animals big and small..


We had a great weekend with just the four of us! All the in-laws have left, much to Benjamin’s dismay. Having a captive audience is fun times for a four year old. This week is going to be an interesting one with it back to just ‘us’. I saw a glimpse of it today with ‘I’m bored’ muttered about 15 times. Yikes! Ben has always been pretty self sufficient and good at playing on his own- I hope that he can get back into it.

John constructed a deer fence around our garden yesterday. Last year (city folk without a deer fence) we had a gorgeous veggie patch and over the course of 4 days it was nibbled down to nothing, except the cilantro..apparently the deer aren’t fans of cilantro. They came to visit us every night and had a par-tay – the peas went first, broccoli last. Now I have a plan for beautifying our fence and posts, it’s a kind of ugly metal mesh right now. I have all these bits of driftwood and shells that I collect in hopes of being able to use it one day, now I can! I’m going to hang it through the fence. I also picked up a few clematis’ and an Akebia vine to grow through it. John doesn’t know this yet, but I want him to lift out all the sod surrounding it and put in flagstone and thyme. God we have a lot of work to do in the garden. I had to put mesh allover our strawberries to stop the bunnies from eating them. I’m still city enough that I find this all really funny. We went to Salt Spring (again!) this weekend and to visit Tracey’s aunt and she was telling me how the otters take fish inside their boat to eat them and then leave just the heads! Gross!


The boys are home with their new owners! Thanks for sending the picture Renata.

OMG, forgot to mention that I went to see the house on Saturday with Tracey. She stayed there once, I think it used to be a retreat. We drove through the front gardens to the main entrance way, so gorgeous. The gardens were amazing, I’m sure they’ve been in a magazine. I don’t know if it was a good thing to go there though, I felt mildly depressed- but in a good way. At 1.5  million dollars, that’s  a  LOT of dolls!  I have to start playing the lottery.






7 responses to “animals big and small..”

  1. Meike Avatar

    O my goodness. That is some house!! Imagine living there… Wow.

    I just have to ask – what are those things hanging from your tree? It must be something totally obvious, but right at this moment my brain is working overtime imagining all kinds of grisly things… 😉

    Gotta run, haircut! 😀

  2. admin Avatar

    I hope the haircut turned out well. I gave myself one the other morning, turned out well! My hair is curly so it doesn’t matter 🙂
    Lol, no they are fishing balls, I don’t know what the correct term is, but they are from the sea. It was a dark and dreary day…so it looks all grisly!

  3. Blaze Danielle Avatar

    Hi! I just found your blog, and it is so adorable! I love the colors and the little mushrooms! Ahh! So cute!

  4. Blaze Danielle Avatar

    Your blog is just the cutest!! I love the colors and the little mushrooms!! AW! So precious!

  5. Christine Avatar

    That house is just beyond amazing. I looked at the pics a long time when you’ve posted the link before, and I had to take another look now. Wow!
    But you know, playing the lottery is only fooling yourself. Believe me, I’ve tried this week and not even won a small amount. 🙁 Instead I’m refocusing on what we already have which is wonderful too (just a small apartment here in Amsterdam, but still…we love it)!

    Christine from the NL

  6. admin Avatar

    Ohh, I never remember to play the lottery. I always say that I will, but I never do!

  7. admin Avatar

    Thanks Blaze! I love your art so much.. very cute!

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