Bamboletta Love!


Hey there!

I have a huge favor to ask of you all.  I’m starting a Bamboletta Love Flickr page ( online photo gallery) of your little ones with their Bamboletta’s and to showcase your amazing handiwork in making things for your doll. I have a lot of photos on file but can’t go through and ask each persons permission to display them, so – if you don’t mind, I would LOVE to have your bamboletta pictures to add to the page. No last names or anything like that on the photo (of course). Please send photos to . So fun! I can’t wait to see all the pictures together!








8 responses to “Bamboletta Love!”

  1. Lauren A Avatar

    I see our girl down there in the left corner!!!!! E screamed in excitement to see Polly on there! I’ll send pics of them both soon!

  2. cheryl Avatar

    Yea! I cant wait to see all the wonderful things these girls get from talented moms and all the adventures they have.

  3. admin Avatar

    I’ve had a couple come through – they look great!! Thanks everyone 🙂

  4. Monica Avatar

    Oh…I’ll be sending!! 🙂 Woo Hoo!!

    (And…is it wrong for a grown woman to be jealous of the beautiful child in the above photo? I want to snuggle down with that many dolls! lol)

  5. Alicia Avatar

    Will send pics when my little one turns 3 in June and I can give her one of the 2 I have put away. Thankfully I had another baby girl in December, so she can have the other one in a few years. I’m the one whose Bambolettas took months to arrive (in Australia).

  6. Alicia Avatar

    You are welcome to use any of the ones I uploaded to your Bamboletta fan site on FB. I need to take the opportunity to take more pictures of all our kids and dolls and create some memories, because they grow up all too fast.

  7. marina Avatar

    So fun! I just tagged the dolls as bamboletta on my flickr page

    couldn’t find your flickr group though…let me know if I can do anything else:)

    the boys love the dolls!


  8. heather Avatar

    just wondering how to access the flickr site.. i searched bamboletta and bamboletta love but can’t seem to find it.. maybe a link to the site could be posted.

    thank you,

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