Win a Doll! See my November 18th post!


Sweet little Violet with some of my customs this week. Taken by my very talented friend Devon at Tall Tree Photography.

So, by the end of next week I should have all my custom dolls ready to go home. I’m not sure of the numbers just yet, but we’ve done well over 100 dolls this season.  It’s so funny because I remember each one and each one’s parent, aunt, grannie behind it. I feel like making a child’s  doll is such a personal thing, I get somewhat attached to the ‘giver’ of the doll. I’m so glad that most of you  write comments and send me pictures of your kids and their dolls – so we can ‘stay in touch’!

Tressa, at the One of a Kind Show in Vancouver. Look at how PRO she is! Sold out of her Teething Bon Bons in no time flat!

I went into Vancouver this weekend for some much needed downtime. It was Nonna (sweater knitter extroidinaire) and my dad’s birthday, which we celebrated on Friday. I went to the wicked awesome One of a Kind Show where I saw my friend the lovely Tressa from Dress Me Up. There were some amazing artisans there- it was so great to be able to chat with all of them. I went also to go check it out as a potential gig for next year but I think we are going to give it a miss. I’d need to build up so much stock – I don’t think we could do that at this point in time. John and I had a good chat about doing something like OOAK, but have decided for the next year we want to continue on doing our custom work and building up the website. I’ll still do summer markets though..they are not as intense. I am so glad that I didn’t end up doing any markets or fairs this Christmas. We’ve had  a busy holiday doll season- but it’s been a nice busy and not stressful in any way shape or form. We are still very, very small business and have a very young family that is growing so quickly –  we are being careful to let everything unfold as it should and not take any more on then we can handle. So far, so good.


Why I miss Vancouver. Great lunch over at Shabusan avec sister Laura, followed by hours of fabric and yarn shopping. Fun for me – for her, not so much.

So Amy over at Angry Chicken compiled a great music list today on her blog. It gives me great excitement because I recognize most of the bands, but (yeah!) not all of them (new music!!) The past few days I’ve been listening to a song called ‘Old, Old Fashioned’ by Frightened Rabbits.  I love these lyrics – because secretly I want to live in 1943 – but now, but like in 1943.

Put the wall clock in the top drawer
Turn off the lights so we can see
We will waltz across the carpet
So give me the soft, soft static
Of the open fire and the shuffle of our feet
We can both get old fashioned
Do it like they did in ’43






10 responses to “”

  1. marissa Avatar

    I love the picture of the little girl with an armful of dolls, so fun! I think it is awesome that you are making sure not to take on more than you can happily handle right now. Having the time to spend with your children while they are so small is such a special thing, and not a decission that anyone would ever regret. How exciting that your business and your children get to grow up together!

  2. Naomi Avatar

    Gosh, I think the Bambolettas look even sweeter all together like that. You can really see how different each one is! Roo’s really into her doll’s underpants. I need to get her some polka dotted panties to match…

    p.s. I ♥ Vancouver

  3. Julie Avatar

    I am so excited to see the custom doll you made for my daughter! I just received the shipping notice, so we’ll be on *mail watch* until she arrives! I don’t know how I’m going to wait until Christmas to give her to my little girl! 🙂 Your dolls are just beautiful, and I love seeing them all snuggled up together, each one is do different.

  4. shelby Avatar

    ooooh eeks! Thise dolls are so pretty! Cant wait for mine!

  5. admin Avatar

    Hi gals!
    Marissa – it’s really important to us to keep things as calm as possible around here. There’s loads of time for things like big fairs and markets. Now I’m concentrating on what makes most sense and what makes us happy which is what we are doing now 🙂
    Naomi – I know, I can’t resist the group shots. I heart Van too – lived there all my life. I’m glad that we can stay there any time we want our city fix.
    Julie – She is pretty cute! I’m excited for you to get her too!!
    Shelby- I put on her hair today! She’ll be ready to come home by the end of next week 🙂

  6. Christine Avatar

    Sounds like you’re doing so well and have everything under control. Compliments! I couldn’t do it. 🙂


  7. admin Avatar

    Sure you could Christine!
    Juggling is not without guilt though. I often lay awake thinking ‘am I not spending enough time with the kids?’, ‘should i try to fufill this person/ that person’s expectations?’. ‘is John happy/okay/ getting enough time’, and my personal fav…’have i spent anytime on my eyebrows lately?’

  8. nathalie Avatar

    yes sometimes we must say no to things. it is a huge balancing act to juggle fmnily and work. especially at home work. you guys do such a fabulous job at it. i can’t wait to see kennedy’s doll. i know she will love and cherish it. we have a little crib waiting for her. i will make them cute matching outfits and all. i’m re-living my childhood! this is what children do to grown people. just amazing!

  9. Erica Hildebrand Avatar

    I am in awe of how amazing you guys are doing with the business! I think its AWESOME that you guys are so SMART about your goals in such a “mirowave generation” world!! Seriously. I would love to hit the west coast..I live in Winnipeg (winterpeg…br….), oceans and mountains seem countries away.

  10. CanCan (Mom Most Traveled) Avatar

    Oh! I didn’t even see the little girl at first! 😉

    That booth is amazing; you are right, she is a pro!

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