Day 4 of the Twelve Days of Giving


The little nesting dollies are not included 🙂

I think this is my new favorite fabric. We got it in about 2 weeks ago and I immedietly had Mary sew it up into dresses – with ricrac of course! I loved Strawberry Shortcake when I was a kid .. I swear they put something in their ‘scent’ to make them addictive. Anyhow, this fabric reminds me of her and of that time – without the weird chemical scent of course! With the dress comes a handknit wool sweater – knit by Grannie Rita. Grannie Rita and my Nonna knit all the sweaters you see on the dolls – those two are knitting dynamo’s!

I put up Day 4 a little early as I’m about to settle in to watch Eclipse – again! Just can’t get enough.A big basket of sewing, a cup of tea and Eclipse .. heaven!

To enter in this contest leave your name at the bottom of this post. Contest open to everyone, everywhere. One entry per person and it closes tomorrow at 8pm PST (Monday December 6th).



