

Chickens wondering what is going on….

I don’t think there is quite more of a contentious issue in the Bamboletta world as eBay. As soon as Petra (aka Bamboletta Helper) sees anything posted on the wall regarding eBay – she takes it down. I’ve had countless emails from upset customers each time a doll is listed on ebay – suggestions to ban the sellers, track down sales, etc. What can I do? Really? Of course it upsets me when people purposely buy dolls to sell at an exorbitant price ($450 current bid with a reserve not met – wow!)聽 – it’s capitalizing on the lack of supply to the demand. But it’s happening – there are currently 8 or so dolls up eBay and I think more will be coming in the next week. I’m not putting any judgements or whatever on the sellers. It’s business. I don’t like it – but it’s business.

Last week two good customers suggested that I put dolls up on eBay. My first reaction was horror – never! NEVER! But as I read what they were saying and the reasoning it made perfect sense. (Allison does have an MBA -so she’s kinda smart that way). First off putting dolls on eBay would flood the market. Customers out there willing to spend the money to get a doll聽 get good dolls backed 100% by me and have more of a choice. They will know exactly what they are getting – brand new, never played with dolls. Then there is extra funds that I will be making from these eBay dolls .. and that takes me to my next paragraph…

My ladies who work with me are amazing. Sherry spent all of last week in and out of Emerg with her son .. sewing dolls in the waiting room. Rachel spent 12 HOURS straight stuffing bodies (if you’ve ever stuffed a doll – you will be in awe of her mental and physical stamina). Brandi works until the wee hours making sure all your dollies go out on time – she is a shipping maven. And Petra – well – we know that Petra works her butt off answering questions, rehoming dolls – she is the ultimate Bamboletta Helper. ALL my ladies work hard – and it’s not just because I pay them – they BELIEVE in what we are doing and they are excited about getting the dolls out there and seeing all your little ones playing and loving their dolls. When I hire people on it’s not just skill I look for, there is a certain ‘something’ that all my sewing mama’s and in house gals posess. Now I would LOVE, love, love to be able to give them each huge bonuses for the holiday’s but ,in this point聽 of our business with our overhead and growing – I just can’t. SO.. ALL of the proceeds from these eBay dolls are going to gals of Bamboletta …. the sewing mama’s, my wonderful gals in the studio, Petra, grannie Rita – to them.聽 I’m not wanting to get into specifics but the money will be greatly appreciated .. this WILL make a difference.

So – later tonight I will be putting up 6 dolls. These are dolls I had set aside (so they are not coming out of the Chirstmas dolls we are making now). I actually set them aside over the summer to pay for a vacation for my family but decided to use them for this. Anyhow, there is my crazy eBay essay! I’ll be back later with day 3 of the 12 days of giving..






  1. Stacie Donovan Avatar
    Stacie Donovan

    FABULOUS IDEA!!! you are taking back what is rightfully yours and love love love that the money is going to your “family”

  2. Pattty Avatar

    Totally understandable…..

  3. Amy Avatar

    Wow! I can’t believe you would stoop to this level.

  4. Abby Avatar

    hopefully there will be a blonde dreddy one i can bid on!

  5. mari Avatar

    This is a great idea! I love that everyone knows exactly where the money is going – to the wonderful Team Bamboletta. Christina, your generosity is astounding and I know how much people love you, not just your dolls. Please keep up the amazing work and know your dolls are cherished by everyone who has seen them!

  6. Heather B Avatar
    Heather B

    What a wonderful idea. All that extra money going to the people who actually earned it!

  7. Becky Avatar

    Your selflessness and desire to help others is an inspiration to everyone (and a reminder of what this time of year is supposed to signify). xoxo

  8. Barbara H Avatar
    Barbara H

    Soooo glad that you decided to go for it C! I think it is a fabulous idea and if anyone should make a profit off of your dolls it should be you guys! I hope that everyone gets HUGE Christmas bonuses out of the deal! 馃檪

  9. Kim Avatar

    Christina, you rock 馃檪

  10. Erin Avatar

    I think that is fabulous! You and your “gals” are the ones who painstakingly make each and every doll. You all should be the ones to reap the rewards of all that hard work. Especially when supporting a family in these economic times can be so challenging. I hope the extra money will help them all have a more fabulous holiday season!

  11. Natalie Avatar

    I like the idea of the extra $$ going to your team and not some buyer who buys, holds & then resells at Christmas time to cash in.

    P.S. When I retire can I come sew doll clothes for you! I’d imigrate to Canada. . .

  12. Misha Avatar

    I think that is a wonderful idea. You are a really lovely, giving person!

  13. Linda Avatar

    Wonderful idea! Your gals work hard and a Christmas bonus is well deserved. And I’m sure the ebay dolls will go to homes who REALLY want a doll. BRAVO!

  14. Jennifer Avatar

    I think you are very brave to do this. Many are going to accuse you of ulterior motives. This is exactly what happened to the gal at Crankpants. Auctioning off her goods to the highest bidder. You have a price you set where you are profiting off the dolls, leave it at that. You don’t need to get greedy. Especially this time of year. You have lost me as a loyal fan.

  15. Casey Avatar

    Kudos to you. You have my support and adoration. <3

  16. Jennie Avatar

    Fabulous idea ! I hope that you’re able to give your team some excellent bonuses. They surely deserve them

  17. Bamboletta Helper Avatar
    Bamboletta Helper

    I’m not sure how auctioning 6 dolls to benefit her staff is stooping would it be stooping if it was on Hyena Cart?

  18. Sara Avatar

    Again, in awe of your sweet spirit and generosity! Blessings to you all this Christmas season!

  19. Teri Avatar

    You ARE amazing!!!

  20. Shannon Avatar

    I think that is is a wonderful idea! I love that you are going to give the amazing women behind the dolls that we love a bonus for Christmas. PLEASE flood the market aka Ebay with your sweet creations. Hopefully it deters those that buy to resell from trying to do uploads if there is no profit in it anymore. Thank you so much for taking our concerns into consideration and turning them into something that works for us all.

  21. Teryn Avatar

    I think this is such a wonderful idea. You are always so generous. Love, love.

  22. Lulu Avatar

    good for you. It’s nobody’s business how you decide to run YOUR business.

  23. Jill Avatar

    If I have enough money to meet the bid, I would be honored to buy one of these dolls as a way of showing appreciation to all the sewing mommas and you for the joy and wonderful times of sharing love that your dolls have brought into my and my families life. There is no pricetag to be put on it. What you have given us is priceless.

  24. lauren Avatar

    what a great idea. please don’t let the naysayers get you down. this is a perfect idea and will make families happy, your employees happy, and isn’t selling out in the least.

  25. Hannah Hilliard Avatar
    Hannah Hilliard

    Yeah!!! Now I may actually get a doll…hehe : ) It is for such a good cause I could be enticed to bid high!!

  26. Jenn Avatar

    I think it’s a great idea. I have been a fan for a long time. You have my support!

  27. Kim C Avatar
    Kim C

    I am proud of you! And yet again – another classy way to handle a situation! I hope they get wonderful bonuses – the team deserves it!

  28. Jen A Avatar
    Jen A

    I think it is a fabulous idea. Can’t wait to see which dolls they are, if one of them is that chicken doll I will be bidding LOL!

  29. Tressa Avatar

    You decision is awesome. It’s about generosity, freedom of choice, empowerment, gratitude, skilled craft, and integrity. These are magical dolls, but they are not magical dolls – you need a model of sustainability. It is a business, and what incredible role modeling for any of us in the small business of handmade goods. Way to go, Christina! And one day may your eBay sales take your family on a well deserved vacation, too! much love and admiration xo

  30. Tressa Avatar

    Ah, I typed too fast … they are magical dolls, but not *magic* dolls is what I meant to type …

  31. Ashley Avatar

    For the few negatives responses here, the rest of us are totally behind you. You and your amazing team deserve to profit from your own creations. There is nothing that can be done about people buying dolls simply to resell them which is a total bummer, but this I think it is a great idea to at least help what is going on.

    And now, onward to look forward to the beauties you will be putting up there tonight!

    You will always have me and my family as loyal customers and fans…no matter what. It isn’t so much about the dolls that you create but the person that you are behind it all that makes Bamboletta such an amazing endeavor to be some small part in. Much love from Minnesota!

  32. Ashlee Geesaman Avatar

    I think it’s awesome!!!! truly

  33. celine Avatar

    Great idea, Christina!! 馃檪 So happy that you decided to do it.

  34. Abbi Fenton Avatar
    Abbi Fenton

    The negativity on this really gets me. So unjustified and unfair! I think this sort of thing is the definition of generosity and caring and it is the sort of thing you do all the time! Certainly not a one off or token gesture. Hats off to you lady! 馃檪

  35. Lisa Marie Avatar
    Lisa Marie

    Yay!!!! I can’t wait to bid!!! 馃榾

  36. riley Avatar

    i think this is a fabulous idea and what an excellent way to show your appreciation to the girls who work with you. they will be so blessed by this! i am completely confused as to how this is “stooping to that level” …

  37. Laura Ann Avatar
    Laura Ann

    PLEASE get that little red headed girl out of the chicken coup, dust her off, throw some freckles on her face and send her to Texas to live with my little red headed angel. She would drag her to the Rodeo with pride. We are hoping and believing to have one of your amazing babies in our home by Christmas morning (it will be our first)! We are so hopeful that we bought her a sweater today off Etsy and we haven’t even met her yet.

    Reposted my comment from Facebook below….

    Kuddos to you and your team, you guys deserve every penny you get. Just a little sad that the other folks on EBAY are reaping the BIG benefits of your work by selling your dolls so high.

    I respect your ideas and CONGRATULATE you on your boldness to do what you feel is right in your heart. You bring lots of smiles to the faces of little girls and your team of sewers deserves to smile right along with them. We are still hoping and believing we will bring our first baby home by Christmas. It is all my 3.5 year old red headed, freckled face has talked about all day.

    Best wishes, I can not wait to see what they sell for…let the bidding begin so those deserving women get a BAMBO bonus!

  38. deborah Avatar

    rock!!!!!! lemons out of lemonade, honey. you are the best.

  39. Abby C. Avatar

    I think that if big businesses took a page out of your book, our economy would be a much happier place. @Amy- it’s not a matter of ‘stooping’ to any level. it’s a matter of doing something unselfish for the good of the people. (people being Christina’s amazing employees). Christina is not pocketing the money for herself and even if she was, who cares? it IS her business!

  40. Sumer Avatar

    They are YOUR dolls to do with what you want. I cannot understand those who flame for a business making a profit. That’s what a free market is all about. I would much rather the money for your dolls go back into your company than pad the pockets of someone else.

  41. Ann Avatar

    Your creative way to provide Christmas bonuses for your staff is fantastic and it is something which you and all your staff at Bamboletta deserve.

  42. Erin Avatar

    You are making an admirable decision and one that is yours to make.
    People that are making negative comments need to get off their soap boxes and view it from a different perspective. You knew there would be mixed feelings, which is why it has been such a difficult decision.
    I said it yesterday and I say it now YOU ROCK!!! 馃槈

  43. Melinda Avatar

    I think it is a fantastic idea Christine. I am one of ‘those people’ that have sold your gorgeous dolls on ebay. I did not buy them with the intention of reselling. We run our own plumbing business, and they were purchased when things were going really well. All in the space of a couple of months I had a lot of expenses come up that were not planned, and a lot of customers not pay us for jobs that we had to outlay a lot of money in materials for, so we had to use our own savings to pay our suppliers until those customers finally paid us.
    Our son had hospital visits, and will continue to do so for many years due to the disease he has.
    Our daughter got into Nationals for the sport she has dedicated 5 years of training to.

    If it wasn’t for the re-selling of those dolls our trip to Sydney for Nationals would not have been as a family. Our daughter would have gone with another family as the costs of travel and accomodation were significant.
    To be able to watch her on the floor competing with the top girls in the country words cannot describe. I thank bamboletta for that, and I thank the people that love the dolls just as much as we do.
    They were my daughters dolls that were sold. She chose which ones to part with, but on the condition that I promise to try and replace them for her. I will try my hardest.

    ** Melinda – the fact that my dolls could help your family is amazing. I can not tell you how happy it makes me to give dolls away to auctions or to hear of what I do bringing in money to help someone out. Two things that have arisen out of my business that are the most fufilling are giving employment to women who may otherwise not have an opportunity (SAHM with kids with special needs for instance) and that the dolls do well in fundraising. It’s the people getting dolls specifically for resale – that’s icky, but business (I keep repeating to myself)**

  44. Lisa Wilkinson Avatar
    Lisa Wilkinson

    Good on you Christina!

  45. Emily Crail Avatar
    Emily Crail

    I am a newbie and I love this little company a little more with every post! Sounds like a bit of growing pains are happening…just remember, that is a GOOD thing and you are an amazing and giving person! Merry Christmas and I think it is so wonderful how you are rewarding your hard working employees 馃檪

  46. Ellie North Avatar
    Ellie North

    Christina, this is YOUR business. Personally I would prefer that YOU put the dolls on eBay than others who are greedy and unkind. Though right now I couldn’t afford to pay the prices on eBay, I don’t discredit those who do. I think its an opportunity. An opportunity that could afford your team a Merrier Christmas, an opportunity for you as well, and maybe those others who are buying and selling will go away because Christina’s Bambo’s will be the “real” ones on the site. No matter what is best for you, those of us who are true Bambo Diehards will support and love the product no matter what. May God bless you with a fruitful Christmas. I love you, and all the momma, John and the hens too!

  47. Melinda Avatar

    Oh, and those with the negative comments to Christina. Didn’t you Mothers ever tell you “If you have nothing nice to say, then don’t say it at all”?
    Christina and her team put a lot of time and effort into these dolls. They are not just a job and income to them, they are their lifestyle. You do what is right for you Christina, I think it is a wonderful idea, not only for your team, but I think it also gives new buyers the opportunity to own their own Bamboletta doll.

  48. Christine R. Avatar

    I think this obviously has touched a nerve with some people! The thing about ebay is that it does demonstrate- for all to see- precisely what extraordinary financial lengths would-be doll buyers would go to in order to get their hands on a Bambo. There is maybe something a little bit disconcerting about that for those of us who probably manage to pay the normal price for a doll but could not even begin to dream of being in a position to offer the amazing sums of money some of the dolls are going for. But I can’t see any reason why your loyal and hardworking staff and family should not rightly reap some benefits here-and I think it is a wonderful gesture on your part. Good luck!

  49. Angie Avatar

    I wanted to say like a previous post illustrates, not everyone who resells on Ebay is greedy and unkind. Some people genuinely bought the dolls hoping their daughters would love them, but they did not, so they resold them. Others have come under financial distress and need to make a little extra money. Once a person is blessed enough to purchase a doll, they should be at liberty to do as they please with said doll. The odds of someone winning multiple dolls and reselling for profit continuously is slim to none from what I can see. And no, I have not sold a doll on Ebay lol…but I wish Team Bambo awesome Ebay sales in the future!

  50. Stephanie White Avatar
    Stephanie White

    Just one more thing to love about you Christina! You are always so incredibly classy and generous. I feel so lucky to own two of your beautiful creations. Keep up the amazing work! 馃檪

  51. Jan Avatar

    Only one negative comment out of 40 plus – that’s fair. Perhaps someone out there is worried their bambo doll won’t pull in enough dollars on e-bay? I look forward to seeing and bidding on what you put up Christina. I think this is a great idea. Plenty of people sell their product on e-bay, and giving these people competition when they have obviously waited deliberately for the Christmas rush, is a great idea.
    There is absolutely no guarantee that a doll comes from a smoke or pet free home, or hasn’t been played with a bit and soiled. Why pay top dollar for a total unknown? I think 4 to 6 is about the right number. You may need to put more up before Christmas to keep the e-bay market a bit flooded. I think the message here is – if you buy a bamboletta doll with the intention of getting big dollar profits by onselling, then think again.

  52. Dominique Avatar

    I say GO FOR IT! I know you like to try and keep everyone happy, but you run a BUSINESS! I think this is a great way for you to earn yourself and your workers a special Christmas bonus!

    Honestly, I’m surprised you haven’t put the dolls on ebay before. I say if people are willing to pay the high amounts for your beautiful dolls, let them! I think you should put them on ebay more often!

  53. Jan Avatar

    By the way, you must be totally flattered that people will pay such big money for these dolls Christina! LOL

  54. Katie Rogers Avatar

    Good for you!! What a great way to give your girls something extra for Christmas! I sure hope there’s enough to give yourself a little bonus as well!! You guys are awesome. Hope to someday have one of your great dolls but in the meantime I’m trying to make some myself for my girls for Christmas since I haven’t gotten lucky enough to get one of your amazing ones.

  55. Michelle Pomfrey Avatar
    Michelle Pomfrey

    Good for you!

  56. Elaine Avatar

    great idea!!!! 馃榾

  57. Kim Avatar

    WOW! What dedication you have towards your customers and staff. You owe no one an explanation on where or when you sell your beautiful dolls. I’ve been admiring your dolls for awhile now. I actually want one to sit on my desk to keep my company while I crochet, but I know my girls would sneak her away 馃檪

  58. Carol Martin Avatar
    Carol Martin

    What a terrific, heart-felt idea. Why would ANYONE complain on how you run your business? If they don’t like it, don”t buy /bid on the dolls. I hope you have terrific bidders and make “tons” of money. I only wish I had the means, right now, to bid on one. Keep up the good work!!!!!!!!!!!!

  59. Jan Avatar

    No sorry – 2 negative comments – I missed the second one. I can’t see how anyone could possibly accuse you of having ulterior motives, except perhaps to protect your business. Um …well ….that’s business folks! It may also bring a few more customers to Bamboletta. It’s all good.
    I worry about the enormous effort Christina and her team put in for only a small profit, and how easy it is to have an injury, such as Christina has had last month, that can slow things down.

  60. Lanie Avatar

    I think that people should be allowed to disagree or agree with this decision. No need to sass them for “having nothing nice to say.” This is a contentious issue.

    That being said, I feel that C. benefiting off these dolls is less offensive than random ebay profiteers. Those that work the system at other’s expense disgust me. At least C. and her team worked honestly for the money.

  61. emily Avatar

    you know. i’m with those who say this is your business. and if ANYONE is going to capitalize on the booming ebay business, it should be you. you’re the ones who deserve to make the crazy profits of ebay prices, not someone else who did nothing other than buy the doll. so, good for you.

  62. Anike Avatar

    It’s about time Christina!

    Can’t wait to see the dolls.

  63. Ashley Hackshaw Avatar

    I don’t even think you have to explain yourself….but what a great idea 馃檪 Sometimes I don’t think people realize how much it takes to run a business…..rent, paying employees etc…..it’s hard to reward those that work with you and stay enough ahead to buy supplies, wool, heat your building in the “artic” up where you live, let alone pay your own expenses so that doll making CAN be your job! There will always be those that don’t agree regardless…..but it’s YOUR business and I think those that follow you on a regular basis know that your heart is in the right place and you are constantly giving back. Good for you.

  64. Tara A. Avatar
    Tara A.

    I think its a nice idea once a year- otherwise I’m not a fan of your dolls on e-bay. We are a low income family, and I had to save for months to even put aside enough to start trying to buy a doll for my daughter at regular price.

  65. nikki Avatar

    auctions make me a little sad because i know i have absolutely no hope of ever winning one. makers of a highly sought after product who run auctions just to line their pocket books irritate me and soon loose my support. people who buy dolls just to auction them make me ill, especially this time of year. auctions for a good cause make me feel all warm and fuzzy. makers of a highly sought after product who go out of their way to do GOOD and be FAIR, who go out of their way to take care of their own…. those are the people who earn my loyalty, support, and return patronage (at least as much as possible!). i think you are a wonderful person, c. you didn’t have to take the time to warn us, to explain your reasons. what you do with your dolls is your business. i love you for caring enough to talk to us about your decision and the reasons behind it.

  66. Sally Avatar

    I have been a fan of Bamboletta since August, and I have really only been a silent listener/watcher, but I just wanted to say that your idea to sell some of your dolls on eBay to give your team bonuses is INGENIUS and a smart move. No doubts!! 馃檪

  67. Wendy Biel Avatar
    Wendy Biel

    I hope you make oooodles of money sweet C, you have such an amazing heart! Loves you!!!!

  68. Kinda Avatar

    I think it’s a fantastic idea, and actually your generosity in giving the proceeds to your staff brings tears to my eyes. The thing is, given the current demand for dolls, you could increase the price to double or triple the current price and still sell all you make. You are not running a non-profit, this is your livelihood and the livelihood of your sewing Mamas. So I support any business decision you feel fit to make. You are genuinely awesome! And obviously a thoughtful person with tremendous integrity.

  69. Brie Avatar

    I think this is a wonderful way to help “Your girls.” Thank you Team Bamboletta for your hard work! I hope everyone gets a nice holiday bonus because of ebay 馃檪

  70. Amy Avatar

    Go C! I think this is a FABULOUS idea! Good luck, and may the highest bidder win. : )

  71. regina Avatar

    To the nay-sayers – how can you complain about this? Really? How many companies, large or small, do you know that do the things Bamboletts does?
    Support working mamas?
    Offer newbies and Int’l shoppers a chance?
    Offer Serendipity dolls?
    Offer competitively priced items?
    Keep US jobs

    BTW, I dont own a Bamboletta doll (havent ever tried for one actually) just wondering what your issue is?

  72. Laura Avatar

    I just hope that the dolls bring in lots of money for you and your team. Thanks for explaining your purpose but you certainly don’t have to because it is your business to do with as you please. Good Luck!

  73. AnaR Avatar

    I think is a wonderful idea and very generous of you to give the proceeds of these sales to your team. God will continue blessing your business because He knows you bring big smiles to many families!

  74. Gina Avatar

    What a great idea!! I think you should throw triple that amount and treat your family to a really nice vacation. 馃檪

  75. Jenifer Avatar

    Yes Yes Yes….I have thought you should do this FOREVER now so good for you and congrats to the Christmas bonuses for some hard working and well deserved ladies!

  76. bindu Avatar

    totally with you C. as usual you must have gone through so much and thought it through and through. fantastic!

  77. bindu Avatar

    and thank you for a picture of the chicken 馃榾

  78. Heidi Avatar

    It’s a great idea! Honestly, as a newbie, I am impressed at the communications you extend to your customers. Your employees surely deserve some extra love for the gorgeous work they do. You are what makes small business great, and why I try to buy handmade. Love that goes into the dolks is worth the extra money 馃檪

  79. Regina Avatar

    I could never afford ebay prices, but I LOVE LOVE LOVE that you reclaiming what is rightfully yours for your OWN BAMBO family! Please don’t do away with upload days though!

  80. Megan Avatar

    I think this is extremely smart. As someone who knows how long it takes to make a doll and how much love you put into each one, I can imagine how frusterating it is to see your dolls go up on ebay everyday to fill someone else’s pocket book on from your dolls. I hope this will help make that happen less and less. I hope that this will bring a great holiday season to your many awesome helpers! 馃檪

  81. Jenn Avatar

    You are such a giving person, Christina. I am in awe of how much you give to all the people who are desperately trying to get a doll (and sometimes not so positively) and that you are always thinking of your workers and your family. I so hope a lot of money is raised for all your ladies and that you continue to evolve in ways to market your dolls. They are a beautiful, wonderful heirloom treasure for the family that receives them. You all put so much time, energy and heart into them – you deserve all the money that comes from it, bottom line. I tried this week for the first time to get a doll at the upload and found it thrilling, we did not get one, but I know that if it is meant to be someday, YAY! if not, no sweat. You are one of the lovely examples of a handmade, quality product run by a woman with heart. Happy Holidays and best wishes with the auction!

  82. Wendy Avatar

    Once again you show what a sweet and generous person you are. I amazed at how big your heart is. I am continually surprised (and delighted) by your desire to do for others (Your crew, charities, and for families who had had misfortune). I agree with what has been said on FB and on the blog… take 6 or 8 more and put them up for a much deserved vacation for you, John and the boys!

  83. Hanna C Avatar
    Hanna C

    C, I think this is a WONDERFUL idea!!! As many others have said, the idea of any extra profits going to the wonderful ladies of Bamboletta instead of resellers who haven’t put any work at all into these beautiful dolls makes me very happy. I also hope that by you adding some dolls yourself on eBay that maybe these other resellers won’t make as much of a profit since there will be a larger supply on eBay to meet the demand. The only ones I hope will sell for a higher price on eBay are the ones you are auctioning because I think your team all deserve a huge Christmas bonus! 馃檪 I know you take all feedback to heart, but I hope you ignore anyone who has anything negative to say about this. If you were in this for the money, you would sell all of your dolls auction style, but you don’t. You are selling just a few auction style and the rest you are selling for the set (and very fair) price on Big Cartel although you know you could get more for them if you put them all on eBay – the fact that you aren’t doing this says it all, as well as the fact that you are not keeping any of these extra profits for yourself, but are instead generously giving it to your sewing mamas who have worked so hard this year and so DESERVE any bonus this allows you to give them. You are amazing, C, that’s all I have to say. 馃檪

  84. Hanna C Avatar
    Hanna C

    One last thing, I agree with the previous poster, take 6 or 8 more and put them up for a much deserved vacation for you, John and the boys! 馃檪

  85. Shelly Avatar

    Once again, C, you are demonstrating how you run your business with heart. It is why we all love you so! I am so thrilled that your team will receive well-deserved bonuses … what a tremendous year for Bamboletta!

  86. Amie Avatar

    I love your heart…how amazing. Admiration for all of you…

  87. Vivienne A. Avatar
    Vivienne A.

    I think this is a great idea!! Especially since eBay is only ONE of the ways that people can obtain your dolls… you also sell them directly, offer Serendipities, do charity auctions, and give them to needy kids. So great that the wonderful members of Team Bamboletta can benefit directly from the incredible demand for the creative work you do.

    This whole situation reminds me a bit of when certain baby wraps were highly in demand a year or so ago. At the time it was unclear whether any more wraps would be available in the future. To be fair, the distributor of the wrap had some on auction, some on lottery by previous sign-up. It seemed the best way to allocate a very limited supply. (and it was a lot of work to do it that way, too!) Very similar situation here – I think you are being more than fair and certainly very, very transparent about the way you do business. Happy holidays to you and yours – keep your head up and relax, knowing you’ve brought joy to so many families!

  88. Twwly Avatar

    I would have made the same decision. Please make sure you give yourself a bonus, too.

  89. Jeanette Avatar

    I am so excited for you and your team! I won’t be able to participate in the bidding but I am glad others will!

  90. Jan Avatar

    For those very few that are sour on the idea, consider this.
    There are other ways Christina could have raised the money for her Christmas bonuses, or her holiday with her family or both. She could put the price up on each bamboletta doll by as much as $100 each and still see them flying out the door at high speed. She could make heaps more, faster and with less care, so there are more to sell each week, or she could have sold Skye and Violet and many other dolls instead of giving them away.
    By selling a handful of dolls on ebay she will enable herself at a time when she has been handicapped by an injury.

  91. Whitney Avatar

    Can’t wait to see the gals up there and know that it’s bringing good things for Team Bambo!! You more than deserve it. You’re a class act all the way don’t listen to the few Negative Nellies out there.

  92. Laurie Avatar

    Well done C!
    I’m not pointing any fingers at anyone, but you know “who” that has been moaning the drama on Ebay for a while now *looks around sheepishly* finds that THIS development might actually better the situation. You put your dolls up. We know the product is legit, new or “as described” and that we won’t get taken by obscure sellers who don’t have feedback or set exorbitantly high reserves. Not only all that, but now you have a bite into the market on Ebay. With dolls appearing there now (or even every so often), Sellers can contemplate whether it is worth their time to sell against you. Buyers can feel that to buy from you secures a genuine Bambo doll in brand new condition, and not something that might have been “slightly” played with or licked by the family pet. (Remember, my dog Luna LOVED Stella when she came traveling to see us.)

    Yes, I am one who is gets sad at the idea that some amazing product potentially loses integrity by being engaged with “mass-market” strategies. But in this case, I am stalwart in wishing you and your family and hard-working, lofty-dreaming Bambo mamas an opportunity to own what is yours… Good luck. I hope all the bids rock sky high.

    By the way, the next thing to be aware of is that some will try rock your identity on Ebay. They already to by putting Bambo language on the listing and not correctly sourcing it. Um, plagiarism? So make sure we KNOW who you are. 馃檪

  93. Lea T Avatar
    Lea T

    I think it’s a great idea!! I hope you are able to give your gals a wonderful Christmas! I can’t wait to see the dolls go up. I will definitely be watching 馃檪

  94. Jenifer Avatar

    I am sooooo very glad you are doing this!!!

    I think its extra kind you are taking your deserving profits and sharing them!

    You are amazing and kind and lovely!

    Please ignore the jerks that think they can put you down and take away from your kindness! !!

    You are clever and you work hard and you seem to always do your best to do the right thing!

    Hip hip hooray! I love bamboletta even more!

  95. Melissa H. Avatar
    Melissa H.

    I have not been able to obtain 2 dolls for my girls. I get frustrated but what keeps me trying is you Christina. Your generosity and goodness shine through in your every action! From donating dolls to good causes to caring about your customers feelings, you are a GOOD EGG!

    Best of luck with your auctions 馃檪

  96. Con Avatar


  97. Jennifer Avatar

    Wow, I just have to say that in the past few months that I’ve been aware of the Bambo community I have learned so much! I never thought for a second about handmade dolls until this past summer when I saw a beautiful bamboletta online. I’ve learned from Christina and all the other great ladies at Bambo, as well as the fans, that this is a business that involves Nurturing and Character. And really, how could any doll, any TOY really be made any other way? The rest of the world isn’t doing it right!

  98. Leanne Avatar

    I think this is a great idea! You are open to doing different and exciting things with your business, all the while thinking of your customers every step of the way. I hope Team Bamobletta gets a HUGE much deserved bonus this Holiday. 馃檪

  99. Heidi J Avatar
    Heidi J

    I think it is great! Do something for yourself as well! Happy Holidays!

  100. Linsay Avatar

    What an awesome way to reward the girls that work so hard to make these beautiful dolls. I can’t believe anyone would have issues with you doing this for your doll making team. Happy Holidays!

  101. Jessica Avatar

    I would love this opportunity to support and help Team Bambo. Thank you! You all do so much to help your fans and customers, not just sell dolls. Also, you are very deserving especially for the sacrifices you make and the integrity you show in not getting greedy with your prices, by selling some of the most reasonably priced dolls currently on the waldorf market. I hope each doll sells for a grand or more. Good Luck and Best wishes (Jessica B. Dolladdictied)

  102. Mandy Moore Avatar

    Once again, your awesomness is shining through!!! Giving up your vacation to reward those who help you out…..you are making the rest of us look bad and want to do more!!!
    EBay is an awesome idea for the very reasons you listed above. HOw could you NOT want to be a return customer to support a company who has such heart and compassion.
    I love Bamboletta! You leave me in awe!

  103. Lacy Avatar

    I think it’s a great idea. I just noticed ebay Bamboletta’s this week and couldn’t believe they were there in the first place, but then to see the bids on them was crazy! There are gals out there that love your dolls and if the value of the dolls is so high us mommas would pay that much to have one of our kiddos know the specialness (?) of a Bamboletta, then the women creating them only deserve a generous bonus – because we all know the how special the dolls are – we can only imagine how special you Bamboletta makers are! If I had the money I send you all bonuses myself! Can’t wait to see the ebay dolls. Thank you for sharing your gifts with us! Happy Holidays!

  104. Ashley Swindler Avatar
    Ashley Swindler

    Yay! What a good idea :)! I can’t understand why anyone would think it’s a bad idea. It’s not like you will no longer be doing your weekly uploads and selling all your dolls on ebay. I hope they make a ton of money!

  105. Alecia Avatar

    awesome idea!

  106. September Avatar

    I think that the incredible thing is that you don’t sell all your dolls on eBay for $400+. Who else sets their prices as low as they possibly can, and invests so much time and energy into making sure that everyone (regardless of location, work commitments, income) has a shot at owning an in-high-demand product? If dolls sell for that price, that means a Bamboletta is now worth that amount. You are under-profiting on every other sale you make… (I’m just blown away by the time you spend on just one doll — is your hourly wage, after all other expenses are taken into account, even in the positive?!)

    Please don’t let the negative comments get to you, Christina! You aren’t doing anything greedy by any stretch of the imagination.

    The Christmas bonuses that come from this are well earned — and most of all of us are very happy to spend that on one of these dolls both because we appreciate their value, and because we are grateful for any opportunity to say “thank you” for all that you do!

  107. September Avatar

    And yes… put up a few more so that you can go on that vacation!

  108. Janet Avatar

    I always thought you should do this. Glad you are reaping the rewards, not readjusts!

  109. Mandy Moore Avatar

    To ad to my comment:
    To all of the negative comments here:
    If making a profit on the products you make and put your heart and soul into and take time away from your family to create is so bad, then what exactly IS the point of making a product and pouring yourself into it?
    Do an ebay search for “handmade”….there are MANY items being sold in a “bid” format.
    How is Christina’s business any different?
    Oh, that’s right! She’s got a kick butt product and the heart and personality to back it up. She owes no one an explanation on how she pays her bills, or sells her dolls.
    Now Christina, keep sewing the cutest doll faces on the planet, and don’t loose any sleep over this.

  110. Gita Avatar

    Good for you Christina! Sounds like you are a great boss!:)

  111. Leanne Avatar

    Love this idea! Hope they go for an obscene amount! Couldn’t be a more deserving group!

  112. Melanie Avatar

    I have to agree, I think that is a really creative way to offer your staff Christmas Bonuses that they wouldn’t otherwise be getting. And again, more generosity shown by you, and your family. You have shown much generosity towards others in the year that I have been “following” your business. I hope you are rewarded tenfold.
    Merry Christmas!

  113. Susie H. Avatar

    Had Christina used the term “benefit auction” instead of “Ebay acution” I don’t think there would be any concern. We all love and support the benefit auctions for MS that C does. Having auctions to benefit her hard-working staff should have us equally compelled to give big (in support and/or money)! Now, having the auctions on Ebay is tricky, but a smart decision as C will be going head-to-head with some people that are churning dolls for a profit (I know not all are profit-seeking, but clearly some are.) And one guess who’s going to come out ahead!

    This company continues to impress me with its perfect balance of business skills, integrity, and desire to make a positive impact on those near and far. And their incredible handiwork! Remember a few weeks ago, C posted that she could hardly fathom the costs of a system upgrade when she can hardly pay herself? Each of these lovely dolls takes over 15 hours to make. And they sell for $160 or so each. Think about it, that’s barely $10 an hour!! Revenue, not profit!! These ladies (and John!) have their hearts in the right place, and they deserve fair wages and our support and continued loyalty.

    Now, just to get a seventh doll listed as a fundraiser for YOU and your family, Christina!! 馃檪

  114. MamaM Avatar

    simply love this, the perfect way to take away the market for scalpers!

  115. Alison Avatar

    I support your eBay dolls 100%! Enjoy the prosperity and abundance! You and your team are creating acts of beauty and people are finding great value in this! Have FUN with this! You are allowing more people access to your dolls which is a great thing. You ladies DESERVE to receive as much as you give!

  116. Nan Avatar

    Great! Thanks for giving more options. Those who can’t get a RTG upload fast enough can buy one at their “right” price AND help the Bambo team at the same time. 馃檪
    *The only thing is the ebay fees imposed on you. Regardless, thank you for trying different things.

  117. Nan Avatar

    Oh..forgot, to really boost the bonus for your staff, I think boy dolls and LBs?

  118. suzannah Avatar

    Seriously? Could you BE ANY MORE GENEROUS! Your mind works in magical ways Christina!!

  119. Kelly Avatar

    Love this! Good for you, Christina!!!

    I second the suggestion of adding others to fund a family vacation for you, John, and your boys!

  120. Nancy K Avatar
    Nancy K

    Great idea, and as others have mentioned, you should consider putting a few dolls up on eBay on a regular basis to a) compete against those selling for their own profit, and b) offer the purchasing opportunity for those with no RTG lock.

    Good luck with the auction, you soooo deserve it!!

  121. Kim M Avatar
    Kim M

    I don’t own a Bambo, but I wish I did. 馃檪 Their faces really are the difference, so adorable! I don’t think there is anything wrong with selling your own dolls on eBay. Better the money go to your hard workers than just someone who was lucky enough to snag one at retail. While I can see some people selling them if they’re child didn’t love it like they had hoped, I can’t see a momma putting such a high reserve just to recoup costs. I hope they raise lots of money for your staff!

  122. Bianca Avatar

    Hope you pull in some big bucks for those hard working ladies! How kind to give up your vaca fir your workers.
    You do so many giveaways, serendipities, etc, fundraising auctions, it is so plain to see that your heart is huge.

  123. Katie Gerber Avatar
    Katie Gerber

    I will follow the prices with interest – I cant even afford the dolls on your site let alone ebay. We spend $100 each on our children and that is enough for them to have a great chritmas morning. I am happy that credit goes where it is due as these are beautiful dolls and very hard working sewing mammas, but please everyone in your desire to own a doll, dont forget that even the little things can make a wonderful christmas for your kiddys. 馃檪

  124. Angela Small Avatar
    Angela Small

    IF ONLY THERE WAS A BOY! Man I would have won it. 馃榾 Wonderful idea C!

  125. Twinsrus2005 Avatar

    Sounds like a fabulous idea to me!! Team Bambo Rocks!

  126. Jen Avatar

    So many times I have to step back and accept what I cannot change. I think that this is the essence of your words. Turning that lack of choice into greater choice for your customers is a fabulous way of taking back control. I hope that you make some lovely money from these lovely dolls to make the lovely hands that hold these dolls along the way a little more flush at Christmas when we all know funds are so very hard to find. I can’t afford the dolls on ebay…but I know those who can will love them, hug them and give them good homes. That’s the whole point isn’t it?

  127. Rachelle Avatar

    Good for you! I think this is a great idea!

  128. Julie Avatar

    My husband and I (who just got our Bamboletta on Friday’s upload) have been talking about this, and we can’t figure out how anyone could be against you putting some dolls on eBay!? Good for you. If you flood the eBay market, then it won’t be profitable for others to do so, so we even think you should do it regularly! How is that ‘stooping’? You won’t stop offering the dolls here, at the regular price, so what’s the problem? Everyone wins; your staff, (your family!), your fans who will pay large sums of money, and your fans who can afford the regularly priced dolls. Win win. Period.

  129. Wendi Avatar

    Your business decisions make me respect you more all of the time. If only everyone could have a boss like you.
    I think it’s the love, care, and thoughtfulness that you put into the whole shebang that makes your business so successful. I’m certain that those qualities are what gives your dolls ‘life’ and sets them apart from the mass-manufactured dolls out there.
    Hopefully I’ll be able to score a doll before my 3 year old outgrows them!

  130. Steph Avatar

    Awesome of you! I was wondering whether you could do something like this and I’m glad you did. I know how hard the hand crafting business is first-hand.

  131. Jan Avatar

    For those of you who can’t afford to bid on the auction – watch it an enjoy seeing others doing this for Christina.
    If you can’t afford much for your kids for Christmas, then give them what they most want – love and affection, and family warmth and fun.
    Be thankful that they aren’t taken up by the mass marketing of disposable merchandising, and aren’t being fed on instant gratification.

    There is something much more satisfying in being able to buy a doll at a higher cost to benefit some cause, rather than snatching a doll at a much lower price at a frenzied upload, when you know people are trying to get hold of one doll, any doll, for their kids for Christmas. Enjoy watching those who can, and knowing the reason they are doing it. Don’t think of it as just being 6 more dolls unavailable at the RTG uploads.

    Christina, I seriously hope you will go with everyones urging and put that doll or 2 up for your family, for their vacation. You need a break, and I am sure the post vacation dolls will all have smiles on their faces and a song in their hearts.

  132. kitschywoman Avatar

    I have to say, the negative comments issued here make me laugh. I wonder if any of the nay-sayers would turn down a Christmas bonus if it was offered to them? Or realize that, in bashing these eBay auctions, they are effectively saying that they feel the women of Team Bamboletta do _NOT_ deserve a bonus? Really? These women who go out of their way year-round to deliver a reasonably priced, quality product with a smile AND excellent customer service?

    Hypocrisy (and sour grapes) amuses me. XD And I say this with no Bambolettas to my name, nor any plans to purchase one on eBay. But I sure hope those auctions go SKY-HIGH. 馃榾

  133. Stephanie Avatar

    I agree with what Melissa posted way up there…About some ppl selling their dolls on ebay. Im sure out of the 10 dolls on ebay besides C’s ~maybe 1 out of 10 actually bought that doll to resell and make a killing! Ive seen so many resells of mamas getting a doll for their child and their child refusing to play with it. Why should they have their money tied up in an item sitting in the closet? Im on the fence with this topic..as an ebay seller myself and being in wholesale/export/import/resell about 1/2 my life..I feel that when you buy something…you have every right to do with it what you feel. If you feel like throwing it in the toilet and flushing it..its yours to do so! Another thing…Everyone talking about the seller like their the DEVIL or something..what about the BUYER?! They have some blame in this too for paying such a high price or whatever the auction goes for! Im sure most of the dolls on ebay are there bc the family has came in need of the funds…Isnt that what C would want? If her doll could help another family besides HERS? Id think so IMO- just from what i know and read about the Bamboletta family. Im sure the moms selling these dolls are heartbroken for many reasons for having to sell them!!! They time they put in to actually tryin to win one! The excitiment of actually getting one! Getting their doll in the mail..seeing it for the first time..and then having something occur where they are forced to sell her! All the ppl bashing the sellers try to think of it in other ways. And i seriously doubt that theres someone out there winning more than one doll and then reselling them! Shoot! It took me almost a year before I finally got my first and only doll!
    I think that the sellers shouldnt be banned..beaten..whatever some posted would love to do to them lol
    I think that they would probally love to own another doll once their money problems werent as bad! And if someones willing to be that much..its their fault too! So sweet of you C to offer extra $$$ to your sewing mamas! You rock!

  134. Jan Avatar

    So why not just rehome them through bamboletta? Your money back, your postage covered, no ebay or paypal fees, and a really quick turnover.
    I don’t blame either the buyer who wants to get as much money as possible, or the seller who wants the doll. I don’t see why Christina should sit back and lose out on big bucks when she has put in the effort to make the doll in the first place. I don’t see why people with plenty of money should miss out on the opportunity of giving it straight to the source.

  135. Amanda Avatar

    I think the eBay idea is genius. Not only do your loyal ladies (and John, lol) get to have the stress-free Christmas you all deserve, but now 6 families who were probably trying to get upload dolls will get them on eBay and that will possibly give 6 other families a chance at upload dolls.

    Love and hugs to all of you!

  136. Jen Avatar

    Oh, how I wish I could even think about getting one of these amazing dolls for my little boy! (I have found that even little baby boys love dolls!) I really like that you are selling them for the ladies that work for and with you. I just happened on these dolls looking for something not super girly for my son..waldorf dolls seem to be it. Just sayin’ thanks for making such an inspirational doll!

  137. Mari Avatar

    I hipe it goes great…

    Ive seen the dolls, they are gorgeous and htis is such an excellent idea… and for such a great cause!

    GOOD JOB!!!!!

  138. vera Avatar

    I love her. She is very cute!

  139. Heather Avatar

    I think that’s a wonderful idea. I hope they go sky high for your fabulous Bambo helpers.<3

  140. Jen Avatar

    It’s a good idea for her to put a few on ebay, and very generous of Christina to share her profits with her employees 馃檪 But seriously people, quit flaming the mamas who are selling on ebay. Since when is it a terrible thing to make a profit? You don’t know those sellers’ situations, you can’t judge them for doing what they are doing. It’s not like it’s ONE person who hoarded a bunch of dolls with the intent of selling them before Xmas. So a few people make a little money selling a doll on ebay, big deal! It’s not taking away from anyone, not hurting anyone, so why the hard feelings? Think about other handmade or hard to obtain items, they can go for big bucks too, and nobody’s raising a big stink about those things! We are a part of this behavior every single day — you go to the grocery store, the malls, the restaurants…do you think you are paying those vendors what they paid for their goods? No! You go get a latte at Starbucks and pay $4 for it, where the company only paid CENTS for that drink…is anyone complaining that Starbucks should be selling those drinks for what they paid and make no profit? This is just the way society works, it’s not something for everyone to get all tiffed about 馃檪

  141. Alison Avatar

    Christina, you have an absolute heart of gold!!! If there were more people in the world like you, what a wonderful place the world would be. I am soo lucky and blessed to have gotten my 3 Bambos before the craziness started. Our family have loved and cherished them since the day they came home. We could never think of parting with them. You are as much a part of our family as Molly, Ginger and Dax.

    I think it’s amzing, awesome and very loving of you to do something that you never really wanted to do, and not even for your well deserved family vacation, but to say thank you to your extended family.

    There are always going to be people who will say something nasty and bad and knowing the soft-hearted person you are, it will be hurtful. But I say, hold your head up high, BELIEVE in what you are doing and don’t look back. The people who believe in you and what you are accomplishing will always stand by you and they will help to make Bamboletta the life-long passion and dream come true that you have always envisioned.

    You make so many dreams come true and you get the awesome “job” of putting smiles on the faces of boys, girls and their parents all over the world!! How many other people can say that?

    Thank you and Happy Holidays to you and all who make Bamboletta the wonderful place that it is!!!

  142. Lisa Hayes Avatar
    Lisa Hayes

    Thank you for making the world a better place! I do not have a doll, yet, but I hope to someday own one. In the meantime I can smile knowing that a wonderful little girl, or boy, is about to receive such a special gift. You have been blessed with a talent that not many can say they have. Keep up the good work and hold your head up high!

  143. Suzi Avatar

    I know this is old, but I just wanted to say that i think it would be a good idea to have a few auctions for dolls a month on ebay. This would give some people a better chance at getting one. I don’t see why anyone should have a problem with this. It’s not like you’re putting ALL of your dolls as auctions from now on.

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