 24 times a year, which seems like plenty of opportunity, yes? Heck–this limit would even work for the Duggar’s! πŸ™‚

  34. Rebecca Avatar

    I agree – great policy! There are so many angel-less Bambo lovers out there that will benefit so much from this decision πŸ™‚

  35. Lorisa Avatar

    Great policy! Thanks for always updating your policies and the attention that you give your customers. I believe that it makes the dolls even more special to know that they are a product of someone who cares so much. Thanks for all of your work!!!

  36. Monica Avatar

    Christina…your sense and confidence as a WAHM is wonderful. I wish you so much continued success!!

  37. Amie Avatar

    I will probably get a lot of flack for saying this but I almost think 2 dolls every six months is fair. I also have more than one little one to buy for (and I only have one doll so far) so I know the frustration… but seriously think of all the other little ones out there waiting too.

  38. Susan Avatar

    I cannot imagine how many emails Christina gets from mommas feeling hopeless, frustrated and probably somewhat pissed off when all they really want to do is give their child a precious gift. I cannot begin to know what it feels like for Christina to get those emails day in and day out and want to help so many but unsure how to best to this. For every angel trying to help one of their friends, think about all those silent moms who are also vying for a doll and want an equal chance to be a bamboletta momma. I think balancing the playing field somewhat is a good thing.

    I think we only need one angel at Bamboletta – and we have one – Christina – and her angelic team. This angel continues to share her talents, create dolls, and welcome us into her family of bamboletta adoptees. You rock Christina.

  39. Hillary Avatar

    Susan I think you ROCK with that comment I also agree that Christina may be all the angel we need. Although no Bambo’s for me yet I know the time will come πŸ™‚

  40. Melissa Avatar

    Jan no it is not an ANGLE it is an ANGEL, I know many women who would not have gotten a doll if it weren’t for others helping them! I am sorry that everyone doesn’t have anyone who wants to help them, but to say it’s an angle I think is really rude!! Why would anyone here who wants a doll so badly think that it is wrong for another momma to help a fellow momma get a doll for their child? Hmmmmm does that really make sense?

  41. Erika Avatar

    I’m sure you have already thought of this but possibly you could charge a little more to cover your selling fees and sell some of the dolls on etsy again?? It seems like it would be easier to get one on there for some reason, maybe not. I am just still trying to get our first doll.
    Thanks for the rule change, maybe it will get easier to get one now. Fingers crossed!

  42. Nancy Avatar

    “I know many women who would not have gotten a doll if it weren’t for others helping them!” And this is exactly why, to doll-less me, it makes TOTAL sense to cap the angel/angle thing.

    IMHO, I think someone helping another mom is ok if it’s a one-off type of thing (i.e. helping a real-life friend) that stops when they get a doll, but to provide a helping hand to various mommas month after month provides an advantage, a connection, to those “in the loop” if you will. (p.s. I don’t even know if there’s truly an ongoing angel thing happening with an inner-circle of doll winners… coz I’m out of the loop, lol)!

    Anyways, to me it feels like waiting outside of a busy night club where there’s 2 diff lines, the long riff-raff line, and then the shorter VIP line. What you think of this rule change depends greatly on which line you’ve been part of.

  43. Melanie Avatar

    I think this is a great policy change Christina! I have been trying for 6 months unsuccessfully, and to know that you really want to see Newbies get dolls too is encouraging! I hope this helps πŸ™‚

  44. Dunie Avatar

    Wow! I had no idea that this “angeling” thing exists. It seems that maybe the speed of people’s Internet collection wouldn’t be such an issue if it weren’t for the high-speed-possesing “angels” swooping in for the dolls in the first place. In other words, it seems like these “angels” and their activity are a big part of why people need “angels” in the first place and why those without access to “angels” cannot get dolls.

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